Fox, Chaim-Leib

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FOX, CHAIM-LEIB (Fuks/Fuchs ; 1897–1984), Yiddish author and journalist. Born in Lodz, Fox was at the center of its Yiddish literary life, which he described in a number of essays (e.g., "Dos Yidishe Literarishe Lodzh" ("Yiddish Literary Lodz"), in: Fun Noentn Over, 3 (1957), 189–284) and in his monograph Lodzh shel Mayle ("Heavenly Lodz," 1972). During World War i Fox was a labor conscript in Germany. After a brief period in the *Bund, he joined the Labor Zionist movement and, in Palestine (1936–38), the Haganah. During World War ii he was in the Soviet Union (1940–46) and thereafter lived in Lodz, Paris (1948–53), and New York. He wrote for many periodicals and contributed over 3,000 articles to the Leksikon fun der Nayer Yidisher Literatur. A poet of intense religious and national feeling, he published seven volumes of poetry (1926–82) and wrote the historical novel Gyoras Letster Veg ("Giora's Final Road," 1939) and 100 Yor Yidishe un Hebreishe Prese in Kanade ("100 Years of Yiddish and Hebrew Press in Canada," 1980).


Rejzen, Leksikon, 4 (1929), 32–3; lnyl, 7 (1968), 322–5. add. bibliography: Kagan, Leksikon (1986), 439; I. Yanasowicz, Penemer un Nemen (1971), 262–72.

[Leonard Prager /

Tamar Lewinsky (2nd ed.)]

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