Duglioli, Helena, Bl.

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Widow; b. Bologna, 1472; d. there, Sept. 23, 1520. After a pious and obedient childhood she married, in accordance with the wishes of her parents, when she was 17 years old. Benedetto dall' Oglio was 20 years her senior, but they lived in happy marriage and great piety for nearly 30 years. During her short widowhood, she devoted herself to a life of prayer and mortification. When she died at the age of 48, she was buried in the church of S. Giovanni di Monte. From the time of her death the people of Bologna venerated her for the holiness of her life. This spontaneous and continual veneration has been traced by Prosper Lambertini in the Acta Sanctorum. She was beatified by Pope leo xii in 1828.

Feast: Sept. 23.

Bibliography: Acta Sanctorum Sept. 6:655659. g. b. melloni, Atti, o Memorie degli uomini illustri in Santità, nati o morti a Bologna 5 v. (Bologna 17731818) 3:300385, 436445. j. baur, Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche 2 3:596. a. butler, The Lives of the Saints 3:627.

[g. m. gray]

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