Duggleby, John
DUGGLEBY, John. American, b. 1952. Genres: Art/Art history, Business/Trade/Industry, Children's non-fiction, Communications/Media, Education, History, Marketing, Popular Culture, Travel/Exploration, Zoology, Biography, Ghost Writer. Career: Allstate Insurance, Northbrook, IL, magazine editor, 1976-78; American Telephone & Telegraph, Chicago, IL, member of corporate communications staff, 1978-81; Burson-Marsteller Public Relations, Chicago, member of creative staff, 1981-84; Duggleby Communications, McFarland, WI, owner, 1984-. Publications: The Sabertooth Cat, 1989; Pesticides, 1990; Doomed Expeditions, 1990; Impossible Quests, 1990; Artist in Overalls: The Life of Grant Wood, 1996; Story Painter: The Life of Jacob Lawrence, 1998. Contributor to periodicals and educational media. Address: Duggleby Communications, 5322 Norma Rd, Mc Farland, WI 53558, U.S.A. Online address: duggleby@mailbag.com