Duhl, Leonard J.
DUHL, Leonard J.
DUHL, Leonard J. American, b. 1926. Genres: Medicine/Health, Psychiatry, Urban studies, Regional/Urban planning. Career: Physician. Professor of Urban Social Policy and Public Health, University of California, Berkeley, 1968-. Chief, Office of Planning, National Institute of Mental Health, Bethesda, Maryland, 1964-66; Special Assistant to the Secretary, Dept. of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, D.C., 1966-68. Publications: Approaches to Research in Mental Retardation, 1959; The Urban Condition: People and Policy in the Metropolis, 1963; Urban America and the Planning of Mental Health Services, Symposium No. 10, 1964; Mental Health and Urban Social Policy, 1968; (ed.) A Symposium on the Urban Crisis, 1969; (with M. Myerson, C. Rapkin and J. Collins) The City and the University, 1969; Making Whole: Health for a New Epoch, 1980; The Mental Health Complex: It's a New Ball Game, 1985; Healthy Social Change, 1985; Health Planning and Social Change, 1986; (co-ed.) The Future of Mental Health Care, 1987; The Social Entrepreneurship of Change, 1990; The Urban Condition-20 Years Later, 1993. Contributor to professional periodicals. Address: c/o School of Public Health, Warren Hall, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, U.S.A. Online address: len-duhl@socrates.berkeley.edu