Podopteryx mirabilis

views updated May 18 2018

Podopteryx mirabilis The species that is the probable ancestor of the Pterosauria. Unlike them it was a glider, relying on the large membrane stretched between its hind legs and tail. It is known from the Lower Triassic of Soviet Kirgizstan. The name means ‘wonderful foot-wing’, derived from the Greek pod-, ‘foot’, and pteron, ‘wing’, and the Latin mirabilis, ‘wonderful’.

Podopteryx mirabilis

views updated May 08 2018

Podopteryx mirabilis Named ‘marvellous foot wing’, this is the species that is the probable ancestor of the pterosaurs. Unlike them it was a glider, relying on the large membrane stretched between its hind legs and tail. It is known from the Lower Triassic of Soviet Kirgizstan.

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