
views updated Jun 27 2018


State of Nevada

ORIGIN OF STATE NAME: Named for the Sierra Nevada mountain range, nevada meaning "snow-covered" in Spanish.

NICKNAME: The Silver State; the Sagebrush State; the Battle-born State.

CAPITAL: Carson City.

ENTERED UNION: 31 October 1864 (36th).

SONG: "Home Means Nevada."

MOTTO: All for Our Country.

FLAG: On a blue field, two sprays of sagebrush and a golden scroll in the upper left hand corner frame a silver star with the word "Nevada," below the star and above the sprays; the scroll, reading "Battle Born," recalls that Nevada was admitted to the Union during the Civil War.

OFFICIAL SEAL: A quartz mill, ore cart, and mine tunnel symbolize Nevada's mining industry. A plow, sickle, and sheaf of wheat represent its agricultural resources. In the background are a railroad, a telegraph line, and a sun rising over the snow-covered mountains. Encircling this scene are 36 stars and the state motto. The words "The Great Seal of the State of Nevada" surround the whole.

BIRD: Mountain bluebird.

FISH: Lahontan cutthroat trout.

FLOWER: Sagebrush.

TREE: Single-leaf piñon; Bristlecone pine.

LEGAL HOLIDAYS: New Year's Day, 1 January; Birthday of Martin Luther King Jr., 3rd Monday in January; Washington's Birthday, 3rd Monday in February; Memorial Day, last Monday in May; Independence Day, 4 July; Labor Day, 1st Monday in September; Nevada Day, last Friday in October; Veterans' Day, 11 November; Thanksgiving Day, 4th Thursday in November; Family Day, Friday after Thanksgiving; Christmas Day, 25 December.

TIME: 4 AM PST = noon GMT.


Situated between the Rocky Mountains and the Sierra Nevada in the western United States, Nevada ranks seventh in size among the 50 states.

The total area of Nevada is 110,561 sq mi (286,352 sq km), with land comprising 109,894 sq mi (284,624 sq km) and inland water covering 667 sq mi (1,728 sq km). Nevada extends 320 mi (515 km) e-w; the maximum n-s extension is 483 mi (777 km).

Nevada is bordered on the n by Oregon and Idaho; on the e by Utah and Arizona (with the line in the se formed by the Colorado River); and on the s and w by California (with part of the line passing through Lake Tahoe). The total boundary length of Nevada is 1,480 mi (2,382 km). The state's geographic center is in Lander County, 26 mi (42 km) se of Austin.


Almost all of Nevada belongs physiographically to the Great Basin, a plateau characterized by isolated mountain ranges separated by arid basins. These ranges generally trend north-south; most are short, up to 75 mi (121 km) long and 15 mi (24 km) wide, and rise to altitudes of 7,000-10,000 ft (2,100-3,000 m). Chief among them are the Schell Creek, Ruby, Toiyabe, and Carson (within the Sierra Nevada). Nevada's highest point is Boundary Peak, 13,140 ft (4,007 m), in the southwest. The mean elevation of the state is approximately 5,500 ft (1,678 m).

Nevada has a number of large lakes and several large saline marshes known as sinks. The largest lake is Pyramid, with an area of 188 sq mi (487 sq km), in the west. Nevada shares Lake Tahoe with California, and Lake Mead, created by Hoover Dam on the Colorado River, with Arizona. The streams of the Great Basin frequently disappear during dry spells; many of them flow into local lakes or sinks without reaching the sea. The state's longest river, the Humboldt, flows for 290 mi (467 km) through the northern half of the state into the Humboldt Sink. The Walker, Truckee, and Carson rivers drain the western part of Nevada. The canyon carved by the mighty Colorado, the river that forms the extreme southeastern boundary of the state, is the site of Nevada's lowest elevation, 479 ft (146 m).


Nevada's climate is sunny and dry, with wide variation in daily temperatures. The normal daily temperature at Reno is 50°f (10°c), ranging from 32°f (0°c) in January to 70°f (21°c) in July. The all-time high, 125°f (52°c), was set at Laughlin on 29 June 1994; the record low, 50°f (46°c), at San Jacinto on 8 January 1937.

Nevada is the driest state in the United States, with overall average annual precipitation of about 7.3 in (18 cm) at Reno. Snowfall is abundant in the mountains, however, reaching 60 in (152 cm) a year on the highest peaks.


Various species of pineamong them the single-leaf pinon, the state treedominate Nevada's woodlands. Creosote bush is common in southern Nevada, as are many kinds of sagebrush throughout the state. Wildflowers include shooting star and white and yellow violets. Eight plant species were listed as threatened or endangered in 2006. Endangered species that year were Amargosa niterwort and steamboat buckwheat.

Native mammals include the black bear, white-tailed and mule deer, pronghorn antelope, Rocky Mountain elk, cottontail rabbit, and river otter. Grouse, partridge, pheasant, and quail are the leading game birds, and a diversity of trout, char, salmon, and whitefish thrive in Nevada waters. Rare and protected reptiles are the Gila monster and desert tortoise.

Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge, an oasis ecosystem in the Mojave Desert, is home to at least 25 species of rare and endangered plants and animals. These include the Devil's Hole pupfish, which is found only in one single limestone cave, and the Ash Meadows naucorid, an insect found only by one spring. Six plant species are unique to the site.

The US Fish and Wildlife Service listed 25 Nevada animal species (vertebrates and invertebrates) as threatened or endangered in April 2006, including the desert tortoise, six species of dace, three species of pupfish, woundfin, and three species of chub.


Preservation of the state's clean air, scarce water resources, and no longer abundant wildlife are the major environmental challenges facing Nevada. The Department of Fish and Game sets quotas on the hunting of deer, antelope, bighorn sheep, and other game animals. The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources has broad responsibility for environmental protection, state lands, forests, and water and mineral resources. The Division of Environmental Protection within the department has primary responsibility for the control of air pollution, water pollution, waste management, and groundwater protection. In 2003, 409.1 million lb of toxic chemicals were released in the state; Nevada ranked second in the country (after Alaska) for the highest level of toxic chemicals released. In 2003, Nevada had 33 hazardous waste sites listed in the US Environment Protection Agency (EPA) database; only one, Carson River Mercury Site, was on the National Priorities List as of 2006. In 2005, the EPA spent over $400,000 through the Superfund program for the cleanup of hazardous waste sites in the state. The same year, federal EPA grants awarded to the state included $16.5 million for the safe drinking water state revolving fund and $6.4 million for the water pollution control revolving fund.

Although wetlands cover only about 1% of the mainly barren state, they are some of the most valuable lands in the state. Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge, an oasis ecosystem in the Mojave Desert, was established in 1984 and designated as a Ramsar Wetland of International Importance in 1986.


Nevada ranked 35th in the United States with an estimated total population of 2,414,807 in 2005, an increase of 20.8% since 2000. Between 1990 and 2000, Nevada's population grew from 1,201,833 to 1,998,257, an increase of 66.3%, the decade's largest increase by far among the 50 states (followed by 40% for Arizona). It was also the fourth consecutive decade in which Nevada was the country's fastest-growing state and had a population growth rate over 50%. The population was projected to reach 3 million by 2015 and 3.8 million by 2025. In 2004, the median age of Nevada residents was 35.1. In the same year, nearly 25.9% of the populace was under the age of 18 while 11.2% was age 65 or older.

With a population density of 21.3 persons per sq mi in 2004 (up from 15.9 in 1998), Nevada remains one of the most sparsely populated states. Approximately 90% of Nevada residents live in cities, the largest of which, Las Vegas, had an estimated 534,847 residents in 2004. Henderson had an estimated population of 224,829, and Reno had 197,963. The Greater Las Vegas metropolitan area had an estimated 1,650,671 residents in 2004; the Reno metropolitan area had an estimated 384,491.


Some 135,477 black Americans made up about 6.8% of Nevada's population, up sharply from 79,000 in 1990, although the percentage at that time remained about the same. By 2004, however, the percentage of the state's population that was black was 7.5%. The American Indian population was 26,420 in 2000, down from 31,000 in 1990. In 1990, tribal landholdings totaled 1,138,462 acres (460,721 hectares). Major tribes are the Washo, Northern Paiute, Southern Paiute, and Shoshoni. In 2004, 1.4% of the population was American Indian.

Both the number and percentage of foreign-born residents rose sharply in the 1990s, from 104,828 persons (8.7%) in 1990 to 316,593 state residents (15.8%) in 2000the sixth-highest percentage of foreign born in the 50 states. In 2000, Hispanics and Latinos numbered 393,970 (19.7% of the state total), and 285,764 reported Mexican ancestry, up sharply from 72,281 in 1990. In 2004, 22.8% of the population was of Hispanic or Latino origin, 5.5% of the population was Asian, and 0.5% Pacific Islander. That year, 2.5% of the population reported origin of two or more races.


Midland and Northern English dialects are so intermixed in Nevada that no clear regional division appears; an example of this is the scattered use of both Midland dived (instead of dove) as the past tense of dive and the Northern /krik/ for creek. In 2000, 1,425,748 Nevadans76.9% of the resident population five years old or olderspoke only English at home, down from 86.8% in 1990.

The following table gives selected statistics from the 2000 Census for language spoken at home by persons five years old and over. The category "Other Pacific Island languages" includes Chamorro, Hawaiian, Ilocano, Indonesian, and Samoan.

Population 5 years and over1,853,720100.0
  Speak only English1,425,74876.9
  Speak a language other than English427,97223.1
Speak a language other than English427,97223.1
  Spanish or Spanish Creole299,94716.2
  French (incl. Patois, Cajun)7,9120.4
  Other Pacific Island languages4,5520.2


In 2004, Nevada had 607,926 Roman Catholics, a significant increase from 331,844 members in 2000. The second-largest single denomination is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons), which reported a statewide membership of 165,498 members in 298 congregations in 2006. There are two Mormon temples in the state, at Las Vegas (opened in 1989) and Reno (2000). Other major Protestant groups (with 2000 membership data) include Southern Baptists, 40,233 (with 1,373 newly baptized members reported in 2002); Assemblies of God, 22,699 (an increase of 220% from 1990); Evangelical Lutherans, 10,663; and United Methodists, 10,452. The Salvation Army, though still relatively small, experienced membership growth of 145% from 1990 to report a total of 1,239 adherents in 2000. Also in 2000, there were an estimated 77,100 Jews living in Nevada, representing an increase of 277% from 1990. Muslims numbered about 2,291 and there were about 1,124 adherents to the Baha'i faith. About 1.3 million people (about 65.7% of the population) did not claim any religious affiliation.


As of 2003, Nevada had 2,009 mi (3,234 km) of railroad trackage, all of which is Class I right-of-way. As of 2006, Amtrak provided passenger service to four stations across northern Nevada en route from Chicago to Oakland via its California Zephyr train.

In 2003, there were 33,977 mi (54,702 km) of public roads and streets in Nevada. In 2004, there were some 1.301 million registered vehicles in the state, of which about 633,000 were automobiles, around 622,000 were trucks of all types, and some 2,000 were buses. Licensed drivers in that same year numbered 1,548,097. The major highways, I-80 and I-15, link Salt Lake City with Reno and Las Vegas, respectively.

In 2005, Nevada had a total of 132 public and private-use aviation-related facilities. This included 99 airports, 32 heliports, and 1 STOLport (Short Take-Off and Landing). The leading commercial air terminals are McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas and Reno-Tahoe International Airport. In 2004, McCarran International Airport had 19,943,025 enplanements, making it the sixth-busiest airport in the United States. Reno-Tahoe International in that same year had 2,478,179 enplanements.


The first inhabitants of what is now Nevada arrived about 12,000 years ago. They were fishermen, as well as hunters and food gatherers, for the glacial lakes of the ancient Great Basin were then only beginning to recede. Numerous sites of early human habitation have been found, the most famous being Pueblo Grande de Nevada (also known as Lost City). In modern times, four principal Indian groups have inhabited Nevada: Southern Paiute, Northern Paiute, Shoshoni, and Washo.

Probably the first white explorer to enter the state was the Spanish priest Francisco Garces, who apparently penetrated extreme southern Nevada in 1776. The year 1826 saw Peter Skene Ogden of the British Hudson's Bay Company enter the northeast in a prelude to his later exploration of the Humboldt River; the rival American trapper Jedediah Smith traversed the state in 182627. During 184344, John C. Frémont led the first of his several expeditions into Nevada.

Nevada's first permanent white settlement, Mormon Station (later Genoa), was founded in 1850 in what is now western Nevada, a region that became part of Utah Territory the same year. (The southeastern tip of Nevada was assigned to the Territory of New Mexico.) Soon other Mormon settlements were started there and in Las Vegas Valley. The Las Vegas mission failed, but the farming communities to the northwest succeeded, even though friction between Mormons and placer miners in that area caused political unrest. Most of the Mormons in western Nevada departed in 1857, when Salt Lake City was threatened by an invasion of federal troops.

A separate Nevada Territory was established in 1861; only three years later, on 31 October 1864, Nevada achieved statehood, although the present boundaries were not established until 18 January 1867. Two factors accelerated the creation of Nevada: the secession of the southern states, whose congressmen had been blocking the creation of new free states, and the discovery, in 1859, of the Comstock Lode, an immense concentration of silver and gold which attracted thousands of fortune seekers and established the region as a thriving mining center.

Nevada's development during the rest of the century was determined by the economic fortunes of the Comstock, whose affairs were dominated, first, by the Bank of California (in alliance with the Central Pacific Railroad) and then by the "Bonanza Firm" of John W. Mackay and his partners. The lode's rich ores were exhausted in the late 1870s and Nevada slipped into a 20-year depression. A number of efforts were made to revive the economy, one being an attempt to encourage mining by increasing the value of silver. To this end, Nevadans wholeheartedly supported the movement for free silver coinage during the 1890s and the Silver Party reigned supreme in state politics for most of the decade.

Nevada's economy revived following new discoveries of silver at Tonopah and gold at Goldfield early in the 20th century. A second great mining boom ensued, bolstered and extended by major copper discoveries in eastern Nevada. Progressive political ferment in this pre-World War I period added recall, referendum, and initiative amendments to the state constitution and brought about the adoption of women's suffrage (1914).

The 1920s was a time of subdued economic activity; mining fell off, and not even the celebrated divorce trade, centered in Reno, was able to compensate for its decline. Politically, the decade was conservative and Republican, with millionaire George Wingfield dominating state politics through a so-called bipartisan machine. Nevada went Democratic during the 1930s, when the hard times of the Depression were alleviated by federal public-works projects, most notably the construction of the Hoover (Boulder) Dam, and by state laws aiding the divorce business and legalizing gambling.

Gaming grew rapidly after World War II, becoming by the mid-1950s not only the mainstay of Nevada tourism but also the state's leading industry. Revelations during the 1950s and 1960s that organized crime had infiltrated the casino industry and that casino income was being used to finance narcotics and other rackets in major East Coast cities led to a state and federal crackdown and the imposition of new state controls.

From 1960 to 1980, Nevada was the fastest-growing of the 50 states, increasing its population by 70% in the 1960s and 64% in the 1970s. In the mid-1980s the state's population growth continued to outpace that of the nation, reaching 14% in the first half of the 1980s in contrast to the national average of 4%. Much of this growth was associated with expansion of the gambling industrycentered in the casinos of Las Vegas and Renoand of the military. In the 1980s, Nevada began to try to reduce its dependence on gambling by diversifying its economy. In an attempt to attract new businesses, particularly in the high-tech industry, the state promoted such features as its absence of state, corporate, or personal income taxes, inexpensive real estate, low wages, and its ready access by air or land to California.

In the first half of the 1990s, Nevada was once again the nation's fastest growing state, increasing its population by nearly 25%; by 2001 the state's population exceeded 2.1 million. Efforts to diversify the state's economy yielded results as its industrial base expanded. In the early 1990s, Nevada was the only state reporting an increase in manufacturing jobs. Meanwhile Las Vegas continued to prosper, expanding its offerings to attract new visitors. During the decade, several extravagant new hotel and casino complexes opened, many of them featuring amusement parks and other family-oriented entertainment. The booming Las Vegas economy helped push Nevada unemployment to an all-time low of 3.1% in December 1999, one-half a percentage point below the prior record of 3.6% set in 1962. Due in large measure to the 2001 US recession and its aftermath, however, Nevada faced a $704 million budget deficit in 2003, and the unemployment rate stood at 5.4% in July 2003, albeit below the national average of 6.2%. In September 2005, Nevada's unemployment rate had dropped to 4.2%, below the national average of 5.1%. In 2005, the state had a budget surplus, and decided to return a portion of it to taxpayers in the form of a one-time $300 million tax rebate. The 2005 state budget approved by Nevada's legislature was $5.9 billion. Nevada had the fastest growing state budget in the nation that year.

Nevadans' opposition to the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste disposal site, first proposed by Congress in 1987, has been a continuing issue. In 2002, US Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham recommended the Yucca Mountain site to President George W. Bush as a nuclear waste repository, which Bush approved. Nevada Governor Kenny Guinn vetoed the project, but the US Congress overrode his veto. President Bush signed Congress's joint resolution into law, and Yucca Mountain became the nation's nuclear waste repository site. Nevada filed major lawsuits against the US Department of Energy, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, President Bush, and Secretary Abraham, which were consolidated into four major cases and heard before the District of Columbia Court of Appeals on 14 January 2004. The judges dismissed most of Nevada's claims, but they did rule in favor of the state's complaint against radiation standards for the nuclear waste repository.


Nevada's 1864 constitution, as amended (132 times by January 2005), continues to govern the state. In 2002 voters gave final approval to an amendment defining marriage as a union between a man and a woman. The state legislature consists of a Senate with 21 members, each elected to a four-year term, and a House of Representatives with 42 members, each serving two years. Legislative sessions are held in odd-numbered years only, beginning on the first Monday in February and lasting no more than 120 calendar days. Only the governor may call special sessions, which have no limit, but legislators are only paid for up to 20 calendar days during a special session. Legislators must be qualified voters, at least 21 years old, should have lived in the state for at least a year, and should have lived in the district for at least 30 days prior to the close of filing for declaration of candidacy. The legislative salary was $130 per diem during regular sessions in 2004, unchanged from 1999.

Executive officials elected statewide include the governor and lieutenant governor (who run separately), secretary of state, attorney general, treasurer, and comptroller, all of whom serve for four years. The governor is limited to a maximum of two consecutive terms. Candidates for governor must be at least 25 years old, a qualified voter, and must have been a citizen and resident of the state for at least two years prior to election. As of December 2004, the governor's salary was $117,000, unchanged from 1999.

Bills approved by the legislature are sent to the governor, who has five days when the legislature is in session (or 10 days if adjourned) to sign or veto it. If the governor does not act within the required time period, the bill automatically becomes law. A two-thirds vote of the elected members of each house is required to override a gubernatorial veto.

Constitutional amendments may be submitted to the voters for ratification if the proposed amendments have received majority votes in each house in two successive sessions or under an initiative procedure calling for petitions signed by 10% of those who voted in the last general election. Legislative amendments need a majority vote; initiative amendments require majorities in two consecutive elections. Voters must be US citizens, at least 18 years old, continuous state and county residents for at least 30 days and precinct residents for at least 10 days prior to election day. Restrictions apply to convicted felons and those declared mentally incompetent by the court.


Since World War II neither the Democrats nor the Republicans have dominated state politics, which are basically conservative. As of 2004, there were 1,094,000 registered voters. In the 2000 presidential election, Republican George W. Bush received 49% of the vote to Democrat Al Gore's 46%. In 2004, Bush garnered 50.5% to Democratic challenger John Kerry's 47.9%. Republican Kenny Guinn, first elected governor in 1998, was reelected in 2002. Democrat Harry Reid was elected US Senator in 1986; he was reelected in 1992, 1998, and 2004. Republican Senator John Ensign was elected in 2000. Following the 2004 elections, Nevada sent one Democrat and two Republicans to the US House of Representatives.

Nevada Presidential Vote by Major Political Parties, 19842004
*Won US presidential election.
**IND. candidate Ross Perot received 132,580 votes in 1992 and 43,986 votes in 1996.
19483*Truman (D)31,29029,357
19523*Eisenhower (R)31,68850,502
19563*Eisenhower (R)40,64056,049
19603*Kennedy (D)54,88052,387
19643*Johnson (D)79,33956,094
19683*Nixon (R)60,59873,188
19723*Nixon (R)66,016115,750
19763Ford (R)92,479101,273
19803*Reagan (R)66,666155,017
19844*Reagan (R)91,655188,770
19883*Bush (R)132,738206,040
1992**4*Clinton (D)189,148175,828
1996**4*Clinton (D)203,974199,244
20004*Bush, G.W.(R)279,978301,575
20045*Bush, G.W.(R)397,190418,690

As of mid-2005, there were 12 Republicans and 9 Democrats in the state Senate, and 16 Republicans and 26 Democrats in the state House. The state had five electoral votes in the 2004 presidential election.


As of 2005, Nevada was subdivided into 17 counties and 19 municipal governments, most of them county seats. The state had 17 public school districts and 158 special districts that year. The county is the primary form of local government. Elected county officials include commissioners, public administrator, district attorney, and sheriff. Most municipalities use the mayor-council system of government.

In 2005, local government accounted for about 74,642 full-time (or equivalent) employment positions.


To address the continuing threat of terrorism and to work with the federal Department of Homeland Security, homeland security in Nevada operates under the authority of the governor; the adjutant general is appointed to oversee the state's homeland security activities.

The Commission on Ethics oversees financial disclosure by state officials. The Department of Education and the Nevada System of Higher Education are the main state educational agencies. The Department of Health and Human Services has divisions covering public health, rehabilitation, mental health and developmental disabilities, welfare, youth services, and programs for the elderly. Regulatory functions are exercised by the Business and Industry Department (insurance, banking, consumer affairs, real estate), the Public Utilities Commission, the Gaming Control Board, and other state agencies. Other organizations include the Division of Minerals, the Commission on Tourism, the Division of Wildlife, and the Department of Information Technology.


Nevada's Supreme Court consists of a chief justice and six other justices. There are 51 district court judges organized into nine judicial districts. All judges are elected by nonpartisan ballot to six-year terms.

As of 31 December 2004, a total of 11,365 prisoners were held in Nevada's state and federal prisons, an increase from 10,543 of 7.8% from the previous year. As of year-end 2004, a total of 878 inmates were female, down from 880 or 0.2% from the year before. Among sentenced prisoners (one year or more), Nevada had an incarceration rate of 474 per 100,000 population in 2004.

According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Nevada in 2004 had a violent crime rate (murder/nonnegligent manslaughter; forcible rape; robbery; aggravated assault) of 615.9 reported incidents per 100,000 population, or a total of 14,379 reported incidents. Crimes against property (burglary; larceny/theft; and motor vehicle theft) in that same year totaled 98,215 reported incidents or 4,206.6 reported incidents per 100,000 people. Nevada has a death penalty, of which lethal injection is the sole method of execution. For the period 1976 through 5 May 2006, the state has executed 12 people, including one execution carried out in 2006, prior to 5 May. As of 1 January 2006, Nevada had 83 inmates on death row.

In 2003, Nevada spent $63,105,669 on homeland security, an average of $30 per state resident.


In 2004, there were 9,251 active-duty military personnel and 2,089 civilian personnel stationed in Nevada. The largest installations are the Hawthorne Army Depot near Reno and the Nellis Air Force Base near Las Vegas. The state has been the site of both ballistic missile and atomic weapons testing. In 2004, Nevada firms received about $439 million in federal defense contracts and defense payroll outlays were more than $1.1 billion.

As of 2003, 243,716 military veterans were living in the state, including 27,496 of World War II; 26,015 of the Korean conflict; 75,775 from the Vietnam era; and 36,607 in the Gulf War. For the fiscal year 2004, total Veterans Affairs expenditures in Nevada amounted to more than $642 million.

As of 31 October 2004, the Nevada Highway Patrol employed 367 full-time sworn officers.


In 1870, about half of Nevada's population consisted of foreign immigrants, among them Chinese, Italians, Swiss, British, Irish, Germans, and French Canadians. Though their origins were diverse, their numbers were fewno more than 21,000 in all. Not until the 1940s did migrants come in large volume. Between 1940 and 1980, Nevada gained a total of 507,000 residents through migration, equal to 63% of the 1980 population; there was an additional net gain from migration of 233,000 during the 1980s, accounting for 75% of the net population increase. Between 1990 and 1998, Nevada had net gains of 397,000 in domestic migration and 45,000 in international migration. In 1998, the state admitted 6,106 foreign immigrants, of whom 2,881 were from Mexico. Between 1990 and 1998, the state's overall population grew 45.4%, making it the fastest growing state in the nation. In the period 200005, net international migration was 66,098 and net internal migration was 270,945, for a net gain of 337,043 people.


Nevada takes part in the Colorado River Compact, the Tahoe Regional Planning Authority, and the California-Nevada Interstate Compact, under which the two states administer water rights involving Lake Tahoe and the Carson, Truckee, and Walker rivers. Other river compacts influence use of the Upper Niobrara river and the boundary between Arizona and Nevada on the Colorado River. The state also is a signatory to the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact, the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education, and the Western Interstate Energy Compact. Federal grants in fiscal year 2005 totaled $1.652 billion, an estimated $1.714 billion in fiscal year 2006, and an estimated $1.759 billion in fiscal year 2007.


Nevada is disadvantaged by a lack of water and a shortage of arable land, but blessed with a wealth of mineral resourcesgold, silver, copper, and other metals. Mining remains important, though overshadowed since World War II by tourism and gambling, which generate more than 50% of the state's income. Legalized gaming alone produces nearly half of Nevada's tax revenues. Throughout the 1990s, employment growth averaged 5.2% annually. The state economy roared into the 21st century, posting annual growth rates of 7.7% in 1998, 9% in 1999, and 8.6% in 2000. The national recession and slowdown in 2001 caused the pace of job growth to fall to 2.4% and the overall growth rate to fall to 4.9%, but these remain well above national averages. Job growth in Nevada has been centered on growth in services, the retail trade, government and the construction sector.

Nevada's gross state product (GSP) in 2004 was $100.317 billion, of which the lodging and food service industries accounted for the largest share at $14.196 billion or 14.1% of GSP, followed by the real estate sector at $12.722 billion (12.6% of GSP) and the construction industry at $10.313 billion (10.2% of GSP). In that same year, there were an estimated 177,282 small businesses in Nevada. Of the 51,424 businesses that had employees, an estimated total of 49,209 or 95.7% were small companies. An estimated 10,483 new businesses were established in the state in 2004, up 7.5% from the year before. Business terminations that same year came to 9,012, up 0.8% from 2003. There were 257 business bankruptcies in 2004, down 19.9% from the previous year. In 2005, the state's personal bankruptcy (Chapter 7 and Chapter 13) filing rate was 931 filings per 100,000 people, ranking Nevada as the third-highest in the nation.


In 2005 Nevada had a gross state product (GSP) of $111 billion which accounted for 0.9% of the nation's gross domestic product and placed the state at number 31 in highest GSP among the 50 states and the District of Columbia.

According to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, in 2004 Nevada had a per capita personal income (PCPI) of $33,787. This ranked 18th in the United States and was 102% of the national average of $33,050. The 19942004 average annual growth rate of PCPI was 3.6%. Nevada had a total personal income (TPI) of $78,822,134,000, which ranked 32nd in the United States and reflected an increase of 10.1% from 2003. The 19942004 average annual growth rate of TPI was 8.3%. Earnings of persons employed in Nevada increased from $55,064,306,000 in 2003 to $61,541,717,000 in 2004, an increase of 11.8%. The 200304 national change was 6.3%.

The US Census Bureau reports that the three-year average median household income for 200204 in 2004 dollars was $46,984 compared to a national average of $44,473. During the same period an estimated 10.2% of the population was below the poverty line as compared to 12.4% nationwide.


According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), in April 2006 the seasonally adjusted civilian labor force in Nevada numbered 1,264,900, with approximately 52,300 workers unemployed, yielding an unemployment rate of 4.1%, compared to the national average of 4.7% for the same period. Preliminary data for the same period placed nonfarm employment at 1,279,200. Since the beginning of the BLS data series in 1976, the highest unemployment rate recorded in Nevada was 10.7% in December 1982. The historical low was 3.6% in January 2006. Preliminary nonfarm employment data by occupation for April 2006 showed that approximately 11.5% of the labor force was employed in construction; 3.8% in manufacturing; 17.6% in trade, transportation, and public utilities; 5.2% in financial activities; 12.2% in professional and business services; 6.8% in education and health services; 26.2% in leisure and hospitality services; and 11.5% in government.

The US Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that in 2005, a total of 145,000 of Nevada's 1,051,000 employed wage and salary workers were formal members of a union. This represented 13.8% of those so employed, up from 12.5% in 2004 and above the national average of 12%. Overall in 2005, a total of 158,000 workers (15.1%) in Nevada were covered by a union or employee association contract, which includes those workers who reported no union affiliation. Nevada is one of 22 states with a right-to-work law.

As of 1 March 2006, Nevada had a state-mandated minimum wage rate of $5.15 per hour. In 2004, women in the state accounted for 44% of the employed civilian labor force.


Agricultural income in 2005 totaled $478 million (45th in the United States), of which $172 million was from crops and $306 million from livestock and animal products. Chief crops in 2004 included 960,000 bushels of wheat, 1.48 million tons of hay, and 2,881,000 hundredweight of potatoes. Nevada's barley crop in 2004 was 210,000 bushels, down from 2,700,000 in 1983. Virtually all of the state's cropland requires irrigation.


In 2005, Nevada ranches and farms had 500,000 cattle and calves, valued at $450 million. In 2003, the state produced 2.5 million lb (1.1 million kg) of sheep and lambs which brought in around $4 million in gross income. In 2004, the shorn wool production was an estimated 510,000 lb (231,800 kg) of wool. Nevada's total milk yield in 2003 was 485 million lb (220 million kg) from 26,000 milk cows.


There is no commercial fishing industry in Nevada. The state has four fish culture facilities that produce about 430,000 lb of trout annually. The Lahontan National Fish Hatchery also distributes cutthroat trout within the state. In 2004, Nevada issued 124,408 sport fishing licenses.


Nevada in 2004 had 9,767,000 acres (3,953,000 hectares) of forest-land. In 2005, four national forests had 5,841,209 acres (2,363,937 hectares) in the National Forest System. Less than 2% of all forested land in Nevada was classified as commercial timberland.


According to preliminary data from the US Geological Survey (USGS), the estimated value of nonfuel mineral production by Nevada in 2003 was over $2.9 billion, an increase from 2002 of about 1%. The USGS data ranked Nevada as second among the 50 states by the total value of its nonfuel mineral production, accounting for over 7.5% of total US output.

According to the preliminary data for 2003, gold, construction sand and gravel, crushed stone and silver were the state's top nonfuel minerals. These commodities accounted for 83%, 6%, 1.5%, and 1.5%, respectively, of all nonfuel mineral production in the state. In that same year, Nevada provided 81% of the gold mined in the United States and 24% of the silver, making the state first in gold and second in silver production. Nevada in 2003 was also the only state to produce magnesite and lithium carbonate minerals. In addition, Nevada ranked first in the production of barite, brucite, and diatomite, third in gypsum, fifth in perlite, sixth in gemstones, and seventh in lime.

Preliminary data for 2003 showed gold production at 216,000 kg, with a value of $2.440 billion, with silver output at 292,000 kg and a value of $43.700 million. Construction sand and gravel output totaled 38 million metric tons for a value of $173 million, while crushed stone output stood at 8.7 million metric tons with a value of $46.1 million, according to the USGS data for 2003.

In 2003, Nevada was also a producer of fuller's earth and industrial sand and gravel.


As of 2003, Nevada had 19 electrical power service providers, of which eight were publicly owned and eight were cooperatives. Of the remainder, two were investor owned and one was federally operated. As of that same year there were 1,019,075 retail customers. Of that total, 964,923 received their power from investor-owned service providers. Cooperatives accounted for 29,792 customers, while publicly owned providers had 24,358 customers. There were only two federal customers.

Total net summer generating capability by the state's electrical generating plants in 2003 stood at 7.508 million kW, with total production that same year at 33.194 billion kWh. Of the total amount generated, 74.2% came from electric utilities, with the remainder coming from independent producers and combined heat and power service providers. The largest portion of all electric power generated, 17.085 billion kWh (51.5%), came from coal-fired plants, with natural gas fueled plants in second place at 13.252 billion kWh (39.9%) and hydroelectric plants in third at 1.756 billion kWh (5.3%). Other renewable power sources accounted for 3.2% of all power generated, with plants using other types of gases and petroleum fired plants at 0.1% each.

Because Nevada produces more electricity than it consumes, the remainder is exported, principally to California. Hoover Dam, anchored in the bedrock of Black Canyon east of Las Vegas, is the state's largest hydroelectric installation, with an installed capacity of 1,039,000 kW in 2003. The first six of the dam's eight turbines came onstream during 193638, while the other two were added in 1944 and 1961.

As of 2004, Nevada had proven crude oil reserves of less than 1% of all proven US reserves, while output that same year averaged 1,000 barrels per day. Including federal offshore domains, the state that year ranked 27th (26th excluding federal offshore) in production among the 31 producing states. In 2004 Nevada had 57 producing oil wells and accounted for under 1% of all US production. In 2005, the state's single refinery had a combined crude oil distillation capacity of 1,707 barrels per day.

In 2004, Nevada had four producing natural gas and gas condensate wells. In 2003 (the latest year for which data was available), marketed gas production (all gas produced excluding gas used for repressuring, vented and flared, and nonhydrocarbon gases removed) totaled 6 million cu ft (170,400 cu m). There was no data available on the state's proven reserves of natural gas.


Industry in Nevada is limited but diversified, producing communications equipment, pet food, chemicals, and sprinkler systems, among other products.

According to the US Census Bureau's Annual Survey of Manufactures (ASM) for 2004, Nevada's manufacturing sector covered some 13 product subsectors. The shipment value of all products manufactured in the state that same year was $9.551 billion. Of that total, miscellaneous manufacturing accounted for the largest share at $1.680 billion. It was followed by food manufacturing at $1.172 billion, nonmetallic mineral product manufacturing at $1.045 billion, and fabricated metal product manufacturing at $846.723 million.

In 2004, a total of 43,967 people in Nevada were employed in the state's manufacturing sector, according to the ASM. Of that total, 28,876 were actual production workers. In terms of total employment, the miscellaneous manufacturing industry accounted for the largest portion of all manufacturing employees at 8,147, with 3,546 actual production workers. It was followed by fabricated metal product manufacturing at 5,368 employees (3,894 actual production workers); nonmetallic mineral product manufacturing at 3,820 employees (3,215 actual production workers); food manufacturing at 3,428 employees (2,272 actual production workers); and computer and electronic product manufacturing with 3,426 employees (1,477 actual production workers).

ASM data for 2004 showed that Nevada's manufacturing sector paid $1.849 billion in wages. Of that amount, the miscellaneous manufacturing sector accounted for the largest share at $466.410 million. It was followed by fabricated metal product manufacturing at $201.834 million; computer and electronic product manufacturing at $171.943 million; and nonmetallic mineral product manufacturing at $166.519 million.


According to the 2002 Census of Wholesale Trade, Nevada's wholesale trade sector had sales that year totaling $16.5 billion from 2,612 establishments. Wholesalers of durable goods accounted for 1,658 establishments, followed by nondurable goods wholesalers at 850 and electronic markets, agents, and brokers accounting for 104 establishments. Sales by durable goods wholesalers in 2002 totaled $8.4 billion, while wholesalers of nondurable goods saw sales of $5.8 billion. Electronic markets, agents, and brokers in the wholesale trade industry had sales of $2.2 billion.

In the 2002 Census of Retail Trade, Nevada was listed as having 7,214 retail establishments with sales of $26.9 billion. The leading types of retail businesses by number of establishments were clothing and clothing accessories stores (1,195); miscellaneous store retailers (1,062); food and beverage stores (769), motor vehicle and motor vehicle parts dealers (681), and gasoline stations (671). In terms of sales, motor vehicle and motor vehicle parts dealers accounted for the largest share of retail sales, at $6.6 billion, followed by general merchandise stores, at $3.8 billion; food and beverage stores, at $3.6 billion; and nonstore retailers, at $3.4 billion. A total of 112,339 people were employed by the retail sector in Nevada that year.

Exporters located in Nevada exported $3.9 billion in merchandise during 2005.


The state of Nevada has two entities dedicated to consumer protection: the Bureau of Consumer Protection (BCP) at the Office of the Attorney General, and the Nevada Consumer Affairs Division.

The BCP was created in 1997 by the Nevada Legislature to protect consumers from deceptive or fraudulent sales practices and represent consumers' interests in government. The BCP has the authority to file lawsuits on behalf of the public and the state of Nevada. It operates consumer education and awareness programs, reviews consumer complaints and can act as an advocate for consumers over utilities related issues before the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada, as well as federal utility regulatory agencies and courts. The BCP can also pursue civil and criminal enforcement of the state's antitrust law. It is also authorized to file civil actions under federal antitrust laws.

The Nevada Consumer Affairs Division regulates deceptive trade practices through its investigatory powers and through its authority to require the registration and bonding of buying clubs, charitable solicitors, credit repair organizations, dance and martial arts studios, health clubs, magazine sales, recovery rooms, sports betting information services, telemarketers, travel agents and tour operators/brokers, and weight loss clinics.

When dealing with consumer protection issues, the state's Attorney General's Office can initiate civil and criminal proceedings; represent the state before state and federal regulatory agencies; administer consumer protection and education programs; and exercise broad subpoena powers. However, the Attorney General's Office has only limited power to handle formal consumer complaints due to the state having a separate consumer affairs department (the Consumer Affairs Division). In antitrust actions, the Attorney General's Office can act on behalf of those consumers who are incapable of acting on their own; initiate damage actions on behalf of the state in state courts; initiate criminal proceedings; and represent counties, cities and other governmental entities in recovering civil damages under state or federal law.

Offices of the Bureau of Consumer Protection are located in Las Vegas. The state's Consumer Affairs Division has offices in Las Vegas and Reno.


As of June 2005, Nevada had 38 insured banks, savings and loans, and saving banks, plus 12 state-chartered and 17 federally chartered credit unions (CUs). Excluding the CUs, the Las Vegas-Paradise market area accounted for the largest portion of the state's financial institutions and deposits in 2004, with 42 institutions and $33.605 billion in deposits. As of June 2005, CUs accounted for 7.2% of all assets held by all financial institutions in the state, or some $4.562 billion. Banks, savings and loans, and savings banks collectively accounted for the remaining 92.8% or $58.650 billion in assets held.

In 2004, the median net interest margin (the difference between the lower rates offered to savers and the higher rates charged on loans) stood at 4.85%, up from 4.77% in 2003. As of fourth quarter 2005, the rate stood at 5.40%. Regulation of Nevada's state-chartered banks and financial institutions is the responsibility of the Division of Financial Institutions.


Nevadans held 639,000 individual life insurance policies in 2004 with a total value of over $83 billion; total value for all categories of life insurance (individual, group, and credit) was about $121 billion. The average coverage amount is $130,600 per policy holder. Death benefits paid that year totaled $422.5 million.

As of 2003, there were nine property and casualty and three life and health insurance companies domiciled in the state. Direct premiums for property and casualty insurance totaled $3.8 billion in 2004. That year, there were 15,525 flood insurance policies in force in the state, with a total value of $3 billion.

In 2004, 57% of state residents held employment-based health insurance policies, 4% held individual policies, and 18% were covered under Medicare and Medicaid; 19% of residents were uninsured. Nevada ties with four other states as having the fourth-highest percentage of uninsured residents in the nation. In 2003, employee contributions for employment-based health coverage averaged at 13% for single coverage and 24% for family coverage. The state offers an 18-month health benefits expansion program for small-firm employees in connection with the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA, 1986), a health insurance program for those who lose employment-based coverage due to termination or reduction of work hours.

In 2003, there were over 1.4 million auto insurance policies in effect for private passenger cars. Required minimum coverage includes bodily injury liability of up to $15,000 per individual and $30,000 for all persons injured in an accident, as well as property damage liability of $10,000. In 2003, the average expenditure per vehicle for insurance coverage was $913.05.


There are no securities exchanges in Nevada. In 2005, there were 1,350 personal financial advisers employed in the state and 1,210 securities, commodities, and financial services sales agents. In 2004, there were over 116 publicly traded companies within the state, with over 22 NASDAQ companies, 11 NYSE listings, and 3 AMEX listings. In 2006, the state had two Fortune 500 companies; Harrah's Entertainment ranked first in the state and 309th in the nation with revenues of over $4.4 billion, followed by MGM Mirage at 334th in the nation and $6.4 billion in revenues.


The budget is prepared biennially by the Budget Division of the Department of Administration and submitted by the governor to the legislature, which has unlimited power to change it.

Fiscal year 2006 general funds were estimated at $3.0 billion for resources and $2.9 billion for expenditures. In fiscal year 2004, federal government grants to Nevada were $2.3 billion.

In the fiscal year 2007 federal budget, Nevada was slated to receive $51.7 million in State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) funds to help the state provide health coverage to low-income, uninsured children who do not qualify for Medicaid. This funding is a 23% increase over fiscal year 2006. Nevada was also to receive $12.9 million in federal funds for the HOME Investment Partnership Program to help Nevada fund a wide range of

NevadaState Government Finances
(Dollar amounts in thousands. Per capita amounts in dollars.)
Abbreviations and symbols:zero or rounds to zero; (NA) not available; (X) not applicable
source: U.S. Census Bureau, Governments Division, 2004 Survey of State Government Finances, January 2006.
Total Revenue10,136,1274,344.68
  General revenueGeneral revenue3,136.84
    Intergovernmental revenue1,625,188696.61
      General sales2,264,749970.75
      Selective sales1,559,853668.60
      License taxes623,400267.21
      Individual income tax--
      Corporate income tax--
      Other taxes290,875124.68
    Current charges605,144259.38
    Miscellaneous general revenue349,046149.61
  Utility revenue143,04861.32
  Liquor store revenue--
  Insurance trust revenue2,674,8241,146.52
Total expenditure8,686,0713,723.13
  Intergovernmental expenditure2,948,2741,263.73
  Direct expenditure5,737,7972,459.41
    Current operation3,756,3671,610.10
    Capital outlay744,452319.10
    Insurance benefits and repayments985,326422.34
    Assistance and subsidies107,24045.97
    Interest on debt144,41261.90
Exhibit: Salaries and wages1,230,195527.30
Total expenditure8,686,0713,723.13
  General expenditure7,555,7053,238.62
    Intergovernmental expenditure2,948,2741,263.73
    Direct expenditure4,607,4311,974.90
  General expenditures, by function:
    Public welfare1,292,137553.85
    Police protection62,02326.59
    Natural resources118,25050.69
    Parks and recreation19,2408.25
    Government administration201,24386.26
    Interest on general debt140,35860.16
    Other and unallocable1,226,586525.75
  Utility expenditure145,04062.17
  Liquor store expenditure--
  Insurance trust expenditure985,326422.34
Debt at end of fiscal year3,607,2921,546.20
Cash and security holdings21,351,1689,151.81

activities that build, buy, or rehabilitate affordable housing for rent or homeownership, or provide direct rental assistance to low-income people. This funding is a 12% increase over fiscal year 2006. Another $55 million in federal funds was allocated to replace the air traffic control tower at McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas.


In 2005, Nevada collected $5,010 million in tax revenues or $2,075 per capita, which placed it 28th among the 50 states in per capita tax burden. The national average was $2,192 per capita. Property taxes accounted for 3.0% of the total, sales taxes 45.0%, selective sales taxes 33.6%, and other taxes 18.4%.

As of 1 January 2006, Nevada had no state income tax, a distinction it shared with Wyoming, Washington, Alaska, Florida, Texas, and South Dakota.

In 2004, state and local property taxes amounted to $2,147,294,000 or $920 per capita. The per capita amount ranks the state 30th highest nationally. Local governments collected $2,014,826,000 of the total and the state government $132,468,000.

Nevada taxes retail sales at a rate of 6.5%. In addition to the state tax, local taxes on retail sales can reach as much as 1%, making for a potential total tax on retail sales of 7.5%. Food purchased for consumption off-premises is tax exempt. The tax on cigarettes is 80 cents per pack, which ranks 25th among the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Nevada taxes gasoline at 24.805 cents per gallon. This is in addition to the 18.4 cents per gallon federal tax on gasoline.

According to the Tax Foundation, for every federal tax dollar sent to Washington in 2004, Nevada citizens received $0.73 in federal spending.


Federal projects have played an especially large role in Nevada's development. During the depression of the 1930s, Hoover (Boulder) Dam was constructed to provide needed jobs, water, and hydroelectric power for the state. Other public worksDavis Dam (Lake Mohave) and the Southern Nevada Water Projectserve similar purposes. The fact that some 87% of Nevada land is owned by the US government further increases the federal impact on the economy. Gaming supplies a large proportion of state revenues.

The Nevada Commission on Economic Development (NCED) offers a number of incentives to encourage the growth of primary businesses in Nevada and to promote economic diversification. There is no corporate or personal income tax and other state taxes are low. The Department of Business and Industry issues tax-exempt industrial development bonds which provide low-interest financing of new construction or improvement of manufacturing facilities and other projects. The State Development Corporation, a private financial corporation certified by the US Small Business Administration, offers long-term loans for expanding or new businesses. Rural small businesses can obtain loans from the Rural Nevada Development Corporation and the Nevada Revolving Loan Fund Program. Almost 30% of foreign-based companies in Nevada are Japanese.


The infant mortality rate in October 2005 was estimated at 5.3 per 1,000 live births. The birth rate in 2003 was 15 per 1,000 population. The abortion rate stood at 32.2 per 1,000 women in 2000. In 2003, about 75.8% of pregnant woman received prenatal care beginning in the first trimester. In 2004, approximately 68% of children received routine immunizations before the age of three; this was the lowest immunization rate in the country.

The crude death rate in 2003 was 8 deaths per 1,000 population. As of 2002, the death rates for major causes of death (per 100,000 resident population) were: heart disease, 203.4; cancer, 181.1; cerebrovascular diseases, 44.9; chronic lower respiratory diseases, 54; and diabetes, 15.8. The mortality rate from HIV infection was 3.5 per 100,000 population. In 2004, the reported AIDS case rate was at about 13.1 per 100,000 population. In 2002, about 54.8% of the population was considered overweight or obese. As of 2004, about 23.2% of state residents were smokers.

In 2003, Nevada had 24 community hospitals with about 4,300 beds. There were about 213,000 patient admissions that year and 2.3 million outpatient visits. The average daily inpatient census was about 3,000 patients. The average cost per day for hospital care was $1,608. Also in 2003, there were about 44 certified nursing facilities in the state with 5,197 beds and an overall occupancy rate of about 82.9%. In 2004, it was estimated that about 64.5% of all state residents had received some type of dental care within the year. Nevada had 196 physicians per 100,000 resident population in 2004 and 579 nurses per 100,000 in 2005. In 2004, there was a total of 1,123 dentists in the state.

About 11% of state residents were enrolled in Medicaid programs in 2003; 12% were enrolled in Medicare programs in 2004. Approximately 19% of the state population was uninsured in 2004. In 2003, state health care expenditures totaled $1.6 million.


In 2004, about 66,000 people received unemployment benefits, with the average weekly unemployment benefit at $245. In fiscal year 2005, the estimated average monthly participation in the food stamp program included about 121,707 persons (54,877 households); the average monthly benefit was about $88.26 per person. That year, the total of benefits paid through the state for the food stamp program was about $128.9 million.

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), the system of federal welfare assistance that officially replaced Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) in 1997, was reautho-rized through the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005. TANF is funded through federal block grants that are divided among the states based on an equation involving the number of recipients in each state. In 2004, the state TANF program had 21,000 recipients; state and federal expenditures on this TANF program totaled $54 million in fiscal year 2003.

In December 2004, Social Security benefits were paid to 340,680 Nevada residents. This number included 230,990 retired workers, 26,440 widows and widowers, 43,030 disabled workers, 15,120 spouses, and 25,100 children. Social Security beneficiaries represented 14.5% of the total state population and 91% of the state's population age 65 and older. Retired workers received an average monthly payment of $962; widows and widowers, $939; disabled workers, $960; and spouses, $473. Payments for children of retired workers averaged $471 per month; children of deceased workers, $671; and children of disabled workers, $271. Federal Supplemental Security Income payments in December 2004 went to 32,129 Nevada residents, averaging $396 a month.


In 2004, there were an estimated 976,446 housing units, of which 871,915 were occupied; 61.2% were owner-occupied. About 54.6% of all units were single-family, detached dwellings; 18.6% were in buildings containing three to nine units. Over 1,700 units were listed in a category of boats, RVs, vans, etc. Utility gas and electricity were the most common heating energy sources. It was estimated that 41,658 units lacked telephone service, 3.041 lacked complete plumbing facilities, and 3,683 lacked complete kitchen facilities. The average household had 2.64 members.

In 2004, 44,600 new privately owned units were authorized for construction. The median home value was $202,937. The median monthly cost for mortgage owners was $1,274. Renters paid a median of $787 per month. In 2006, the state received over $2.7 million in community development block grants from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).


In 2004, 86.3% of Nevada residents age 25 and older were high school graduates; 24.5% had obtained a bachelor's degree or higher.

The total enrollment for fall 2002 in Nevada's public schools stood at 369,000. Of these, 271,000 attended schools from kindergarten through grade eight, and 99,000 attended high school. Approximately 50.8% of the students were white, 10.7% were black, 30.2% were Hispanic, 6.7% were Asian/Pacific Islander, and 1.7% were American Indian/Alaskan Native. Total enrollment was estimated at 385,000 in fall 2003 and expected to be 474,000 by fall 2014, an increase of 28.4% during the period 200214. In fall 2003 there were 18,219 students enrolled in 111 private schools. Expenditures for public education in 2003/04 were estimated at $3.2 billion or $6,399 per student, the sixth-lowest among the 50 states. Since 1969, the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) has tested public school students nationwide. The resulting report, The Nation's Report Card, stated that in 2005, eighth graders in Nevada scored 270 out of 500 in mathematics compared with the national average of 278.

As of fall 2002, there were 95,671 students enrolled in college or graduate school; minority students comprised 30.1% of total post-secondary enrollment. Nearly all students enroll in the University of Nevada system, which has campuses in Las Vegas and Reno. In 2005 Nevada had 15 degree-granting institutions, including Sierra Nevada College.


The Nevada Arts Council (NAC), a division of the Department of Cultural Affairs, consists of a 10-memeber staff and a 9-member board appointed by the governor. In 2005, the NAC and other Nevada arts organizations received six grants totaling $673,300 from the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA). The state also provided significant funding to the Arts Council. The Nevada Humanities Council sponsors annual programs that include a Chautauqua in Reno, Boulder City and Lake Tahoe, and the Vegas Valley Book Festival. In 2005, the National Endowment for the Humanities contributed $532,792 to four state programs.

Major exhibits are mounted by the Las Vegas Art Museum, formally the Las Vegas Art League, and the Sierra Arts Foundation in Reno. Upon becoming the Las Vegas Art Museum in 1974, it became the first fine-arts museum in southern Nevada. The Nevada Opera, Reno Chamber Orchestra, and the Nevada Festival Ballet are all based in Reno. The Las Vegas Philharmonic was founded in 1998 and as of 2005 had become the third-largest arts organizations in the state. The Western Folklife Center in Elko, founded in 1980, promotes public awareness of the American West culture and traditions. Every year, the Western Folklife Center presents a National Cowboy Poetry Gathering in the last week of January.


In 2001, Nevada had 23 public library systems, with a total of 87 libraries, of which 67 were branches. The system, that same year, had a combined book and serial publication stock of 4,382,000 volumes, and a total circulation of 10,206,000. The system also had 209,000 audio and 148,000 video items, 27,000 electronic format items (CD-ROMs, magnetic tapes, and disks), and four bookmobiles. The University of Nevada had 956,282 books in its Reno campus library system and 861,362 at Las Vegas. The Nevada State Library in Carson City had 76,445. In fiscal year 2001, operating income for the state's public library system amounted to $62,888,000 and included $782,000 in federal grants and $520,000 in state grants.

There are some 29 museums and historic sites. Notable are the Nevada State Museum in Carson City and Las Vegas; the museum of the Nevada Historical Society and the Fleischmann Planetarium, University of Nevada, in Reno; and the Museum of Natural History, University of Nevada, at Las Vegas.


In 2004, 92.2% of Nevada's occupied housing units had telephones. In addition, by June of that same year there were 1,319,684 mobile wireless telephone subscribers. In 2003, 61.3% of Nevada households had a computer and 55.2% had Internet access. By June 2005, there were 402,030 high-speed lines in Nevada, 360,627 residential and 41,403 for business. In 2005, broadcast facilities comprised 27 major radio stations (7 AM, 20 FM) and 12 network television stations. In 2000, at least two large cable television systems served the Las Vegas and Reno areas. A total of 72,183 Internet domain names were registered in the state in that same year.


In 2005, the state had four morning newspapers, four evening papers, and four Sunday papers. The leading newspaper was the Las Vegas Review-Journal, with a daily circulation of 159,507 and a Sunday circulation of 218,624. The Reno Gazette-Journal, with a daily circulation of 66,409 and Sunday circulation of 82,745, is the most influential newspaper in the northern half of the state. The regional interest Nevada magazine is published six times a year.


In 2006, there were over 900 nonprofit organizations registered within the state, of which about 626 were registered as charitable, educational, or religious organizations. Notable national organizations with headquarters in Nevada include the Western History Association, the American Chess Association, the American Gem Society, the Gaming Standards Association, and the North American Boxing Federation.

Local arts and history are represented in part by the Central Nevada Historical Society, the Lake Tahoe Arts Council, the Sierra Contra Dance Society, the National Association for Outlaw and Lawman History, and the Nevada Opera Association.


Tourism remained Nevada's most important industry, employing over 228,000 people. In 2005, approximately 51.1 million travelers visited the state. About 25 million people visited state and national parks. A majority of all tourists flock to "Vegas" for gambling and for the top-flight entertainers who perform there. In 2005, there were 180,000 hotel rooms of which 133,186 were in Las Vegas. The gaming industry had total revenues of $11.6 billion in 2005. Las Vegas is one the most used cities for conventions. The Nevada Commission on Tourism has branch offices in Japan, the United Kingdom, and Seoul, Korea.

Nevada attractions include Pyramid Lake, Lake Tahoe, Lake Mead, and Lehman Caves National Monument. In Las Vegas, there is the Atomic Testing Museum, the Fremont Street Experience (outdoor sound and light show), the Guggenheim Hermitage Museum at the Venetian Hotel, and Red Rock scenic adventure tours. The city of Laughlin has Colorado River tours. For motors-ports enthusiasts, there are 14 raceways in Nevada. Hoover Dam, built on the Nevada-Arizona border, is a marvel of engineering; visitors can view films and take tours to view the construction. There are 21 state parks and recreation areas, and the Great Basin National Park. Lake Mead National Recreation Area attracts 43% of all park visitors (totaling over 24 million people in 1999). Grand Canyon National Park is the second most popular parks destination, with 18% of all parks visitors.


There are no major professional sports teams in Nevada. Las Vegas has a minor league baseball team, the 51s, in the Triple-A Pacific Coast League. The Las Vegas Wranglers are a minor league hockey team that play in the West Division of the ECHL. Las Vegas and Reno have hosted many professional boxing title bouts. Golfing and rodeo are also popular.

The basketball team at the University of Nevada-Las Vegas emerged as a national powerhouse in the late 1980s and early 1990s. The Runnin' Rebels won the national championship in 1990.

Other annual sporting events include the Open at Reno-Tahoe in Reno in August, the Invensys Classic at Las Vegas in October, the Nationals Finals Rodeo staged in Las Vegas each December, and the UAW-DaimlerChrysler 400 at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway.


Nevadans who have held important federal offices include Raymond T. Baker (18771935) and Eva B. Adams (190891), both directors of the US Mint, and Charles B. Henderson (b.California, 18731954), head of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation. Prominent US senators have been James W. Nye (b.New York, 181576), also the only governor of Nevada Territory; William M. Stewart (b.New York, 18271909), author of the final form of the 15th Amendment to the US Constitution, father of federal mining legislation, and a leader of the free-silver-coinage movement in the 1890s; and Francis G. Newlands (b.Mississippi, 18481917), author of the federal Reclamation Act of 1902.

Probably the most significant state historical figure is George Wingfield (b.Arkansas, 18761959), a mining millionaire who exerted great influence over Nevada's economic and political life in the early 20th century. Among the nationally recognized personalities associated with Nevada is Howard R. Hughes (b.Texas, 190576), an aviation entrepreneur who became a casino and hotel owner and wealthy recluse in his later years.

Leading creative and performing artists have included operatic singer Emma Nevada (Emma Wixon, 18621940); painter Robert Caples (190879); and, among writers, Dan DeQuille (William Wright, b.Ohio, 182998); Lucius Beebe (b.Massachusetts, 190266); and Walter Van Tilburg Clark (b.Maine, 190971).


Busby, Mark (ed.). The Southwest. Vol. 8 in The Greenwood Encyclopedia of American Regional Cultures. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 2004.

Council of State Governments. The Book of the States, 2006 Edition. Lexington, Ky.: Council of State Governments, 2006.

Davies, Richard O. (ed.). The Maverick Spirit: Building the New Nevada. Reno: University of Nevada Press, 1999.

Driggs, Don W. Nevada Politics and Government: Conservatism in an Open Society. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1996.

Hulse, James W. The Silver State: Nevada's Heritage Reinterpreted. 3rd ed. Reno: University of Nevada Press, 2004.

Parzybok, Tye W. Weather Extremes in the West. Missoula, Mont.: Mountain Press, 2005.

Peck, Donna. Nevada: Off the Beaten Path. Old Saybrook, Conn.: Globe Pequot Press, 1999.

Preston, Thomas. Intermountain West: Idaho, Nevada, Utah, and Arizona. Vol. 2 of The Double Eagle Guide to 1,000 Great Western Recreation Destinations. 2nd ed. Billings, Mont.: Discovery Publications, 2003.

US Department of Commerce, Economics and Statistics Administration, US Census Bureau. Nevada, 2000. Summary Social, Economic, and Housing Characteristics: 2000 Census of Population and Housing. Washington, D.C.: US Government Printing Office, 2003.

Zanjani, Sally Springmeyer. Devils Will Reign: How Nevada Began. Reno: University of Nevada Press, 2006.


views updated May 21 2018


1 Location and Size

2 Topography

3 Climate

4 Plants and Animals

5 Environmental Protection

6 Population

7 Ethnic Groups

8 Languages

9 Religions

10 Transportation

11 History

12 State Government

13 Political Parties

14 Local Government

15 Judicial System

16 Migration

17 Economy

18 Income

19 Industry

20 Labor

21 Agriculture

22 Domesticated Animals

23 Fishing

24 Forestry

25 Mining

26 Energy and Power

27 Commerce

28 Public Finance

29 Taxation

30 Health

31 Housing

32 Education

33 Arts

34 Libraries and Museums

35 Communications

36 Press

37 Tourism, Travel & Recreation

38 Sports

39 Famous Nevadans

40 Bibliography

State of Nevada

ORIGIN OF STATE NAME: Named for the Sierra Nevada mountain range, nevada meaning “snow-covered” in Spanish.

NICKNAME : The Silver State; the Sagebrush State; the Battle-born State.

CAPITAL: Carson City.

ENTERED UNION: 31 October 1864 (36th).

OFFICIAL SEAL: A quartz mill, ore cart, and mine tunnel symbolize Nevada’s mining industry. A plow, sickle, and sheaf of wheat represent its agricultural resources. In the background are a railroad, a telegraph line, and a sun rising over the snow-covered mountains. Encircling this scene are 36 stars and the state motto. The words “The Great Seal of the State of Nevada” surround the whole.

FLAG: On a blue field, two sprays of sagebrush and a golden scroll in the upper lefthand corner frame a silver star with the word “Nevada,” below the star and above the sprays; the scroll, reading “Battle Born,” recalls that Nevada was admitted to the Union during the Civil War.

MOTTO: All for Our Country.

SONG: “Home Means Nevada.”

FLOWER: Sagebrush.

TREE: Single-leaf piñon; Bristlecone pine.

ANIMAL: Desert bighorn sheep.

BIRD: Mountain bluebird.

FISH: Lahontan cutthroat trout.

REPTILE: Desert tortoise.

FOSSIL: Ichthyosaur.

ROCK OR STONE: Sandstone.

GRASS: Indian ricegrass.

LEGAL HOLIDAYS: New Year’s Day, 1 January; Birthday of Martin Luther King Jr., 3rd Monday in January; Washington’s Birthday, 3rd Monday in February; Memorial Day, last Monday in May; Independence Day, 4 July; Labor Day, 1st Monday in September; Nevada Day, last Friday in October; Veterans’ Day, 11 November; Thanksgiving Day, 4th Thursday in November; Family Day, Friday after Thanksgiving; Christmas Day, 25 December.

TIME: 4 AM PST = noon GMT.

1 Location and Size

Situated between the Rocky Mountains and the Sierra Nevada in the western United States, Nevada ranks seventh in size among the 50 states.

The total area of Nevada is 110,561 square miles (286,352 square kilometers), with land comprising 109,894 square miles (284,624 square kilometers) and inland water covering 667 square miles (1,728 square kilometers). Nevada extends 320 miles (515 kilometers) from east to west and 483 miles (777 kilometers) from north to south. The total boundary length of Nevada is 1,480 square miles (2,382 kilometers).

2 Topography

Almost all of Nevada is part of the Great Basin, a plateau characterized by isolated mountain ranges and arid basins. The mountain ranges generally stretch from north to south. Chief among them are the Schell Creek, Ruby Toiyabe, and Carson (within the Sierra Nevada). Nevada’s highest point is Boundary Peak, 13,140 feet (4,007 meters), in the southwest.

Nevada has a number of large lakes and several large saltwater marshes known as sinks. The largest lake is Pyramid, with an area of 188 square miles (487 square kilometers), in the west. Nevada shares Lake Tahoe with California. The state shares Lake Mead, created by Hoover Dam on the Colorado River, with Arizona. The streams of the Great Basin frequently disappear during dry spells; many of them flow into local lakes or sinks without reaching the sea. The state’s longest river, the Humboldt, flows for 290 miles (467 kilometers) through the northern half of the state into the Humboldt Sink. The Walker, Truckee, and Carson rivers drain the western part of the Nevada. The canyon carved by the mighty Colorado, the river that forms the extreme southeastern boundary of the state, is the site of Nevada’s lowest elevation, 479 feet (146 meters).

Nevada Population Profile

Total population estimate in 2006:2,495,529
Population change, 2000–06:24.9%
Hispanic or Latino†:23.7%
Population by race
One race:96.9%
Black or African American:7.2%
American Indian /Alaska Native:1.2%
Native Hawaiian / Pacific Islander:0.5%
Some other race:6.2%
Two or more races:3.0%

Population by Age Group

Major Cities by Population
CityPopulation% change 2000–05
Notes: †A person of Hispanic or Latino origin may be of any race. NA indicates that data are not available.
Sources: U.S. Census Bureau. American Community Survey and Population Estimates. (accessed March 2007).
Las Vegas545,14713.9
North Las Vegas176,63552.9

3 Climate

Nevada’s climate is sunny and dry. The normal daily temperature at Reno ranges from 32°f (0°c) in January to 70°f (21c) in July. Normal daily temperatures in Las Vegas are 44°f (7°c in January and 85°f (29°c) in July. The all-time high, 125°f (52°c), was set at Laughlin on 29 June 1994. The record low was -50°f (-46°c), set at San Jacinto on 8 January 1937.

Nevada is the driest state in the United States, with overall average annual precipitation of less than 4 inches (10 centimeters) in Las Vegas, and about 7 inches (17.8 centimeters) in Reno. Snowfall is abundant in the mountains, reaching 60 inches (152 centimeters) a year on the highest peaks.

4 Plants and Animals

Various species of pine, such as the single-leaf piñon (the state tree), dominate Nevada’s woodlands. Creosote bush is common in southern Nevada, as are many kinds of sagebrush throughout the state. Wildflowers include shooting star and white and yellow violets. In 2006, there were eight plant species listed as threatened or endangered, including Amargosa niterwort and steamboat buckwheat.

Native mammals include the black bear, pronghorn antelope, Rocky Mountain elk, cottontail

Nevada Population by Race

Census 2000 was the first national census in which the instructions to respondents said, “Mark one or more races.” This table shows the number of people who are of one, two, or three or more races. For those claiming two races, the number of people belonging to the various categories is listed. The U.S. government conducts a census of the population every ten years.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau. Census 2000: Redistricting Data. Press release issued by the Redistricting Data Office. Washington, D.C., March, 2001. A dash (—) indicates that the percent is less than 0.1.
Total population1,998,257100.0
One race1,921,82996.2
Two races70,6933.5
White and Black or African American7,6800.4
White and American Indian/Alaska Native10,7400.5
White and Asian12,0130.6
White and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander2,1120.1
White and some other race26,2021.3
Black or African American and American Indian/Alaska Native1,2430.1
Black or African American and Asian1,2590.1
Black or African American and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander276
Black or African American and some other race2,2480.1
American Indian/Alaska Native and Asian422
American Indian/Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander123
American Indian/Alaska Native and some other race914
Asian and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander2,5220.1
Asian and some other race2,5130.1
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander and some other race426
Three or more races5,7350.3

rabbit, and river otter. Grouse and partridge are among the leading game birds. Trout, salmon, and whitefish thrive in Nevada waters. Rare and protected reptiles are the Gila monster and desert tortoise. In 2006, the US Fish and Wildlife Service listed 25 Nevada animal species as threatened or endangered, including the desert tortoise, six species of dace, three species of pupfish, woundfin, and three species of chub.

5 Environmental Protection

Preservation of the state’s clean air, scarce water resources, and no longer abundant wildlife are the major environmental challenges facing Nevada. The Department of Fish and Game sets quotas on the hunting of deer, antelope, bighorn sheep, and other game animals. The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources has broad responsibility for environmental protection, state lands, forests, and water and mineral resources. The Division of Environmental Protection within the department has primary responsibility for the control of air pollution, water pollution, waste management, and groundwater protection.

In 2003, Nevada had 33 hazardous waste sites listed in the Environmental Protection Agency’s database, one of which was on the National Priorities List as of 2006. Although wetlands cover only about 1% of the mainly barren state,

they are some of the most valuable lands in the state. Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge is a Ramsar Wetland of International Importance.

6 Population

In 2006, Nevada ranked 35th in population in the United States with an estimated total of 2,495,529 residents. The population is projected to reach 3.8 million or higher by 2025. In 2005, the population density was about 21.3 persons per square mile (8.2 persons per square kilometer). In 2004, the median age was 35.1 years. In 2005, about 11% of residents were 65 and older while 26% were 18 and younger.

As of 2005, about 90% of all residents live in cities. Las Vegas, the largest city, had an estimated 545,147 residents in 2005. Other major cities with their 2005 estimated populations were Henderson, 232,146, and Reno, 203,550.

7 Ethnic Groups

According to the 2000 census, there were 135,477 black American residents in Nevada, representing about 7% of the population. The Native American population was 26,420 at the 2000 census. Major tribes included the Washo, Northern Paiute, Southern Paiute, and Shoshoni. Hispanics and Latinos numbered 393,970, including 285,764 Mexicans. About 316,593 residents (15.8%) were foreign born.

In 2006, it was estimated that black Americans accounted for about 7.2% of the population. The same year, estimates indicated that 1.2% of residents were Native Americans, 23.7% were Hispanic or Latino, and 5.8% were Asian.

8 Languages

Midland and Northern English dialects are intermixed in Nevada. In 2000, 76.9% of the resident population five years old or older spoke only English at home. Other principal languages and the number of speakers were Spanish, 299,947, and Tagalog, 29,476.

9 Religions

In 2004, Nevada had 607,926 Roman Catholics, a significant increase from 331,844 members in 2000. The second-largest single denomination was the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons) with 165,498 adherents in 2006. Major Protestant groups (with membership information from 2000) included Southern Baptists, 40,233; Assemblies of God, 22,699; Evangelical Lutherans, 10,663; and United Methodists, 10,452. Also in 2000, there were an estimated 77,100 Jews living in Nevada. Muslims numbered about 2,291 and there were about 1,124 adherents to the Baha’i faith. About 1.3 million people (about 65.7% of the population) did not claim any religious affiliation.

10 Transportation

As of 2003, Nevada had 2,009 rail miles (3,234 kilometers) of railroads. Amtrak provides passenger service across northern Nevada en route from Chicago to Oakland.

In 2003, there were 33,977 miles (54,702 kilometers) of public roads and streets. In 2004, there were 1.3 million registered vehicles, 633,000 of which were automobiles, 622,000 trucks, and 2,000 buses. Licensed drivers numbered 1,548,097. The major highways, I-80 and I-15, link Salt Lake City with Reno and Las Vegas, respectively. There were 99 airports and 32 heliports in 2005. The leading commercial air terminals are McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas (19,943,025 passengers enplaned in 2004) and Reno-Tahoe International Airport (2,478,179 passengers in 2004).

11 History

Four principal Native American groups have inhabited Nevada: Southern Paiute, Northern Paiute, Shoshoni, and Washo. Probably the first white explorer to enter the state was the Spanish priest Francisco Garces, in 1776. Nevada’s first permanent white settlement, Mormon Station (later Genoa), was founded in 1851 in what is now western Nevada, a region that became part of Utah Territory the same year. (The southeastern tip of Nevada was assigned to the Territory of New Mexico.) Farming and ranching communities were established in the northwest.

A separate Nevada Territory was established on 2 March 1861. Only three years later, on 31 October 1864, Nevada achieved statehood. The state’s development during the rest of the century was determined by the discovery of the Comstock Lode, an immense concentration of silver and gold which attracted thousands of fortune seekers and established the region as a thriving mining center. The lode’s rich ores were exhausted in the late 1870s, and Nevada slipped into a 20-year depression.

Nevada’s economy revived following new discoveries of silver at Tonopah in 1902 and gold at Goldfield in 1904. A second great mining boom followed, bolstered and extended by major copper discoveries in eastern Nevada. Progressive politics in this pre-World War I period added recall, referendum, and initiative amendments to the state constitution and brought about the adoption of women’s suffrage (1914).

1920s to 1990s The 1920s were a time of economic decline. Mining fell off and not even the celebrated divorce trade, centered in Reno, was able to compensate. During the 1930s, the hard times of the depression were alleviated by federal public works projects, most notably the construction of the Hoover (Boulder) Dam and by state laws that aided the divorce business and legalizing gambling.

Nevada Presidential Vote by Major Political Parties, 1948–2004

yearnevada winnerdemocratrepublican
* Won US presidential election.
**Independent candidate, Ross Perot, received 132,580 votes in 1992 and 43,986 votes in 1996.
1948*Truman (D)31,29029,357
1952*Eisenhower (R)31,68850,502
1956*Eisenhower (R)40,64056,049
1960*Kennedy (D)54,88052,387
1964*Johnson (D)79,33956,094
1968*Nixon (R)60,59873,188
1972*Nixon (R)66,016115,750
1976Ford (R)92,479101,273
1980*Reagan (R)66,666155,017
1984*Reagan (R)91,655188,770
1988*Bush (R)132,738206,040
1992***Clinton (D)189,148175,828
1996***Clinton (D)203,974199,244
2000*Bush, G. W. (R)279,978301,575
2004*Bush, G. W. (R)397,190418,690

Gambling grew rapidly after World War II, becoming by the mid-1950s not only the mainstay of Nevada tourism but also the state’s leading industry. Revelations during the 1950s and 1960s that organized crime had infiltrated the casino industry led to a state and federal crack-down and the imposition of new state controls.

From the 1960s through the 1990s, Nevada was the fastest growing of the 50 states. Much of its growth was associated with expansion of the gambling industry—centered in the casinos of Las Vegas and Reno—and of the military. In the 1980s, Nevada tried to reduce its dependence on gambling by diversifying its economy. In an attempt to attract new businesses, particularly in high-technology industries, the state promoted such features as its absence of state corporate or personal income taxes, inexpensive real estate, low wages, and its ready access by air or land to California.

In the early 1990s, Nevada was the only state reporting an increase in manufacturing jobs. Meanwhile Las Vegas continued to prosper, expanding its offerings to attract new visitors. During the decade, several extravagant new hotel and casino complexes opened, many of them featuring amusement parks and other family-oriented entertainment. The booming Las Vegas economy helped push Nevada unemployment to an all-time low of 3.1% in December 1999, one-half a percentage point below the prior record of 3.6% set in 1962.

Nevada residents were opposed to the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste disposal site, first proposed by Congress in 1987. While work had begun at the site, 75 miles (80 kilometers) north of Las Vegas, the future of the project remained in question. In 2002 President George W. Bush approved the plan to use Yucca Mountain as the nation’s nuclear waste disposal site. The Nevada governor vetoed the project, but this veto was overridden by the US Congress. Nevada filed suits in the District of Columbia Court of Appeals, but these were dismissed by judges in 2004. As of 2005, the federal government was going ahead with its storage of nuclear waste underground at Yucca Mountain. Most Nevadans still opposed the plan.

12 State Government

The state legislature consists of a senate with 21 members, each elected to a four-year term; and a house of representatives with 42 members, each serving two years. Executive officials elected statewide include the governor and lieutenant governor (who run separately), secretary of state, attorney general, treasurer, and comptroller. They all serve four-year terms. A two-thirds vote of the elected members of each house is required to override a governor’s veto.

In 2004, the legislative salary was $130 per day during regular legislative sessions and the governor’s salary was $117,000.

13 Political Parties

Since World War II neither the Democrats nor the Republicans have dominated state politics, which are basically conservative. As of 2004, there were 1,094,000 registered voters. In the 2000 presidential election, Nevadans elected Republican George W. Bush with 49% of the vote, giving Democrat Al Gore 46%. In 2004, Bush received 50.5% of the vote while the Democratic challenger, John Kerry, received 47.9%.

Nevada is represented in the US Congress by one Democratic senator, Harry Reid, and one Republican senator, John Ensign. Nevada’s representatives in the US House include two Republicans and one Democrat. Republican James Arthur (Jim) Gibbons was elected governor in 2006. Following the 2006 midterm elections, there were 11 Republicans and 10 Democrats in the state senate, and 27 Democrats and 15 Republicans in the state house. Twenty-one women were elected to the state legislature in 2006, or 33.3%.

14 Local Government

As of 2005, Nevada was subdivided into 17 counties and 19 other municipalities. The state had 17 public school districts that year. Elected county officials include commissioners, public administrator, district attorney, and sheriff. Most

Nevada Governors: 1864–2007

1864–1871Henry Goode BlasdelRepublican
1871–1879Lewis Rice BradleyDemocrat
1879–1883John Henry KinkeadRepublican
1883–1887Jewett William AdamsDemocrat
1887–1890Charles Clark StevensonRepublican
1890–1891Francis Jardine BellRepublican
1891–1895Roswell Keyes ColcordRepublican
1895–1896John Edward JonesSilver Democrat
1896–1903Reinhold SadlerSilver Republican
1903–1908John SparksSilver Democrat
1908–1911Denver Sylvester DickersonSil. Democrat
1911–1915Tasker Lowndes OddieRepublican
1915–1923Emmett Derby BoyleDemocrat
1923–1927James Graves ScrughamDemocrat
1927–1934Fred Bennett BalzarRepublican
1934–1935Morley Isaac GriswoldRepublican
1935–1939Richard Kirman, Sr.Democrat
1939–1947Edward Peter CarvilleDemocrat
1947–1951Vail Montgomery PittmanDemocrat
1951–1959Charles Hinton RussellRepublican
1959–1967Grant SawyerDemocrat
1967–1971Paul Dominique LaxaltRepublican
1971–1979Donald Neil O’CallaghanDemocrat
1979–1983Robert Frank ListRepublican
1983–1989Richard Hudson BryanDemocrat
1989–1999Robert Joseph MillerDemocrat
1999–2006Kenny GuinnRepublican
2006–James Arthur GibbonsRepublican

municipalities use the mayor-council system of government.

15 Judicial System

Nevada’s supreme court consists of a chief justice and six other justices. There are 51 district court judges organized into nine judicial districts. The state’s violent crime rate in 2004 was 615.9 per 100,000 persons. Crimes against property were reported at a rate of about 4,206 per 100,000 people. There were 11,365 inmates in state and federal prisons in June December 2004. Nevada has a death penalty law and has executed 12 people between 1976 and 5 May 2006. As of 1 January 2006, 83 persons were on death row.

16 Migration

In 1870, about half of Nevada’s population consisted of foreign immigrants, among them Chinese, Italian, Swiss, British, Irish, German, and French Canadian. Between 1990 and 1998, Nevada had net gains of 397,000 in domestic migration and 45,000 in international migration. A significant number of international immigrants come from Mexico. For the period 2000–05, net international migration was 66,098 and net internal migration was 270,945 for a net gain of 337,043 people.

17 Economy

Nevada has a dry climate and a shortage of usable land for farming, but it has a wealth of mineral resources—gold, silver, copper, and other metals. Mining remains important, though it has been overshadowed since World War II by tourism and gambling, which generate more than 50% of the state’s income. Legalized gambling alone produces nearly half of Nevada’s tax revenues.

The state economy experienced very high growth rates in the late 1990s and into the early 2000s. Although the national recession of 2001 caused the growth rate to slow to 4.9%, this rate was well above the national average. Job growth in Nevada has taken place in the services, retail trade, government, and construction areas of the economy. In 2004, an estimated 10,483 new businesses were established while 9,012 businesses were closed.

18 Income

In 2005, Nevada had a gross state product (GSP) of $100 billion, ranking 31st among the 50 states and the District of Columbia. In 2004, Nevada ranked 18th among the 50 states and the District of Columbia with a per capita (per person) income of $33,787; the national average was $33,050. The average median household income for 2002–04 was $46,984 compared to the national average of $44,473. For the same period, 10.1% of the population lived below the federal poverty level, compared to the national average of 12.4%.

19 Industry

Industry in Nevada is limited but diverse, producing communications equipment, pet food, chemicals, and sprinkler systems, among other products. The total value of shipments by manufacturers in 2004 was $9.5 billion.

20 Labor

In April 2006, the labor force in Nevada numbered 1,264,900. Approximately 52,300 workers were unemployed, yielding an unemployment rate of 4.1%, compared to the national average of 4.7% for the same period. In 2006, about 11.5% of the labor force was employed in construction; 3.8% in manufacturing; 17.6% in trade, transportation, and public utilities; 5.2% in financial activities; 12.2% in professional and business services; 6.8% in education and health services; 26.2% in leisure and hospitality services, and 11.5% in government.

In 2005, some 145,000 of Nevada’s 1,051,000 employed wage and salary workers were members of unions, representing 13.8% of those so employed. The national average was 12%.

21 Agriculture

Agricultural income in 2005 totaled $478 million (45th in the United States), of which $172 million was from crops and $306 million from livestock and animal products. Chief crops in 2004 included 960,000 bushels of wheat, 1.48 million tons of hay, and 2,881,000 hundred-weight of potatoes. Nevada’s barley crop in 2004 was 210,000 bushels. Virtually all of the state’s cropland requires irrigation.

22 Domesticated Animals

In 2005, Nevada ranches and farms had 500,000 cattle and calves, valued at $450 million. In 2003, the state produced 2.5 million pounds (1.1 million kilograms) of sheep and lambs which brought in around $4 million in gross income. In 2004, the shorn wool production was an estimated 510,000 pounds (231,800 kilograms). Nevada’s total milk yield in 2003 was 485 million pounds (220 million kilograms) from 26,000 milk cows.

23 Fishing

There is no commercial fishing industry in Nevada. The state has four fish culture facilities that produce about 430,000 pounds of trout annually. The Lahontan National Fish Hatchery also distributes cutthroat trout within the state. In 2004, Nevada issued 124,408 sport fishing licenses.

24 Forestry

Nevada in 2004 had 9,767,000 acres (3,953,000 hectares) of forestland. In 2005, four national forests had 5,841,209 acres (2,363,937 hectares)

in the National Forest System. Less than 2% of all forested land in Nevada was classified as commercial timberland.

25 Mining

In 2003, the value of nonfuel mineral production in Nevada was estimated at $2.9 billion. Gold production was 476,198 pounds (216,000 kilograms) in 2003 and silver production was 643,749 pounds (292,000 kilograms). The state’s mines provided 81% of the nation’s gold and about 24% of all silver. Nevada remained the leading state in the production of gold, silver, barite, and diatomite. It was the sole producer

of lithium carbonate minerals and mined magnesite, which is used in making refractories and magnesia. Nevada also ranked third in gypsum, fifth in perlite, sixth in gemstones, and seventh in lime. Nevada ranked second among the states in 2003 for overall production value of nonfuel minerals.

26 Energy and Power

About 33.1 billion kilowatt hours of electrical power were produced in 2003. Hoover Dam, anchored in the bedrock of Black Canyon east of Las Vegas, is the state’s largest hydroelectric installation, with an installed capacity of 1,039,000 kilowatts in 2003. The first six of the dam’s eight turbines began operation in 1936–38, while the other two were added in 1944 and 1961. In 2004, total oil production was 1,000 barrels per day. In 2003, marketed gas production totaled 6 million cubic feet (170,400 cubic meters).

27 Commerce

Wholesale sales in 2002 totaled $16.5 billion; retail sales, $26.9 billion. Exports in 2005 totaled $3.9 billion.

28 Public Finance

The budget is prepared biennially by the Budget Division of the Department of Administration and submitted by the governor to the legislature, which has unlimited power to change it.

Total revenues for 2004 were $10.1 billion and expenditures were $8.6 billion. The largest general expenditures were for education ($3 billion), public welfare ($1.2 billion), and highways ($893 million). The total state debt was $3.6 billion or $1,546.20 per capita (per person).

29 Taxation

Nevada has no individual or corporate income tax. Almost 78% of state-level tax collections come from general and selective sales (excise) taxes. Nevada levies a 6.5% state sales and use tax. Additional local taxes on retail sales can reach as high as 1%. There is a full array of state motor fuels, tobacco products, and other selected items. Other state taxes include various license and franchise fees, state property taxes, severance taxes, and stamp taxes.

The state collected $5 billion in taxes in 2005, of which 45% came from the general sales tax, 33.6% from selective sales taxes, and

3% from state property taxes. In 2005, Nevada ranked 28th among the states in per capita tax burden, which amounted to $2,075 per person, compared to the national average of $2,192 per person.

In 2005, the infant mortality rate was 5.3 per 1,000 live births. The overall death rate in 2003 was 8 per 1,000 population, with heart disease and cerebrovascular diseases the leading causes of death. Death rates for major causes of death (per 100,000 resident population) included heart disease, 203.4; cancer, 181.1; cerebrovascular diseases, 44.9; chronic lower respiratory diseases, 54; and diabetes, 15.8. The death rate for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) was reported at 3.5 per 100,000. In 2004, the reported acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) cases rate was at about 13.1 per 100,000.

Nevada’s 24 community hospitals had 4,300 beds in 2003. There were 196 physicians per 100,000 residents in 2004 and 579 nurses per 100,000 in 2005. In 2004, there were 1,123 dentists in the state. The average expense for community hospital care was $1,608 per inpatient day in 2003. In 2004, at least 19% of residents in Nevada were uninsured.

31 Housing

In 2004, there were an estimated 976,446 housing units, of which 871,915 were occupied; 61.2% were owner-occupied. About 54.6% of all units were single-family, detached dwellings; 18.6% were in buildings containing 3–9 units. Over 1,700 units were listed in a category of boats, RVs, vans, etc. Utility gas and electricity were the most common heating energy sources. It was estimated that 41,658 units lacked telephone service, 3,041 lacked complete plumbing facilities, and 3,683 lacked complete kitchen facilities. The average household size was 2.64 people.

In 2004, about 44,600 new privately owned units were authorized for construction. The median home value was $202,937. The median monthly cost for mortgage owners was $1,274, while renters paid a median of $787 per month.

32 Education

In 2004, about 86.3% of Nevada residents age 25 and older were high school graduates and 24.5% had obtained a bachelor’s degree or higher.

Total public school enrollment was estimated at 369,000 in fall 2002. Enrollment in nonpublic schools in fall 2003 was 18,219. Expenditures for public education in 2003/04 were estimated at $3.2 billion.

As of fall 2002, there were 95,671 students enrolled in college or graduate school, nearly all of them in the University of Nevada system, which has campuses in Las Vegas and Reno. In 2005, Nevada had 15 degree-granting institutions, including Sierra Nevada College.

33 Arts

Major exhibits are sponsored by the Las Vegas Arts League and the Sierra Arts Foundation in Reno. The Nevada Opera, Reno Chamber Orchestra, and the Nevada Festival Ballet are all based in Reno. The Las Vegas Philharmonic, founded in 1998, has quickly become one of the largest arts organizations in the state. The Western Folklife Center in Elko presents an annual Cowboy Poetry Gathering in the last week of January.

The Nevada State Council on the Arts handles state and federal funding for arts programs. There are approximately 200 arts associations in Nevada and 15 local arts associations. The Nevada Humanities council sponsors annual programs that include Chautauquas (gatherings) in Reno, Boulder City and Lake Tahoe, and the Vegas Valley Book Festival.

In 2005, Nevada arts organizations received six grants totaling $673,300 from the National Endowment for the Arts. The same year, the National Endowment for the Humanities awarded four grants totaling $532,792 for state programs.

34 Libraries and Museums

In 2001, Nevada had 23 public library systems, with a total of 87 libraries. The library systems had a combined book and serial publication stock of 4.3 million volumes and a circulation of 10.2 million. The University of Nevada had 956,282 books in its Reno campus library system and 861,362 at Las Vegas. The Nevada State Library in Carson City had 76,445 volumes.

There are about 29 museums and historic sites, including the Nevada State Museum in Carson City, the museum of the Nevada Historical Society in Reno, and the Nevada State Museum and Historical Society in Las Vegas.

35 Communications

In 2004, 92.2% of Nevada’s occupied housing units had telephones. The same year, there were about 1.3 million mobile telephone subscribers. In 2003, about 61.3% of all households had a personal computer and 55.2% had access to the Internet. In 2005, broadcast facilities comprised 27 major radio stations (7 AM, 20 FM) and 12 network television stations. In 2000, at least two large cable television systems served the Las Vegas and Reno areas. A total of 72,183 Internet domain names were registered in the state.

36 Press

In 2005, the state had four morning newspapers, four evening papers, and four Sunday papers. The leading newspaper was the Las Vegas Review–Journal, with a daily circulation of 159,507 and a Sunday circulation of 218,624. The Reno Gazette–Journal, with a daily circulation of 66,409 and Sunday circulation of 82,745, is the most influential newspaper in the northern half of the state. The regional interest Nevada magazine is published six times a year.

37 Tourism, Travel & Recreation

Tourism remains Nevada’s most important industry, employing over 228,000 people. In 2005, approximately 51.1 million travelers visited the state. About 25 million people visited state and national parks. The Nevada Commission on Tourism has branch offices in Japan, the United Kingdom, and Seoul, Korea.

Tourists flock to “Vegas” for gambling and for the top rate entertainers who perform there. Other Nevada attractions are Pyramid Lake and Lake Tahoe. There are 21 state parks and recreation areas. Lake Mead National Recreation Area attracts 43% of all park visitors (totaling over 24 million people in 1999). Grand Canyon National Park is the second most popular park destination, with 18% of all parks visitors.

38 Sports

There are no major league professional sports teams in Nevada. Las Vegas has a minor league baseball team, the 51s, in the AAA Pacific Coast League. Las Vegas and Reno have hosted many professional boxing title bouts. Golfing and rodeo are also popular.

The basketball team at the University of Nevada–Las Vegas, the Runnin’ Rebels, won the National Championship in 1990.

Other annual sporting events include the Open (golf) at Reno-Tahoe in Reno in August, the Invensys Classic (golf) at Las Vegas in October, the Nationals Finals Rodeo staged in Las Vegas each December, and the Carsdirect. com 400 at Las Vegas in March.

39 Famous Nevadans

Nevadans who have held important federal offices include Raymond T. Baker (1877–1935) and Eva B. Adams (1908–1991), both directors of the US Mint. Prominent US senators have been James W. Nye (b.New York, 1815–1876), also the only governor of Nevada Territory; and William M. Stewart (b.New York, 1827–1909), author of the final form of the 15th Amendment to the US Constitution. Probably the most significant state historical figure is George Wingfield (b.Arkansas, 1876–1959), a mining millionaire who exerted great influence over Nevada’s economic and political life in the early 20th century.

Among the nationally recognized personalities associated with Nevada is Howard R. Hughes (b.Texas, 1905–1976), an aviation entrepreneur who became a casino and hotel owner and wealthy recluse in his later years.

Leading creative and performing artists have included operatic singer Emma Nevada (Emma Wixon, 1862–1940); painter Robert Caples (1908–1979); and, among writers, Dan DeQuille (William Wright, b.Ohio, 1829–1898); Lucius Beebe (b.Massachusetts, 1902–1966); and Walter Van Tilburg Clark (b.Maine, 1909–1971). Tennis great Andre Agassi (b.1970) was born in Las Vegas, and continues to make his home there.

40 Bibliography


Bristow, M. J. State Songs of America. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2000.

Brown, Jonatha A. Nevada. Milwaukee, WI: Gareth Stevens, 2006.

Gibson, Karen Bush. Nevada Facts and Symbols. Rev. ed. Mankato, MN: Capstone, 2003. Heinrichs, Ann. Nevada. Minneapolis, MN: Compass Point Books, 2003.

Murray, Julie. Nevada. Edina, MN: Abdo Publishing, 2006.

Stefoff, Rebecca. Nevada. New York: Benchmark Books, 2001.

Stein, R. Conrad. Nevada. New York: Children’s Press, 2000.


Nevada Commission on Tourism. Nevada: Wide Open. (accessed March 1, 2007).

Nevada Legislature. Nevada Facts. (accessed March 1, 2007).


views updated May 21 2018



2350 Corporate Circle Dr.
Henderson, NV 89074
Tel: (702)369-9944
Fax: (702)992-8558
Web Site:


Proprietary, 4-year, coed. Part of Education Management Corporation. Awards associate and bachelor's degrees. Founded 2002. Educational spending for 2005 fiscal year: $1000 per student. Total enrollment: 1,046. Student-undergrad faculty ratio is 19:1. Full-time: 951 students, 46% women, 54% men. Part-time: 95 students, 49% women, 51% men. 23% from out-of-state, 2% Native American, 16% Hispanic, 8% black, 9% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 0% international, 7% live on campus. Retention: 56% of full-time freshmen returned the following year. Academic area with the most degrees conferred: visual and performing arts. Core.

Entrance Requirements:

Open admission. Options: Common Application, electronic application. Required: essay, high school transcript, interview. Recommended: minimum X high school GPA, SAT and SAT Subject Tests or ACT. Entrance: moderately difficult. Application deadline: Rolling. Notification: continuous.

Costs Per Year:

Application fee: $50. Tuition: $16,740 full-time, $372 per credit part-time. Mandatory fees: $1000 full-time. College room only: $4725.

Collegiate Environment:

Orientation program. Student services: health clinic, personal-psychological counseling. 200 college housing spaces available; 70 were occupied in 2003-04. Options: men-only, women-only housing available.


1195-A Corporate Blvd.
Reno, NV 89502
Tel: (775)856-2266
Web Site:


Proprietary, 2-year, coed. Awards diplomas and terminal associate degrees. Founded 1984. Setting: 1-acre urban campus. Total enrollment: 283. Student-undergrad faculty ratio is 20:1. 419 applied, 100% were admitted. Students come from 2 states and territories, 5% from out-of-state, 6% Native American, 17% Hispanic, 8% black, 6% Asian American or Pacific Islander. Core. Calendar: six-week terms. Academic remediation for entering students, accelerated degree program, double major, summer session for credit, co-op programs and internships.

Entrance Requirements:

Open admission. Required: essay, high school transcript, interview. Entrance: noncompetitive. Application deadline: Rolling. Notification: continuous.

Costs Per Year:

Application fee: $25. Tuition: $175 per credit hour part-time.

Collegiate Environment:

Orientation program. Student-run newspaper. Major annual events: Annual School Picnic, Christmas Party. Campus security: 24-hour emergency response devices. College housing not available. 380 books and 7 serials. Operations spending for 2004 fiscal year: $7000. 120 computers available on campus for general student use. A campuswide network can be accessed. Staffed computer lab on campus.


3200 East Cheyenne Ave.
North Las Vegas, NV 89030-4296
Tel: (702)651-4000
Free: 800-492-5728
Admissions: (702)651-4060
Fax: (702)643-6243
Web Site:


State-supported, 2-year, coed. Part of University and Community College System of Nevada. Awards certificates and transfer associate degrees. Founded 1971. Setting: 89-acre suburban campus with easy access to Las Vegas. Endowment: $2.6 million. Research spending for 2004 fiscal year: $3287. Total enrollment: 34,204. Full-time: 7,850 students, 56% women, 44% men. Part-time: 26,354 students, 57% women, 43% men. Students come from 55 states and territories, 13 other countries, 2% from out-of-state, 60% 25 or older, 1% transferred in. Core. Calendar: semesters. Academic remediation for entering students, ESL program, services for LD students, advanced placement, accelerated degree program, honors program, independent study, distance learning, double major, summer session for credit, part-time degree program, adult/continuing education programs, co-op programs and internships. ROTC: Army.

Entrance Requirements:

Open admission except for allied health programs. Option: early admission. Required: student data form. Entrance: noncompetitive. Application deadline: Rolling.

Costs Per Year:

Application fee: $5. State resident tuition: $1523 full-time, $50.75 per credit part-time. Nonresident tuition: $6557 full-time, $106.75 per credit part-time. Mandatory fees: $120 full-time, $4 per credit part-time.

Collegiate Environment:

Orientation program. Drama-theater group, choral group, student-run newspaper. Social organizations: 10 open to all. Most popular organizations: Culinary Club, Art Club, Black Student Association, Student Organization of Latinos, Student Nurses Club. Major annual events: Black History Week, Career Day, Cinco de Mayo. Student services: legal services, health clinic, personal-psychological counseling, women's center. Campus security: 24-hour emergency response devices and patrols. College housing not available. Learning Assistance Center with 100,000 books, 200 microform titles, 500 serials, 5,400 audiovisual materials, an OPAC, and a Web page. Operations spending for 2004 fiscal year: $1.1 million. 500 computers available on campus for general student use. A campuswide network can be accessed from off-campus. Staffed computer lab on campus.

Community Environment:

See University of Nevada - Las Vegas.


HC 72, Box 45001
Dyer, NV 89010-9803
Tel: (760)872-2000
Web Site:


Independent, 2-year, men only. Awards transfer associate degrees. Founded 1917. Setting: 3,000-acre rural campus in Deep Springs, CA; mailing address is in Dyer, NV. Endowment: $9 million. Educational spending for 2005 fiscal year: $43,350 per student. Total enrollment: 27. Student-undergrad faculty ratio is 3:1. 160 applied, 8% were admitted. 82% from top 10% of their high school class, 100% from top quarter. 1 class president, 1 valedictorian, 1 student government officer. Students come from 14 states and territories, 3 other countries, 85% from out-of-state, 4% international, 0% 25 or older, 100% live on campus. Retention: 87% of full-time freshmen returned the following year. Calendar: 6 seven-week terms. Accelerated degree program, self-designed majors, freshman honors college, honors program, independent study, summer session for credit, co-op programs and internships.

Entrance Requirements:

Options: Common Application, international baccalaureate accepted. Required: essay, high school transcript, recommendations, interview, SAT and SAT Subject Tests or ACT. Entrance: most difficult. Application deadline: 11/15. Notification: 4/15.

Collegiate Environment:

Orientation program. Drama-theater group, choral group. Most popular organizations: Student Self-Government, Labor Program, Applications Committee, Review Committee, Curriculum Committee. Major annual events: Potato Harvest, Cattle Round-up, Thanksgiving Football Game. Student services: legal services, personal-psychological counseling. On-campus residence required through sophomore year. Option: men-only housing available. Mossner Library of Deep Springs with 20,000 books, 60 serials, an OPAC, and a Web page. Operations spending for 2004 fiscal year: $16,500. 6 computers available on campus for general student use.


2490 Paseo Verde Parkway, Ste. 150
Henderson, NV 89074-7120
Tel: (702)933-9700; (866)783-3879
Fax: (702)933-9717
Web Site:


Proprietary, comprehensive, coed. Part of DeVry University. Awards associate, bachelor's, and master's degrees. Total enrollment: 122. Faculty: 31 (all part-time). Student-undergrad faculty ratio is 7:1. Full-time: 55 students, 44% women, 56% men. Part-time: 34 students, 35% women, 65% men. 0% Native American, 17% Hispanic, 13% black, 13% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 0% international. Academic area with the most degrees conferred: business/marketing. Calendar: semesters. Academic remediation for entering students, services for LD students, advanced placement, accelerated degree program, distance learning, summer session for credit, part-time degree program, adult/continuing education programs, co-op programs.

Entrance Requirements:

Options: electronic application, deferred admission, international baccalaureate accepted. Required: high school transcript, interview. Entrance: minimally difficult. Application deadline: Rolling.

Costs Per Year:

Application fee: $50. One-time mandatory fee: $40. Tuition: $11,790 full-time, $440 per credit part-time. Mandatory fees: $270 full-time, $30 per year part-time.

Collegiate Environment:

Orientation program. College housing not available.


1500 College Parkway
Elko, NV 89801-3348
Tel: (775)738-8493
Admissions: (775)753-2271
Web Site:


State-supported, primarily 2-year, coed. Part of University and Community College System of Nevada. Awards certificates, transfer associate, terminal associate, and bachelor's degrees. Founded 1967. Setting: 45-acre small town campus. Endowment: $150,000. Total enrollment: 3,095. Student-undergrad faculty ratio is 13:1. Full-time: 853 students, 70% women, 30% men. Part-time: 2,242 students, 58% women, 42% men. 1% from out-of-state, 4% Native American, 9% Hispanic, 1% black, 1% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 0% international, 60% 25 or older. Core. Calendar: semesters. Academic remediation for entering students, ESL program, services for LD students, independent study, distance learning, summer session for credit, part-time degree program, external degree program, adult/continuing education programs, co-op programs.

Entrance Requirements:

Open admission except for nursing program. Options: Common Application, electronic application, early admission, deferred admission. Required: high school transcript. Entrance: noncompetitive. Application deadline: Rolling. Notification: continuous.

Costs Per Year:

Application fee: $5. State resident tuition: $1575 full-time, $52.50 per credit part-time. Nonresident tuition: $4962 full-time, $110.25 per credit part-time. College room and board: $4520. College room only: $1900.

Collegiate Environment:

Orientation program. Drama-theater group, choral group. Social organizations: local sororities; 1% of women are members. Student services: personal-psychological counseling. Campus security: evening patrols by trained security personnel. 90 college housing spaces available; all were occupied in 2003-04. Learning Resources Center with 27,521 books, 250 serials, and an OPAC. Operations spending for 2004 fiscal year: $349,787. 95 computers available on campus for general student use. A campuswide network can be accessed from off-campus. Staffed computer lab on campus.

Community Environment:

Primarily involved in mining, ranching, and government business, Elko is the largest city in Elko County and is at the heart of the nation's finest hunting and fishing areas, along with such historic landmarks as old ghost towns and deserted mining camps. Located at the base of the Ruby Mountains, Elko is also near Jarbidge Wilderness area and Great Basin National Park.


3305 Spring Mountain Rd., Ste. 7
Las Vegas, NV 89102
Tel: (702)368-2338
Fax: (702)638-3853
Web Site:


Proprietary, 2-year.


2320 South Rancho Dr.
Las Vegas, NV 89102
Tel: (702)385-6700
Free: 800-987-0110
Fax: (702)388-4463
Web Site:


Proprietary, 2-year, coed. Founded 2002. Calendar: semesters.


168 Gibson Rd.
Henderson, NV 89014
Tel: (702)558-5404
Web Site:


Proprietary, primarily 2-year, coed. Part of ITT Educational Services, Inc. Awards terminal associate and bachelor's degrees. Core.

Entrance Requirements:

Option: deferred admission. Required: high school transcript, interview, Wonderlic aptitude test. Recommended: recommendations. Entrance: minimally difficult. Application deadline: Rolling. Notification: continuous.

Costs Per Year:

Application fee: $100.

Collegiate Environment:

Orientation program. College housing not available.


4100 West Flamingo Rd., Ste. 2100
Las Vegas, NV 89103-3926
Tel: (702)368-6200
Free: 800-903-3101
Fax: (702)368-6464
Web Site:


Proprietary, 2-year, coed. Part of Corinthian Colleges, Inc. Awards diplomas and terminal associate degrees. Founded 1979. Setting: urban campus. Total enrollment: 651. Full-time: 412 students, 86% women, 14% men. Part-time: 239 students, 84% women, 16% men. 1% Native American, 9% Hispanic, 10% black, 5% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 0% international, 64% 25 or older. Core. Independent study, double major, part-time degree program, adult/continuing education programs, co-op programs and internships.

Entrance Requirements:

Open admission. Option: Common Application. Required: high school transcript, interview. Placement: CPAt required. Entrance: noncompetitive.

Collegiate Environment:

Orientation program. Student-run newspaper. Social organizations: 1 open to all. Most popular organization: student association. Major annual events: Christmas baskets, student appreciation days. College housing not available. 35 computers available on campus for general student use. A campuswide network can be accessed from off-campus.


1451 Center Crossing Rd.
Las Vegas, NV 89144
Tel: (702)365-7690
Fax: (702)365-7911
Web Site:


Proprietary, 2-year, coed. Awards terminal associate degrees. Founded 2003.


10315 Professional Circle
Reno, NV 89521
Tel: (775)850-0700
Free: 800-369-6144
Fax: (775)850-0711
Web Site:


Proprietary, comprehensive, coed. Awards associate, bachelor's, and master's degrees. Founded 1902. Setting: 2-acre urban campus. Total enrollment: 130. 10% from top 10% of their high school class, 60% from top quarter, 90% from top half. Students come from 8 states and territories, 5 other countries, 8% Native American, 7% Hispanic, 4% black, 5% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 74% 25 or older. Retention: 73% of full-time freshmen returned the following year. Core. Calendar: 5 sessions per year. Academic remediation for entering students, ESL program, accelerated degree program, summer session for credit, part-time degree program, adult/continuing education programs, internships.

Entrance Requirements:

Open admission. Options: early admission, deferred admission. Required: high school transcript, interview. Recommended: CPAt of 160 for paralegal program. Required for some: essay. Entrance: noncompetitive. Notification: continuous.

Costs Per Year:

Application fee: $25. Tuition: $12,000 full-time.

Collegiate Environment:

Student-run newspaper. Social organizations: 1 open to all; national fraternities, national sororities; 25% of eligible men and 35% of eligible women are members. Most popular organization: Phi Beta Lambda. Major annual events: Summer Picnic, Christmas Party, Holiday Potlucks. Student services: personal-psychological counseling. Campus security: 24-hour emergency response devices, late night transport-escort service, evening patrols by security. College housing not available. Morrison College Library with 6,000 books and 20 serials. 50 computers available on campus for general student use. A campuswide network can be accessed. Staffed computer lab on campus.


1125 Nevada State Dr.
Henderson, NV 89015
Tel: (702)992-2000
Fax: (702)992-2226
Web Site:


State-supported, 4-year, coed. Part of Nevada System of Higher Education. Awards bachelor's degrees. Founded 2002. Setting: 520-acre suburban campus with easy access to Las Vegas. Educational spending for 2005 fiscal year: $7197 per student. Total enrollment: 535. 603 applied, 58% were admitted. Full-time: 248 students, 75% women, 25% men. Part-time: 287 students, 70% women, 30% men. Students come from 8 states and territories, 9% from out-of-state, 55% transferred in. Retention: 52% of full-time freshmen returned the following year. Calendar: semesters.

Entrance Requirements:

Required: high school transcript, minimum 2.0 high school GPA. Recommended: SAT or ACT. Application deadline: 8/20. Notification: continuous.

Collegiate Environment:

Student-run newspaper. Social organizations: 6 open to all. Most popular organizations: Teachers of Principle, Nursing Club, Psychology Club, Running Team, Student Government. Student services: personal-psychological counseling. College housing not available.


3333 East Flamingo Rd.
Las Vegas, NV 89121
Tel: (702)458-9650
Free: 800-477-PIMA
Web Site:


Proprietary, 2-year, coed. Part of Vocational Training Institutes, Inc. Awards certificates and terminal associate degrees. Founded 2003. Setting: urban campus. Total enrollment: 329. 34 applied, 82% were admitted. Full-time: 329 students, 87% women, 13% men. 10% from out-of-state. Core. Calendar: modular. Advanced placement, internships.

Entrance Requirements:

Required: interview, Wonderlic Scholastic Level Exam. Required for some: essay, high school transcript. Entrance: moderately difficult.

Collegiate Environment:

Orientation program. College housing not available. 25 computers available on campus for general student use.


999 Tahoe Blvd.
Incline Village, NV 89451
Tel: (775)831-1314
Admissions: (775)831-7799
Fax: (775)831-1347
Web Site:


Independent, comprehensive, coed. Awards bachelor's and master's degrees. Founded 1969. Setting: 20-acre small town campus with easy access to Reno. Endowment: $3.5 million. Educational spending for 2005 fiscal year: $19,500 per student. Total enrollment: 492. 383 applied, 68% were admitted. 10% from top 10% of their high school class, 35% from top quarter, 70% from top half. 1 class president, 1 valedictorian, 18 student government officers. Full-time: 302 students, 51% women, 49% men. Students come from 32 states and territories, 5 other countries, 71% from out-of-state, 1% Native American, 3% Hispanic, 1% black, 3% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 3% international, 8% 25 or older, 45% live on campus, 12% transferred in. Retention: 70% of full-time freshmen returned the following year. Core. Calendar: semesters. Academic remediation for entering students, services for LD students, advanced placement, accelerated degree program, honors program, independent study, double major, summer session for credit, part-time degree program, adult/continuing education programs, co-op programs and internships, graduate courses open to undergrads. Study abroad program. ROTC: Army (c).

Entrance Requirements:

Options: Peterson's Universal Application, Common Application, electronic application, early admission, deferred admission, international baccalaureate accepted. Required: essay, high school transcript, minimum 2.0 high school GPA, SAT and SAT Subject Tests or ACT. Recommended: interview. Required for some: recommendations, school report form for high school seniors. Entrance: moderately difficult. Application deadline: Rolling. Notification: continuous.

Collegiate Environment:

Orientation program. Drama-theater group, choral group, student-run newspaper. Most popular organizations: Recycling Club, Ski Club (NASIS), Enviroaction Club, Snowboard Club, Rotaract. Major annual events: Jamaica Jam, Halloween Bash, Snowfest. Student services: health clinic, personal-psychological counseling. Campus security: 24-hour emergency response devices and patrols. 176 college housing spaces available; 156 were occupied in 2003-04. Freshmen guaranteed college housing. On-campus residence required through sophomore year. Option: coed housing available. MacLean Library with 18,500 books, 175 serials, an OPAC, and a Web page. Operations spending for 2004 fiscal year: $150,000. 50 computers available on campus for general student use. A campuswide network can be accessed from student residence rooms and from off campus.


7000 Dandini Blvd.
Reno, NV 89512-3901
Tel: (775)673-7000
Admissions: (775)674-7623
Fax: (775)673-7028
Web Site:


State-supported, 2-year, coed. Part of University and Community College System of Nevada. Awards certificates, transfer associate, and terminal associate degrees. Founded 1971. Setting: 63-acre suburban campus. Endowment: $5.6 million. Educational spending for 2005 fiscal year: $2572 per student. Total enrollment: 9,697. Full-time: 1,963 students, 54% women, 46% men. Part-time: 7,734 students, 55% women, 45% men. Students come from 12 states and territories, 3 other countries, 2% Native American, 9% Hispanic, 2% black, 6% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 2% international, 54% 25 or older. Core. Calendar: semesters. Academic remediation for entering students, ESL program, services for LD students, advanced placement, distance learning, summer session for credit, part-time degree program, adult/continuing education programs, co-op programs and internships. ROTC: Army (c).

Entrance Requirements:

Open admission except for allied health programs. Options: early admission, deferred admission. Placement: SAT or ACT recommended. Entrance: noncompetitive. Application deadline: Rolling.

Costs Per Year:

Application fee: $10. State resident tuition: $0 full-time. Nonresident tuition: $4915 full-time, $55.75 per credit part-time. Mandatory fees: $1314 full-time, $54.75 per credit part-time.

Collegiate Environment:

Drama-theater group, choral group, student-run newspaper. Most popular organizations: Associated Students of Truckee Meadows, Phi Theta Kappa, International Students Organization, Latino Student Organization, Asian and Pacific Islander Student Association. Major annual events: Student Welcome Back, Annual Student Blood Drive. Student services: health clinic, personal-psychological counseling. Campus security: 24-hour emergency response devices and patrols, late night transport-escort service. College housing not available. Elizabeth Storm Library plus 1 other with 42,110 books, 816 serials, an OPAC, and a Web page. Operations spending for 2004 fiscal year: $507,540.

Community Environment:

Reno/Sparks, cities of approximately 240,000, are bounded on the west by the majestic Sierra Nevada, and on the east by the rolling basin and range province. The climate is cool and dry, and is marked by the full pageant of the seasons. A mixture of metropolitan and quietly provincial, the area is noted on the one hand for its fashionable hotels and tourist attractions, and on the other for its beautiful parks, which line the Truckee River, and its modern residential areas. Recreational activities abound, both in Reno and its environs. Within a one-hour drive of the campus are the Lake Tahoe resort area in the high Sierra, and the unique prehistoric desert sea, Pyramid Lake. The adjoining Sierra is also the site of a number of nationally famed ski areas, including Squaw Valley, site of the 1960 Winter Olympics. Other scenic attractions include Virginia City, setting for one of the West's richest mining bonanzas, and Genoa, the state's first pioneer settlement.


4505 Maryland Parkway
Las Vegas, NV 89154-9900
Tel: (702)895-3011
Admissions: (702)895-5292
Fax: (702)895-1118
Web Site:


State-supported, university, coed. Part of University and Community College System of Nevada. Awards bachelor's, master's, doctoral, and first professional degrees and post-master's certificates. Founded 1957. Setting: 335-acre urban campus. Endowment: $108.5 million. Research spending for 2004 fiscal year: $73.4 million. Educational spending for 2005 fiscal year: $5556 per student. Total enrollment: 27,344. Faculty: 1,542 (810 full-time, 732 part-time). Student-undergrad faculty ratio is 20:1. 6,952 applied, 81% were admitted. 18% from top 10% of their high school class, 45% from top quarter, 79% from top half. 7 National Merit Scholars, 37 valedictorians. Full-time: 15,570 students, 56% women, 44% men. Part-time: 6,213 students, 55% women, 45% men. Students come from 51 states and territories, 65 other countries, 21% from out-of-state, 1% Native American, 11% Hispanic, 8% black, 14% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 4% international, 26% 25 or older, 4% live on campus, 13% transferred in. Retention: 72% of full-time freshmen returned the following year. Academic areas with the most degrees conferred: business/marketing; education; communications/journalism. Core. Calendar: semesters. Academic remediation for entering students, ESL program, services for LD students, advanced placement, accelerated degree program, self-designed majors, honors program, independent study, distance learning, double major, summer session for credit, part-time degree program, adult/continuing education programs, co-op programs and internships, graduate courses open to undergrads. Off campus study at National Student Exchange, Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education, Western Undergraduate Exchange. Study abroad program.

Entrance Requirements:

Options: deferred admission, international baccalaureate accepted. Required: high school transcript, minimum 2.5 high school GPA. Recommended: SAT or ACT. Required for some: 2 recommendations, SAT or ACT. Entrance: moderately difficult. Application deadline: 2/1. Notification: continuous.

Costs Per Year:

Application fee: $60. State resident tuition: $3278 full-time, $105.25 per credit hour part-time. Nonresident tuition: $13,189 full-time, $225 per credit hour part-time. Mandatory fees: $540 full-time. College room and board: $8326. College room only: $5278.

Collegiate Environment:

Orientation program. Drama-theater group, choral group, marching band, student-run newspaper, radio station. Social organizations: 140 open to all; national fraternities, national sororities; 6% of eligible men and 4% of eligible women are members. Most popular organizations: Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship, Rebel Ski Club, Student Organization of Latinos, Latter Day Saints, Hawaii Club. Major annual events: Premier UNLV, Spring Fling, Unityfest. Student services: health clinic, personal-psychological counseling, women's center, free legal education courses through law school. Campus security: 24-hour emergency response devices and patrols, late night transport-escort service, controlled dormitory access. 2,000 college housing spaces available; 1,490 were occupied in 2003-04. Freshmen given priority for college housing. On-campus residence required in freshman year. Option: coed housing available. Lied Library with 1 million books, 2.5 million microform titles, 9,536 serials, 120,128 audiovisual materials, an OPAC, and a Web page. Operations spending for 2004 fiscal year: $13.5 million. 1,900 computers available on campus for general student use. A campuswide network can be accessed from student residence rooms and from off campus. Staffed computer lab on campus.

Community Environment:

Situated in southeast Nevada, Las Vegas is a great vacation and convention center located near Lake Mead and the mountains. Las Vegas is one of the fastest growing cities in the United States; some 1.3 million people live in southern Nevada. Community facilities include churches of most denominations, hospitals and clinics, and good shopping centers. The hotels feature some of the best entertainers in America. Nearby Charleston Peak provides expert ski runs and other snow sports facilities.


Reno, NV 89557
Tel: (775)784-1110; (866)263-8232
Admissions: (775)784-4700
Web Site:


State-supported, university, coed. Part of University and Community College System of Nevada. Awards bachelor's, master's, doctoral, and first professional degrees and post-master's and first professional certificates. Founded 1874. Setting: 200-acre urban campus. Endowment: $161.1 million. Research spending for 2004 fiscal year: $59.2 million. Educational spending for 2005 fiscal year: $12,419 per student. Total enrollment: 16,336. Faculty: 960 (489 full-time, 471 part-time). Student-undergrad faculty ratio is 20:1. 4,793 applied, 86% were admitted. Full-time: 10,257 students, 55% women, 45% men. Part-time: 2,680 students, 52% women, 48% men. Students come from 52 states and territories, 70 other countries, 16% from out-of-state, 1% Native American, 7% Hispanic, 2% black, 7% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 3% international, 17% 25 or older, 14% live on campus, 8% transferred in. Retention: 75% of full-time freshmen returned the following year. Academic areas with the most degrees conferred: business/marketing; education; health professions and related sciences. Core. Calendar: semesters. Academic remediation for entering students, ESL program, services for LD students, advanced placement, honors program, independent study, distance learning, double major, summer session for credit, part-time degree program, adult/continuing education programs, internships, graduate courses open to undergrads. Off campus study at National Student Exchange. Study abroad program. ROTC: Army.

Entrance Requirements:

Options: Peterson's Universal Application, electronic application, early action, deferred admission. Required: high school transcript, minimum 2.5 high school GPA. Entrance: moderately difficult. Application deadlines: Rolling, 11/15 for early action. Notification: continuous.

Costs Per Year:

Application fee: $60. State resident tuition: $3060 full-time, $102 per credit part-time. Nonresident tuition: $11,735 full-time, $209.75 per credit part-time. Mandatory fees: $210 full-time. Full-time tuition and fees vary according to course load. Part-time tuition varies according to course load. College room and board: $7785. College room only: $4190. Room and board charges vary according to board plan and housing facility.

Collegiate Environment:

Orientation program. Drama-theater group, choral group, marching band, student-run newspaper, radio station. Social organizations: 130 open to all; national fraternities, national sororities; 7% of eligible men and 5% of eligible women are members. Most popular organizations: Asian-American Student Association, Ambassadors, Non-Traditional Student Union, The Alliance, Orvis Nursing Student Association. Major annual events: Homecoming, MacKay Days, Night of All Nations. Student services: legal services, health clinic, personal-psychological counseling, women's center. Campus security: 24-hour emergency response devices and patrols, late night transport-escort service, controlled dormitory access. 1,763 college housing spaces available; 1,646 were occupied in 2003-04. Freshmen given priority for college housing. Options: coed, men-only, women-only housing available. Getchell Library plus 6 others with 1.1 million books, 3.3 million microform titles, 15,000 serials, 65,453 audiovisual materials, an OPAC, and a Web page. 298 computers available on campus for general student use. Computer purchase/lease plans available. A campuswide network can be accessed from student residence rooms and from off campus. Staffed computer lab on campus.

Community Environment:

When Reno was laid out as a townsite in 1868, it was named in honor of Major General Jesse L. Reno, who died in the Battle of the South Mountain during the Civil War. Reno is situated on the Truckee River near the base of the Sierra Nevada and has a cool, dry climate. Mining, livestock raising, lumber products, agriculture and tourism are the important industries of the area. Part-time employment is available. The city has a number of parks with facilities for swimming, tennis and picnicking; within a 25 to 90 minute drive from Reno, winter sports are available at a number of major resorts. Annual events are the Reno Rodeo, Reno Balloon Race, Air Races, and Holiday Festival of Trees.


7455 Washington Ave., Ste. 317
Las Vegas, NV 89128
Tel: (702)638-7279
Free: 800-228-7240
Admissions: (480)557-1712
Fax: (702)638-8035
Web Site:


Proprietary, comprehensive, coed. Awards bachelor's and master's degrees and post-master's certificates. Founded 1994. Setting: urban campus. Total enrollment: 4,238. Faculty: 317 (7 full-time, 310 part-time). Student-undergrad faculty ratio is 8:1. 87 applied. Full-time: 2,976 students, 61% women, 39% men. 1% Native American, 4% Hispanic, 5% black, 2% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 12% international, 90% 25 or older. Academic areas with the most degrees conferred: business/marketing; computer and information sciences; security and protective services. Core. Calendar: continuous. Advanced placement, accelerated degree program, independent study, distance learning, external degree program, adult/continuing education programs, graduate courses open to undergrads.

Entrance Requirements:

Open admission. Option: deferred admission. Required: 1 recommendation. Required for some: high school transcript. Entrance: noncompetitive. Application deadline: Rolling.

Costs Per Year:

Application fee: $110. Tuition: $9750 full-time, $325 per credit part-time. Mandatory fees: $560 full-time, $70 per course part-time.

Collegiate Environment:

College housing not available. University Library with 444 books, 666 serials, an OPAC, and a Web page. System-wide operations spending for 2004 fiscal year: $3.2 million.


2201 West College Parkway
Carson City, NV 89703-7316
Tel: (775)445-3000
Admissions: (775)445-3271
Fax: (775)887-3141
Web Site:


State-supported, 2-year, coed. Part of University and Community College System of Nevada. Awards certificates, diplomas, transfer associate, and terminal associate degrees. Founded 1971. Setting: 200-acre small town campus. Endowment: $126,000. Educational spending for 2005 fiscal year: $3986 per student. Total enrollment: 4,907. Student-undergrad faculty ratio is 15:1. 750 applied, 100% were admitted. 1 student government officer. 4% Native American, 9% Hispanic, 2% black, 5% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 0% international, 68% 25 or older. Core. Calendar: semesters. Academic remediation for entering students, ESL program, services for LD students, advanced placement, honors program, independent study, distance learning, summer session for credit, part-time degree program, adult/continuing education programs, co-op programs and internships.

Entrance Requirements:

Open admission. Option: early admission. Required for some: high school transcript. Entrance: noncompetitive. Application deadline: Rolling.

Costs Per Year:

Application fee: $15. Area resident tuition: $52.50 per credit part-time. State resident tuition: $1575 full-time, $88 per credit part-time. Nonresident tuition: $6695 full-time, $114.25 per credit part-time. Mandatory fees: $120 full-time, $4 per credit part-time.

Collegiate Environment:

Orientation program. Drama-theater group, choral group. Social organizations: 7 open to all. Most popular organizations: Phi Theta Kappa, writers group, Infinity Society, Golf Club, Physics and Engineering Club. Major annual events: picnics, Career Fair, graduation. Student services: personal-psychological counseling. Campus security: late night transport-escort service. College housing not available. Western Nevada Community College Library and Media Services plus 2 others with 42,500 books, 36,933 microform titles, 228 serials, 26,695 audiovisual materials, an OPAC, and a Web page. Operations spending for 2004 fiscal year: $1.1 million. 678 computers available on campus for general student use. A campuswide network can be accessed from off-campus. Staffed computer lab on campus.

Community Environment:

Carson City (pop. 40,443), the Capital of Nevada, is located near scenic Lake Tahoe and the Carson River. It is an agricultural region formerly important for silver production.


views updated May 23 2018



Phyllis Dryden, Contact
Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education
700 E. Fifth St., Rm. 111
Carson City, NV 89701-5096


This Commission, composed of seven members appointed by the Governor, is responsible for the issuing of licenses and permits to private, educational institutions and their agents. This Commission operates pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 394, of the Nevada Revised Statutes.
Each postsecondary educational institution desiring to operate in the State must make application to the Administrator on Commission forms. The application must be accompanied by the catalog or brochure of the institution, evidence of the required surety bond and payment of fees required by law.
The postsecondary educational institution must demonstrate that it can be operated in compliance with minimum standards which include a review of: Course content and quality, facilities and equipment, administrative and instructional personnel, financial stability and operating practices and advertising. Additional requirements are given for degree granting institutions.
Each person desiring to solicit or perform the services of an agent must apply on Commission forms to the Administrator. The application must be accompanied by: Evidence of good reputation and character, evidence of the required surety bond and payment of the fees required by law. If any institution which the applicant intends to represent does not have a license to operate in Nevada, the application must provide the information required of licensed institutions.
The term of the license to operate may not exceed two years and the license is renewable. The term of the agent's permit is for one year.
No person or entity may operate or solicit within the State until authorized to do so by the Commission. The use of the terms "College" or "University" by any private educational institution operating within the State are controlled by the Commission.
Licensed schools are required to submit their application for renewal 60 days prior to expiration. Agent's are required to submit applications for renewal 30 days prior to expiration.
The Board of Cosmetology licenses cosmetology schools to operate. All other private schools at the postsecondary level are licensed by the Commission on Postsecondary Education.


Carson City Beauty Academy

2531 N. Carson St., Carson City, NV 89706. Cosmetology. Founded 1988. Contact: Sandra Escover, Owner F.A.A., (775)885-9977, (775)885-9853, Fax: (775)885-9853, E-mail: Private. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing available. Term: Hour. Tuition: $1,800-$9,100 plus books and supplies. Enrollment: men 8, women 97. Degrees awarded: Diploma. Accreditation: NACCAS. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Cosmetology (500-1800 H); Esthetician (600 Hr); Manicurist (500 Hr)

Western Nevada Community College

2201 W. College Pkwy, Carson City, NV 89703. Two-Year College. Founded 1971. Contact: Daniel Neverett, Dean of Student Srvc, (775)445-3000, (775)445-3271, Fax: (775)887-3051, E-mail:, Web Site: Public. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Semester. Tuition: $1,537; $4,507 (annual). Enrollment: Total 5,995. Degrees awarded: Certificate, Associate. Accreditation: NWCCU; NLNAC. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Accounting, General (2 Yr); Accounting, Junior (1 Yr); Auto Mechanics (2 Yr); Building Inspection Technology (2 Yr); Business (1 Yr); Carpentry (2 Yr); Computer Programming (2 Yr); Computer Technology (2 Yr); Construction Technology (2 Yr); Correctional Science (1 Yr); Customer Service (1 Yr); Desktop Publishing (1 Yr); Drafting Technology (1 Yr); Early Childhood Education (1 Yr); Electrical Technology (2 Yr); Electronics Technology (1 Yr); Golf Course Management (2 Yr); Heavy Equipment (2 Yr); Industrial Technology (2 Yr); Juvenile Justice (2 Yr); Law Enforcement (1 Yr); Legal Assistant (2 Yr); Machine Tool & Die (2 Yr); Management (2 Yr); Masonry (2 Yr); Microcomputers (1 Yr); Nurse, Assistant (2 Yr); Nursing, Practical (2 Yr); Plumbing (2 Yr); Probation and Parole (1 Yr); Real Estate, Basic (2 Yr); Sheet Metal (2 Yr); Welding Technology (2 Yr); Word Processing (2 Yr)


American Locksmith Institute of Nevada

875 S. Boulder Hwy., Henderson, NV 89015. Trade and Technical. Founded 1992. Contact: Gene Altobella, (702)565-8811, Fax: (702)565-7017. Private. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Semester. Tuition: $6,022 plus $1,500 for tools. Enrollment: Total 10. Degrees awarded: Certificate. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid not available. Placement service not available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Locksmithing

Art Institute of Las Vegas

2350 Corporate Cir., Henderson, NV 89074-7737. Art, Trade and Technical. Founded 1983. Contact: Steve Brooks, Pres., (702)369-9944, 800-833-2678, Fax: (702)992-8558, Web Site:; Web Site: Private. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing available. Term: Varies with Program. Tuition: $17,424 per year; $4,500 room and board. Enrollment: Total 913. Degrees awarded: Associate, Certificate. Accreditation: ACCSCT. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Applied Science (21 Mo); Computer Programming, Games (12 Qt); Cooking, Commercial (33 Wk); Culinary Arts (21 Mo); Graphic Design (21 Mo); Interior Design (21 Mo); Motion Pictures (12 Qt)

Career Education Institute-Henderson

2290 Corporate Cir., Ste. 100, Henderson, NV 89074-6398. Trade and Technical. Contact: David Evans, Exec director, (702)269-7600, Web Site:; Web Site: Private. Coed. Housing not available. Term: Semester. Tuition: $11,300 in-state; $11,300 out-of-state. Enrollment: Total 234. Degrees awarded: Certificate, Associate. Accreditation: ACICS. Placement service available.

ITT Technical Institute

168 N. Gibson Rd., Henderson, NV 89014. Trade and Technical.(702)558-5404, 800-488-8459, Web Site:; Web Site: Private. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Quarter. Tuition: $14,196 per year. Enrollment: Total 641. Degrees awarded: Associate. Accreditation: ACICS. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Computer Aided Drafting & Design (96 Credits); Computer Networking (96 Credits); Electrical Engineering Technology (96 Credits); Multimedia Design (96 Credits); Software Development/Engineering (96 Credits); Web Development (96 Credits)

Las Vegas College (Henderson)

170 N. Stephanie St., Ste. 145, Henderson, NV 89074. Two-Year College. Contact: Joel Boyd, President, (702)567-1920, Web Site: Private. Coed. Housing not available. Term: Quarter. Tuition: $13,392 in-state. Enrollment: Total 682. Degrees awarded: Associate, Certificate. Accreditation: ACICS.

Real Estate School of Nevada

4300 E. Sunset Rd., D-1, Town Center III, Henderson, NV 89074. Other. Founded 1973. Contact: Ashley Lozano, Administrator, (702)454-1936, (866)747-3833, Fax: (702)454-2716, E-mail:, Web Site: Private. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Month. Tuition: $175, 20 hr. course; $275-$295, 45 hr. course; $599, 90 hr. course. Enrollment: Total 400. Degrees awarded: Certificate. Financial aid not available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Real Estate, Basic; Real Estate Law


Academy of Hair Design

4445 W. Charleston Blvd., Las Vegas, NV 89102. Cosmetology. Founded 1970. Contact: Sandy Dunham, (702)878-1185, Fax: (702)878-7289, E-mail:, Web Site:; Web Site: Private. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Hour. Tuition: $3,825-$11,800. Enrollment: men 10, women 105. Degrees awarded: Certificate, Diploma. Accreditation: NACCAS. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Cosmetology (1800 Hr); Cosmetology Instructor (1000 Hr); Hair Styling (1200 Hr); Manicurist (500 Hr); Skin Care (600 Hr)

Academy of Healing Arts

901 Rancho Ln., Ste. 190, Las Vegas, NV 89106. Trade and Technical. Founded 1975. Contact: Debi Tapert, Campus Finance Administrator, (702)671-4242, Fax: (702)671-4145, E-mail:, Web Site: Private. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Month. Enrollment: men 100, women 400. Degrees awarded: Certificate, Associate, Diploma. Accreditation: COE. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Massage Therapy (30 Wk); Medical Assistant (30 Wk); Medical Office Management (52 Wk); Medical Technology - Phlebotomy (4 Wk)

Academy of Professional Cocktail Servers & Bartenders

5734 W. Charleston Blvd., Las Vegas, NV 89146. Trade and Technical. Founded 1986. Contact: Marty and Tammie Tike, Owner, (702)878-1664. Private. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Other. Tuition: $450. Degrees awarded: Diploma. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid not available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Bartending (3 Wk); Cocktail Waitress (3 Wk)


3520 E. Tropicana Ave., Ste. G, Las Vegas, NV 89121. Trade and Technical. Contact: Elaine Billets, Pres., (702)433-4242, Fax: (702)433-4447. Private. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Varies with Program. Tuition: Varies with program. Degrees awarded: Certificate. Financial aid not available. Placement service not available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Computer Graphics; Desktop Publishing; Personal Computing; Word Processing

Expertise School of Beauty

902 W. Owens Ave., Las Vegas, NV 89106. Two-Year College, Cosmetology. Contact: Gwen Braimoh, Director/owner, (702)636-8686, Fax: (702)636-0367. Private. Coed. Term: Varies with Program. Tuition: $9425 in-state. Placement service available.

Heritage College

3315 W. Spring Mountain Rd., Ste. 7, Las Vegas, NV 89102. Trade and Technical. Founded 1990. Contact: Penny Foye, Dir. of Admissions, (702)368-2338, Fax: (702)368-3853, Web Site:; Web Site: Public. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students not accepted. Housing not available. Term: Varies with Program. Tuition: $15,323; $672 books and fees. Enrollment: Total 250. Degrees awarded: Associate, Diploma. Accreditation: CAAHEP; ACCSCT. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Computer Applications (36-72 Wk); Criminal Justice (72 Wk); Medical Assistant (38-68 Wk); Medical Billing (34-70 Wk); Paralegal (77 Wk); Pharmacy Technician (40-70 Wk)

High-Tech Institute

2320 S. Rancho Dr., Las Vegas, NV 89102. Trade and Technical, Allied Medical. Contact: Mary Ann, (702)385-6700, (866)385-6700, Fax: (702)388-4463, Web Site:; Web Site: Private. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Varies with Program. Tuition: $9,391 - $23,991. Enrollment: men 110, women 436. Degrees awarded: Certificate, Associate. Accreditation: ACCSCT. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Curriculum: Criminal Justice; Dental Assisting; Massage Therapy; Medical Assistant; Medical Billing; Pharmacy Technician; Surgical Technology

International School of Dog Grooming

3300 E. Flamingo Rd., Ste. 22, Las Vegas, NV 89121-4306. Trade and Technical. Founded 1991. Contact: Marie Sarkissian, (702)734-1033. Private. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Quarter. Tuition: $2,500. Degrees awarded: Diploma. Financial aid not available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities not available. Curriculum: Pet Grooming (400 Hr)

Key Realty School

3650 E. Flamingo Rd., Ste. 9, Las Vegas, NV 89121. Other, Business. (702)313-7000, 800-472-3893, Fax: (702)933-0567, E-mail:,, Web Site: Private. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Varies with Program. Tuition: Varies; $495 90 hr. pre-licensing course. Degrees awarded: Certificate. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Real Estate Appraisal; Real Estate, Basic; Real Estate, Financing; Real Estate Management

Las Vegas College (Las Vegas)

4100 W. Flamingo Rd. Ste. 2100, Las Vegas, NV 89103. Two-Year College. Contact: Michael A. Holmes, President, (702)368-6200, Web Site: Private. Coed. Housing not available. Term: Quarter. Tuition: $12,768 in-state; $12,768 out-of-state. Degrees awarded: Associate.

Las Vegas School of Dealing

3850 S. Valley View Blvd., Las Vegas, NV 89103. Other. Founded 1972. Contact: Craig S. Travers, (702)368-1717. Private. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Week. Tuition: $199-$399. Enrollment: men 20, women 30. Degrees awarded: Diploma. Financial aid not available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Dealers, Dice & Blackjack

Las Vegas School of Insurance

2909 W. Charleston Blvd., Las Vegas, NV 89102-9404. Correspondence. Founded 1997. Contact: Gail Anderson, (702)871-1365, Fax: (702)876-3245. Private. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Varies with Program. Tuition: $200-$250. Degrees awarded: Certificate. Financial aid not available. Placement service not available. Handicapped facilities not available. Curriculum: Insurance, General

Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts-Las Vegas

1451 Center Crossing Rd., Las Vegas, NV 89144. Other. Contact: Jennifer White, President, (702)851-5300, Web Site:; Web Site: Private. Coed. Housing not available. Term: Semester. Tuition: $17,500 in-state; $17,500 out-of-state. Degrees awarded: Associate. Placement service available.

Marinello School of Beauty

5001 East Bonanza, Ste. 110, Las Vegas, NV 89110. Cosmetology. Contact: Dr. Nagui Elyas, President, (702)431-6200, 800-648-3413, Web Site: Private. Coed. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Other. Tuition: $13,865. Degrees awarded: Associate. Accreditation: NACCAS. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Curriculum: Cosmetology (1600 Hr)

Nevada Career Institute

3025 E. Desert Inn Rd., Ste. A, Las Vegas, NV 89121. Trade and Technical. Contact: Joanne Q. Leming, Campus Dir., (702)893-3300, (702)893-4725, 800-630-8727, Web Site:; Web Site: Private. Coed. Housing not available. Term: Other. Tuition: $10,626. Enrollment: Total 329. Degrees awarded: Certificate, Associate. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Curriculum: Massage Therapy; Medical Assistant (720 Hr); Medical Office Management

Nevada School of Massage Therapy - Las Vegas Branch Campus

2381 E. Windmill Ln., Ste. 14, Las Vegas, NV 89123. Trade and Technical. Founded 1986. Contact: Terry Martin, (702)456-4325, 800-750-4325, Fax: (702)456-9910, Web Site:; Web Site: Private. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Varies with Program. Tuition: $8,900. Enrollment: Total 1,100. Degrees awarded: Diploma. Accreditation: ACCET. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Massage Therapy (7-12 Mo)

PCI Dealer's School

920 So. Valley View Blvd., Las Vegas, NV 89107. Trade and Technical. Founded 1985. Contact: Joe Lauer, Dir./Owner, (702)877-4724, 800-717-4PCI, E-mail:, Web Site: Public. Coed. HS diploma not required. Term: Varies with Program. Tuition: Varies. Enrollment: men 29, women 32. Degrees awarded: Diploma. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Curriculum: Card Dealing, Professional; Dealers, Dice & Blackjack

Physicians Institute of Therapeutic Massage

2080 E. Flamingo Rd., Ste. 115, Las Vegas, NV 89119-5176. Allied Medical. Founded 1991. Contact: Brenda Darlow, (702)369-5472, 800-684-6301, Fax: (702)369-2575. Private. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Hour. Tuition: $6,500 includes textbooks. Enrollment: Total 150. Degrees awarded: Certificate. Accreditation: ACCSCT. Financial aid not available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities not available. Curriculum: Massage Therapy (30 Wk)

Pima Medical Institute

3333 E. Flamingo Rd., Las Vegas, NV 89121. Allied Medical, Trade and Technical. Founded 2003.800-477-PIMA, Web Site: Private. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Varies with Program. Tuition: $7,710 per year; $8,460 room and board. Enrollment: Total 294. Degrees awarded: Certificate, Associate. Accreditation: ABHES; JRCERT. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Dental Assisting (30-33 Wk); Medical Assistant (35-40 Wk); Medical Technology - Phlebotomy (11-13 Wk); Pharmacy Technician (35-40 Wk); Respiratory Therapy (85 Wk); Veterinary Assistant (30-34 Wk)

Quality Technical Training Center

4640 S. Valley View Blvd., Ste. G, Las Vegas, NV 89103. Trade and Technical. Founded 1994.(702)731-2408, 800-858-2653, Fax: (702)731-3015. Private. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Varies with Program. Tuition: $3,500 for HVAC, $3,000 for plumbing. Enrollment: Total 300. Degrees awarded: Diploma. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities not available. Curriculum: Air Conditioning & Heating (12 Wk); Plumbing (10 Wk)

Rollers Institute of Cosmetology

953 E. Sahara Ave., 11B, Las Vegas, NV 89104. Cosmetology. Founded 1993. Contact: Myles Catinia, Pres., (702)732-1986, Fax: (702)732-3026. Private. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Hour. Tuition: Varies with program. Degrees awarded: Certificate, Diploma. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid not available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Cosmetology (1800 Hr); Manicurist (500 Hr); Skin Care (600 Hr)

Southern Nevada School of Real Estate

3441 W. Sahara, Ste. C-6, Las Vegas, NV 89131. Other. Founded 1985. Contact: Mary Manderscheid, Dir. Of Admissions, (702)364-2525, 800-346-2520, Fax: (702)253-7950, E-mail:,, Web Site: Private. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Term: Hour. Tuition: $499. Enrollment: men 300, women 450. Degrees awarded: Certificate. Approved: Vet. Admin. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Real Estate Appraisal (45 Hr); Real Estate, Basic (90 Hr); Real Estate Law (18 Hr); Real Estate Sales License (18 Hr)

Southern Nevada University of Cosmetology

3430 E. Tropicana Ave., Las Vegas, NV 89121-7335. Cosmetology, Barber. Contact: Judith Hloros, President, (702)458-6333, (702)458-3156. Private. Coed. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Hour. Tuition: $14,510 plus $489 books and supplies for cosmetology; $10,820 plus $430 books and supplies for barbering. Enrollment: men 12, women 90. Degrees awarded: Certificate, Associate. Accreditation: NACCAS. Financial aid available. Curriculum: Barbering (1200 Hr); Cosmetology (1800 Hr)

Southern Nevada Vocational Technical Center

5710 Mt Vista, Las Vegas, NV 89120. Trade and Technical. Founded 1966. Contact: R. Arguello, (702)799-7500, Fax: (702)799-0722. Public. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Term: Varies with Program. Enrollment: Total 1,760. Degrees awarded: Certificate, Diploma. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Accounting, Advanced; Accounting, General; Accounting, Junior; Air Conditioning & Refrigeration (2 Yr); Auto Body & Fender Repair (2 Yr); Auto Engine Diagnosis (2 Yr); Auto Mechanics - Automatic Transmission (2 Yr); Auto Mechanics - Brake & Wheel Alignment (2 Yr); Auto Mechanics - Tune Up (2 Yr); Business Education (2 Yr); Carpentry (2 Yr); Clerical, General (2 Yr); Computer Programming (2 Yr); Cosmetology (2 Yr); Culinary Arts (2 Yr); Data Processing (2 Yr); Drafting, Architectural (2 Yr); Drafting, Electro-Mechanical (2 Yr); Electrical Technology (2 Yr); Electronics Technology (2 Yr); Graphic Arts (2 Yr); Health Occupations (2 Yr); Marine Technology (2 Yr); Office, General (2 Yr); Secretarial, Administrative (2 Yr); Secretarial, General (2 Yr); Welding Technology (2 Yr)

Technology Training, Inc.

115 E. Reno Ave., Ste. 2, Las Vegas, NV 89119. Trade and Technical. Founded 1962. Contact: Brian Slattery, VP, (702)968-0158, (866)884-4338, Fax: (805)715-2650, E-mail:, Web Site: Private. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Week. Tuition: Varies with program. Enrollment: Total 250. Degrees awarded: Certificate. Financial aid not available. Placement service not available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Environmental Technology; Instrumentation Technology; Vibration Technology

Western Business Academy

1055 E. Tropicana, No. 575, Las Vegas, NV 89119. Business. Founded 1985. Contact: Tija Muntean, (702)736-3623, Fax: (702)736-0523. Private. Coed. HS diploma not required. Term: Varies with Program. Tuition: $150 per credit hour. Enrollment: men 20, women 158. Degrees awarded: Certificate, Diploma. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Accounting, General (8 Wk); Bookkeeping (8 Wk); Computer Literacy (8 Wk); Microcomputers (8 Wk); Secretarial, Science (8 Wk); Typing (8 Wk)


Clark County Community College

3200 E. Cheyanne Ave., North Las Vegas, NV 89030. Two-Year College. Founded 1971. Contact: Thomas Brown, Campus Administrator, (702)651-4000, (702)651-4536, Fax: (702)651-4811, Web Site: Public. Coed. HS diploma required. Term: Other. Tuition: Varies. Degrees awarded: Certificate, Associate. Accreditation: CARC. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Accounting, General (2 Yr); Automotive Technology (2 Yr); Banking & Finance (2 Yr); Business Management (2 Yr); Child Care & Guidance (2 Yr); Computer Technology (2 Yr); Criminal Justice (2 Yr); Dental Hygiene (2 Yr); Drafting Technology (2 Yr); Electronics Technology (2 Yr); Emergency Medical Technology; Fire Science (2 Yr); Food Service & Management (2 Yr); Graphic Arts (2 Yr); Horticulture, Ornamental (2 Yr); Hotel & Restaurant Management (2 Yr); Inhalation Therapy Technology (2 Yr); Legal Assistant (2 Yr); Management; Marketing; Merchandising; Nursing, Practical (1 Yr); Paramedic (2 Yr); Real Estate Broker (2 Yr); Recreation Leadership (2 Yr); Saving & Loan Management (2 Yr); Secretarial, Administrative (2 Yr); Welding Technology; Word Processing (2 Yr)


Career Choices

625 Margrave Dr., No. 101, Reno, NV 89502. Business. Founded 1988. Contact: Nancy Rumburg, Pres./Owner, (775)826-2555, Fax: (775)826-5559, E-mail:,, Web Site:; Barbara Rummer, VP/Owner. Private. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Varies with Program. Tuition: $125 per class, 15 hours; $950-$3,750 complete programs. Enrollment: Total 122. Degrees awarded: Certificate. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid not available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Computer Operations (6 Wk); Medical Assistant (6 Mo); Medical Transcription (609 Mo); Office, General (12 Wk); Office Technology (8 Wk); Secretarial, Legal (4 Mo)

Career College of Northern Nevada

1195A Corporate Blvd., Reno, NV 89502. Trade and Technical. Founded 1984. Contact: Larry Clark, (775)856-2266, Fax: (775)856-0935. Private. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Quarter. Tuition: Varies. Enrollment: men 175, women 200. Degrees awarded: Associate, Diploma. Accreditation: ACCSCT. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Business Management; Electronic Engineering Technology (18 Mo); Electronics Technology (12 Mo); Information Sciences Technology (22 Mo); Legal Administration (12 Mo); Medical Assistant (13.5-20 Mo); Microcomputers (12 Mo); Word Processing (6 Mo)

Center for Employment Training

196 S. Wells Ave., Reno, NV 89502-1308. Trade and Technical. Founded 1987. Contact: Mike O'Massey, (775)348-8668, 800-533-2519, Fax: (775)348-2034, E-mail:, Private. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Varies with Program. Tuition: Varies. Enrollment: Total 125. Degrees awarded: Diploma. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Building Maintenance (900 Hr); Office Technology (810 Hr); Warehouse Management (720 Hr)


520 Evans Avenue, Reno, NV 89512. Contact: Treassa Votaw, Director, (408)287-7924. Private. Housing not available. Term: Other. Tuition: $7,671. Degrees awarded: Certificate, Associate.

Deloux Cosmetology

1050 Matley Ln., Reno, NV 89502. Cosmetology. Founded 1951.(775)329-9494, Fax: (775)329-3033. Private. Coed. HS diploma not required. Term: Hour. Enrollment: Total 230. Degrees awarded: Certificate, Diploma. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Barbering; Cosmetology; Cosmetology Instructor; Manicurist

Morrison College - Reno

140 Washington St., Reno, NV 89503. Business, Other. Founded 1902. Contact: John Buruell, (775)323-4145, Fax: (775)323-8495. Private. Coed.

HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Quarter. Tuition: $160 per credit. Enrollment: Total 271. Degrees awarded: Certificate, Associate, Diploma. Accreditation: ACICS. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Accounting, Automated (4 Qt); Accounting, General (12 Qt); Bookkeeping (2 Qt); Business Management (6 Qt); Computer Science (6 Qt); Management (12 Qt); Medical Office Management (6 Qt); Medical Receptionist (3 Qt); Paralegal (6 Qt); Receptionist (3 Qt); Secretarial, Executive (5 Qt); Secretarial, Legal (5 Qt); Secretarial, Medical (5 Qt)

Ralston School of Massage

77 Pringle Way, Reno, NV 89502-1474. Other. Founded 1987. Contact: Robert H. Oliver, Co-Dir., (775)982-5450, 800-954-0249, Fax: (775)982-5452, E-mail:, Web Site:; Debra Rilea, Co-Dir.. Private. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Hour. Tuition: $4,750. Enrollment: Total 125. Degrees awarded: Certificate. Accreditation: ABMP. Financial aid not available. Placement service not available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Massage Therapy (710 Hr)

Reno-Tahoe Job Training Academy

PO Box 50284, Reno, NV 89513-0284. Trade and Technical. Contact: Pamela Schwier, (775)329-5665, (775)750-5240, Fax: (775)832-4959. Private. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Hour. Tuition: $945. Enrollment: men 50, women 50. Degrees awarded: Certificate. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Bartending (60 Hr); Card Dealing, Professional

Truckee Meadows Community College

7000 Dandini Blvd., Reno, NV 89512. Two-Year College. Founded 1971. Contact: David J. Harbeck, Admissions, (775)673-7042, (775)674-7623, Fax: (775)673-7028, E-mail:, Web Site: Public. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing available. Term: Semester. Tuition: $55/credit fees (for all); and $31/credit good neighbor; $56/credit out-of-state. Enrollment: Total 11,174. Degrees awarded: Certificate, Associate. Accreditation: NWCCU. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Architectural Design Technology (2 Yr); Automotive Technology (2 Yr); Business (2 Yr); Computer Technology (2 Yr); Criminal Justice (2 Yr); Dental Assisting (2 Yr); Dental Hygiene (2 Yr); Diesel Technology (2 Yr); Drafting, Engineering (2 Yr); Drug & Alcohol Counseling (2 Yr); Early Childhood Education (2 Yr); Electronics Technology (2 Yr); Environmental Technology (2 Yr); Fire Science (2 Yr); Food Service & Management (2 Yr); Legal Assistant (2 Yr); Nursing, R.N. (2 Yr); Radiologic Technology (2 Yr); Welding, Combination (2 Yr)


Nevada Career Academy

950 Industrial Way, Sparks, NV 89431. Trade and Technical. Contact: Gary Yasuda, President, (775)348-7200, 888-207-9460, Web Site:; Web Site: Private. Coed. Housing not available. Term: Other. Tuition: $9,773. Enrollment: Total 186. Degrees awarded: Certificate. Financial aid available. Curriculum: Holistic Health; Massage Therapy; Medical Administrative Assistant; Medical Assistant (720 Hr); Pharmacy Technician

Prater Way College of Beauty

1627 Prater Way, Sparks, NV 89431. Cosmetology. Founded 1962. Contact: Laurie L. Thomas, Owner, (775)355-6677, Fax: (775)355-6679, E-mail:, Web Site: Public. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Semester. Tuition: Varies. Enrollment: men 3, women 69. Degrees awarded: Certificate. Accreditation: NACCAS. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Curriculum: Cosmetology (45 Wk); Cosmetology Instructor (25 Wk); Hair Styling (30 Wk); Manicurist (13 Wk)


views updated May 29 2018



CAD/CADD Drafting and/or Design Technology/Technician, A

Interior Design, AB

Restaurant, Culinary, and Catering Management/Manager, B


Business Administration and Management, A

Computer and Information Sciences, A

Data Processing and Data Processing Technology/Technician, A

Electrical, Electronic and Communications Engineering Technology/Technician, A

Management Information Systems and Services, A

Medical/Clinical Assistant, A


Accounting, A

Administrative Assistant and Secretarial Science, A

Anthropology, A

Art/Art Studies, General, A

Automobile/Automotive Mechanics Technology/Technician, A

Behavioral Sciences, A

Biological and Physical Sciences, A

Biology/Biological Sciences, A

Building/Construction Finishing, Management, and Inspection, A

Business Administration and Management, A

Chemistry, A

Child Development, A

Clinical Laboratory Science/Medical Technology/Technologist, A

Clinical/Medical Laboratory Technician, A

Commercial and Advertising Art, A

Comparative Literature, A

Computer Engineering Technology/Technician, A

Computer Programming/Programmer, A

Computer Science, A

Computer Typography and Composition Equipment Operator, A

Construction Engineering Technology/Technician, A

Consumer Merchandising/Retailing Management, A

Corrections, A

Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement Administration, A

Criminal Justice/Police Science, A

Culinary Arts/Chef Training, A

Data Processing and Data Processing Technology/Technician, A

Dental Hygiene/Hygienist, A

Drafting and Design Technology/Technician, A

Drafting/Design Engineering Technologies/Technicians, A

Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, A

Economics, A

Electrical, Electronic and Communications Engineering Technology/Technician, A

Emergency Medical Technology/Technician (EMT Paramedic), A

English Language and Literature, A

Environmental Studies, A

Finance, A

Fire Science/Firefighting, A

Food Technology and Processing, A

Graphic and Printing Equipment Operator Production, A

Health Information/Medical Records Administration/Administrator, A

Heating, Air Conditioning, Ventilation and Refrigeration Maintenance Technology/Technician, A

Heavy Equipment Maintenance Technology/Technician, A

History, A

Horticultural Science, A

Hospitality Administration/Management, A

Hotel/Motel Administration/Management, A

Industrial Radiologic Technology/Technician, A

Information Science/Studies, A

Kindergarten/PreSchool Education and Teaching, A

Landscaping and Groundskeeping, A

Legal Administrative Assistant/Secretary, A

Legal Assistant/Paralegal, A

Liberal Arts and Sciences Studies and Humanities, A

Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurse Training, A

Marketing/Marketing Management, A

Mass Communication/Media Studies, A

Mathematics, A

Mechanical Engineering/Mechanical Technology/Technician, A

Medical Administrative Assistant/Secretary, A

Medical/Clinical Assistant, A

Music, A

Nursing - Registered Nurse Training, A

Occupational Therapy/Therapist, A

Ornamental Horticulture, A

Parks, Recreation, Leisure and Fitness Studies, A

Pharmacy, A

Photography, A

Radio and Television, A

Radiologic Technology/Science - Radiographer, A

Real Estate, A

Respiratory Care Therapy/Therapist, A

Science Teacher Education/General Science Teacher Education, A

Sign Language Interpretation and Translation, A

Social Sciences, A

Sociology, A

Special Products Marketing Operations, A

Survey Technology/Surveying, A

Teacher Assistant/Aide, A

Veterinary/Animal Health Technology/Technician and Veterinary Assistant, A

Welding Technology/Welder, A

Wildlife and Wildlands Science and Management, A


Liberal Arts and Sciences Studies and Humanities, A


Business Administration and Management, B

Business Administration, Management and Operations, M

Computer Technology/Computer Systems Technology, A

Electrical, Electronic and Communications Engineering Technology/Technician, A


Anthropology, A

Art/Art Studies, General, A

Business Administration and Management, A

Business/Commerce, A

Chemistry, A

Criminal Justice/Safety Studies, A

Data Processing and Data Processing Technology/Technician, A

Diesel Mechanics Technology/Technician, A

Electrical, Electronic and Communications Engineering Technology/Technician, A

Elementary Education and Teaching, AB

English Language and Literature, A

Environmental Studies, A

Geology/Earth Science, A

History, A

Industrial Technology/Technician, A

Interdisciplinary Studies, A

Kindergarten/PreSchool Education and Teaching, A

Mathematics, A

Nursing - Registered Nurse Training, AB

Office Management and Supervision, A

Operations Management and Supervision, A

Physics, A

Psychology, A

Secondary Education and Teaching, B

Social Work, B

Sociology, A

Welding Technology/Welder, A


Animation, Interactive Technology, Video Graphics and Special Effects, B

Business Administration and Management, B

CAD/CADD Drafting and/or Design Technology/Technician, A

Computer and Information Systems Security, B

Computer Programming/Programmer, A

Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement Administration, B

Electrical, Electronic and Communications Engineering Technology/Technician, AB

System, Networking, and LAN/WAN Management/Manager, A

Web Page, Digital/Multimedia and Information Resources Design, A

Web/Multimedia Management and Webmaster, A


Accounting, A

Administrative Assistant and Secretarial Science, A

Business Administration and Management, A

Court Reporting/Court Reporter, A

Legal Assistant/Paralegal, A

Medical/Clinical Assistant, A


Accounting, AB

Administrative Assistant and Secretarial Science, A

Business Administration and Management, AB

Business Administration, Management and Operations, M

Computer Science, A

Information Science/Studies, A

Legal Administrative Assistant/Secretary, A

Legal Assistant/Paralegal, A

Medical Administrative Assistant/Secretary, A

Tourism and Travel Services Management, A


Animation, Interactive Technology, Video Graphics and Special Effects, B

Audiovisual Communications Technologies/Technicians, B

Bilingual and Multilingual Education, B

Biology Teacher Education, B

Biology/Biological Sciences, B

Business Administration and Management, B

Computer Programming/Programmer, B

Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement Administration, B

Economics, B

Education, B

English Language and Literature, B

English/Language Arts Teacher Education, B

Environmental Sciences, B

History, B

History Teacher Education, B

Liberal Arts and Sciences Studies and Humanities, B

Mathematics Teacher Education, B

Multi-/Interdisciplinary Studies, B

Nursing - Registered Nurse Training, B

Pre-Nursing Studies, B

Psychology, B

Public Administration, B

Science Teacher Education/General Science Teacher Education, B

Social Science Teacher Education, B

Special Education and Teaching, B

Speech-Language Pathology/Pathologist, B


Radiologic Technology/Science - Radiographer, A

Respiratory Therapy Technician/Assistant, A


Art/Art Studies, General, B

Biological and Physical Sciences, B

Business Administration and Management, B

Computer and Information Sciences, B

Ecology, B

Education, O

Elementary Education and Teaching, O

Environmental Studies, B

Fine/Studio Arts, B

Hotel/Motel Administration/Management, B

Humanities/Humanistic Studies, B

Music, B

Sales, Distribution and Marketing Operations, B

Secondary Education and Teaching, O


Accounting, A

Administrative Assistant and Secretarial Science, A

Architectural Engineering Technology/Technician, A

Automobile/Automotive Mechanics Technology/Technician, A

Business Administration and Management, A

Carpentry/Carpenter, A

Child Development, A

Commercial and Advertising Art, A

Computer Engineering Technology/Technician, A

Computer Programming, A

Computer Programming/Programmer, A

Construction Engineering Technology/Technician, A

Corrections, A

Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement Administration, A

Criminal Justice/Police Science, A

Culinary Arts/Chef Training, A

Data Processing and Data Processing Technology/Technician, A

Dental Assisting/Assistant, A

Dental Hygiene/Hygienist, A

Dietician Assistant, A

Drafting and Design Technology/Technician, A

Electrical, Electronic and Communications Engineering Technology/Technician, A

Elementary Education and Teaching, A

Engineering Technology, A

Environmental Biology, A

Environmental Studies, A

Fire Science/Firefighting, A

Heating, Air Conditioning, Ventilation and Refrigeration Maintenance Technology/Technician, A

Hospitality Administration/Management, A

Industrial Radiologic Technology/Technician, A

Information Science/Studies, A

Kindergarten/PreSchool Education and Teaching, A

Landscape Architecture, A

Legal Administrative Assistant/Secretary, A

Liberal Arts and Sciences Studies and Humanities, A

Marketing/Marketing Management, A

Medical Administrative Assistant/Secretary, A

Mental Health/Rehabilitation, A

Military Studies, A

Nursing - Registered Nurse Training, A

Pipefitting/Pipefitter and Sprinkler Fitter, A

Radiologic Technology/Science - Radiographer, A

Real Estate, A

Secondary Education and Teaching, A

Solar Energy Technology/Technician, A

Substance Abuse/Addiction Counseling, A

Teacher Education, Multiple Levels, A

Welding Technology/Welder, A


Accounting, BM

Adult and Continuing Education and Teaching, B

African-American/Black Studies, B

Anthropology, BMD

Applied Mathematics, BM

Architecture, BM

Art History, Criticism and Conservation, B

Art/Art Studies, General, B

Athletic Training and Sports Medicine, B

Biochemistry, BM

Biological and Biomedical Sciences, MD

Biology/Biological Sciences, B

Business Administration and Management, B

Business Administration, Management and Operations, M

Chemistry, BMD

City/Urban, Community and Regional Planning, B

Civil Engineering, BMD

Clinical Laboratory Science/Medical Technology/Technologist, B

Clinical Psychology, D

Communication and Media Studies, M

Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric, B

Comparative Literature, B

Composition, M

Computer Engineering, BMD

Computer Science, BMD

Construction Engineering, B

Construction Engineering and Management, M

Counseling Psychology, M

Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement Administration, B

Criminology, M

Culinary Arts/Chef Training, B

Curriculum and Instruction, MDO

Dance, BM

Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, B

Dramatic/Theatre Arts and Stagecraft, B

Economics, BM

Education, BMDO

Educational Administration and Supervision, MDO

Educational Leadership and Administration, M

Educational Measurement and Evaluation, D

Educational Media/Instructional Technology, M

Educational Psychology, MD

Electrical Engineering, MD

Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering, B

Elementary Education and Teaching, BM

Engineering and Applied Sciences, MD

English, MD

English as a Second Language, M

English Education, M

English Language and Literature, B

Environmental Sciences, MD

Environmental Studies, B

Ethics, M

Ethnic and Cultural Studies, B

Exercise and Sports Science, M

Experimental Psychology, D

Film, Television, and Video Production, M

Film/Cinema Studies, B

Finance, B

Fine Arts and Art Studies, M

French Language and Literature, BM

Geological and Earth Sciences/Geosciences, B

Geology/Earth Science, B

Geosciences, MD

German Language and Literature, B

Gerontological Nursing, M

Gerontology, B

Health and Medical Laboratory Technologies, B

Health Physics/Radiological Health, M

Health Promotion, M

Health Teacher Education, B

Health/Health Care Administration/Management, B

Health/Medical Physics, B

Higher Education/Higher Education Administration, M

History, BMD

Hospitality Administration/Management, BMD

Human Resources Management/Personnel Administration, B

Human Services, B

Interdisciplinary Studies, B

Interior Architecture, B

International Business/Trade/Commerce, B

Jazz/Jazz Studies, B

Kindergarten/PreSchool Education and Teaching, B

Kinesiology and Exercise Science, B

Kinesiology and Movement Studies, M

Landscape Architecture, B

Law and Legal Studies, PO

Leisure Studies, M

Management Information Systems and Services, BM

Marketing/Marketing Management, B

Marriage and Family Therapy/Counseling, BM

Mass Communication/Media Studies, M

Mathematics, BM

Mathematics Teacher Education, M

Mechanical Engineering, BMD

Medical Radiologic Technology/Science - Radiation Therapist, B

Middle School Education, M

Music, BMD

Music Teacher Education, M

Music Theory and Composition, BM

Nuclear Medical Technology/Technologist, B

Nursing, MD

Nursing - Advanced Practice, M

Nursing - Registered Nurse Training, B

Nutritional Sciences, B

Parks, Recreation, Leisure and Fitness Studies, B

Pediatric Nurse/Nursing, M

Performance, MD

Philosophy, B

Physical Education Teaching and Coaching, BMD

Physical Therapy/Therapist, MD

Physics, BMD

Political Science and Government, BM

Psychology, BMD

Public Administration, MD

Public Affairs, D

Public Health (MPH, DPH), B

Public Policy Analysis, M

Real Estate, B

Rehabilitation Counseling, M

Romance Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, B

School Psychology, O

Secondary Education and Teaching, BM

Social Sciences, B

Social Work, BM

Sociology, BMD

Spanish Language and Literature, BM

Special Education and Teaching, BMDO

Sport and Fitness Administration/Management, BMD

Statistics, BM

Theater, M

Tourism and Travel Services Management, B

Transportation and Highway Engineering, M

Vocational and Technical Education, M

Water Resources, M

Women's Studies, B

Writing, M


Accounting, BM

Advertising, B

Agricultural Animal Breeding, B

Agricultural Economics, BM

Agricultural Sciences, MD

Agricultural Teacher Education, B

Animal Sciences, BM

Anthropology, BMD

Applied Economics, M

Art History, Criticism and Conservation, B

Art Teacher Education, B

Art/Art Studies, General, B

Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, MD

Biochemistry, BMD

Biological and Biomedical Sciences, MD

Biology/Biological Sciences, B

Biomedical Engineering, MD

BioTechnology, BM

Broadcast Journalism, B

Business Administration, Management and Operations, M

Business Teacher Education, B

Business/Commerce, B

Business/Managerial Economics, B

Cell Biology and Anatomy, MD

Chemical Engineering, BMD

Chemistry, BMD

Child and Family Studies, M

Child Development, B

Civil Engineering, BMD

Communication Disorders, MD

Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric, B

Computer and Information Sciences, B

Computer Engineering, BMD

Computer Science, BMD

Conservation Biology, D

Construction Engineering Technology/Technician, B

Counselor Education/School Counseling and Guidance Services, MDO

Criminology, B

Curriculum and Instruction, MDO

Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, B

Ecology, D

Economics, M

Education, MDO

Educational Leadership and Administration, MDO

Educational Psychology, MDO

Electrical Engineering, MD

Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering, B

Elementary Education and Teaching, BMO

Engineering and Applied Sciences, MDO

Engineering Physics, B

English, MD

English Composition, B

English Language and Literature, B

English/Language Arts Teacher Education, B

Entrepreneurship/Entrepreneurial Studies, B

Environmental and Occupational Health, MD

Environmental Policy and Resource Management, M

Environmental Sciences, MD

Environmental/Environmental Health Engineering, B

Evolutionary Biology, D

Family and Consumer Sciences/Home Economics Teacher Education, B

Finance, B

Foods, Nutrition, and Wellness Studies, B

Foreign Language Teacher Education, BM

Forestry, B

French Language and Literature, BM

General Studies, B

Geochemistry, MD

Geography, BM

Geological Engineering, MO

Geological/Geophysical Engineering, B

Geology/Earth Science, BMDO

Geophysics and Seismology, BMD

German Language and Literature, BM

Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences, B

Health Teacher Education, B

Health/Medical Preparatory Programs, B

History, BMD

Hospitality Administration/Management, B

Housing and Human Environments, B

Human Development, M

Human Development and Family Studies, B

Human Resources Management/Personnel Administration, B

Hydrology and Water Resources Science, MD

International Business/Trade/Commerce, B

International Relations and Affairs, B

Journalism, BM

Legal and Justice Studies, M

Logistics and Materials Management, B

Marketing/Marketing Management, B

Mathematics, BM

Mathematics Teacher Education, BM

Mechanical Engineering, BMD

Metallurgical Engineering, BMDO

Mineral/Mining Engineering, MO

Mining and Mineral Engineering, B

Molecular Biology, MD

Molecular Pharmacology, MD

Music, BM

Music Performance, B

Music Teacher Education, B

Natural Resources and Conservation, B

Natural Resources Management/Development and Policy, B

Nursing, M

Nursing - Registered Nurse Training, B

Nutritional Sciences, M

Parks, Recreation, Leisure and Fitness Studies, B

Philosophy, BM

Physical Education Teaching and Coaching, B

Physics, BMD

Physiology, MD

Political Science and Government, BMD

Pre-Medicine/Pre-Medical Studies, B

Pre-Veterinary Studies, B

Psychology, BMD

Public Administration, M

Public Health, M

Reading Teacher Education, MD

Science Teacher Education/General Science Teacher Education, B

Science, Technology and Society, B

Secondary Education and Teaching, MO

Social Psychology, BD

Social Science Teacher Education, B

Social Studies Teacher Education, B

Social Work, BM

Sociology, BM

Spanish Language and Literature, BM

Special Education and Teaching, BMD

Speech and Rhetorical Studies, M

Speech-Language Pathology/Pathologist, B

Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Subject Areas, B

Technology Teacher Education/Industrial Arts Teacher Education, B

Trade and Industrial Teacher Education, B

Water Resources Engineering, B

Western European Studies, D

Wildlife and Wildlands Science and Management, B

Women's Studies, B


Accounting, B

Business Administration and Management, B

Business Administration, Management and Operations, M

Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, B

Computer and Information Sciences, B

Counselor Education/School Counseling and Guidance Services, M

Curriculum and Instruction, M

Education, M

Educational Administration and Supervision, M

Electronic Commerce, M

Elementary Education and Teaching, M

Health Services Administration, M

Human Resources Management and Services, M

Human Services, M

Management, M

Management Information Systems and Services, M

Management of Technology, M

Marketing, M

Marketing/Marketing Management, B

Marriage and Family Therapy/Counseling, M

Organizational Management, M

Public Administration and Social Service Professions, B


Accounting, A

Accounting Technology/Technician and Bookkeeping, A

Administrative Assistant and Secretarial Science, A

Automobile/Automotive Mechanics Technology/Technician, A

Biology/Biological Sciences, A

Building/Construction Finishing, Management, and Inspection, A

Business Administration and Management, A

Business/Commerce, A

Business/Office Automation/Technology/Data Entry, A

Carpentry/Carpenter, A

Child Care and Support Services Management, A

Clinical/Medical Laboratory Technician, A

Computer and Information Sciences, A

Computer Programming/Programmer, A

Corrections, A

Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement Administration, A

Criminal Justice/Police Science, A

Drafting and Design Technology/Technician, A

Electrical and Power Transmission Installation/Installer, A

Electrical, Electronic and Communications Engineering Technology/Technician, A

Engineering, A

Environmental Studies, A

Fire Protection and Safety Technology/Technician, A

General Studies, A

Heating, Air Conditioning, Ventilation and Refrigeration Maintenance Technology/Technician, A

Industrial Technology/Technician, A

Legal Assistant/Paralegal, A

Liberal Arts and Sciences Studies and Humanities, A

Machine Tool Technology/Machinist, A

Management Information Systems and Services, A

Management Science, A

Marketing/Marketing Management, A

Mason/Masonry, A

Mathematics, A

Nursing - Registered Nurse Training, A

Parks, Recreation and Leisure Facilities Management, A

Physical Sciences, A

Pipefitting/Pipefitter and Sprinkler Fitter, A

Real Estate, A

Sheet Metal Technology/Sheetworking, A

Welding Technology/Welder, A


views updated Jun 08 2018



2350 Corporate Circle Dr.
Henderson, NV 89074
Tel: (702)369-9944
Fax: (702)992-8558
Web Site:
President/CEO: Steven E. Brooks
Admissions: Suzanne Noel
Type: Four-Year College Sex: Coed Affiliation: Education Management Corporation Scores: 100% SAT V 400+; 100% SAT M 400+; 80% ACT 18-23; 20% ACT 24-29 Admission Plans: Open Admission Application Deadline: Rolling Application Fee: $50.00 H.S. Requirements: High school diploma required; GED accepted Costs Per Year: Application fee: $50. Tuition: $16,740 full-time, $372 per credit part-time. Mandatory fees: $1000 full-time. College room only: $4725. Calendar System: Quarter, Summer Session Not available Enrollment: FT 951, PT 95 Faculty: FT 27, PT 52 Student-Faculty Ratio: 19:1 Exams: SAT I and SAT II or ACT % Residing in College-Owned, -Operated, or -Affiliated Housing: 7 Credit Hours For Degree: 112 credits, Associates; 192 credits, Bachelors Professional Accreditation: ACCSCT


1195-A Corporate Blvd.
Reno, NV 89502
Tel: (775)856-2266
Web Site:
President/CEO: Larry F. Clark
Registrar: Arline Cochran
Admissions: Laura Goldhammer
Financial Aid: Craig Coziahr
Type: Two-Year College Sex: Coed % Accepted: 100 Admission Plans: Open Admission Application Deadline: Rolling Application Fee: $25.00 H.S. Requirements: High school diploma required; GED accepted Costs Per Year: Application fee: $25. Tuition: $175 per credit hour part-time. Scholarships: Available Calendar System: Quarter, Summer Session Available Enrollment: FT 283 Faculty: FT 11, PT 12 Student-Faculty Ratio: 20:1 Library Holdings: 380 Credit Hours For Degree: 99.5 units, Associates Professional Accreditation: ACCSCT


3200 East Cheyenne Ave.
North Las Vegas, NV 89030-4296
Tel: (702)651-4000
Free: 800-492-5728
Admissions: (702)651-4060
Fax: (702)643-6243
Web Site:
President/CEO: Paul Gianini
Registrar: Arlie Stops
Admissions: Arlie J. Stops
Financial Aid: Arlie Stops
Type: Two-Year College Sex: Coed Affiliation: University and Community College System of Nevada Admission Plans: Open Admission; Early Admission Application Fee: $5.00 H.S. Requirements: High school diploma or equivalent not required. For allied health programs: High school diploma required; GED accepted Costs Per Year: Application fee: $5. State resident tuition: $1523 full-time, $50.75 per credit part-time. Nonresident tuition: $6557 full-time, $106.75 per credit part-time. Mandatory fees: $120 full-time, $4 per credit part-time. Scholarships: Available Calendar System: Semester, Summer Session Available Enrollment: FT 7,850, PT 26,354 Faculty: FT 390, PT 1,890 Library Holdings: 100,000 Credit Hours For Degree: 60 credit hours, Associates ROTC: Army Professional Accreditation: ACF, ADA, AHIMA, AOTA, APTA, COptA, CARC, JRCEDMS, NAACLS, NLN, NCCU Intercollegiate Athletics: Baseball M


HC 72, Box 45001
Dyer, NV 89010-9803
Tel: (760)872-2000
Web Site:
President/CEO: Dr. F. Ross Peterson
Admissions: Dr. F. Ross Peterson
Type: Two-Year College Sex: Men Scores: 100% SAT V 400+; 100% SAT M 400 + % Accepted: 8 Application Deadline: November 15 Application Fee: $0.00 H.S. Requirements: High school diploma required; GED not accepted Calendar System: Miscellaneous, Summer Session Available Enrollment: FT 27 Faculty: FT 5, PT 4 Student-Faculty Ratio: 3:1 Exams: SAT I and SAT II or ACT % Residing in College-Owned, -Operated, or -Affiliated Housing: 100 Library Holdings: 20,000 Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges Credit Hours For Degree: 60 hours, Associates


2490 Paseo Verde Parkway, Ste. 150
Henderson, NV 89074-7120
Tel: (702)933-9700; (866)783-3879
Fax: (702)933-9717
Web Site:
Type: Comprehensive Sex: Coed Affiliation: DeVry University Admission Plans: Deferred Admission Application Deadline: Rolling Application Fee: $50.00 H.S. Requirements: High school diploma required; GED accepted Costs Per Year: Application fee: $50. One-time mandatory fee: $40. Tuition: $11,790 full-time, $440 per credit part-time. Mandatory fees: $270 full-time, $30 per year part-time. Calendar System: Semester, Summer Session Available Enrollment: FT 55, PT 34, Grad 33 Faculty: PT 31 Student-Faculty Ratio: 7:1 Regional Accreditation: North Central Association of Colleges and Schools


1500 College Parkway
Elko, NV 89801-3348
Tel: (775)738-8493
Admissions: (775)753-2271
Web Site:
President/CEO: Dr. Paul T. Killpatrick
Admissions: Julie Byrnes
Financial Aid: Joan Williams
Type: Two-Year College Sex: Coed Affiliation: University and Community College System of Nevada Admission Plans: Open Admission; Early Admission; Deferred Admission Application Deadline: Rolling Application Fee: $5.00 H.S. Requirements: High school diploma or equivalent not required. For nursing program: High school diploma required; GED accepted Costs Per Year: Application fee: $5. State resident tuition: $1575 full-time, $52.50 per credit part-time. Nonresident tuition: $4962 full-time, $110.25 per credit part-time. College room and board: $4520. College room only: $1900. Scholarships: Available Calendar System: Semester, Summer Session Available Enrollment: FT 853, PT 2,242 Faculty: FT 59, PT 172 Student-Faculty Ratio: 13:1 Library Holdings: 27,521 Credit Hours For Degree: 60 semester hours, Associates Professional Accreditation: NLN, NCCU


3305 Spring Mountain Rd., Ste. 7
Las Vegas, NV 89102
Tel: (702)368-2338
Fax: (702)638-3853
Web Site:
President/CEO: Brian Lahargoue
Type: Two-Year College Professional Accreditation: ACCSCT


2320 South Rancho Dr.
Las Vegas, NV 89102
Tel: (702)385-6700
Free: 800-987-0110
Fax: (702)388-4463
Web Site:
President/CEO: Alvin Hollander
Admissions: Alvin J. Hollander
Type: Two-Year College Sex: Coed Calendar System: Semester Professional Accreditation: ACCSCT


168 Gibson Rd.
Henderson, NV 89014
Tel: (702)558-5404
Web Site:
President/CEO: Donn Nimmer
Admissions: Peter Linzmaier
Type: Two-Year College Sex: Coed Affiliation: ITT Educational Services, Inc Admission Plans: Deferred Admission Application Deadline: Rolling Application Fee: $100.00 H.S. Requirements: High school diploma required; GED accepted Costs Per Year: Application fee: $100. Scholarships: Available Exams: Other Credit Hours For Degree: 96 credit hours, Associates; 180 credit hours, Bachelors Professional Accreditation: ACICS


4100 West Flamingo Rd., Ste. 2100
Las Vegas, NV 89103-3926
Tel: (702)368-6200
Free: 800-903-3101
Fax: (702)368-6464
Web Site:
President/CEO: Deborah L. Adams
Admissions: Bill Hall
Financial Aid: Michael Holmes
Type: Two-Year College Sex: Coed Affiliation: Corinthian Colleges, Inc Admission Plans: Open Admission H.S. Requirements: High school diploma required; GED accepted Scholarships: Available Calendar System: Quarter, Summer Session Not available Enrollment: FT 412, PT 239 Exams: Other Credit Hours For Degree: 94 units, Associates Professional Accreditation: ACICS


1451 Center Crossing Rd.
Las Vegas, NV 89144
Tel: (702)365-7690
Fax: (702)365-7911
Web Site:
President/CEO: Jennifer White
Type: Two-Year College Sex: Coed Professional Accreditation: ACCSCT


10315 Professional Circle
Reno, NV 89521
Tel: (775)850-0700
Free: 800-369-6144
Fax: (775)850-0711
Web Site:
President/CEO: Scott McKinley
Registrar: Gerre Young
Admissions: Dr. Richard Carl Farmer
Financial Aid: Kim Droniak
Type: Comprehensive Sex: Coed Admission Plans: Open Admission; Early Admission; Deferred Admission Application Fee: $25.00 H.S. Requirements: High school diploma required; GED accepted Costs Per Year: Application fee: $25. Tuition: $12,000 full-time. Scholarships: Available Calendar System: Miscellaneous, Summer Session Available Enrollment: FT 110, Grad 20 Faculty: FT 15, PT 10 Library Holdings: 6,000 Credit Hours For Degree: 90 credits, Associates; 180 credits, Bachelors Professional Accreditation: ACICS


1125 Nevada State Dr.
Henderson, NV 89015
Tel: (702)992-2000
Fax: (702)992-2226
Web Site:
President/CEO: Kerry D. Romesburg
Admissions: Christina F. Twelves
Type: Four-Year College Sex: Coed Affiliation: Nevada System of Higher Education Application Fee: $30.00 Calendar System: Semester Enrollment: FT 248, PT 287 Faculty: FT 15, PT 73 Student-Faculty Ratio: 9:1 Exams: SAT I or ACT Professional Accreditation: NCCU


3333 East Flamingo Rd.
Las Vegas, NV 89121
Tel: (702)458-9650
Free: 800-477-PIMA
Web Site:
Admissions: Babbette Burcaw
Type: Two-Year College Sex: Coed Affiliation: Vocational Training Institutes, Inc H.S. Requirements: High school diploma required; GED accepted. For some certificate programs: High school diploma or equivalent not required Calendar System: Miscellaneous, Summer Session Not available Faculty: FT 7, PT 5 Student-Faculty Ratio: 20:1 Exams: Other Professional Accreditation: ABHES


999 Tahoe Blvd.
Incline Village, NV 89451
Tel: (775)831-1314
Admissions: (775)831-7799
Fax: (775)831-1347
Web Site:
President/CEO: Dr. James L. Ash, Jr.
Registrar: Pam Emmerich
Admissions: Dr. Thad Anglin
Financial Aid: Dorothy Caruso
Type: Comprehensive Sex: Coed Scores: 98% SAT V 400+; 97% SAT M 400 + Admission Plans: Early Admission; Deferred Admission Application Fee: $0.00 H.S. Requirements: High school diploma required; GED accepted Scholarships: Available Calendar System: Semester, Summer Session Available Enrollment: FT 302, Grad 190 Faculty: FT 19, PT 56 Student-Faculty Ratio: 8:1 Exams: SAT I and SAT II or ACT % Receiving Financial Aid: 70 % Residing in College-Owned, -Operated, or -Affiliated Housing: 45 Library Holdings: 18,500 Credit Hours For Degree: 120 semester hours, Bachelors ROTC: Army Professional Accreditation: NCCU Intercollegiate Athletics: Equestrian Sports M & W; Skiing (Downhill) M & W


7000 Dandini Blvd.
Reno, NV 89512-3901
Tel: (775)673-7000
Admissions: (775)674-7623
Fax: (775)673-7028
Web Site:
President/CEO: Dr. Philip M. Ringle
Registrar: Dave Harbeck
Admissions: Dave Harbeck
Financial Aid: Mona Buckheart
Type: Two-Year College Sex: Coed Affiliation: University and Community College System of Nevada Admission Plans: Open Admission; Early Admission; Deferred Admission Application Fee: $10.00 H.S. Requirements: High school diploma or equivalent not required. For applicants under 18, allied health programs: High school diploma required; GED accepted Costs Per Year: Application fee: $10. State resident tuition: $0 full-time. Nonresident tuition: $4915 full-time, $55.75 per credit part-time. Mandatory fees: $1314 full-time, $54.75 per credit part-time. Scholarships: Available Calendar System: Semester, Summer Session Available Enrollment: FT 1,963, PT 7,734 Faculty: FT 142, PT 338 Student-Faculty Ratio: 31:1 Exams: SAT I or ACT Library Holdings: 42,110 Credit Hours For Degree: 60 credits, Associates ROTC: Army Professional Accreditation: ACF, ADA, JRCERT, NLN, NCCU


4505 Maryland Parkway
Las Vegas, NV 89154-9900
Tel: (702)895-3011
Admissions: (702)895-5292
Fax: (702)895-1118
Web Site:
President/CEO: Dr. Carol Harter
Registrar: Judy Belanger
Admissions: Dr. Stephanie G. Brown
Financial Aid: Judy Belanger
Type: University Sex: Coed Affiliation: University and Community College System of Nevada Scores: 89.8% SAT V 400+; 91.7% SAT M 400+; 56.4% ACT 18-23; 22.5% ACT 24-29 % Accepted: 81 Admission Plans: Deferred Admission Application Deadline: February 01 Application Fee: $60.00 H.S. Requirements: High school diploma required; GED accepted Costs Per Year: Application fee: $60. State resident tuition: $3278 full-time, $105.25 per credit hour part-time. Nonresident tuition: $13,189 full-time, $225 per credit hour part-time. Mandatory fees: $540 full-time. College room and board: $8326. College room only: $5278. Scholarships: Available Calendar System: Semester, Summer Session Available Enrollment: FT 15,570, PT 6,213, Grad 4,857 Faculty: FT 810, PT 732 Student-Faculty Ratio: 20:1 Exams: SAT I or ACT % Receiving Financial Aid: 42 % Residing in College-Owned, -Operated, or -Affiliated Housing: 4 Library Holdings: 1,034,288 Credit Hours For Degree: 124 credit hours, Bachelors Professional Accreditation: AACSB, ABET, ABA, ACCE, ACA, ADA, APTA, ASLA, AALS, CSWE, FIDER, JRCEPAT, JRCNMT, NAACLS, NASAD, NASM, NASPAA, NAST, NCATE, NLN NCCU Intercollegiate Athletics: Baseball M; Basketball M & W; Cheerleading M & W; Cross-Country Running W; Equestrian Sports W; Football M; Golf M; Soccer M & W; Softball W; Swimming and Diving M & W; Tennis M & W; Track and Field W; Volleyball W


Reno, NV 89557
Tel: (775)784-1110; (866)263-8232
Admissions: (775)784-4700
Web Site:
President/CEO: Dr. John M. Lilley
Admissions: Dr. Melissa N. Choroszy
Financial Aid: Dr. Melisa Choroszy
Type: University Sex: Coed Affiliation: University and Community College System of Nevada Scores: 95% SAT V 400+; 96% SAT M 400+; 54% ACT 18-23; 33% ACT 24-29 % Accepted: 86 Admission Plans: Early Action; Deferred Admission Application Deadline: Rolling Application Fee: $60.00 H.S. Requirements: High school diploma required; GED not accepted Costs Per Year: Application fee: $60. State resident tuition: $3060 full-time, $102 per credit part-time. Nonresident tuition: $11,735 full-time, $209.75 per credit part-time. Mandatory fees: $210 full-time. Full-time tuition and fees vary according to course load. Part-time tuition varies according to course load. College room and board: $7785. College room only: $4190. Room and board charges vary according to board plan and housing facility. Scholarships: Available Calendar System: Semester, Summer Session Available Enrollment: FT 10,257, PT 2,680, Grad 3,184 Faculty: FT 489, PT 471 Student-Faculty Ratio: 20:1 % Receiving Financial Aid: 32 % Residing in College-Owned, -Operated, or -Affiliated Housing: 14 Library Holdings: 1,128,954 Credit Hours For Degree: 124 credits, Bachelors ROTC: Army Professional Accreditation: AACSB, ABET, ACEJMC, AACN, ACA, ADtA, APA, ASLHA, CSWE, LCMEAMA, NASM, NCATE, NCCU Intercollegiate Athletics: Baseball M; Basketball M & W; Cheerleading M & W; Cross-Country Running W; Football M; Golf M & W; Riflery M & W; Skiing (Cross-Country) M & W; Skiing (Downhill) M & W; Soccer W; Softball W; Swimming and Diving W; Tennis M & W; Track and Field W; Volleyball W


7455 Washington Ave., Ste. 317
Las Vegas, NV 89128
Tel: (702)638-7279
Free: 800-228-7240
Admissions: (480)557-1712
Fax: (702)638-8035
Web Site:
President/CEO: Steve Soukup
Admissions: Nina Omelchanko
Type: Comprehensive Sex: Coed Admission Plans: Open Admission; Deferred Admission Application Deadline: Rolling Application Fee: $110.00 H.S. Requirements: High school diploma required; GED accepted Costs Per Year: Application fee: $110. Tuition: $9750 full-time, $325 per credit part-time. Mandatory fees: $560 full-time, $70 per course part-time. Scholarships: Available Calendar System: Continuous, Summer Session Not available Enrollment: FT 2,976, Grad 1,262 Faculty: FT 7, PT 310 Student-Faculty Ratio: 8:1 Library Holdings: 444 Regional Accreditation: North Central Association of Colleges and Schools Credit Hours For Degree: 60 credits, Associates; 120 credits, Bachelors


2201 West College Parkway
Carson City, NV 89703-7316
Tel: (775)445-3000
Admissions: (775)445-3271
Fax: (775)887-3141
Web Site:
President/CEO: Dr. Carol Lucey
Registrar: Daniel Navarett
Admissions: Dianne Hilliard
Financial Aid: Lori Tinde
Type: Two-Year College Sex: Coed Affiliation: University and Community College System of Nevada % Accepted: 100 Admission Plans: Open Admission; Early Admission Application Deadline: Rolling Application Fee: $15.00 H.S. Requirements: High school diploma required; GED accepted Costs Per Year: Application fee: $15. Area resident tuition: $52.50 per credit part-time. State resident tuition: $1575 full-time, $88 per credit part-time. Nonresident tuition: $6695 full-time, $114.25 per credit part-time. Mandatory fees: $120 full-time, $4 per credit part-time. Scholarships: Available Calendar System: Semester, Summer Session Available Enrollment: FT 954, PT 3,953 Faculty: FT 79, PT 295 Student-Faculty Ratio: 15:1 Library Holdings: 42,500 Credit Hours For Degree: 60 credits, Associates Professional Accreditation: NLN, NCCU Intercollegiate Athletics: Baseball M; Equestrian Sports M & W; Soccer W


views updated May 29 2018


NEVADA was the fastest growing state in the United States during the last half of the twentieth century. Its population increased from a mere 160,000 in 1950 to just over 2,000,000 in 2001. It was the thirty-sixth state to be admitted to the Union, its official statehood proclaimed on 31 October 1864, with Carson City designated as its capital.

Early History and Exploration

The area that became Nevada was first inhabited between 10,000 and 12,000 years ago, and small stone dart points, called Clovis points, have been found among rock shelters and caves, indicating that early peoples gathered and hunted their food. Around 300 b.c., the culture of the Anasazis appeared; the Anasazis dominated the area for more than a thousand years, living in caves and houses made with adobe and rock and eventually developing a more agriculturally based culture. Migrating tribes replaced the Anasazis, and by the time Europeans first entered the area it was dominated by three Native American tribes—the Paiutes, the Shoshones, and the Washoes. Spanish explorers ventured into areas of Nevada in the late eighteenth century but never established settlements in the mostly arid environment. In 1821, Mexico laid claim to the territory after a successful revolt against Spain, and in 1848 the Treaty of Guadalupe Hildago ceded the land to the United States.

Much of the Nevada territory had by that time been explored, primarily by Peter Skene Ogden of Canada and the Hudson's Bay Company and Jedediah Smith of the Rocky Mountain Fur Company. Smith, on his way over-land to California, entered Nevada in the late summer of 1826 (near present-day Bunkerville). In 1827, he traveled east and north from California, across the Sierras and into the central part of Nevada, the first white man to cross the territory. Ogden made three important expeditions, in 1828, 1829, and 1830, discovering the Humboldt River (he called it the Unknown River) and tracing its path from its source to its sink, where the river empties into marshy flats and evaporates.

In 1843 and 1844, John C. Frémont explored the area from the northwestern corner of the state south to Pyramid Lake and then southwest across the Sierras to California, calling it the Great Basin. His publicized expeditions and mappings of the territory helped establish settlements and routes for westward-bound settlers and miners, especially after the discovery of gold in California in 1849.

Statehood and Economic Boom

In 1850, the federal government created the Utah Territory, which included almost all of what is now Nevada. Much of it was Mormon-dominated territory after 1851, but the discovery of gold in the late 1850s drew non-Mormons into western Nevada, including a flood of miners from California who came upon hearing the news of the Comstock Lode silver strike, the richest deposit of silver in American history. After the Comstock, small towns sprang up and Virginia City became an important crossroads, trading post, and mining camp.

The importance of the Comstock silver helped gain approval from the federal government for the creation of the Territory of Nevada in 1861. In 1863, a constitutional convention was held in Carson City and a state constitution was drafted. A bitter battle between those who favored small mining interests and the political power of the large San Francisco mining companies ensued, and ratification of the newly drawn state constitution was hotly contested. Although the majority of residents favored statehood, in early 1864 voters rejected the constitution, effectively ending their chances for admission into the Union. However, the U.S. Congress and President Abraham Lincoln, waging the Civil War (1861–1865) and in need of additional support for the Thirteenth Amendment, strongly desired Nevada's admission into the Union. A second constitution was ratified in March of 1864 and, in spite of not meeting the population requirements for statehood, by October, Nevada was a new state. Its entry into the Union during the Civil War earned it the nickname "The Battle Born State."

The early years of statehood were dominated by economic issues of the mining industry, specifically the silver industry. In 1873, the federal government discontinued the minting of silver coins and the Comstock declined. The 1880s and 1890s were marked by economic depression and a consequent population decrease, but a revival of the mining industry, spurred by silver and copper ore discoveries in southwestern and eastern Nevada, brought in new investment capital, and the completion of the transcontinental railroad caused another boom.

The Twentieth Century

Nevada politics in the twentieth century were dominated by land-use issues. In the early part of the century, federal irrigation projects helped stimulate agriculture, expand farmland, and encourage cattle and sheep ranching. Hoover Dam and the creation of Lake Mead in the 1930s was welcomed for the economic stimulus provided, but other federal projects have been greeted with less enthusiasm. In the 1950s, the Atomic Energy Commission conducted aboveground nuclear tests at Frenchman Flat and Yucca Flat—events that met with little protest at the time but that nonetheless chafe many Nevadans in retrospect. During the 1970s, Nevadans led other western states in an attempt to regain control of the land from the federal Bureau of Land Management. In 1979, the state legislature passed a law requiring the return of 49 million acres of federally owned land to the State of Nevada. The movement, dubbed the "Sagebrush Rebellion," caused a brief controversy and ultimately lost in the federal courts, and the issue remains a sore point for many Nevadans. In 1987, the Department of Energy named Yucca Mountain as its primary high-level nuclear waste depository, a decision the State of Nevada continued to fight at the beginning of the twenty-first century.

Economic changes also took place throughout the twentieth century. The 1930s saw a transformation in the Nevada economy. In 1931 gambling was legalized throughout the state, with the exception of Boulder City, where housing had been built for government employees working on Hoover Dam. Earlier in the state's history, as with much of the United States, gambling had been legal. In the early 1900s, however, gambling prohibition swept the country, and in 1910 gambling was outlawed in Nevada. In spite of severe restrictions, illegal gambling still thrived in many parts of the state, especially in Las Vegas. During the Great Depression the need for state revenues and economic stimulus led Nevadans to approve the return of legalized gambling, and Nevada passed some of the most liberal gambling laws in the country.

World War II (1939–1945) brought military air bases to Las Vegas and Reno, and federal agencies such as the Bureau of Land Management and the U.S. Forest Service, which managed more than 85 percent of Nevada's land, brought public employees and some measure of prosperity to the more urban regions of the state. But it was the tourism industry that was shaping Nevada's economic future. During the 1940s, as other states cracked down on legalized gambling, Nevada's embrace of the gaming industry drew developers and tourists and boosted the state's economy, but it also drew organized crime. Criminal elements from the east coast and from nearby Los Angeles were instrumental in the development of some of the more famous casinos, including The Flamingo, opened in 1946 by New York mobster Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel.

After World War II, the gaming and entertainment industries were expanded, especially in Reno, Las Vegas, and on the California border at Lake Tahoe. T he tourism industry benefited from low tax rates, and legal gambling and top entertainers brought in visitors as well as new residents. Although organized crime played a significant role in the early development of Nevada's urban centers, especially in Las Vegas, the federal government pressured the state to strengthen license regulations and by the 1960s the stigma of gangster-owned casinos was on the wane.

During the late 1950s and early 1960s, Las Vegas and the surrounding area in Clark County grew tremendously and soon became the home of a quarter of the state's residents. Several large hotels and casinos opened and became internationally famous, including The Dunes (1955), The Tropicana (1957), and The Stardust (1958). The 1960s saw the boom continue with the openings of The Aladdin (1963), Caesar's Palace (1966), and Circus Circus (1968). The glamour and legal legitimacy of casinos and hotel resorts began to draw corporate development from beyond the gambling industry, and by 1970 Las Vegas was more associated with billionaire Howard Hughes than with gangsters such as Bugsy Siegel.

Although Nevada's population continued to increase during the 1980s, a sluggish economy meant a decline in casino and resort development. In 1988, voters overwhelmingly approved a constitutional amendment prohibiting state income tax. The 1990s saw a burst of development in the Reno-Sparks area and, more dramatically, in Las Vegas and Clark County. Las Vegas reshaped itself as a destination for families, not just gamblers, and many of the old casinos from the 1950s and 1960s were closed and demolished. They were replaced by bigger, more upscale hotels and theme casinos such as The Mirage (opened in 1989), The Luxor (1993), The Monte Carlo (1996), New York-New York (1997), and Paris, Las Vegas (1999). In 1996 The Stratosphere casino was opened in Las Vegas, inside the tallest building west of the Mississippi.

Although much of Nevada is open land, the population is predominantly urban. The state's total area is about 110,000 miles, but because much of the eastern side is federal land designated for military use or grazing and mining territory, the population centers are on the western side, near the California border to the south and west and the Arizona border to the south and east. The city of Las Vegas at the time of the 2000 census had a population of nearly 500,000, but the metropolitan area, including part of northern Arizona, had a total population of over 1.5 million. The Reno-Sparks metropolitan area had a population of 339,486 in 2000.

More than 75 percent of the state's population were born outside Nevada. The 2000 census reported that more than 75 percent of the population identified themselves as white, 6.8 percent as African American, and 4.5 percent as Asian. Those who identified themselves as being of Hispanic ancestry increased from just over 10 percent to more than 19 percent.

Although the service industry, through casinos and resorts, employs most Nevada residents, there is some manufacturing (gaming machines, aerospace equipment, and products related to irrigation and seismic monitoring) and a significant number of employees of the federal government, especially the military. U.S. military installations in Nevada include Nellis Air Force Base in Las Vegas, the Naval Air Station in Fallon, and the Army and Air National Guard Base in Carson City. Perhaps Nevada's most famous military base is the so-called secret or underground base known as "Area 51," located north of Las Vegas near Groom Lake. Self-proclaimed "ufologists" have perpetuated a rumor for decades that Area 51 is the location of nefarious U.S. government schemes that include secret spy planes and an alleged craft from outer space, said to have crashed near Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947.

The state flag, modified in 1991 from the original design approved in 1929, features a cobalt blue background behind a five-pointed silver star that sits forming a wreath between two sprays of sagebrush. Across the top of the wreath it reads "Battle Born" in black letters, with the state name in gold letters below the stars and above the sagebrush. Besides the Battle Born moniker, Nevada is also called "The Silver State" and "The Sagebrush State" (sagebrush is the state flower), and the state motto, of undetermined origin, is "All for Our Country."

Although it consists mostly of mountainous and desert terrain with altitudes between 1,000 and more than 13,000 feet (the state's highest point, Boundary Peak, is 13,145 feet), Nevada also has rivers and lakes. These include the Humboldt, Colorado, and Truckee Rivers and Pyramid Lake (the state's largest natural lake) and Lake Mead (the state's largest artificial lake, backed up by Hoover Dam on the Colorado River), and 5 million acres of designated national forestland.


Elliott, Russell R. History of Nevada. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1973.

Farquhar, Francis Peloubet. History of the Sierra Nevada. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1965.

Laxalt, Robert. Nevada. New York: Coward-McCann, 1970.

Smith, Grant H. The History of the Comstock Lode, 1850–1997. Reno: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, 1998.

The Official State of Nevada Web Site. Home page at


See alsoHoover Dam ; Las Vegas .


views updated May 17 2018


Nevada was one of the last areas of the United States to be explored because with it's vast, dry deserts it was not thought to be worth anything. However, when gold and silver were discovered in the rich earth miners flocked to the area, cities were built, and the state flourished.

Explorers moving westward didn't reach Nevada until 1826 when Nevada was still a part of Mexico. Until then the land was largely ignored by Mexico and Spain, the owners before Mexico. In 1846 the United States went to war with Mexico to take over Nevada and other southwestern land. The United States won the Mexican War in 1848. The first town in Nevada, Genoa, was built up in 1851 around a trading post that was developed as a stop over for gold miners on their way to California.

The first detailed reports about Nevada came from John Frémont, who, with his famous guide, Kit Carson, explored Nevada from 18431844. Carson City, the state capital, and the Carson River are named for Kit Carson.

In 1859 miners flocked to Nevada after gold and silver were discovered there. Virginia City was developed near what was to become one of the biggest silver mines in the world, the Comstock Lode. The town had a reputation of lawlessness as bandits robbed stagecoaches, and gamblers tried to win miners' silver and gold. The state's development throughout the rest of the century was dependent on the Comstock Lode. When the silver and gold dwindled in the mine in the 1870s a 20-year depression hit the state. An effort to revive the economy called for encouraging mining by increasing the value of silver. Nevadans supported the movement for free silver coinage during the 1890s, and the Silver Party dominated state politics over the next ten years.

Nevada was admitted to the union on October 31, 1864 and enlarged to its current size in 1866. Towns sprang up near gold and silver mines around the state, which were so plentiful that the United States government opened a mint in Carson City, which operated from 1870 to 1893. By 1880 many of the mines were cleaned out, so Nevadans began cattle ranching as a substitute.

In 1900 the economy was revived as another silver mine was discovered in Tonopah and in 1902, two gold miners were founded and the town of Goldfield was built. Also, copper mines were discovered in eastern Nevada.

During the early 1900s settlers attempting to farm in Nevada had a difficult time trying to get water to irrigate their lands. In 1902 the Newlands Reclamation Act set aside federal funds for irrigation and by 1907 the project was finished. The irrigation project allowed farmers to grow crops in Nevada's western desert which previously was sand.

During World War I Nevada's beef industry provided rations for the troops. Then the Great Depression hit the country in 1929 causing banks, farms, mines, and factories to fail. However, in 1931 Nevada's economic health began to turn around as a federal public works project supported construction of the Hoover Dam, the Davis Dam and the Southern Nevada Water Project. These projects provided jobs, water and hydroelectric power for the state. Gambling also was legalized in the state. As a result, Las Vegas and Reno became major entertainment centers in the country as casinos and hotels were built.

After World War II started in 1941 Nellis Air Force Base was built near Las Vegas and a navy air base was built at Fallon. During the war the United States started manufacturing nuclear weapons and the first nuclear tests were conducted at the Nevada Test Site, just northwest of Las Vegas, in 1951. Nuclear tests have continued over the years however, since 1963 they are conducted underground.

Revenues from casino gambling grew as Nevada allowed large businesses to own casinos. Investors such as airplane manufacturer Howard Hughes built hotels and casinos in Reno and Las Vegas. In the 1950s gaming became the state's leading industry. New federal and state regulations were imposed on the casinos when it was revealed during the 1950s and 1960s that organized crime had gradually moved into the gaming industry, using casino money to finance narcotics and other illegal activity on the east coast.

As the number of casinos grew, the populations of Las Vegas and Reno exploded between 1970 and 1994 as the census in Las Vegas tripled and Reno's population doubled. As businesses and people moved to Nevada, larger amounts of water were needed. The drought between 1988 and 1992 did not help matters. Nevada continues to examine new ways of supplying water to areas around the state.

In the 1990s the largest industries in Nevada included gambling and tourism, which together generated more than 50 percent of the state's income. Mining in Nevada produces more than 350,000 pounds of gold and 1.4 million pounds of silver each year. Computers and electrical equipment were also the leading products; beef cattle, sheep, dairy cows, and hogs were the major farm products, along with hay, grapes, and onions.

In 1995 Nevada's per capita income was $24,390 and 11.1 percent of all Nevadans lived below the federal poverty level.


Aylesworth, Thomas G. The West: Arizona, Nevada, Utah. New York: Chelsea House Publishing, 1992.

Elliot, Russel R. History of Nevada. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 1973.

Laxalt, Robert. "Nevada." In States of the Nation. New York: Coward-McCann, Inc., 1970.

Thompson, Kathleen. "Nevada." Portrait of America. Texas: Steck-Vaughn Publishers, 1996.

Worldmark Encyclopedia of the States. Detroit: Gale Research, 1998, s.v. "Nevada."


views updated May 23 2018


All for our country.

At a Glance

Name: Nevada means "snowcapped" in Spanish.

Nicknames: Sagebrush State, Silver State

Capital: Carson City

Size: 110,567 sq. mi. (286,367 sq km)

Population: 1,998,257

Statehood: Nevada became the 36th state on October 31, 1864.

Electoral votes: 5 (2004)

U.S. representatives: 3

State trees: single-leaf piñon and bristlecone pine

State flower: sagebrush

State animal: desert bighorn sheep

Highest point: Boundary Peak, 13,140 ft. (4,005 m)

The Place

Nevada is one of the mountainous states of the West. Most of Nevada is located within a large desert area known as the Great Basin. The northeastern corner of the state is a lava-made plateau full of steep ridges and streams. The land flattens into prairie close to the state's border with Idaho.

The Sierra Nevada is a rugged mountain range that cuts across the south and west of Nevada. Lake Tahoe is the most famous lake in this region. Other smaller mountain ranges cover the rest of Nevada. Grasses grow in many of the valleys between Nevada's mountains, where cattle often graze.

The regions of Nevada all have different weather. The northern and mountainous parts have long, cold winters and hot summers, and winter is milder in the south and west.

Since Nevada has poor soil, its most important resources are its varied mineral deposits, which include copper, mercury, gold, silver, and petroleum.

Nevada: Facts and Firsts

  1. Nevada has more mountain ranges than any other state.
  2. Nevada's lakes are home to some unique species of fish, like the cui-ui, a large sucker from Pyramid Lake, and the Devils Hole pupfish from Devils Hole. These fish are found nowhere else in the world because they were isolated in lakes thousands of years ago when prehistoric rivers dried up.
  3. The U.S. government owns about 80 percent of Nevada's land, the largest percentage of any state.
  4. Nevada produces more gold than any other state. In the world, it is second only to the country of South Africa.
  5. Hoover Dam in Nevada was the biggest single public works project in the history of the United States. It contains about 4.5 million cubic yards (3.4 million cu m) of concrete—enough to pave a two-lane highway from San Francisco to New York City.
  6. In 1999, Nevada had 205,726 slot machines for gambling—one for every 10 state residents.

The Past

Nevada has one of the longest and richest Native American histories of any state. Cave paintings from thousands of years ago have been found in this region. The first Europeans arrived in Nevada in the 1770s, when the Spanish claimed it as part of the territory of Mexico. Fur traders from Canada and the eastern United States also made their way to Nevada during the early 1800s.

Nevada became part of the United States at the end of the Mexican-American War in 1848. Soon after, a group of Mormons who sought religious freedom settled in Nevada. They supplied provisions to prospectors who traveled to California in search of gold.

Major settlement in Nevada was slow until the Comstock Lode, a huge deposit of silver, was discovered near Carson City in 1859. The area became a thriving mining center, where life was dangerous, expensive, and often lawless.

Nevada became a state in 1864, during the Civil War. It was admitted to the Union with the support of President Abraham Lincoln, who wanted another free state that would help pass his antislavery proposals.

After the Civil War, the federal government reduced the amount of silver used in its coins, and as a result, many Nevada mines failed. Once-thriving mining towns became ghost towns as people left the state to find work elsewhere. During the next 80 years, prices for mined goods rose and fell unpredictably because of the Great Depression and two world wars. As mining declined, however, cattle ranching became more important.

Nevada: State Smart

Nevada is the driest state. It receives an average of 9 inches (23 cm) of rain each year.

In 1931, the Nevada legislature made gambling legal in the state. After World War II, tourism began to increase as visitors took advantage of the legal gambling in Las Vegas and Reno and the beautiful scenery around Lake Tahoe, Nevada's most famous resort.

The Present

Today, Nevada is most famous for Las Vegas and Reno, the sites of huge hotels, nightclubs, and casinos. Nevada has the loosest gambling laws of any state. Each year, more than 40 million tourists spend billions of dollars in Nevada.

Sports, ranches, and fishing resorts also attract many people to Nevada. The service industries around the tourist centers of Las Vegas and Reno contribute about one-third of the entire state's yearly income. More than four-fifths of Nevada residents and many people from other states also live in these metropolitan areas because of the availability of service industry jobs.

Despite the importance of tourism to Nevada's economy, mining remains one of the state's chief industries. Nevada produces almost two-thirds of all the gold mined in the United States and mines more silver than any other state.

Born in Nevada

  1. Andre Agassi , tennis player
  2. Robert Caples , painter
  3. Abby Dalton , actress
  4. Michele Greene , actress
  5. Sarah Winnemucca Hopkins , author and Paiute interpreter
  6. Thelma "Pat" Nixon , first lady
  7. Lute Pease , cartoonist and Pulitzer Prize winner

Petroleum, gravel, and sand are also valuable products. Many of these minerals are used to support Nevada's manufacturing industries, which process meat; make concrete, computer, and electronic equipment; and publish printed materials. Raising livestock is also a chief economic activity. Most farms operate near the Colorado River, where irrigation enables the growth of crops.


views updated Jun 08 2018


NEVADA , state located in western U.S.; Jews numbered approximately 82,100 out of a population of 2,019,00 in 2005, which is a dramatic increase from the 2,380 out of a total of 440,000 in 1969 and more than four times the total of 1990. The two principal Jewish communities were in Las Vegas, which in 2005 was the fastest growing Jewish community in the United States, and the Reno-Carson City area which numbers some 2,100 Jews. There are Reform synagogues in State-line and Summerlin. Reno still has three synagogues – Reform, Conservative, and Chabad – as well as a mikveh. More than 600 Jewish families are estimated to move to Las Vegas each month, and in 2005 it had some 80,000 Jewish residents. Las Vegas boasts 18 congregations, three day schools, and a Holocaust memorial and resource library. Chabad operates four centers employing seven full-time rabbis. Orthodox residents and visitors can avail themselves of three mikva'ot (ritual baths), six kosher restaurants, a Glatt Kosher market, and two kosher stores embedded in local supermarkets. Three major casinos, meanwhile, maintain full-service kosher kitchens. Community affairs are chronicled in two community newspapers, The Jewish Reporter and The Israelite, and a monthly periodical, Life & Style: The Las Vegas Jewish Magazine. A Hillel Union at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, tends to the needs of Jewish students on campus.

Jews first went to Nevada from California in 1859 with the discovery of gold on the Comstock Lode and the silver rush around Virginia City in 1862. The gold and silver strikes brought a flood of emigrants from all corners of the country, including Jewish engineers, storekeepers, traders, lawyers, journalists, doctors, and fortune hunters. Nevada's first directory in 1862 listed 200 Jews in Virginia City, Gold Hill, Silver City, Austin, Dayton, Eureka, and Carson City. All but the latter were ghost towns by the 1960s. A congregation and B'nai B'rith lodge were organized in Virginia City in 1862. In the same year a burial society was organized there and in Eureka. Worship services were first held in Carson City in 1869. When the U.S. went on the gold standard and silver deposits gave out, Nevada's population shrank and the Jewish communities in the mining towns faded away. Carson City still has a

historic Jewish cemetery known as the Bonanza Days Jewish Cemetary. A short-lived community grew up at Goldfield at the turn of the century when new gold and silver discoveries were made there. In 1969 the oldest permanent Jewish community was in Reno, which became the state's principal city after the mining towns were abandoned in the 1870s.

Among the pioneer Jews was Herman Bien, a rabbi, who opened the first Jewish school at Virginia City in 1861, and served in the first territorial legislature. He was one of four Jewish members of the convention that drafted the state's first constitution in 1864. Adolph *Sutro, later mayor of San Francisco, who arrived in 1860, built the Sutro tunnel that greatly aided mining operations. Albert *Michelson, the United States' first Nobel Prize winner, spent his boyhood in Virginia City, where his father was a storekeeper. Joseph Goodman was co-owner of The Territorial Enterprise, the first printed newspaper in Nevada, which employed Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) as a reporter. Samuel Platt, whose father came to Carson City in 1864, served as speaker of the state legislature and U.S. attorney for Nevada, and was three times Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate. Col. David Mannheim commanded troops in the Indian wars of the 1860s, and Mark Strouse was the first sheriff of Carson City. Milton Badt was chief justice of the Nevada Supreme Court from 1947 to 1966, and David Zenoff was appointed to the court in 1965. The mayor of Las Vegas from 1999 was Oscar Goodman (1939– ). Brian Greenspun, the scion of newspaper magnate, land developer and arms smuggler to pre-state Israel, Herman "Hank" Milton Greenspun (1909–1989), was the editor of the Las Vegas Sun and active in real estate and casino management. Casino mogul Steve *Wynn (1941– ), who built the opulent Bellagio and Wynn Las Vegas hotels, is credited with the Las Vegas Strip's successful marketing, during the 1990s, as a family friendly environment. Rival Sheldon Adelson (1933– ), who built the Venetian Hotel, established Las Vegas as a major convention and trade show venue. Democratic Congresswoman Shelley *Berkley (1951– ) was elected to the House of Representatives in 1998 and won her fourth term in 2004. Jacob "Chic" Hecht (1928– ) served in the Nevada State Senate from 1967 to 1975, as a Republican in the U.S. Senate from 1983 to 1989, and as U.S. Ambassador to the Bahamas (1989–94).

Many Jews serve the casino industry; others are retirees, many more are professionals, physicians, lawyers and accountants, meeting the needs of a booming economy and a growing population. While attention is concentrated on the Las Vegas strip, family life thrives in the suburbs around Las Vegas in Summerlin, Desert Shores, Seven Hills and Green Valley, and Henderson.


B. Postal and L. Koppman, A Jewish Tourist's Guide to the U.S. (1954), 293–8; R.E. and M.F. Stewart, Adolph Sutro; A Biography (1962), 41–58; aja, 8 (1956), 103–5. add. bibliography: O. Osraelowitz, United States Jewish Travel Guide (2003).

[Bernard Postal /

Sheldon Teitelbaum (2nd ed.)]

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