
views 2,245,125 updated Jun 11 2018

last1 / last/ • adj. [attrib.] 1. coming after all others in time or order; final: they caught the last bus. ∎  met with or encountered after any others: the last house in the village. ∎  the lowest in importance or rank: finishing in last place [as complement] he came last in the race. ∎  (the last) the least likely or suitable: addicts are often the last people to face up to their problems the last thing she needed was a husband.2. most recent in time; latest: last year [postpositive] your letter of Sunday last. ∎  immediately preceding in order; previous in a sequence: their last album. ∎  most recently mentioned or enumerated: this last point is critical.3. only remaining: it's our last hope.4. single; individual: Holly was ceremoniously savoring every last crumb of her chocolate doughnut.• adv. 1. on the last occasion before the present; previously: he looked much older than when I'd last seen him.2. [in combination] after all others in order or sequence: the two last-mentioned classes.3. (esp. in enumerating points) finally; in conclusion: and last, I'd like to thank you all for coming.• n. (pl. same) the last person or thing; the one occurring, mentioned, or acting after all others: the last of their guests had gone eating as if every mouthful were his last. ∎  (the last of) the only part of something that remains: they drank the last of the wine. ∎  [in sing.] last position in a race, contest, or ranking: he came from last in a slowly run race. ∎  (the last) the end or last moment, esp. death: she did love me to the last. ∎  (the last) the last mention or sight of someone or something: that was the last we saw of her.PHRASES: at last (or at long last) after much delay: you've come back to me at last!as a last resortsee resort.—— one's last do something for the last time: the dying embers sparked their last.last but not least last in order of mention or occurrence but just as important.last call (in a bar) an expression used to inform customers that closing time is approaching and that any further drinks should be purchased immediately: the hours were 11:00 last call and drink up by 11:15.last ditch used to denote a final, often desperate, act to achieve something in the face of difficulty: [as adj.] a last-ditch attempt to acquire some proper qualifications. one's (or the) last gaspsee gasp.the last strawsee straw.on one's last legssee leg.last2 • v. [intr.] 1. (of a process, activity, or state of things) continue for a specified period of time: the guitar solo lasted for twenty minutes childhood seems to last forever.2. continue to function well or to be in good condition for a considerable or specified length of time: the car is built to last a lip pencil lasts longer than lipstick. ∎  (of a person) manage to continue in a job or course of action: how long does he think he'll last as manager? ∎  survive or endure: his condition is so serious that he won't last the night. ∎  [tr.] (of provisions or resources) be adequate or sufficient for (someone), esp. for a specified length of time: he filled the freezer with enough food to last him for three months.last3 • n. a shoemaker's model for shaping or repairing a shoe or boot.


views 1,339,563 updated May 14 2018

last in the last chance saloon having been allowed one final opportunity to improve or get things right, from the fanciful idea of a saloon bar with this name.
it is the last straw that breaks the camel's back proverbial saying, mid 17th century, meaning that the addition of one quite minor problem may prove crushing to someone who is already overburdened. (Compare the last drop makes the cup run over.)
the last drop makes the cup run over proverbial saying, mid 17th century, in which the addition of something in itself quite minor causes an excess. (Compare it is the last straw that breaks the camel's back.)
last hurrah the final act in a politician's career, a final performance or effort, a swansong, from the title of The Last Hurrah, a novel (1956) by Edwin O'Connor.
Last Judgement the judgement of humankind expected in some religious traditions to take place at the end of the world.
last post in the British armed forces, the second of two bugle calls giving notice of the hour of retiring at night, played also at military funerals and acts of remembrance.
last rites in the Christian Church, those administered to a person who is about to die.
Last Supper the supper eaten by Jesus and his disciples on the night before the Crucifixion, as recorded in the New Testament and commemorated by Christians in the Eucharist.
last trump the trumpet blast that in some religious beliefs is thought will wake the dead on Judgement Day.

See also there are no birds in last year's nest, the four last things, he laughs best who laughs last, last of the Mohicans at Mohican, Seven Last Words at seven.


views 3,990,314 updated May 23 2018

last3 following all the others, coming at the end. OE. latost, Nhb. lætest, corr. to OS. la(t)st, letist (Du. laatst, lest), OHG. lazzōst, lezzist (G. letzt), ON. latastr :- Gmc. *latast-, *latist-, superl. of læt adj., late adv. LATE; see -EST.


views 1,697,394 updated May 21 2018

last1 †footprint; shoemaker's wooden or iron model of a foot. OE. lāst footprint, lǣst boot, lǣste shoemaker's last = MLG. lēst(e), Du. leest, OHG. leist (G. leisten) last, ON. leistr foot, sock, Goth. laists footprint, track; f. Gmc. *lais- follow a track; cf. Goth. lais I know, L. līra furrow, and LEARN.


views 2,776,981 updated May 14 2018


a load or burden; an amount of cod or herrings [12 barrels]; a measure of grain or malt [80 bushels], hence, a large, indefinite number.

Examples: last of beer, 1390; of cod; of devils, 1712; of falcons, c. 1620; of goshawks, c. 1620; of grain; of herrings, 1469; of kisses, 1581; of leather, 1750; of malt, 1893; of pitch or tar, 1483.


views 3,356,221 updated Jun 27 2018

last2 measure of weight, capacity, or quantity. XIV. OE. hlæst load, burden = (M)LG., (M)Du. last, OHG. hlast (G. last) :- WGmc. *hlatsta-, -sti-; rel. to LADE.


views 1,323,583 updated May 23 2018

last4 †follow; †carry out, perform; go on, continue. OE. lǣstan, corr. to OS. lēstian execute, (O)HG. leisten afford, yield, Goth. laistjan follow :- Gmc. *laistjan, f. *laist- LAST1.

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