Lasswell, Marcia

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LASSWELL, Marcia. American, b. 1927. Genres: Human relations/Parenting, Psychology. Career: California State University, Pomona, Professor of Psychology, 1960-; Clinical Professor in Graduate Program Training, Marriage and Family Therapists, and Co-Director, Human Relations Center, University of Southern California at Los Angeles; in private practice as Marriage and Family Counselor, 1959-. Member, Board of Dirs., Omega Foundation Member, Southern California Association of Marriage and Family Counselors (Vice President, 1971-72, and President, 1972-73). Lecturer, 1952-54, and Assistant Professor, 1959-60, Pepperdine College, Los Angeles. Publications: College Teaching of General Psychology (textbook), 1967; (with T. Lasswell) Love, Marriage and Family (textbook), 1973; (with N. Lobsenz) No-Fault Marriage, 1976; (with N. Lobsenz) Styles of Loving, 1980; (with N. Lobsenz) Equal Time, 1983; (with T. Lasswell) Love, Marriage and Family, 1983, 3rd ed., 1991. Address: 800 W. First St., No. 2908, Los Angeles, CA 90012, U.S.A. Online address: