
views updated May 29 2018

gudg·eon1 / ˈgəjən/ • n. a small, edible, European freshwater fish (Gobio gobio) of the minnow family, often used as fishing bait. gudg·eon2 • n. a pivot or spindle on which a bell or other object swings or rotates. ∎  the tubular part of a hinge into which the pin fits to unite the joint. ∎  a socket at the stern of a vessel, into which a rudder is fitted. ∎  a pin holding two blocks of stone together.


views updated May 21 2018

gudgeon Freshwater carp found in rivers from Britain to China. It has a small mouth with barbels, an elongated body and variable colour. Length: 20cm (8in). Species Gobio gobio.


views updated Jun 11 2018

gudgeon1 small freshwater fish XV; bait; gullible person XVI. Late ME. gogen, gojo(u)n — (O)F. goujon :- L. gōbiō, -ōn-, f. gōbius GOBY.


views updated May 29 2018

gudgeon2 pivot of metal, etc. XIV. — (O)F. goujon pin, dowel, tenon, dim, of gouge GOUGE.


views updated May 29 2018

gudgeon See ELEOTRIDAE.

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