views updated May 29 2018

EUREKA A European program of development in a wide range of technologies including information technology (IT). The projects are collaborative with at least two different companies from different countries participating in a project. Some funding is provided by the national funding agencies. It is not limited to European Union countries. EUREKA is oriented nearer to marketplace development than ESPRIT.


views updated Jun 08 2018

eureka a cry of joy or satisfaction when one finds or discovers something. Recorded from the early 17th century, and said to have been uttered by Archimedes when he hit upon a method of determining the purity of gold (Greek heurēka ‘I have found it’).

Eureka was the name given to a lode in the Ballarat goldfield.
Eureka flag a blue flag bearing a white cross with a star at the end of each arm, first raised at the Eureka stockade; it is also known as the Southern Cross.
Eureka stockade scene of a clash between gold-miners and the police and military at the site of the Eureka lode at Ballarat in 1854, now a symbol of republicanism.


views updated May 21 2018

eu·re·ka / yoŏˈrēkə; yə-/ • interj. a cry of joy or satisfaction when one finds or discovers something.


views updated May 29 2018

eureka exclamation (Gr. heúrēka I have found, perf. of heurĩskein find) uttered by Archimedes when he discovered the means of determining by specific gravity the proportion of base metal in Hiero's golden crown. XVII.

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