McAllister, Archibald

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McAllister, Archibald

McALLISTER, ARCHIBALD. (?–1781). Continental officer. Maryland. A lieutenant in the Maryland battalion of the Flying Camp in July 1776, he became an ensign in the Second Maryland Continentals on 10 December, was promoted to second lieutenant of the First Maryland on 17 April 1777, and became first lieutenant on 27 May 1778. With Michael Rudolph, he was breveted captain on 24 September 1779 for their "military caution so happily combined with daring activity" at Paulus Hook, in the words of the congressional resolution. He died on 16 January 1781 (The name is also spelled McCallister).

SEE ALSO Flying Camp; Paulus Hook, New Jersey; Rudolph, Michael.


Heitman, Francis B. Historical Register of Officers of the Continental Army. Revised edition. Washington, D.C.: Rare Book Shop Publishing. Co., 1914.

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