Mcarthur, Harvey King

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MCARTHUR, Harvey King

MCARTHUR, Harvey King. American, b. 1912. Genres: Theology/ Religion. Career: Pastor, Blackstone Federated Churches, Massachusetts, 1941-44; U.S. Army Chaplain, 1944-46; Instructor, Dept. of Biblical History, Wellesley College, Massachusetts, 1947-48; Associate Professor, 1948-53, Professor, 1953-60, Hosmer Professor, 1960-76, and Acting President, 1976- 78, Hartford Seminary Foundation, CT. Publications: Understanding the Sermon on the Mount, 1960; The Quest Through the Centuries, 1966; (with R.M. Johnston) They also Taught in Parables, 1990. EDITOR & CONTRIBUTOR: New Testament Sidelights, 1960; In Search of the Historical Jesus, 1969. Contributor to religious periodicals.

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