
views updated May 21 2018


State of Oregon

ORIGIN OF STATE NAME: Unknown; name first applied to the river now known as the Columbia, possibly from the Algonquian for "beautiful water."

NICKNAME: The Beaver State.


ENTERED UNION: 14 February 1859 (33rd).

SONG: "Oregon, My Oregon."

MOTTO: She Flies With Her Own Wings.

FLAG: The flag consists of a navy-blue field with gold lettering and illustrations. Obverse: the shield from the state seal, supported by 33 stars, with the words "State of Oregon" above and the year of admission below. Reverse: a beaver.

OFFICIAL SEAL: A shield, supported by 33 stars and crested by an American eagle, depicts mountains and forests, an elk, a covered wagon and ox team, wheat, a plow, a pickax, and the state motto. In the background, as the sun sets over the Pacific, an American merchant ship arrives as a British man-o'-war departs. The words "State of Oregon 1859" surround the whole.

BIRD: Western meadowlark.

FISH: Chinook salmon.

FLOWER: Oregon grape.

TREE: Douglas fir.

GEM: Sunstone.

LEGAL HOLIDAYS: New Year's Day, 1 January; Birthday of Martin Luther King Jr., 3rd Monday in January; Presidents', Day, 3rd Monday in February; Memorial Day, last Monday in May; Independence Day, 4 July; Labor Day, 1st Monday in September; Veterans' Day, 11 November; Thanksgiving Day, 4th Thursday in November; Christmas Day, 25 December.

TIME: 5 AM MST = noon GMT; 4 AM PST = noon GMT.


Located on the Pacific coast of the northwestern United States. Oregon ranks 10th in size among the 50 states.

The total area of Oregon is 97,073 sq mi (251,419 sq km), with land comprising 96,184 sq mi (249,117 sq km) and inland water 889 sq mi (2,302 sq km). Oregon extends 395 mi (636 km) e-w; the state's maximum n-s extension is 295 mi (475 km).

Oregon is bordered on the n by Washington (with most of the line formed by the Columbia River); on the e by Idaho (with part of the line defined by the Snake River); on the s by Nevada and California; and on the w by the Pacific Ocean. The total boundary length of Oregon is 1,444 mi (2,324 km), including a general coastline of 296 mi (476 km); the tidal shoreline extends 1,410 mi (2,269 km). The state's geographic center is in Crook County, 25 mi (40 km) sse of Prineville.


The Cascade Range, extending north-south, divides Oregon into distinct eastern and western regions, each of which contains a great variety of landforms.

At the state's western edge, the Coast Range, a relatively low mountain system, rises from the beaches, bays, and rugged headlands of the Pacific coast. Between the Coast and Cascade ranges lie fertile valleys, the largest being the Willamette Valley, Oregon's heartland. The two-thirds of the state lying east of the Cascade Range consists generally of arid plateaus cut by river canyons, with rolling hills in the north-central portion giving way to the Blue Mountains in the northeast. The Great Basin in the southeast is characterized by fault-block ridges, weathered buttes, and remnants of large prehistoric lakes.

The Cascades, Oregon's highest mountains, contain nine snowcapped volcanic peaks more than 9,000 ft (2,700 m) high, of which the highest is Mt. Hood, at 11,239 ft (3,428 m). A dormant volcano, Mt. Hood last erupted in 1865. (Mt. St. Helen's, which erupted in 1980, is only 60 mi/97 km to the northwest, in Washington.) The Blue Mountains include several rugged subranges interspersed with plateaus, alluvial basins, and deep river canyons. The Klamath Mountains in the southwest form a jumble of ridges where the Coast and Cascade ranges join. The mean elevation of the state is approximately 3,300 ft (1,007 m).

Oregon is drained by many rivers, but the Columbia, demarcating most of the northern border with Washington, is by far the biggest and most important. Originating in Canada, it flows more than 1,200 mi (1,900 km) to the Pacific Ocean. With a mean flow rate of 250,134 cu ft per second, the Columbia is the third-largest river in the United States. It drains some 58% of Oregon's surface by way of a series of northward-flowing rivers, including the Deschutes, John Day, and Umatilla. The largest of the Columbia's tributaries in Oregon, and longest river entirely within the state, is the Willamette, which drains a fertile valley more than 100 mi (160 km) long. Better than half of Oregon's eastern boundary with Idaho is formed by the Snake River, which flows through Hell's Canyon, one of the deepest canyons in North America.

Oregon has 19 natural lakes with a surface area of more than 3,000 acres (1,200 hectares), and many smaller ones. The largest is Upper Klamath Lake, which covers 58,922 acres (23,845 hectares) and is quite shallow. The most famous, however, is Crater Lake, which formed in the crater created by the violent eruption of Mt. Mazama several thousand years ago and is now a national park. Its depth of 1,932 ft (589 m)greater than any other lake in the United Statesand its nearly circular expanse of bright-blue water, edged by the crater's rim, make it a natural wonder. Sea level at the Pacific Ocean is the lowest elevation in the state.


Oregon has a generally temperate climate, but there are marked regional variations. The Cascade Range separates the state into two broad climatic zones: the western third, with relatively heavy precipitation and moderate temperatures, and the eastern two-thirds, with relatively little precipitation and more extreme temperatures. Within these general regions, climate depends largely on elevation and land configuration.

In January, normal daily mean temperatures range from more than 45°f (7°c) in the coastal sections to between 25°f (4°c) and 28°f (2°c) in the southeast. In July, the normal daily means range between 65°f (18°c) and 70°f (21°c) in the plateau regions and central valleys and between 70°f (21°c) and 78°f (26°c) along the eastern border. Oregon's record low temperature, 54°f (48°c), was registered at Seneca on 10 February 1933; the all-time high, 119°f (48°c), at Pendleton on 10 August 1898.

The Cascades serve as a barrier to the warm, moist winds blowing in from the Pacific, confining most precipitation to western Oregon. The average annual rainfall in Portland is about 37 in (94 cm); rainfall elsewhere varied from less than 8 in (20 cm) in the drier plateau regions to as much as 200 in (508 cm) at locations on the upper west slopes of the Coast Range. In the Blue Mountains and the Columbia River Basin, totals are about 15 in (38 cm) to 20 in (51 cm). In Portland, fog is common, with about 123 days of fog per year, and the sun shines, on average, during only 48% of the daylight hours. From 300 in (760 cm) to 550 in (1,400 cm) of snow falls each year in the highest reaches of the Cascades.


With its variety of climatic conditions and surface features, Oregon has a diverse assortment of vegetation and wildlife, including 78 native tree species. The coastal region is covered by a rain forest of spruce, hemlock, and cedar rising above dense underbrush. A short distance inland, the stands of Douglas firOregon's state tree and dominant timber resourcebegin, extending across the western slopes to the summit of the Cascade Range. Where the Douglas fir has been destroyed by fire or logging, alder and various types of berries grow. In the high elevations of the Cascades, Douglas fir gives way to pines and true firs. Ponderosa pine predominates on the eastern slopes, while in areas too dry for pine the forests give way to open range, which, in its natural state, is characterized by sagebrush, occasional juniper trees, and sparse grasses. The state's many species of smaller indigenous plants include Oregon grapethe state floweras well as salmonberry, huckleberry, blackberry, and many other berries. Fifteen Oregon plant species were listed as threatened or endangered in 2006, including the Willamette daisy, Western lily, Malheur wire-lettuce, rough popcornflower, and MacFarlane's four-o'clock.

More than 130 species of mammal are native to Oregon, of which 28 are found throughout the state. Many species, such as the cougar and bear, are protected, either entirely or through hunting restrictions. The bighorn sheep, once extirpateddeliberately exterminatedin Oregon, has been reintroduced in limited numbers; the Columbian white-tailed deer, with an extremely limited habitat along the Columbia River, is still classified as endangered. Deer and elk are popular game mammals, with herds managed by the state: mule deer predominate in eastern Oregon, black-tailed deer in the west. Among introduced mammals, the nutria and opossum are now present in large numbers. At least 60 species of fish are found in Oregon, including five different salmon species, of which the Chinook is the largest and the coho most common. Salmon form the basis of Oregon's sport and commercial fishing, although dams and development have blocked many spawning areas, causing a decline in numbers and heavy reliance on hatcheries to continue the runs. Hundreds of species of birds inhabit Oregon, either year-round or during particular seasons. The state lies in the path of the Pacific Flyway, a major route for migratory waterfowl, and large numbers of geese and ducks may be found in western Oregon and marshy areas east of the Cascades. Extensive bird refuges have been established in various parts of the state. Thirty-three Oregon animal species (vertebrates and invertebrates) were classified as threatened or endangered by the US Fish and Wildlife Service in April 2006, including the short-tailed albatross, bald eagle, Fender's blue butterfly, three species of chub, brown pelican, northern spotted owl, and three species of sea turtle.


Oregon has been among the most active states in environmental protection. In 1938, the polluted condition of the Willamette River led to the enactment, by initiative, of one of the nation's first comprehensive water pollution control laws, which helped restore the river's quality for swimming and fishing. An air pollution control law was enacted in 1951, and air and water quality programs were placed under the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), established in 1969. This department is Oregon's major environmental protection agency, enforcing standards for air and water quality and solid and hazardous waste disposal. A vehicle inspection program has been instituted to reduce exhaust emissions in the Portland area and in Rogue Valley. The DEQ also operates an asbestos program to protect the public from asbestos in buildings that are being demolished or remodeled. The DEQ monitors 18 river basins for water quality and issues permits to businesses, industries, and government bodies that discharge waste water into public waters. A Wetland Conservation Strategy has been developed to protect the nearly 1.4 million acres (566,559 hectares) of wetlands in the state.

In 2003, 42.1 million pounds of toxic chemicals were released in the state. In 2003, Oregon had 112 hazardous waste sites listed in the US Environment Protection Agency (EPA) database, 11 of which were on the National Priorities List as of 2006, including Portland Harbor and the Union Pacific Railroad Tie Treating Plant. In 2005, the EPA spent over $8.7 million through the Superfund program for the cleanup of hazardous waste sites in the state. The same year, federal EPA grants awarded to the state included $14.5 million for the drinking water state revolving fund and $12.1 million for the water pollution control/clean water revolving fund.

In 1973, the legislature enacted what has become known as the Oregon Bottle Bill, the first state law prohibiting the sale of non-returnable beer or soft-drink containers. The DEQ estimates that more than 95% of beverage containers are returned for recycling. The success of the Bottle Bill was partly responsible for the passage in 1983 of the Recycling Opportunity Act, which reduces the amount of solid waste generated. Furthermore, all cities with 5,000 or more residents are required to provide curbside recycling services.


Oregon ranked 27th in population in the United States with an estimated total of 3,641,056 in 2005, an increase of 6.4% since 2000. Between 1990 and 2000, Oregon's population grew from 2,842,321 to 3,421,399, an increase of 20.4%, making it one of the fastest-growing states in the nation. The population is projected to reach 4 million by 2015 and 4.5 million by 2025. In 2004 the median age was 37. Persons under 18 years old accounted for 23.7% of the population while 12.8% was age 65 or older.

Like other western states, Oregon experienced more rapid population growth than that of the United States as a whole in the 1970s, when population expanded 26%. The 1990 census figure represented a 7.9% increase over the 1980 census population. The population density in 2004 was 37.5 persons per sq mi.

As of 2000, more than half of all Oregonians lived in the Portland region, while much of the remainder also lived in the Willamette Valley, particularly in and around Salem and Eugene. The city of Portland had an estimated 533,492 residents in 2004; the Portland metropolitan area (which includes Vancouver and Beaverton) had an estimated 2004 population of 2,064,336. The estimated population of Salem was 146,120 and Eugene had a population of about 142,681.


In 2000, the estimated number of American Indians was 45,211, with most of the population living in urban areas. The state's four reservations (with estimated 1995 population) are the Umatilla (2,154), Siletz (1,778), Spokane (1,416), and Kalispel (170). Important salmon fishing rights in the north are reserved under treaty. In 2004, 1.4% of the state's population was American Indian or Alaskan Native.

About 55,662 blacks were estimated to live in Oregon in 2000, up from 46,000 in 1990; most blacks reside in the Portland area. In 2004, 1.8% of the state's population was black. In 2000, Hispanics and Latinos numbered about 275,314, or 8% of the state total population, up from 113,000 in 1990. In 2004, 9.5% of the state's population was of Hispanic or Latino origin. In 2000, Asians numbered 101,350. There were 20,930 Chinese, 12,131 Japanese, 12,387 Koreans, 10,627 Filipinos, 18,890 Vietnamese (up from 8,130 in 1990), 9,575 Asian Indians (more than triple the 1990 population of 2,726), and 4,392 Laotians. Pacific Islanders numbered 7,976. In 2004, 3.4% of the population was Asian, and 0.3% Pacific Islander. In 2004, 2.3% of the total population reported origin of two or more races.

French Canadians have lived in Oregon since the opening of the territory, and they have continued to come in a small but steady migration. As of 2000, 31,354 Oregonians reported French Canadian ancestry. In all, the 2000 census counted some 289,702 Oregonians of foreign birth, accounting for 8.5% of the population (up from 139,307, or 4.9%, in 1990).


Place-names such as Umatilla, Coos Bay, Klamath Falls, and Tillamook reflect the variety of Indian tribes that white settlers found in Oregon territory.

The midland dialect dominates Oregon English, except for an apparent Northern dialect influence in the Willamette Valley. Throughout the state, foreign and orange have the /aw/ vowel, and tomorrow has the /ah/ of father.

In 2000, 2,810,654 Oregonians87.9 of the population five years old or olderspoke only English at home, down from 92.7% in 1990.

The following table gives selected statistics from the 2000 Census for language spoken at home by persons five years old and over. The category "Other Indo-European languages" includes Albanian, Gaelic, Lithuanian, and Rumanian. The category "Other Slavic languages" includes Czech, Slovak, and Ukrainian. Samoan. The category "Other Asian languages" includes Dravidian languages, Malayalam, Telugu, Tamil, and Turkish. The category "Scandinavian languages" includes Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish.

Population 5 years and over3,199,323100.0
  Speak only English2,810,65487.9
  Speak a language other than English388,66912.1
Speak a language other than English388,66912.1
  Spanish or Spanish Creole217,6146.8
  French (incl. Patois, Cajun)11,8370.4
  Other Indo-European languages5,9450.2
  Other Slavic languages5,6300.2
  Other Pacific Island languages4,3310.1
  Other Asian languages4,1090.1
  Scandinavian languages3,2760.1


Just over one-third of Oregon's population is affiliated with an organized religion. About 2.3 million people, 68% of the population, were not counted as members of any religious organization in a 2000 survey. The leading Christian denomination is the Roman Catholic Church, with 425,765 members in 2004. The next largest denomination is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which reported a 2006 membership of 141,482 people in 294 congregations. There are two Mormon temples in the state: Portland (est. in 1989) and Medford (est. 2000). Other major Protestant groups (with 2000 membership data), are the Assemblies of God, 49,357; the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, 46,807; Christian Churches and Churches of Christ, 39,011; United Methodists, 34,101; Presbyterians (USA), 33,909; and Southern Baptists, 32,433. The International Church of the Foursquare Gospel (established in California in 1923) had 44,826 members in Oregon in 2000. The same year, Jewish Oregonians were estimated to number 31,625, a figure which represents a 195% increase from 1990; there were about 5,225 Muslims throughout the state.


With the state's major deepwater port and international airport, Portland is the transportation hub of Oregon. As of 2003, the state had 2,863 rail mi (4,609 km) of track and is served by two major rail systems: the Union Pacific; and the Burlington Northern Santa Fe. Lumber and wood products are the major commodities originating in Oregon. Farm products and chemicals are the major commodities terminating in Oregon, primarily at the Port of Portland. As of 2006, Amtrak provided north-south passenger service to seven stations in the state via its Amtrak Cascade and Coast Starlight trains, and east-west service from Portland to Chicago via its Empire Builder train.

Starting with pioneer trails and toll roads, Oregon's roads and highways had become a network extending 65,861 mi (106,036 km) by 2004. The main interstate highways are I-5, running the length of the state north-south connecting the major cities, and I-84, running northwest from Ontario in eastern Oregon and then along the northern border. In 2004, there were some 3.006 million registered vehicles in the state, including about 1.447 million passenger cars registered in Oregon, and 2,625,856 licensed drivers.

The Columbia River forms the major inland waterway for the Pacific Northwest, with barge navigation possible for 464 mi (747 km) upstream to Lewiston, Idaho, via the Snake River. Wheat from eastern Oregon and Washington is shipped downstream to Portland for reloading onto oceangoing vessels. The Port of Portland owns five major cargo terminals and handled more than 29.995 million tons of cargo in 2004. Oregon also has several important coastal harbors, including Astoria, Newport, and Coos Bay. In 2003, waterborne shipments totaled 31.811 million tons. In 2004, Oregon had 681 mi (1,096 km) of navigable inland waterways.

In 2005, Oregon had a total of 455 public and private-use aviation-related facilities. This included 346 airports, 104 heliports, two STOLports (Short Take-Off and Landing), and three seaplane bases. The state's largest and busiest airport is Portland International, with 6,379,884 passengers enplaned in 2004, making it the 33rd-busiest airport in the United States.


The land now known as Oregon has been inhabited for at least 10,000 years, the age assigned to woven brush sandals found in caves along what was once the shore of a large inland lake. Later, a variety of Indian cultures evolved. Along the coast and lower Columbia River lived peoples of the Northern Coast Culture, who ate salmon and other marine life, built large dugout canoes and cedar plank houses, and possessed a complex social structure, including slavery, that emphasized status and wealth. East of the Cascade Range were hunter-gatherers who migrated from place to place as the food supply dictated.

The first European to see Oregon was probably Sir Francis Drake. In 1578, while on a raiding expedition against the Spanish, Drake reported sighting what is believed to be the Oregon coast before being forced to return southward by "vile, thicke and stinking fogges." For most of the next 200 years, European contact was limited to occasional sightings by mariners, who considered the coast too dangerous for landing. In 1778, however, British Captain James Cook, on his third voyage of discovery, visited the Northwest and named several Oregon capes. Soon afterward, American ships arrived in search of sea otter and other furs. A Yankee merchant captain, Robert Gray, discovered the Columbia River (which he named for his ship) in 1792, contributing to the US claim to the Northwest.

The first overland trek to Oregon was the Lewis and Clark Expedition, which traveled from St. Louis to the mouth of the Columbia, where it spent the winter of 180506. In 1811, a party of fur traders employed by New York merchant John Jacob Astor arrived by ship at the mouth of the Columbia and built a trading post named Astoria. The venture was not a success and was sold three years later to British interests, but some of the Astor party stayed, becoming Oregon's first permanent white residents. For the next 20 years, European and US interest in Oregon focused on the quest for beaver pelts. Agents of the British North West Company (which merged in 1821 with the Hudson's Bay Company) and some rival American parties explored the region, mapped trails, and established trading posts. Although Britain and the United States had agreed to a treaty of joint occupation in 1818, the de facto governor from 1824 to the early 1840s was Dr. John McLoughlin, the Hudson's Bay Company chief factor at Ft. Vancouver in Washington.

Another major influence on the region was Protestant missionary activity, which began with the arrival of Jason Lee, a Methodist missionary, in 1834. Lee started his mission in the Willamette Valley, near present-day Salem. After a lecture tour of the East, he returned to Oregon in 1840 with 50 settlers and assistants. While Lee's mission was of little help to the local Indians, most of whom had been killed off by white men's diseases, it served as a base for subsequent American settlement and as a counterbalance to the Hudson's Bay Company.

The first major wagon trains arrived by way of the Oregon Trail in the early 1840s. On 2 May 1843, as a "great migration" of 875 men, women, and children was crossing the plains, about 100 settlers met at the Willamette Valley community of Champoeg and voted to form a provisional government. That government remained in power until 1849, when Oregon became a territory, three years after the Oregon Treaty between Great Britain and the United States established the present US-Canadian boundary. As originally constituted, Oregon Territory included present-day Washington and much of Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming. A constitution prepared by an elected convention was approved in November 1857, and after a delay caused by North-South rivalries, on 14 February 1859, Congress voted to make Oregon, reduced to its present borders, the 33rd state.

Oregon remained relatively isolated until the completion of the first transcontinental railroad link in 1883. State politics, which had followed a pattern of venality and influence buying, underwent an upheaval in the early 1900s. Reformers led by William S. U'Ren instituted what became known as the "Oregon System" of initiative, referendum, and recall, by which voters could legislate directly and removed corrupt elected officials.

Oregon's population grew steadily in the 20th century as migration into the state continued. (By 2004, its population was almost 3.6 million.) Improved transportation helped make the state the nation's leading lumber producer and a major exporter of agricultural products. Development was also aided by hydroelectric projects, many undertaken by the federal government. The principal economic changes after World War II were the growth of the aluminum industry, a rapid expansion of the tourist trade, and the creation of a growing electronics industry. The dominant industries in the Oregon economy, however, remained those centered on its abundant natural resourcesagriculture, timber, and coal. These industries suffered in the late 1970s and 1980s when interest rates skyrocketed, reducing demand for houses and therefore for wood. Employment in the lumber and wood industry dropped from 81,000 jobs in 1979 to 64,000 in 1985. High interest rates, by boosting the value of the dollar, also lowered foreign demand for lumber and produce.

It was hoped that the construction of high-technology plants in the mid-1980s would help immunize Oregon from the fluctuating fortunes of the extractive (mining and timber) and agricultural industries. However, a slump in the computer industry delayed the building of planned facilities in the state. By the early 1990s, Oregon did boast a burgeoning electronics industry, but the greatest job growth had occurred in the service sector. Agricultural industries also helped boost the state's economy. By 1994, unemployment stood at a 25-year low of 5%. Nevertheless, by 1999 it had increased to 5.7%, well above the national average (it was the third-highest jobless rate in the nation). Other statistics pointed out problems in Oregon. Poverty was on the rise during the decadeclimbing from 9.2% in 1990 to 15% in 1998. The dramatic increase came as levels in most other states were on the decline, so that Oregon began the decade as the 43rd-poorest (one of the best-off states) in the nation and was set to close the decade as the 10th-poorest state. Children were a large part of these statistics: Oregon's child poverty rate shot up 25% between 1993 and 1998 alone, so that in 1998 one in five children in the state was living in poverty.

By 1990, the struggle between environmentalists and the timber industry over logging in Oregon's forests had become a major public policy debate. Federal legislation passed in 1993 set limits on commercial exploitation of older forests that were home to the spotted owl. With the shift in focus from timber production to protecting habitat, timber harvests in national forests declined 70% during the 1990s. The decline of logging resulted in severe economic downturns in rural areas and a loss of school funding, which the National Education Association called a "crisis for many forest county education systems" in western states, including Oregon. To assist communities affected by the downturn, Congress considered disparate proposalsfrom requiring the US Forest Service to generate more income (a portion of which, by a 1908 law, funds schools) from logging on public lands to issuing US Treasury payments to afflicted counties as they transition from logging-based economies. Conservationists were being backed by analysts who forecasted the state's greatest job growth would come from the environmentally friendly high-tech sector and the environmentally dependent tourism industry.

In 2003, Oregon faced a $2.5 billion budget deficit. Upon being elected in 2002, Democratic Governor Ted Kulongoski supported a temporary income tax increase, which voters rejected in a January 2003 referendum. The state then had to face cuts of over $300 million in education, health care, and other programs in order to balance the $11.6 billion budget for 200305. By 2005, Kulongoski had made inroads in creating jobs and expanding business opportunities in both rural and urban areas, while protecting the environment. He also promoted investment in post-secondary education, so that more Oregonians would be able to attend college, with the intent that graduates would remain in the state and put their skills back into the economy.

Despite Oregon's fiscal woes, its poverty rate improved slightly in the early 2000s: the 200304 two-year average poverty rate in the state was 12.1%, compared with a national average of 12.6%. However, the state unemployment rate in 2004 was 7.4%, well above the national average of 5.5%. Per capita personal income in Oregon for 2004 was $29,971, below the national average of $32,937.


The Oregon constitutiondrafted and approved in 1857, effective in 1859, and amended 238 times by January 2005governs the state today. The first decade of the 20th century saw the passage of numerous progressive amendments, including provisions for the direct election of senators, the rights of initiative, referendum, recall, and a direct primary system.

The constitution establishes a 60-member House of Representatives, elected for two years, and a Senate of 30 members, serving four-year terms. Legislative sessions, which are not formally limited in length, begin in January of odd-numbered years. Special sessions may be called by the majority petition of each house. Legislators must be US citizens, at least 21 years old, and must have lived in their districts for at least one year. In 2004 the legislative salary was $15,396 for the biennial session.

State elected officials are the governor, secretary of state, attorney general, state treasurer, superintendent of public instruction, and a commissioner of labor and industries, all elected for four-year terms. The governor, who may serve no more than eight years in any 12-year period, must be a US citizen, a qualified voter, must be at least 30 years old, and must have been a resident of the state for three years before assuming office. As of December 2004, the governor's salary was $93,600. Much policy in Oregon is set by boards and commissions whose members are appointed by the governor, subject to confirmation by the Senate.

Bills become law when approved by a majority of the House and Senate and either signed by the governor or left unsigned for five days when the legislature is in session or for 30 days after it has adjourned. Measures presented to the voters by the legislature or by petition become law when approved by a majority of the electorate. The governor may veto a legislative bill, but the legislature may override a veto by a two-thirds vote of those present in each house. Proposed constitutional amendments require voter approval to take effect, and they may be placed on the ballot either by the legislature or by initiative petition (8% of total votes for all candidates for governor at last election).

To vote in Oregon a person must be a US citizen, age 18 or older, and a state resident. Restrictions apply to convicted felons.


Oregon has two major political parties, Democratic and Republican. Partly because of the role the direct primary system plays in choosing nominees, party organization is relatively weak. There is a strong tradition of political independence, evidenced in 1976 when Oregon gave independent presidential candidate Eugene McCarthy 3.9% of the votehis highest percentage in any statea total that probably cost Jimmy Carter Oregon's then six electoral votes. Another independent, John Anderson, won 112,389 votes (9.5%) in the 1980 presidential election.

Democrat Barbara Roberts was elected governor in 1990. She did not run for reelection in 1994, and John Kitzhaber, a Democrat and physician who designed Oregon's health care rationing system, defeated Republican congressman Denny Smith to become governor. Kitzhaber won a second term in 1998. In 2002, Democrat Ted Kulongoski won the governorship.

Oregonians elected two US senators in 1996. In a special election in January, Democrat Ron Wyden was chosen to serve the remainder of Robert Packwood's term after Packwood resigned from the Senate due to allegations of sexual misconduct; Wyden was elected to his first full term in 1998 and was reelected in 2004. In the November 1996 election, Republican Gordon Smith won the seat vacated by five-term senator Mark Hatfield; he was reelected in 2002. Following 2004 elections, all but one of the state's five US representatives were Democrats.

In mid-2005 there were 18 Democrats and 12 Republicans in the state Senate and 33 Republicans and 27 Democrats in the state House. In 2000, Oregon voters gave Democratic presidential candidate Al Gore a very slight victory over Republican George W. Bush. (Gore won by a margin of 6,765 votes out of over 1.5 million cast statewide.) In 2004, Democratic challenger John Kerry won 51.5% of the vote to incumbent President Bush's 47.6%. In 2004 there were 2,120,000 registered voters. In 1998, 40% of registered voters were Democratic, 36% Republican, and 24% unaffiliated or members of other parties. The state had seven electoral votes in the 2004 presidential election.


As of 2005, Oregon had 36 counties, 240 municipal governments, 197 public school districts, and 927 special districts. Towns and cities enjoy home rule, the right to choose their own form of government and enact legislation on matters of local concern. In 1958, home rule was extended to counties. Most of Oregon's larger cities have council-manager forms of government while smaller communities are governed by a city council and mayor. At the county level, typical elected officials are commissioners, judge, assessor, district attorney, sheriff, and treasurer.

Oregon Presidential Vote by Political Parties, 19482004
*Won US presidential election.
19486Dewey (R)243,147260,90414,9785,051
19526*Eisenhower (R)270,579420,8153,665
19566Eisenhower (R)329,204406,393
19606Nixon (R)367,402408,065
19646*Johnson (D)501,017282,779
19686*Nixon (R)358,866408,43349,683
19726*Nixon (R)392,760486,68646,211
19766Ford (R)490,407492,120
19806*Reagan (R)456,890571,04413,64225,838
19847*Reagan (R)536,479685,700
19887Dukakis (D)678,367483,4232,9856,261
IND. (Perot)
19927*Clinton (D)621,314475,7573,030354,0914,277
19967*Clinton (D)649,641538,15249,415121,2218,903
IND. (Buchanan)
20007Gore (D)720,342713,57777,3577,0637,447
20047Kerry (D)943,163866,8315,3155,2577,260

The state constitution gives voters strong control over local government revenue by requiring voter approval of property tax levies.

In 2005, local government accounted for about 124,458 full-time (or equivalent) employment positions.


To address the continuing threat of terrorism and to work with the federal Department of Homeland Security, homeland security in Oregon operates under executive order; the homeland security director is designated as the state homeland security advisor.

Special offices within the governor's office include the Economic Revitalization Team, the state Affirmative Action Office, and the Advocate for Minority, Women, and Emerging Small Business. The Office of the Long-Term Care Ombudsman is now a separate agency. The Oregon Government Standards and Practices Commission investigates conflicts of interest involving public officials and to levy civil penalties for infractions. Responsibility for educational matters is divided among the Board of Education, which oversees primary and secondary schools and community colleges; the Board of Higher Education, which controls the state college and university system; and the Childhood Care and Education Coordinating Council. The economy is guided by the departments of agriculture, consumer and business services, revenue, and economic and community development.

State highways, airfields, and public transit systems are under the jurisdiction of the Department of Transportation, which is headed by an appointed commission. The largest state agency is the Department of Human Services, encompassing children's services, adult and family services, health, mental health, seniors, and people with disabilities. State agencies involved in environmental matters include the Department of Environmental Qual-ity, the Department of Land Conservation and Development, and the departments of Energy, Forestry, Fish and Wildlife, and Water Resources. State-owned lands are administered through the Land Board.


Oregon's highest court is the Supreme Court, consisting of seven justices who elect one of their number to serve as chief justice. It accepts cases on review from the 10-judge Court of Appeals, which has exclusive jurisdiction over all criminal and civil appeals from lower courts and over certain actions of state agencies. Circuit courts and tax courts are the trial courts of original jurisdiction for civil and criminal matters. The 30 more-populous counties also have district courts, which hear minor civil, criminal, and traffic matters. In 1998, the circuit courts and district courts were merged. The circuit courts are thus the only state-level trial courts. Thirty localities retain justices of the peace, also with jurisdiction over minor cases. State judges and local justices of the peace are elected by nonpartisan ballot for six-year terms.

Oregon's penal system is operated by the Oregon Department of Corrections. As of 31 December 2004, a total of 13,183 prisoners were held in Oregon's state and federal prisons, an increase from 12,715 of 3.7% from the previous year. As of year-end 2004, a total of 985 inmates were female, up from 883 or 11.6% from the year before. Among sentenced prisoners (one year or more), Oregon had an incarceration rate of 365 per 100,000 population in 2004.

According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Oregon in 2004, had a violent crime rate (murder/nonnegligent manslaughter; forcible rape; robbery; aggravated assault) of 298.3 reported incidents per 100,000 population, or a total of 10,724 reported incidents. Crimes against property (burglary; larceny/theft; and motor vehicle theft) in that same year totaled 166,475 reported incidents or 4,631.3 reported incidents per 100,000 people. Oregon has a death penalty, of which lethal injection is the sole method of execution. From 1976 through 5 May 2006, the state has carried out only two executions, one in September 1996 and the other in May 1997. As of 1 January 2006, Oregon had 33 inmates on death row.

In 2003, Oregon spent $144,873,368 on homeland security, an average of $40 per state resident.


In 2004, there were 667 active duty military personnel and 3,276 civilian personnel stationed in Oregon. The US Coast Guard does maintain search-and-rescue facilities, and the Army Corps of Engineers operates a number of hydroelectric projects in the state. Military contract awards in 2004 totaled nearly $530 million, and defense payroll outlays were $804 million.

In 2003, 366,780 military veterans were living in Oregon, of whom 51,587 served in World War II; 37,648 during the Korean conflict; 121,365 during the Vietnam era; and 49,235 during in the Persian Gulf War. Federal veterans' benefits in Oregon totaled more than $1.0 billion in 2004.

As of 31 October 2004, the Oregon State Police employed 610 full-time sworn officers.


The Oregon Trail was the route along which thousands of settlers traveled to Oregon by covered wagon in the 1840s and 1850s. This early immigration was predominantly from Midwestern states. After the completion of the transcontinental railroad, northeastern states supplied an increasing proportion of the newcomers.

Foreign immigration began in the 1860s with the importation of Chinese contract laborers, and reached its peak about 1900. Germans and Scandinavians (particularly after 1900) were the most numerous foreign immigrants; Japanese, who began arriving in the 1890s, met a hostile reception in some areas. Canadians have also come to Oregon in significant numbers. Nevertheless, immigration from other states has predominated. Between 1970 and 1980, the state's net gain from migration was about 341,000; from 1980 to 1983, however, the state suffered a net loss of about 37,000, and from 1985 to 1990, the net migration gain was 123,500. Between 1990 and 1998, Oregon had net gains of 260,000 in domestic migration and 58,000 in international migration. In 1998, 5,909 foreign immigrants arrived in Oregon; of these, the greatest number, 1,879, came from Mexico. The state's overall population increased 15.5% between 1990 and 1998, making it one of the fastest growing states in the nation. In the period 200005, net international migration was 72,263 and net internal migration was 77,821 for a net gain of 150,084 people.


Oregon participates in such regional accords as the Columbia River Compact (between Oregon and Washington on fishing), Columbia River Gorge Compact, Columbia River Boundary Compact, Klamath River Compact (with California), Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission, Pacific Ocean Resources Compact, Northwest Power and Conservation Council (with Idaho, Montana, and Washington), and several western groups concerned with corrections, education, and energy matters.

While Oregon receives federal assistance for a variety of programs, federal involvement is particularly heavy in the areas of energy and natural resources, through federal development, operation, and marketing of hydroelectric power and federal ownership of forest and grazing lands. Approximately 49% of Oregon's land area is owned by the federal government. Federal grants to Oregon totaled more than $4.3 billion in fiscal year 2001. Following a national trend, that figure decreased significantly to $3.682 billion in fiscal year 2005, an estimated $3.745 billion in fiscal year 2006, and an estimated $3.767 billion in fiscal year 2007.


Since early settlement, Oregon's natural resources have formed the basis of its economy. Vast forests have made lumber and wood products the leading industry in the state. Since World War II, however, the state has striven to diversify its job base. The aluminum industry has been attracted to Oregon, along with computer and electronics firms, which now constitute the fastest-growing manufacturing sector. Development, principally in the "Silicon Forest" west of Portland, was expected to bring as many as 3,000 jobs a year during the mid- and late 1980s. Meanwhile, the trend in employment has been toward white-collar and service jobs, with agriculture and manufacturing holding a declining share of the civilian labor force. Tourism and research-related businesses growing out of partnerships between government and higher education are on the rise.

A large portion of manufacturing jobs outside the Portland area are in the lumber and wood products field, making them dependent on the health of the US construction industry. Jobs are plentiful when US housing starts rise, but unemployment increases when nationwide construction drops off. The cyclical changes in demand for forest products are a chronic problem, with rural areas and small towns particularly hard hit by the periodic closing of local lumber and plywood mills. State efforts at diversification in the 1990s were very effective, however, resulting in an astounding 79.8% growth in output from the electronics field of manufactures 1997 to 2000, the main component in an overall increase in output from manufactures of 43% across this period. Oregon was almost unique among the states in that growth in manufacturing, instead of services, led overall growth coming into the 21st century, with the state economy's annual growth rate accelerating from 5.6% in 1998, to 7.2% in 1999 to 10% in 2000. Oregon's economy was clearly headed for a correction, which came abruptly in the national recession of 2001, in which manufacturing output fell 7.7% and the state economy contracted overall 1.1% (one of the few states to register negative growth for the year). As a result, the personal bankruptcy rate soared, and foreclosures were running at rates not seen since the mid-1980s. By the end of 2002, employment in the electronic products and industrial machinery manufacturing sectors (which produce semiconductors and computers) had fallen 3%, and Oregon was posting the second highest unemployment rate in the country (7%).

In 2004, Oregon's gross state product (GSP) was $128.103 billion, of which manufacturing (durable and nondurable goods) contributed the largest share at $19.581 billion or 15.2% of GSP, followed by the real estate sector at $17.937 billion (14% of GSP) and healthcare and social assistance services at $9.770 billion (7.6% of GSP). In that same year, there were an estimated 320,019 small businesses in Oregon. Of the 104,114 businesses that had employees, an estimated total of 101,693 or 97.7% were small companies. An estimated 13,481 new businesses were established in the state in 2004, down 2.6% from the year before. Business terminations that same year came to 14,407, up 1.5% from 2003. There were 852 business bankruptcies in 2004, down 46.4% from the previous year. In 2005, the state's personal bankruptcy (Chapter 7 and Chapter 13) filing rate was 675 filings per 100,000 people, ranking Oregon as the 13th highest in the nation.


In 2005 Oregon had a gross state product (GSP) of $145 billion which accounted for 1.2% of the nation's gross domestic product and placed the state at number 26 in highest GSP among the 50 states and the District of Columbia.

According to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, in 2004 Oregon had a per capita personal income (PCPI) of $30,561. This ranked 30th in the United States and was 92% of the national average of $33,050. The 19942004 average annual growth rate of PCPI was 3.8%. Oregon had a total personal income (TPI) of $109,756,586,000, which ranked 28th in the United States and reflected an increase of 5.6% from 2003. The 19942004 average annual growth rate of TPI was 5.3%. Earnings of persons employed in Oregon increased from $80,090,192,000 in 2003 to $85,554,132,000 in 2004, an increase of 6.8%. The 200304 national change was 6.3%.

The US Census Bureau reports that the three-year average median household income for 200204 in 2004 dollars was $42,617 compared to a national average of $44,473. During the same period an estimated 11.7% of the population was below the poverty line as compared to 12.4% nationwide.


According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), in April 2006 the seasonally adjusted civilian labor force in Oregon numbered 1,877,400, with approximately 103,700 workers unemployed, yielding an unemployment rate of 5.5%, compared to the national average of 4.7% for the same period. Preliminary data for the same period placed nonfarm employment at 1,704,100. Since the beginning of the BLS data series in 1976, the highest unemployment rate recorded in Oregon was 12.1% in November 1982. The historical low was 4.7% in April 1995. Preliminary nonfarm employment data by occupation for April 2006 showed that approximately 5.8% of the labor force was employed in construction; 12.4% in manufacturing; 19.6% in trade, transportation, and public utilities; 6.2% in financial activities; 11.2% in professional and business services; 12.1% in education and health services; 9.6% in leisure and hospitality services; and 16.7% in government.

The US Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that in 2005, a total of 213,000 of Oregon's 1,470,000 employed wage and salary workers were formal members of a union. This represented 14.5% of those so employed, down from 15.2% in 2004, but still above the national average of 12%. Overall in 2005, a total of 231,000 workers (15.7%) in Oregon were covered by a union or employee association contract, which includes those workers who reported no union affiliation. Oregon is one of 28 states that do not have a right-to-work law.

As of 1 March 2006, Oregon had a state-mandated minimum wage rate of $7.50 per hour. As of 1 January 2004, Oregon is required to annually adjust its minimum wage rate for inflation. In 2004, women in the state accounted for 45.6% of the employed civilian labor force.


Oregon ranked 27th in the United States in agricultural output in 2005, with cash receipts of $3.7 billion. Crops accounted for 72% of the total. While wheat has been Oregon's leading crop since the state was first settled, in recent years nursery and greenhouse products, valued at more than $951 million in 2004, have taken over the number-one spot, followed by hay and ryegrass production which bring in $262 million and $204 million respectively. Additionally, more than 170 farm and ranch commodities are commercially produced in the state. Oregon leads the nation in the production of hazelnuts, peppermint oil, blackberries, black raspberries, boysenberries, loganberries, several grass and seed crops, and Christmas trees.

Farmland covers about 17.2 million acres (7 million hectares), or 28% of Oregon's total area. Oregon's average farm is 427 acres (173 hectares), around the same size as the national average. In 2004, the state had some 40,000 farms. Quantity and value of selected crops in 2004 were as follows: hay, 3.6 million tons (val-ued at $381 million); wheat, 55.9 million bushels (valued at $201.7 million); potatoes, 19,775,000 hundred weight; pears, 208,000 tons (valued at $72.8 million).

Oregon produces about 98% of the nation's supply of ryegrass seed, with sales of nearly $198 million in 2005. In recent years, the growth of Oregon's wine industry has become noteworthy.


Most beef cattle are raised on the rangeland of eastern Oregon, while dairy operations are concentrated in the western portion of the state. Sheep and poultry are also raised largely in the west.

After greenhouse/nursery products, cattle and calf production is Oregon's leading agricultural activity in terms of value, although income varies greatly with market conditions. Ranchers lease large tracts of federally owned grazing land under a permit system.

In 2005, Oregon ranches and farms had around 1.4 million cattle and calves, worth an estimated $1.37 billion. During 2003, the state produced nearly 10.1 million lb (4.6 million kg) of sheep and lambs, which brought in $11.7 million in gross income; in 2004 shorn wool production was an estimated 1.1 million lb (0.5 million kg) of wool. The 2003 milk output was estimated at 2.2 billion lb (1 billion kg). Oregon's poultry farmers produced nearly 2.8 million lb (1.3 million kg) of chickens in 2003, and 783 million eggs.


Oregon's fish resources have long been of great importance to its inhabitants. For centuries, salmon provided much of the food for Indians, who gathered at traditional fishing grounds when the salmon were returning upstream from the ocean to spawn.

In 2004, Oregon ranked seventh among the states in the total amount of its commercial catch, at over 294.7 million lb (134 million kg) valued at $101 million. The port at Astoria ranked ninth in the nation in catch volume with 135.8 million lb (61.7 million kg). Newport ranked 11th the same year with 111.2 million lb (50.5 million kg). The catch included salmon, especially chinook and silver; groundfish such as flounder, rockfish, and lingcod; shellfish such as shrimp and oysters; and albacore tuna. Salmon landings in 2004 totaled 5.9 million lb (2.7 million kg), the third largest salmon catch in the nation, and were valued at $13 million. Oregon led the nation in dungeness crab landings, with 27.3 million lb (12.4 million kg), which accounted for 38% of the total for the nation.

In 2003, there were 26 processing plants in the state with about 1,012 employees. In 2002, the commercial fishing fleet consisted of 998 boats and vessels.

Sport fishing, primarily for salmon and trout, is a major recreational attraction. In 2004, the state issued 666,454 sport fishing licenses. Hatchery production of salmon and steelhead has taken on increased importance, as development has destroyed natural fishspawning areas. There are 34 public fish hatcheries in the state, including two national fish hatcheries (Eagle Creek and Warm Springs).


About 48% (29.7 million acres/12 million hectares) of Oregon is forested. Oregon's forests are divided into two major geographic regions. Douglas-fir is a primary conifer species in western Oregon, with western hemlock and sitka spruce found along the coast. In eastern Oregon, ponderosa pine is the main species. Several species of true fir, larch, and lodgepole pine also grow east of the Cascades. Noncommercial forests are found along the crest of the Cascade Range and in the high-desert country of eastern Oregon. These species include alpine fir, mountain hemlock and western juniper.

Over 60% of Oregon's forests are publicly owned. National Forest Service lands cover 17.5 million acres (7.1 million hectares). Most of these are federal lands. Federal timber harvest levels have steadily declined over the last several years as timber sales have been appealed and forest set-asides for habitat protection have increased. Reduced revenues have affected local services and in-frastructurewhere a percentage of harvest tax dollars are reinvestedand the overall structure and funding of federal agencies. The Oregon Department of Forestry manages about 786,000 acres (318,000 hectares) of forestland. About 654,000 acres (265,000 hectares) are managed by the department for the counties, and a further 132,000 acres (53,000 hectares) are Common School Fund forestlands, managed for the State Land Board. State forestlands are not managed with the same "multiple-use" strategy as lands managed by the US Forest Service. According to statute, state lands are managed to produce sustainable revenue for counties, schools, and local taxing districts. About 80% of the state's forestland, or 23.8 million acres (9.6 million hectares), is land capable of producing timber for commercial harvest. However, less than 60% of this commercial land is available for full-yield timber production. The remaining forestland base contains commercial forest, but at reduced levels, and provides vital environmental and recreational functions.

Forestland available for commercial timber management has decreased since the 1970s. Estimates show that Oregon's commercial land base has decreased by more than 24% since 1945. Private forestland has been lost due to urban expansion and other non-timber uses. Private forestlands, however, have assumed a much more important role as Oregon's timber supplier due to harvest limitations placed on federal forestland. Timber harvest levels on non-industrial forestlandsparcels typically smaller than 5,000 acres (2,000 hectares) and owned by individuals, not corporationshave more than doubled since 1981, and harvest levels on industry-owned forestlands have also increased during the same period. The relative percentage of overall harvest, however, emphasizes the importance of Oregon's private forestlands.

In 2004, Oregon led the nation in total lumber production, with 7.08 billion board feet, and contributed 14.3% to the national total. Nearly all of the timber harvested from private forestlands is second-growthtrees originating from 1920 to 1940. Private forestlands are being reforested and play a major role in sustaining Oregon's long-term timber supply. Oregon law has required reforestation following timber harvesting since 1941. Oregon was the first state to pass a Forest Practices Act, in 1971. About 100 million seedlings are planted in Oregon each year.


According to preliminary data from the US Geological Survey (USGS), the estimated value of nonfuel mineral production by Oregon in 2003 was $311 million, a decrease from 2002 of about 3%. The USGS data ranked Oregon as 35th among the 50 states by the total value of its nonfuel mineral production, accounting for about 1% of total US output.

According to the preliminary data for 2003, construction sand and gravel and crushed stone were the state's top nonfuel minerals by value. They were followed in descending order of value by portland cement, diatomite, and lime. Collectively, these five commodities accounted for approximately 96% of all nonfuel mineral production, by value. Oregon in 2003 was the nation's only producer of emery; it ranked second in the output of perlite and pumice, third in diatomite and (by value) gemstones, and fifth in talc.

Preliminary figures for 2003 showed Oregon produced 19 million metric tons of construction sand and gravel, valued at $113 million, and 18.8 million metric tons of crushed stone, worth $96.8 million.

In 2003, Oregon was also a producer of zeolites and common clays. Zeolites are used as an ammonia absorbent in aquarium systems, as animal feed supplements, anticaking agents, fungicide carriers, in odor control, and in wastewater treatment.


As of 2003, Oregon had 41 electrical power service providers, of which 18 were publicly owned and 19 were cooperatives. Of the remainder, three were investor owned, and one was federally operated. As of that same year there were 1,739,659 retail customers. Of that total, 1,282,670 received their power from investor-owned service providers. Cooperatives accounted for 183,752 customers, while publicly owned providers had 273,235 customers. There were two federal customers.

Total net summer generating capability by the state's electrical generating plants in 2003 stood at 12.882 million kW, with total production that same year at 48.966 billion kWh. Of the total amount generated, 78.8% came from electric utilities, with the remainder coming from independent producers and combined heat and power service providers. The largest portion of all electric power generated, 33.250 billion kWh (67.9%), came from hydroelectric plants, with natural gas fired plants in second place at 10.243 billion kWh (20.9%) and coal-fired plants in third at 4.304 billion kWh (8.8%). Other renewable power sources accounted for 2.3% of all power generated, with petroleum fired plants at 0.1.

Oregon ranks high in the development of hydroelectric power, which supplies more than half of the state's energy needs. Multipurpose federal projects, including four dams on the Columbia River and eight in the Willamette Basin, and projects owned by private or public utilities give Oregon a hydroelectric capacity of over 8,100,000 kW. In recent decades, low-cost power from dams has proved inadequate to meet the state's energy needs, with coal and natural gas fired steam plants being built to supply additional electric power. As of 2003, however, there were no nuclear power plants in operation.

Oregon has no proven reserves or production of crude oil. Although the state has one refinery, it is used to produce asphalt.

In 2004, Oregon had 15 producing natural gas and gas condensate wells. In that same year, marketed gas production (all gas produced excluding gas used for repressuring, vented and flared, and nonhydrocarbon gases removed) totaled 467 million cu ft (13.26 million cu m). There is no data available on the state's proven reserves of natural gas.


According to the US Census Bureau's Annual Survey of Manufactures (ASM) for 2004, Oregon's manufacturing sector covered some 17 product subsectors. The shipment value of all products manufactured in the state that same year was $54.836 billion. Of that total, computer and electronic product manufacturing accounted for the largest share at $17.849 billion. It was followed by wood product manufacturing at $8.782 billion; food manufacturing at $5.876 billion; transportation equipment manufacturing at $3.211 billion; and paper manufacturing at $2.849 billion.

In 2004, a total of 174,214 people in Oregon were employed in the state's manufacturing sector, according to the ASM. Of that total, 124,218 were actual production workers. In terms of total employment, the wood product manufacturing industry accounted for the largest portion of all manufacturing employees at 31,497 with 26,622 actual production workers. It was followed by computer and electronic product manufacturing at 25,481 employees (12,966 actual production workers); food manufacturing at 18,625 employees (14,659 actual production workers); fabricated metal product manufacturing at 15,335 employees (10,930 actual production workers); and transportation equipment manufacturing with 14,784 employees (11,931 actual production workers).

ASM data for 2004 showed that Oregon's manufacturing sector paid $7.276 billion in wages. Of that amount, the computer and electronic product manufacturing sector accounted for the largest share at $1.459 billion. It was followed by wood product manufacturing at $1.148 billion; food manufacturing at $628.849 million; fabricated metal product manufacturing at $599.949 million; and transportation equipment manufacturing at $564.379 million.

More than half of Oregon's industrial workers are employed in the Portland area. The Willamette Valley is the site of one of the nation's largest canning and freezing industries.


According to the 2002 Census of Wholesale Trade, Oregon's wholesale trade sector had sales that year totaling $56.8 billion from 5,770 establishments. Wholesalers of durable goods accounted for 3,620 establishments, followed by nondurable goods wholesalers at 1,707 and electronic markets, agents, and brokers accounting for 443 establishments. Sales by durable goods wholesalers in 2002 totaled $27.7 billion, while wholesalers of nondurable goods saw sales of $22.7 billion. Electronic markets, agents, and brokers in the wholesale trade industry had sales of $6.4 billion.

In the 2002 Census of Retail Trade, Oregon was listed as having 14,277 retail establishments with sales of $37.8 billion. The leading types of retail businesses by number of establishments were: miscellaneous store retailers (1,964); food and beverage stores (1,938); motor vehicle and motor vehicle parts dealers (1,805); and clothing and clothing accessories stores (1,514). In terms of sales, motor vehicle and motor vehicle parts dealers accounted for the largest share of retail sales at $10 billion, followed by general merchandise stores at $7.02 billion; food and beverage stores at $6.07 billion; and gasoline stations at $2.4 billion. A total of 183,706 people were employed by the retail sector in Oregon that year.

Exports moving through Oregon were valued at $12.3 billion in 2005. Exports went primarily to Canada, Japan, Korea, and the Philippines.


The Department of Consumer and Business Services (DCBS) is Oregon's largest regulatory and consumer protection agency. It is a part of the state's Department of Justice, along with the Office of the Attorney General, the latter of which litigates consumer protection issues. The DCBS administers laws and rules regarding workmen's compensation, occupational safety and health, building codes, financial institutions and insurance companies, and securities offerings. The Financial Fraud/Consumer Protection Section of the state's Department of Justice coordinates consumer services carried on by other government agencies, conducts studies and research in consumer services, and advises executive and legislative branches in matters affecting consumer interests. In addition, it is responsible for the enforcement of Oregon's Unlawful Trade Practices Act. Also responsible for consumer protection are the Department of Agriculture (measurement standards division); and the state's public utilities commission.

When dealing with consumer protection issues, the state's Attorney General's Office can initiate civil and to a limited extent, criminal proceedings; represent the state before state and federal regulatory agencies; administer consumer protection and education programs; handle formal consumer complaints; and exercise broad subpoena powers. In antitrust actions, the Attorney General's Office can act on behalf of those consumers who are incapable of acting on their own; initiate damage actions on behalf of the state in state courts; and initiate criminal proceedings. However, the Attorney General's Office cannot represent counties, cities and other governmental entities in recovering civil damages under state or federal law.

The offices of the Financial Fraud/Consumer Protection Section are located in Salem.


Consolidations and acquisitions transformed Oregon's banking system from one characterized by a large number of local banks into one dominated by two large chainsthe US National Bank of Oregon and Wells Fargo.

As of June 2005, Oregon had 39 insured banks, savings and loans, and saving banks, plus 23 state-chartered and 70 federally chartered credit unions (CUs). Excluding the CUs, the Portland-Vancouver-Beaverton market area accounted for the largest portion of the state's financial institutions and deposits in 2004, with 40 institutions and $25.150 billion in deposits. As of June 2005, CUs accounted for 34.4% of all assets held by all financial institutions in the state, or some $11.810 billion. Banks, savings and loans, and savings banks collectively accounted for the remaining 65.6% or $22.560 billion in assets held.

The median percentage of past-due/nonaccrual loans to total loans as of fourth quarter 2005 stood at 0.32%, down from 0.44% in 2004 and 0.84 in 2003, reflecting solid economic growth in the state. The median net interest margin (the difference between the lower rates offered to savers and the higher rates charged on loans) has increased as the Federal Reserve has continued a policy of interest rate hikes. As of fourth quarter 2005, the NIM rate stood at 5.45%, up from 4.95% in 2004 and 5.04% in 2003.

Regulation of Oregon's state charted banks and other state-chartered financial institutions is the responsibility of the Oregon Division of Finance and Corporate Securities.


In 2004, there were over 1.18 million individual life insurance policies in force, with a total value of over $128 billion; total value for all categories of life insurance (individual, group, and credit) was over $195 billion. The average coverage amount is $108,800 per policy holder. Death benefits paid that year totaled $512.9 million.

As of the end of 2003, there were 14 property and casualty and 3 life and health insurance companies domiciled in the state. In 2003, direct premiums for property and casualty insurance totaled over $5 billion. That year, there were 26,351 flood insurance policies in force in the state, with a total value of $4.4 million. About $424 million of coverage was held through FAIR plans, which are designed to offer coverage for some natural circumstances, such as wind and hail, in high risk areas.

In 2004, 53% of state residents held employment-based health insurance policies, 6% held individual policies, and 23% were covered under Medicare and Medicaid; 17% of residents were uninsured. In 2003, employee contributions for employment-based health coverage averaged at 13% for single coverage and 24% for family coverage. The state offers a six-month health benefits expansion program for small-firm employees in connection with the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA, 1986), a health insurance program for those who lose employment-based coverage due to termination or reduction of work hours.

In 2003, there were over 2.4 million auto insurance policies in effect for private passenger cars. Required minimum coverage includes bodily injury liability of up to $25,000 per individual and $50,000 for all persons injured in an accident, as well as property damage liability of $10,000. Personal injury protection and uninsured motorist coverage are also required. In 2003, the average expenditure per vehicle for insurance coverage was $734.99.


There are no securities or commodities exchanges in Oregon. In 2005 there were about 2,350 securities, commodities, and financial services sales agents employed in the state. In 2004, there were over 100 publicly traded companies within the state, with over 51 NASDAQ companies, 13 NYSE listings, and 1 AMEX listings. In 2006, the state had one Fortune 500 companies; Nike, based in Beaverton and listed on the NYSE, ranked 163rd in the nation with revenues of over $13.7 billion. The NYSE-listed companies Precision Catparts, Lithia Motors, and StanCorp Financials were included on the Fortune 1,000.


Oregon's biennial budget, covering a period from 1 July of each odd-numbered year to 30 June of the next odd-numbered year, is prepared by the Executive Department and submitted by the governor to the legislature for amendment and approval. Unlike some state budgets, Oregon's is not contained in a single omnibus appropriations bill. Instead, each agency appropriation is considered as a separate measure. When the legislature is not in session, an emergency board of 17 legislators considers fiscal problems; this board may adjust budgets, allocate money from a special emergency fund, and establish new expenditure limitations, but it cannot enact new general fund appropriations. The Oregon constitution prohibits a state budget deficit and requires that all general obligation bond issues be submitted to the voters.

Fiscal year 2005 general funds were estimated at $4.8 billion for resources and $4.6 billion for expenditures. In fiscal year 2004, federal government grants to Oregon were nearly $5.2 billion.

OregonState Government Finances
(Dollar amounts in thousands. Per capita amounts in dollars.)
Abbreviations and symbols:zero or rounds to zero; (NA) not available; (X) not applicable.
source: U.S. Census Bureau, Governments Division, 2004 Survey of State Government Finances, January 2006.
Total Revenue24,488,7056,819.47
  General revenue13,766,1263,833.51
   Intergovernmental revenue4,160,9151,158.71
     General sales--
     Selective sales748,882208.54
     License taxes651,016181.29
     Individual income tax4,270,7401,189.29
     Corporate income tax320,06589.13
     Other taxes112,36831.29
   Current charges2,143,679596.96
   Miscellaneous general revenue1,358,461378.30
  Utility revenue2,016.56
  Liquor store revenue289,36580.58
  Insurance trust revenue10,431,1982,904.82
Total expenditure18,788,1965,232.02
  Intergovernmental expenditure4,637,0521,291.30
  Direct expenditure14,151,1443,940.73
   Current operation8,562,3292,384.39
   Capital outlay787,202219.22
   Insurance benefits and repayments4,074,4561,134.63
   Assistance and subsidies351,10497.77
   Interest on debt376,053104.72
Exhibit: Salaries and wages3,105,615864.83
Total expenditure18,788,1965,232.02
  General expenditure14,560,2574,054.65
   Intergovernmental expenditure4,637,0521,291.30
   Direct expenditure9,923,2052,763.35
  General expenditures, by function:
   Public welfare3,517,473979.52
   Police protection196,16654.63
   Natural resources380,247105.89
   Parks and recreation73,72720.53
   Government administration946,791263.66
   Interest on general debt376,053104.72
   Other and unallocable914,460254.65
  Utility expenditure9,0832.53
  Liquor store expenditure144,40040.21
  Insurance trust expenditure4,074,4561,134.63
Debt at end of fiscal year10,495,6712,922.77
Cash and security holdings59,094,73816,456.35

In the fiscal year 2007 federal budget, Oregon was slated to receive: $107.6 million to begin construction on two Portland-area fixed guideway transit systems. The first, an eight-mile MAX system extension parallel to Interstate 205, was forecast to have a 2009 ridership of over 25,000 additional weekday boardings. The second, a 15-mile project, would serve rapidly growing suburban communities west of Portland in Washington County. The state also was to receive $40 million in incremental funding for a $160 million project for I-5 bridge repair and for other improvements in the I-5 corridor; $39.8 million for major cities throughout the state to fund buses, railcars, and maintenance facilities essential to sustaining public transportation systems that serve their communities; $13 million (a $12 million increase over fiscal year 2006) to continue actions to remove the Savage Rapids Dam on Oregon's Rogue River; $8.5 million to provide transportation in rural areas statewide; and $3.8 million to improve public transportation in Oregon for the elderly, persons with disabilities, and persons with lower-incomes, providing access to job and health care facilities.


In 2005, Oregon collected $6,523 million in tax revenues or $1,791 per capita, which placed it 41st among the 50 states in per capita tax burden. The national average was $2,192 per capita. Property taxes accounted for 0.4% of the total; selective sales taxes, 10.7%; individual income taxes, 72.0%; corporate income taxes, 5.6%; and other taxes, 11.3%.

As of 1 January 2006, Oregon had three individual income tax brackets ranging from 5.0% to 9.0%. The state taxes corporations at a flat rate of 6.6%.

In 2004, state and local property taxes amounted to $3,459,371,000 or $963 per capita. The per capita amount ranks the state 28th nationally. Local governments collected $3,443,506,000 of the total and the state government $15,865,000.

Oregon taxes gasoline at 24 cents per gallon. This is in addition to the 18.4 cents per gallon federal tax on gasoline.

According to the Tax Foundation, for every federal tax dollar sent to Washington in 2004, Oregon citizens received $0.97 in federal spending.


Oregon actively seeks balanced economic growth in order to diversify its industrial base, reduce its dependence on the wood products industry, and provide jobs for a steadily growing labor force. The Oregon Economic and Community Development Department (OECDD) offers a variety of financial assistance and incentives to companies which create jobs, particularly for low-income residents. It extends loans and issues industrial development bonds for manufacturing, processing and tourism-related facilities in Oregon. The bonds are exempt from federal taxes. The Department enables banks to make loans to projects that carry higher than conventional risk by creating reserve accounts which function as insurance for the banks. To promote new technologies, the Oregon Resource and Technology Development Corporation invests in applied research. Enterprise zones offer incentives for new businesses. The state offers tax credits to encourage businesses to use pollution control facilities, to invest in energy conservation and to employ renewable energy resources. The De-partment provides a Guidebook and Readiness Assessment Tool to help communities assess their economic development potentials. Oregon also launched a Brand Oregon campaign in 2003, which was a statewide effort to stimulate the economy through the promotion of Oregon's local characteristics and products. The program began with the promotion of seafood. Since then, wines and cheeses have been promoted, as have organic foods.


The infant mortality rate in October 2005 was estimated at 5.5 per 1,000 live births. The birth rate in 2003 was 12.9 per 1,000 population. The abortion rate stood at 23.5 per 1,000 women in 2000. In 2003, about 81.2% of pregnant woman received prenatal care beginning in the first trimester. In 2004, approximately 79% of children received routine immunizations before the age of three.

The crude death rate in 2003 was 8.7 deaths per 1,000 population. As of 2002, the death rates for major causes of death (per 100,000 resident population) were: heart disease, 206.2; cancer, 205.8; cerebrovascular diseases, 75.1; chronic lower respiratory diseases, 52.4; and diabetes, 29.6. Oregon had the third-highest death rate for cerebrovascular diseases in the nation, following Arizona and Iowa. The mortality rate from HIV infection was 2.6 per 100,000 population. In 2004, the reported AIDS case rate was at about 7.8 per 100,000 population. In 2002, about 54.4% of the population was considered overweight or obese. As of 2004, about 19.9% of state residents were smokers.

In 2003, Oregon had 58 community hospitals with about 6,800 beds. There were about 342,000 patient admissions that year and 8.2 million outpatient visits. The average daily inpatient census was about 4,000 patients. The average cost per day for hospital care was $1,842. Also in 2003, there were about 141 certified nursing facilities in the state with 12,789 beds and an overall occupancy rate of about 67.6%. In 2004, it was estimated that about 68.5% of all state residents had received some type of dental care within the year. Oregon had 269 physicians per 100,000 resident population in 2004 and 768 nurses per 100,000 in 2005. In 2004, there were a total of 1,768 dentists in the state.

About 18% of state residents were enrolled in Medicaid programs in 2003; 15% were enrolled in Medicare programs in 2004. Approximately 17% of the state population was uninsured in 2004. In 2003, state health care expenditures totaled $3.8 million.

The only medical and dental schools in the state are at the University of Oregon Health Sciences University in Portland.


The Department of Human Resources was created in 1971 to coordinate social service activities. In 2004, about 148,000 people received unemployment benefits, with the average weekly unemployment benefit at $252. For 2005, the estimated average monthly participation in the food stamp program included about 429,358 persons (218,297 households); the average monthly benefit was about $88.49 per person. That year, the total of benefits paid through the state for the food stamp program was about $455.9 million.

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), the system of federal welfare assistance that officially replaced Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) in 1997, was reauthorized through the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005. TANF is funded through federal block grants that are divided among the states based on an equation involving the number of recipients in each state. Oregon's TANF program is called JOBS (Job Opportunities and Basic Skills). In 2004, the state program had 42,000 recipients; state and federal expenditures on this TANF program totaled $120 million in fiscal year 2003.

In December 2004, Social Security benefits were paid to 611,490 Oregon residents. This number included 406,330 retired workers, 57,330 widows and widowers, 73,750 disabled workers, 34,460 spouses, and 39,620 children. Social Security beneficiaries represented 16.8% of the total state population and 95.5% of the state's population age 65 and older. Retired workers received an average monthly payment of $964; widows and widowers, $944; disabled workers, $894; and spouses, $482. Payments for children of retired workers averaged $501 per month; children of deceased workers, $653; and children of disabled workers, $283. Federal Supplemental Security Income payments in December 2004 went to 58,842 Oregon residents, averaging $395 a month. An additional $1.7 million of state-administered supplemental payments were distributed to 16,972 residents.


During the 1970s and early 1980s, a growing percentage of new construction went for rental units. Between 1970 and 1980, the proportion of the housing stock in single-family units fell from 77% to 68%. In 2004, there were an estimated 1,535,381 housing units in Oregon, of which 1,427,711 were occupied; 63% owner-occupied. About 62.5% of all units were single-family, detached homes. Electricity and utility gas were the most common energy sources for heat. It was estimated that 56,590 units lacked telephone service, 4,834 lacked complete plumbing facilities, and 10,081 lacked complete kitchen facilities. The average household had 2.46 members.

In 2004, 27,300 new privately owned units were authorized for construction. The median home value was $181,544. The median monthly cost for mortgage owners was $1,217. Renters paid a median of $681 per month. In September 2005, the state received grants of $649,984 from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for rural housing and economic development programs. For 2006, HUD allocated to the state over $14.2 million in community development block grants. The city of Portland received $10.4 million in community development block grants.


Passed by Oregon's legislature in 1991, the Educational Act for the 21st Century set into motion an extensive restructuring of the state's kindergarten through 12th grade public school system. Key components of the Act include raising academic standards for all students, increasing student skills and abilities needed in the workplace, involving parents in decision-making, assessing student performance, requiring accountability for results, emphasizing early childhood education, providing learning opportunities in partnership with communities, and giving local schools more freedom and autonomy.

In 2004, 87.4% of Oregon residents age 25 and older were high school graduates. Some 25.9% had obtained a bachelor's degree or higher. The total enrollment for fall 2002 in Oregon's public schools stood at 554,000. Of these, 382,000 attended schools from kindergarten through grade eight, and 172,000 attended high school. Approximately 76.6% of the students were white, 3.1% were black, 13.6% were Hispanic, 4.4% were Asian/Pacific Islander, and 2.3% were American Indian/Alaskan Native. Total enrollment was estimated at 555,000 in fall 2003 and was expected to be 591,000 by fall 2014, an increase of 6.7% during the period 200214. Expenditures for public education in 2003/04 were estimated at $5.7 billion. In fall 2003 there were 46,968 students enrolled in 362 private schools. Since 1969, the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) has tested public school students nationwide. The resulting report, The Nation's Report Card, stated that in 2005, eighth graders in Oregon scored 282 out of 500 in mathematics compared with the national average of 278.

As of fall 2002, there were 204,565 students enrolled in college or graduate school; minority students comprised 14.6% of total postsecondary enrollment. In 2005 Oregon had 59 degree-granting institutions including 9 public four-year schools, 17 public two-year schools, and 25 nonprofit, private four-year schools. The University of Oregon in Eugene has the highest regular enrollment, followed by Portland State University in Portland, and Oregon State University in Corvallis. The Oregon State Scholarship Commission (OSSC) administers an extensive financial aid program for state college students.

Major private higher education institutions include Willamette University, Salem; George Fox College, Newberg; Linfield College, McMinnville; and University of Portland, Reed College, Lewis and Clark College, and Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology, all in Portland.


The Oregon Arts Commission was established in 1967 and became a division of the Oregon Economic and Community Development Department in 1993. In 2005, the Oregon Arts Commission and other Oregon arts organizations received 31 grants totaling $1,187,500 from the National Endowment for the Arts. The state and private sources contribute funding for the arts as well.

The Oregon Council for the Humanities (OCH) has a number of annual historical and literary programs. In 2005, the National Endowment for the Humanities contributed $1,221,549 for 15 state programs.

The Portland Art Museum, with an associated art school, is the city's center for the visual arts. A $125 million preservation and renovation project was completed in October 2005 on the Portland Art Museum's Mark Building, featuring a new Center for Modern and Contemporary Art. The University of Oregon's Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art, specializes in Oriental art. The Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art reopened in January 2005, after a $14.2 million expansion project almost doubled the size of the building.

The state's most noted theatrical enterprise is the Tony Award-winning Oregon Shakespeare Festival (OSF) in Ashland, with a complex of theaters drawing actors and audiences from around the nation. Founded in 1935, the OSF is one of the oldest and largest professional nonprofit theaters in the United States. As of 2005, OSF had presented over 780 performances annually serving approximately 360,000 visitors. The Portland Center for the Performing Arts is home to the Oregon Symphony Orchestra, the Portland Opera, Oregon Ballet Theatre, Oregon Children's Theatre, Portland Center Stage, Portland Youth Philharmonic, Tears of Joy Puppet Theatre, and Broadway in Portland. Salem and Eugene have small symphony orchestras of their own; in 2005 the Oregon Symphony Association in Salem celebrated its 50th anniversary.


For the fiscal year ending in June 2001, Oregon had 125 public library systems, with a total of 210 libraries, of which 89 were branches. In that same year, the total book/serial publication stock of all public libraries was 8,476,000 volumes and their combined circulation was 38,047,000. The system also had 473,000 audio and 359,000 video items, 12,000 electronic format items (CD-ROMs, magnetic tapes, and disks), and nine bookmobiles. Most cities and counties in Oregon have public library systems, the largest being the Multnomah County library system in Portland, with 14 branches and 1,288,634 volumes in 1999. The State Library in Salem serves as a reference agency for state government. In fiscal year 2001, operating income for the state's public library system was $112,473,000 and included $1,151,000 in federal grants and $729,000 in state grants.

Oregon has 105 museums, historic sites, botanical gardens and arboretums. Historical museums emphasizing Oregon's pioneer heritage appear throughout the state, with Ft. Clatsop National Memorialfeaturing a replica of Lewis and Clark's winter head-quartersamong the notable attractions. The Oregon Historical Society operates a major historical museum in Portland, publishes books of historical interest, and issues the Oregon Historical Quarterly. In Portland's Washington Park area are the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry, Washington Park Zoo, Western Forestry Center, and an arboretum and other gardens.


As of 2004, 95.5% of Oregon's households had telephones. In addition, by June of that same year there were 1,894,285 mobile wireless telephone subscribers. In 2003, 67.0% of Oregon households had a computer and 61.0% had Internet access. By June 2005, there were 561,867 high-speed lines in Oregon, 505,260 residential and 56,607 for business. Oregon had 37 major AM and 86 major FM commercial radio stations in 2005; and 24 major television stations. A state-owned broadcasting system provides educational radio and television programming. The Portland area had over one million television households, 62% of which ordered cable in 1999. A total of 97,453 Internet domain names were registered in the state as of 2000.


Oregon's first newspaper was the weekly Oregon Spectator, which began publication in 1846. Early newspapers engaged in what became known as the "Oregon style" of journalism, characterized by intemperate, vituperative, and fiercely partisan comments. As of 2005, 7 morning, 13 evening, and 12 Sunday newspapers were published in Oregon. The state's largest newspaper, the Oregonian, published in Portland, is owned by Advance Publications.

The following table lists leading Oregon newspapers with their approximate 2005 circulations:

EugeneRegister-Guard (m,S)79,26675,460
PortlandOregonian (all day,S)324,863405,295
SalemStatesman-Journal (m,S)53,36661,652


In 2006, there were over 3,390 nonprofit organizations registered within the state, of which about 2,459 were registered as charitable, educational, or religious organizations. Among the many forestry-related organizations in Oregon are the International Woodworkers of America (AFL-CIO), Association of Western Pulp and Paper Workers, Pacific Lumber Exporters Association, Western Forest Industries Association, and Western Wood Products Association, all with their headquarters in Portland. State and national conservation issues are represented in part by the Native Fish Society, the Native Forest Council, and the Natural Areas Association. The National Indian Child Welfare Association is based in Portland.

Other national organizations based in the state are the Hop Growers of America and the North American Bungee Association. Local history is represented in part through the Big Butte Historical Society and the Oregon Trail Travelers, as well as several other regional historical societies. The United States Judo Federation is based in Ontario.


Oregon's abundance and variety of natural features and recreational opportunities make the state a major tourist attraction. Travel and tourism is the state's third-largest employer, generating over 94,500 jobs. In 2002, travel revenues reached $6.3 billion. The Oregon Tourism Commission maintains an active tourist advertising program, and Portland hotels busily seek major conventions.

Among the leading attractions are the rugged Oregon coast, with its off shore salmon fishing; Crater Lake National Park; the Rogue River, for river running and fishing; the Columbia Gorge, east of Portland; the Cascades wilderness; and Portland's annual Rose Festival. Oregon has one national park, Crater Lake, and three other areasJohn Day Fossil Beds National Monument, Oregon Caves National Monument, and Ft. Clatsop National Memorialmanaged by the National Park Service. The US Forest Service administers the Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area, on the Oregon coast; the Lava Lands Visitor Complex near Bend; and the Hells Canyon National Recreation Area, east of Enterprise. Oregon has one of the nation's most extensive state park systems: 225 parks and recreation areas cover 90,000 acres (36,400 hectares). Portland and the Mt. Hood area attracts many mountain climbers and outdoor recreation seekers. There are places one can travel the original Oregon Trail of Westward expansion. In 2006 Oregon was celebrating the bicentennial of the Lewis and Clark expedition.


Oregon has one major league team, based in Portland. The Portland Trail Blazers, winners of the National Basketball Association championship in 1977, play in the NBA. The Portland Beavers are a Triple-A affiliate of the San Diego Padres. The state fields three teams that compete in baseball's class-A Northwest League, in Eugene and Salem.

Horse racing takes place at Portland Meadows in Portland and, in late August and early September, at the Oregon State Fair in Salem. There is greyhound racing at the Multnomah Greyhound Park near Portland. Pari-mutuel betting is permitted at the tracks, but off-track betting is prohibited.

The University of Oregon and Oregon State University belong to the Pacific 10 Conference. The Oregon State Ducks won the Rose Bowl in 1942 and appeared in, but lost, in 1965. Oregon was a surprise winner at the Pac-10 in 1994, and made its first Rose Bowl appearance in 37 years. The Ducks lost to Penn State in the 1995 Rose Bowl. Since 1996, the Ducks have won several bowl contests, highlighted by a victory over the Colorado Buffaloes in the 2002 Fiesta Bowl.

Other annual sporting events include sled dog races in Bend and Union Creek, the All-Indian Rodeo in Tygh Valley in May (one of many rodeos), and the Cycle Oregon Bike Ride.


Prominent federal officeholders from Oregon include Senator Charles McNary (18741944), a leading advocate of federal reclamation and development projects and the Republican vice-presidential nominee in 1940; Senator Wayne Morse (b.Wisconsin, 19001974), who was an early opponent of US involvement in VietNam; Representative Edith Green (19101984), a leader in federal education assistance; and Representative Al Ullman (b.Montana, 19141986), chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee until his defeat in 1980. Recent cabinet members from Oregon have been Douglas McKay (18931959), secretary of the interior; and Neil Goldschmidt (b.1940) secretary of transportation.

A major figure in early Oregon history was sea captain Robert Gray (b.Rhode Island. 17551806), discoverer of the Columbia River. Although never holding a government position, fur trader Dr. John McLoughlin (b.Canada, 17841857) in effect ruled Oregon from 1824 to 1845; he was officially designated the "father of Oregon" by the 1957 state legislature. Also of importance in the early settlement was Methodist missionary Jason Lee (b.Canada, 180345). Oregon's most famous Indian was Chief Joseph (1840?1904), leader of the Nez Percé in northeastern Oregon; when tension between the Nez Percé and white settlers erupted into open hostilities in 1877, Chief Joseph led his band of about 650 men, women, and children from the Oregon-Idaho border across the Bitterroot Range evading three army detachments before being captured in northern Montana.

Other important figures in the early days of statehood were Harvey W. Scott (b.Illinois 18381910), longtime editor of the Portland Oregonian, and his sister, Abigail Scott Duniway (b.Illinois, 18231915), the Northwest's foremost advocate of women's suffrage, a cause her brother strongly opposed. William Simon U'Ren (b.Wisconsin, 18591949) was a lawyer and reformer whose influence on Oregon politics and government endures to this day. Journalist and Communist John Reed (18871920), author of Ten Days That Shook the World, an eyewitness account of the Bolshevik Revolution, was born in Portland, and award-winning science-fiction writer Ursula K. LeGuin (b.California, 1929) is a Portland resident. Linus Pauling (190194), two-time winner of the Nobel Prize (for chemistry in 1954, for peace in 1962) was another Portland native. Other scientists prominent in the state's history include botanist David Douglas (b.Scotland, 17981834), who made two trips to Oregon and after whom the Douglas fir is named; and geologist and paleontologist Thomas Condon (b.Ireland, 18221907), discoverer of major fossil beds in eastern Oregon.


Allerfeldt, Kristofer. Race, Radicalism, Religion, and Restriction: Immigration in the Pacific Northwest, 18901924. Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 2003.

Blair, Karen J. Northwest Women: An Annotated Bibliography of Sources on the History of Oregon and Washington Women, 17871970. Pullman: Washington State University Press, 1997.

Council of State Governments. The Book of the States, 2006 Edition. Lexington, Ky.: Council of State Governments, 2006.

Cressman, Luther Sheeleigh. The Sandal & the Cave: The Indians of Oregon. Corvallis: Oregon State University Press, 2005.

Dary, David. The Oregon Trail: An American Saga. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2004.

DeGrove, John Melvin. Planning Policy and Politics: Smart Growth and the States. Cambridge, Mass.: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, 2005.

Goggans, Jan (ed.). The Pacific Region. Vol. 5 in The Greenwood Encyclopedia of American Regional Cultures. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 2004.

Lansing, Jewel Beck. Portland: People, Politics, and Power, 18512001. Corvallis: Oregon State University Press, 2003.

McArthur, Lewis A. Oregon Geographic Names. 7th ed. Portland: Oregon Historical Society Press, 2003.

Parzybok, Tye W. Weather Extremes in the West. Missoula, Mont.: Mountain Press, 2005.

Peterson del Mar, David. Oregon's Promise: An Interpretive History. Corvallis: Oregon State University Press, 2003.

Preston, Thomas. Pacific Coast: Washington, Oregon, California. 2nd ed. Vol. 1 in The Double Eagle Guide to 1,000 Great Western Recreation Destinations. Billings, Mont.: Discovery Publications, 2003.

US Department of Commerce, Economics and Statistics Administration, US Census Bureau. Oregon, 2000. Summary Social, Economic, and Housing Characteristics: 2000 Census of Population and Housing. Washington, D.C.: US Government Printing Office, 2003.

Webber, Bert, and Margie Webber. Awesome Caverns of Marble in the Oregon Caves National Monuement. Medford, Ore.: Webb Research Group Publishers, 1998.

Yuskavitch, Jim, and Leslie D. Cole. The Insider's Guide to Bend & Central Oregon. Helena, Mont.: Falcon Pub., Inc., 1999.


views updated May 23 2018



1122 NW Davis St.
Portland, OR 97209
Tel: (503)228-6528; 888-228-6528
Fax: (503)228-4227
E-mail: aipdadm@aii.edu
Web Site: http://www.aipd.artinstitutes.edu/


Proprietary, 4-year, coed. Part of Education Management Corporation. Awards associate and bachelor's degrees. Founded 1963. Setting: 1-acre urban campus. Total enrollment: 1,583. Student-undergrad faculty ratio is 22:1. 437 applied, 59% were admitted. Full-time: 1,078 students, 51% women, 49% men. Part-time: 505 students, 51% women, 49% men. Students come from 20 states and territories, 11 other countries, 2% Native American, 5% Hispanic, 2% black, 6% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 0.1% international, 32% 25 or older, 10% live on campus. Retention: 50% of full-time freshmen returned the following year. Academic area with the most degrees conferred: visual and performing arts. Core. Academic remediation for entering students, services for LD students, advanced placement, independent study, summer session for credit, part-time degree program, internships. Study abroad program.

Entrance Requirements:

Options: Peterson's Universal Application, electronic application, deferred admission. Required: essay, high school transcript, interview. Recommended: recommendations. Required for some: placement exam. Entrance: minimally difficult. Application deadline: Rolling. Notification: continuous.

Costs Per Year:

Application fee: $50. Tuition: $17,460 full-time. College room only: $5625.

Collegiate Environment:

Orientation program. Student-run newspaper. Social organizations: 3 open to all. Most popular organizations: Fashion Group International, Interior Design Student Chapter, International Student Group. Major annual events: Portfolio Review, Graduation Fashion Show, Animation Show. Student services: personal-psychological counseling. Campus security: 24-hour emergency response devices, security patrol from 4 p.m. to midnight, electronically operated building entrances. 140 college housing spaces available; all were occupied in 2003-04. No special consideration for freshman housing applicants. Option: coed housing available. AIPD Learning Resource Center with 24,231 books, 215 serials, 400 audiovisual materials, an OPAC, and a Web page. 160 computers available on campus for general student use. Staffed computer lab on campus.


12113 SE Foster Rd.
Portland, OR 97299
Tel: (503)760-3131
Web Site: http://www.birthingway.edu/


Independent, upper-level, coed. Awards bachelor's degrees. Founded 1993. Calendar: 3 semesters.


2411 Northwest Carden Ave.
PO Box 100
Pendleton, OR 97801-1000
Tel: (541)276-1260
Admissions: (541)278-5774
Fax: (541)278-5886
Web Site: http://www.bluecc.edu/


State and locally supported, 2-year, coed. Awards certificates, transfer associate, and terminal associate degrees. Founded 1962. Setting: 170-acre rural campus. Endowment: $1.7 million. Educational spending for 2005 fiscal year: $2698 per student. Total enrollment: 1,878. Full-time: 872 students, 63% women, 37% men. Part-time: 1,006 students, 59% women, 41% men. Students come from 9 states and territories, 6 other countries, 2% from out-of-state, 4% Native American, 6% Hispanic, 1% black, 0.5% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 1% international, 16% 25 or older. Core. Academic remediation for entering students, ESL program, services for LD students, advanced placement, distance learning, summer session for credit, part-time degree program, adult/continuing education programs, co-op programs.

Entrance Requirements:

Open admission. Option: electronic application. Required: high school transcript. Placement: ACT ASSET and ACT COMPASS required. Entrance: noncompetitive. Application deadline: Rolling. Notification: continuous.

Collegiate Environment:

Orientation program. Drama-theater group, choral group. Social organizations: 2 open to all. Most popular organizations: Multicultural Club, Campus Crusade for Christ. Major annual events: Yippie Yahoo Day (Spring Term), Casino Night. Student services: personal-psychological counseling. College housing not available. Blue Mountain Community College Library with 39,026 books, 2,644 microform titles, 271 serials, 1,879 audiovisual materials, an OPAC, and a Web page. Operations spending for 2004 fiscal year: $314,649. 180 computers available on campus for general student use. A campuswide network can be accessed from off-campus. Staffed computer lab on campus.

Community Environment:

Pendleton, pop. 16,000, is bordered by the Blue Mountains, the Columbia River, and rolling wheat fields with and agriculturally based economy. It is approximately 200 miles from Portland, OR, Spokane, WA, and Boise, ID. Community facilities include a public library, churches of major denominations, a hospital, shopping, and many services and civic organizations. Pendleton is known nationally for its annual event, The Pendleton Roundup. Other activities include a symphony, art shows, and many organized sports for children and adults. For the recreationist, the area offers a wide variety of seasonal sports, including skiing, fishing, hiking, and hunting.


9101 East Burnside St.
Portland, OR 97216-1515
Tel: (503)255-7060
Free: 800-550-7678
Admissions: (503)257-1202
E-mail: jmurphy@cascade.edu
Web Site: http://www.cascade.edu/


Independent, 4-year, coed, affiliated with Church of Christ. Administratively affiliated with Oklahoma Christian University. Awards bachelor's degrees. Founded 1994. Setting: 13-acre urban campus. Endowment: $358,467. Total enrollment: 292. Student-undergrad faculty ratio is 15:1. 227 applied, 60% were admitted. Full-time: 274 students, 54% women, 46% men. Part-time: 18 students, 39% women, 61% men. Students come from 23 states and territories, 6 other countries, 62% from out-of-state, 2% Native American, 6% Hispanic, 5% black, 3% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 4% international, 6% 25 or older, 66% live on campus, 13% transferred in. Retention: 60% of full-time freshmen returned the following year. Academic areas with the most degrees conferred: interdisciplinary studies; education; business/marketing; psychology. Core. Calendar: semesters. Academic remediation for entering students, services for LD students, advanced placement, accelerated degree program, independent study, double major, summer session for credit, internships. Off campus study at Mt. Hood Community College. Study abroad program. ROTC: Army (c), Air Force (c).

Entrance Requirements:

Open admission. Options: Common Application, early admission, deferred admission, international baccalaureate accepted. Required: high school transcript, recommendations. Entrance: noncompetitive. Application deadline: Rolling.

Costs Per Year:

Application fee: $25. Comprehensive fee: $18,920 includes full-time tuition ($12,200), mandatory fees ($600), and college room and board ($6120). Part-time tuition: $510 per semester hour.

Collegiate Environment:

Orientation program. Drama-theater group, choral group. Social organizations: 16 open to all. Most popular organizations: choir, service clubs, student government. Major annual events: Campus Variety Show, Homecoming Week, Spiritual Emphasis Week. Student services: health clinic, personal-psychological counseling. Campus security: 24-hour emergency response devices, late night transport-escort service, controlled dormitory access, 12-hour patrols by trained security personnel. 236 college housing spaces available; 182 were occupied in 2003-04. Freshmen guaranteed college housing. On-campus residence required through senior year. Options: coed, men-only, women-only housing available. E.W. McMillan Library with 30,232 books, 62,045 microform titles, 86 serials, 1,218 audiovisual materials, an OPAC, and a Web page. Operations spending for 2004 fiscal year: $82,400. 26 computers available on campus for general student use. A campuswide network can be accessed from student residence rooms and from off campus. Staffed computer lab on campus.

Community Environment:

See Portland State University.


2600 Northwest College Way
Bend, OR 97701-5998
Tel: (541)383-7700
Admissions: (541)383-7211
Fax: (541)383-7506
E-mail: welcome@metolius.cocc.edu
Web Site: http://www.cocc.edu/


District-supported, 2-year, coed. Part of Oregon Community College Association. Awards certificates, transfer associate, and terminal associate degrees. Founded 1949. Setting: 193-acre small town campus. Endowment: $5.5 million. Educational spending for 2005 fiscal year: $6146 per student. Total enrollment: 4,048. Student-undergrad faculty ratio is 23:1. 1,410 applied. Full-time: 1,536 students, 57% women, 43% men. Part-time: 2,512 students, 59% women, 41% men. Students come from 7 states and territories, 4% from out-of-state, 3% Native American, 4% Hispanic, 0.2% black, 1% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 0% international, 41% 25 or older, 3% live on campus. Core. Academic remediation for entering students, ESL program, self-designed majors, independent study, distance learning, double major, part-time degree program, co-op programs and internships. Study abroad program.

Entrance Requirements:

Open admission except for nursing, emergency medical technology, geographic information systems, medical assistant, dental assistant, fire science programs. Option: electronic application. Entrance: noncompetitive. Application deadline: Rolling. Notification: continuous. Preference given to district residents for nursing program.

Costs Per Year:

Application fee: $25. Area resident tuition: $2835 full-time, $63 per credit part-time. State resident tuition: $3870 full-time, $86 per credit part-time. Nonresident tuition: $7920 full-time, $176 per credit part-time. Mandatory fees: $114 full-time, $3.50 per credit part-time. College room and board: $6798.

Collegiate Environment:

Orientation program. Choral group, student-run newspaper. Social organizations: 12 open to all. Most popular organizations: student government, club sports, Phi Theta Kappa, DEC, Science Learning Center. Major annual events: Earth Month, Salmon Bake, music series. Student services: health clinic, personal-psychological counseling. Campus security: 24-hour emergency response devices and patrols, late night transport-escort service. Option: coed housing available. COCC Library plus 1 other with 76,421 books, 114,539 microform titles, 329 serials, 3,570 audiovisual materials, an OPAC, and a Web page. 335 computers available on campus for general student use. A campuswide network can be accessed from student residence rooms and from off campus. Staffed computer lab on campus.

Community Environment:

Bend is an extremely scenic town of some 60,000 people located at the foothills of the Oregon's Cascade Mountain range. The college serves a 10,000-square-mile district that includes part of Central Oregon's high desert country east of Bend. The area's primary industries are lumber and tourism. Bus lines connect Bend with other parts of the state. Two airlines serve the nearby town of Redmond, 14 miles distant, with jet air transport. Bend is 157 miles from Portland and 120 miles from Eugene, Oregon. Community facilities include a public library, churches of major denominations, three major shopping malls and many service and civic organizations. Bend is known nationally for its recreational environment. Bordering the 1.6 million-acre Deschutes National Forest, the town affords excellent hunting, fishing, hiking and camping opportunities. The full-facility Mt. Bachelor Ski Area, which is normally open from November through June, is 22 minutes from the college campus. Rain is rare in the area. Bend receives an average snowfall of three feet per year, although the mountainous areas receive considerably more.


4000 Lancaster Dr. NE
P.O. Box 14007
Salem, OR 97309
Tel: (503)399-5000
Fax: (503)399-3918
Web Site: http://www.chemeketa.edu/


State and locally supported, 2-year, coed. Awards certificates, diplomas, transfer associate, and terminal associate degrees. Founded 1955. Setting: 72-acre urban campus with easy access to Portland. Total enrollment: 15,000. Students come from 5 states and territories, 1% from out-of-state, 45% 25 or older. Academic remediation for entering students, ESL program, services for LD students, advanced placement, independent study, distance learning, double major, summer session for credit, part-time degree program, adult/continuing education programs, co-op programs and internships.

Entrance Requirements:

Open admission except for nursing, allied health, fire science, building inspection, dental assisting, emergency medical technology, human services. Option: deferred admission. Required for some: high school transcript. Entrance: noncompetitive. Application deadline: Rolling. Notification: continuous.

Costs Per Year:

Application fee: $0. State resident tuition: $2610 full-time, $58 per quarter hour part-time. Nonresident tuition: $8955 full-time, $199 per quarter hour part-time. Mandatory fees: $180 full-time, $4 per quarter hour part-time.

Collegiate Environment:

Drama-theater group, choral group, student-run newspaper. Social organizations: 40 open to all. Most popular organizations: Health Occupations Students of America, International Conference of Building Officials, Ski Club, Christian Fellowship. Major annual events: International Food Fair, multicultural events, Career Expo. Student services: personal-psychological counseling, women's center. Campus security: 24-hour emergency response devices and patrols, late night transport-escort service. College housing not available. Chemeketa Community College Library plus 1 other with 7,145 microform titles, 801 audiovisual materials, an OPAC, and a Web page. Operations spending for 2004 fiscal year: $636,220.

Community Environment:

See Willamette University.


19600 South Molalla Ave.
Oregon City, OR 97045-7998
Tel: (503)657-6958
Fax: (503)650-6654
Web Site: http://www.clackamas.edu/


District-supported, 2-year, coed. Awards certificates, diplomas, transfer associate, and terminal associate degrees. Founded 1966. Setting: 175-acre suburban campus with easy access to Portland. Endowment: $9.4 million. Educational spending for 2005 fiscal year: $3092 per student. Total enrollment: 7,329. Student-undergrad faculty ratio is 14:1. 2,149 applied, 100% were admitted. Full-time: 2,238 students, 52% women, 48% men. Part-time: 5,091 students, 52% women, 48% men. Students come from 38 states and territories, 16 other countries, 3% from out-of-state, 1% Native American, 11% Hispanic, 1% black, 4% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 0.2% international, 47% 25 or older, 29% transferred in. Core. Academic remediation for entering students, ESL program, services for LD students, advanced placement, accelerated degree program, honors program, independent study, distance learning, double major, summer session for credit, part-time degree program, adult/continuing education programs, co-op programs and internships. Study abroad program. ROTC: Air Force (c).

Entrance Requirements:

Open admission except for nursing program, medical assistant, accelerated degree, PSU co-admit. Option: early admission. Entrance: noncompetitive. Application deadline: Rolling.

Costs Per Year:

Application fee: $0. State resident tuition: $2520 full-time, $56 per credit hour part-time. Nonresident tuition: $8730 full-time, $194 per credit hour part-time. Mandatory fees: $180 full-time, $4 per credit hour part-time.

Collegiate Environment:

Orientation program. Drama-theater group, choral group, student-run newspaper. Social organizations: 21 open to all; national fraternities. Most popular organizations: Ski Club, Spanish Club, Phi Theta Kappa, Horticulture Club, Speech Club. Major annual events: Club Fair, Fall Craft Fair, Environmental Week. Student services: personal-psychological counseling, women's center. Campus security: 24-hour emergency response devices and patrols, student patrols, late night transport-escort service. College housing not available. Dye Learning Resource Center plus 1 other with 41,263 books, 99,527 microform titles, 274 serials, 1,141 audiovisual materials, an OPAC, and a Web page. Operations spending for 2004 fiscal year: $408,101. 500 computers available on campus for general student use. A campuswide network can be accessed. Staffed computer lab on campus.

Community Environment:

Oregon City was the capital of the Old Oregon Territory, founded in 1829. The city is on the bank of the Willamette River where there are 40-foot falls that provide waterpower for the production of paper, batteries, lumber and electric power. A municipal free elevator lifts pedestrians 90 feet up the steep face of a cliff to a residential business district. An observation deck at the top overlooks the downtown area and the falls. The Holly Knoll Museum is 7 miles southeast where antique furniture and harness and horsedrawn vehicles may be seen. The John McLoughlin House National Historic Site was built in 1846.


1653 Jerome
Astoria, OR 97103-3698
Tel: (503)325-0910
Admissions: (503)338-2326
Fax: (503)325-5738
E-mail: klee@clatsopec.edu
Web Site: http://www.clatsopcc.edu/


County-supported, 2-year, coed. Awards certificates, transfer associate, and terminal associate degrees. Founded 1958. Setting: 20-acre small town campus. Endowment: $2 million. Total enrollment: 1,824. Student-undergrad faculty ratio is 14:1. 340 applied, 81% were admitted. Full-time: 445 students, 61% women, 39% men. Part-time: 1,379 students, 44% women, 56% men. Students come from 28 states and territories, 1 other country, 15% from out-of-state, 3% Native American, 4% Hispanic, 1% black, 2% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 1% international, 50% 25 or older, 0.4% transferred in. Core. Academic remediation for entering students, ESL program, services for LD students, advanced placement, distance learning, summer session for credit, part-time degree program, external degree program, adult/continuing education programs, co-op programs and internships.

Entrance Requirements:

Open admission. Option: early admission. Recommended: high school transcript. Entrance: noncompetitive. Application deadline: Rolling. Notification: continuous.

Costs Per Year:

Application fee: $15. State resident tuition: $2700 full-time, $60 per credit part-time. Nonresident tuition: $5400 full-time, $120 per credit part-time.

Collegiate Environment:

Orientation program. Most popular organizations: Lives in Transition, Phi Theta Kappa, Nursing Club, Spanish Club, Fine Arts Club. Major annual events: Blood Drive, Graduation Festival, End of Year Awards Ceremony. Student services: personal-psychological counseling. Campus security: 24-hour emergency response devices, late night transport-escort service. College housing not available. Dora Badollet Library plus 1 other with 48,517 books, 7,000 microform titles, 180 serials, 5,000 audiovisual materials, an OPAC, and a Web page. Operations spending for 2004 fiscal year: $444,678. 76 computers available on campus for general student use. A campuswide network can be accessed from off-campus. Staffed computer lab on campus.

Community Environment:

Located on the Columbia River, about 10 miles from its mouth, Astoria is known principally for its salmon and tuna industries. Astoria's history dates from the winter of 1805 when the Lewis and Clark expedition camped at Fort Clatsop. Many plants here are in the fish canning, curing, and freezing business. At the larger docks, ocean liners load for world ports. Commercial transportation is available. There are a number of churches, a city-owned library, museums, hospitals, and many of the major civic and service organizations in the community. The opportunities are good for part-time employment. Recreational facilities are numerous; lakes, streams, rivers, and the ocean for fishing, swimming, boating, picnicking and digging for clams. During the fishing season, August 1 to September 10, more than 15,000 large fish are taken from the Columbia River near Astoria. Some of the points of interest are the Astoria Column, 125 feet high, which illustrates incidents in the early history of the region, Clatsop County Historical Museum, the Columbia River Maritime Museum, and Fort Astoria. The Astoria Regatta is an annual event.


400 East Scenic Dr.
The Dalles, OR 97058
Tel: (541)296-6182
Admissions: (541)298-3110
Fax: (541)298-3104
E-mail: kcarter@cgcc.cc.or.us
Web Site: http://www.cgcc.cc.or.us/


State-supported, 2-year, coed. Awards certificates, diplomas, transfer associate, and terminal associate degrees. Founded 1977.


2811 Northeast Holman
Portland, OR 97211-6099
Tel: (503)288-9371
Free: 800-321-9371
Admissions: (503)493-6526
Fax: (503)280-8531
Web Site: http://www.cu-portland.edu/


Independent, comprehensive, coed, affiliated with Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. Part of Concordia University System. Awards associate, bachelor's, and master's degrees. Founded 1905. Setting: 13-acre urban campus. Endowment: $5.3 million. Educational spending for 2005 fiscal year: $4620 per student. Total enrollment: 1,506. Faculty: 137 (42 full-time, 95 part-time). Student-undergrad faculty ratio is 17:1. 804 applied, 66% were admitted. 17% from top 10% of their high school class, 49% from top quarter, 77% from top half. 2 valedictorians. Full-time: 808 students, 62% women, 38% men. Part-time: 198 students, 63% women, 37% men. Students come from 19 states and territories, 12 other countries, 40% from out-of-state, 2% Native American, 4% Hispanic, 6% black, 4% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 1% international, 30% 25 or older, 44% live on campus, 15% transferred in. Retention: 68% of full-time freshmen returned the following year. Academic areas with the most degrees conferred: education; business/marketing; psychology. Core. Calendar: semesters. Academic remediation for entering students, ESL program, advanced placement, accelerated degree program, self-designed majors, double major, summer session for credit, part-time degree program, adult/continuing education programs, internships. Off campus study at Oregon Independent Colleges Association, Concordia University System. Study abroad program. ROTC: Air Force (c).

Entrance Requirements:

Options: electronic application, deferred admission. Required: essay, high school transcript, minimum 2.5 high school GPA, 1 recommendation, SAT or ACT. Recommended: interview. Required for some: interview. Entrance: moderately difficult. Application deadline: Rolling. Notification: continuous.

Costs Per Year:

Application fee: $20. Comprehensive fee: $26,000 includes full-time tuition ($19,900), mandatory fees ($200), and college room and board ($5900). College room only: $2800. Part-time tuition: $615 per credit.

Collegiate Environment:

Orientation program. Drama-theater group, choral group, student-run newspaper, radio station. Social organizations: 10 open to all. Most popular organizations: Drama Club, Business Club, Christian Life Ministry, Service Organization, The Promethean. Major annual event: Graduation. Student services: health clinic, personal-psychological counseling. Campus security: 24-hour emergency response devices and patrols, student patrols, late night transport-escort service, controlled dormitory access. 417 college housing spaces available. Freshmen given priority for college housing. On-campus residence required through sophomore year. Option: coed housing available. Concordia Library plus 3 others with 65,000 books, 176,272 microform titles, 16,214 serials, 9,328 audiovisual materials, an OPAC, and a Web page. Operations spending for 2004 fiscal year: $324,292. 60 computers available on campus for general student use. A campuswide network can be accessed from student residence rooms and from off campus. Staffed computer lab on campus.


5000 Deer Park Dr., SE
Salem, OR 97301-9392
Tel: (503)581-8600
Free: 800-845-3005
Admissions: (503)375-7115
Fax: (503)585-4316
E-mail: mziesemer@corban.edu
Web Site: http://www.corban.edu/


Independent religious, 4-year, coed. Awards associate, bachelor's, and master's degrees. Founded 1935. Setting: 107-acre suburban campus with easy access to Portland. Endowment: $1.5 million. Educational spending for 2005 fiscal year: $4138 per student. Total enrollment: 851. Faculty: 71 (34 full-time, 37 part-time). Student-undergrad faculty ratio is 16:1. 485 applied, 83% were admitted. 29% from top 10% of their high school class, 56% from top quarter, 75% from top half. Full-time: 653 students, 59% women, 41% men. Part-time: 151 students, 56% women, 44% men. Students come from 23 states and territories, 3 other countries, 32% from out-of-state, 1% Native American, 2% Hispanic, 1% black, 2% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 0.4% international, 18% 25 or older, 55% live on campus, 11% transferred in. Retention: 75% of full-time freshmen returned the following year. Academic areas with the most degrees conferred: business/marketing; family and consumer sciences; education. Core. Calendar: semesters. Services for LD students, advanced placement, accelerated degree program, freshman honors college, honors program, independent study, distance learning, double major, summer session for credit, adult/continuing education programs, internships. Off campus study at Oregon Independent Colleges Association, Council of Christian Colleges and Universities. Study abroad program. ROTC: Army (c), Air Force (c).

Entrance Requirements:

Options: electronic application, early admission. Required: essay, high school transcript, minimum 2.5 high school GPA, 3 recommendations, SAT or ACT. Entrance: moderately difficult. Application deadline: 8/1.

Costs Per Year:

Application fee: $40. Comprehensive fee: $26,378 includes full-time tuition ($19,084), mandatory fees ($210), and college room and board ($7084). Part-time tuition: $795 per credit.

Collegiate Environment:

Orientation program. Drama-theater group, choral group, student-run newspaper. Social organizations: 6 open to all; 75% of eligible men and 75% of eligible women are members. Most popular organizations: Student Fellowship Groups, Poetry Club, Worship Teams, Drama Club, Westrek Hiking Club. Major annual events: homecoming, Christmas celebration, Western Weekends. Student services: health clinic, personal-psychological counseling. Campus security: 24-hour emergency response devices, student patrols, late night transport-escort service. 420 college housing spaces available; 378 were occupied in 2003-04. Freshmen guaranteed college housing. On-campus residence required through sophomore year. Options: men-only, women-only housing available. Western Baptist College Library with 98,700 books, 4,700 microform titles, 600 serials, 5,000 audiovisual materials, an OPAC, and a Web page. Operations spending for 2004 fiscal year: $228,170. 34 computers available on campus for general student use. A campuswide network can be accessed from student residence rooms and from off campus. Staffed computer lab on campus.

Community Environment:

See Willamette University.


Peterkort Center II
9755 SW Barnes Rd., Ste. 150
Portland, OR 97225-6651
Tel: (503)296-7468; (866)338-7934
Web Site: http://www.devry.edu/


Proprietary, comprehensive, coed. Part of DeVry University. Awards bachelor's and master's degrees. Total enrollment: 166. Faculty: 6 (all part-time). Full-time: 81 students, 42% women, 58% men. Part-time: 50 students, 38% women, 62% men. 1% Native American, 34% Hispanic, 6% black, 18% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 0% international. Retention: 50% of full-time freshmen returned the following year. Academic area with the most degrees conferred: business/marketing. Calendar: semesters. Academic remediation for entering students, services for LD students, advanced placement, accelerated degree program, distance learning, summer session for credit, part-time degree program, adult/continuing education programs, co-op programs.

Entrance Requirements:

Options: electronic application, deferred admission, international baccalaureate accepted. Required: high school transcript, interview. Entrance: minimally difficult. Application deadline: Rolling.

Costs Per Year:

Application fee: $50. One-time mandatory fee: $40. Tuition: $11,790 full-time, $440 per credit part-time. Mandatory fees: $30 full-time, $30 per year part-time. Full-time tuition and fees vary according to course load. Part-time tuition and fees vary according to course load.

Collegiate Environment:

Orientation program. College housing not available.


1 University Blvd.
La Grande, OR 97850-2899
Tel: (541)962-3672
Free: 800-452-3393
Admissions: (541)962-3393
Fax: (541)962-3418
E-mail: admissions@eosc.osshe.edu
Web Site: http://www.eou.edu/


State-supported, comprehensive, coed. Part of Oregon University System. Awards bachelor's and master's degrees. Founded 1929. Setting: 121-acre rural campus. Endowment: $1.7 million. Research spending for 2004 fiscal year: $223,000. Educational spending for 2005 fiscal year: $4611 per student. Total enrollment: 3,533. Faculty: 128 (97 full-time, 31 part-time). Student-undergrad faculty ratio is 24:1. 1,180 applied, 73% were admitted. 21% from top 10% of their high school class, 49% from top quarter, 81% from top half. Full-time: 2,029 students, 60% women, 40% men. Part-time: 1,168 students, 61% women, 39% men. Students come from 42 states and territories, 30 other countries, 31% from out-of-state, 3% Native American, 3% Hispanic, 2% black, 2% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 3% international, 39% 25 or older, 15% live on campus, 15% transferred in. Core. ESL program, services for LD students, advanced placement, self-designed majors, honors program, independent study, distance learning, double major, summer session for credit, part-time degree program, external degree program, adult/continuing education programs, co-op programs and internships. Off campus study at National Student Exchange. Study abroad program. ROTC: Army.

Entrance Requirements:

Options: Peterson's Universal Application, electronic application, early action, deferred admission, international baccalaureate accepted. Required: high school transcript, minimum 3.0 high school GPA, SAT or ACT. Required for some: essay, 2 recommendations. Entrance: moderately difficult. Application deadlines: 9/1, 12/1 for early action. Notification: continuous, 1/15 for early action. Preference given to state residents.

Costs Per Year:

Application fee: $50. State resident tuition: $4779 full-time. Nonresident tuition: $4779 full-time. Full-time tuition varies according to course load. College room and board: $7300. Room and board charges vary according to board plan and housing facility.

Collegiate Environment:

Orientation program. Drama-theater group, choral group, student-run newspaper, radio station. Social organizations: 57 open to all. Most popular organizations: Outdoor Club, Island Magic, student radio station, intramurals, student government. Major annual events: Homecoming, Spring Symposium, Fall Honors Convocation. Student services: health clinic, personal-psychological counseling, women's center. Campus security: 24-hour emergency response devices and patrols, late night transport-escort service, controlled dormitory access. 548 college housing spaces available; 366 were occupied in 2003-04. On-campus residence required in freshman year. Options: coed, men-only, women-only housing available. Pierce Library plus 1 other with 329,942 books, 205,724 microform titles, 998 serials, 35,556 audiovisual materials, an OPAC, and a Web page. Operations spending for 2004 fiscal year: $1.1 million. 125 computers available on campus for general student use. Computer purchase/lease plans available. A campuswide network can be accessed from student residence rooms and from off campus. Staffed computer lab on campus.


2155 Bailey Hill Rd.
Eugene, OR 97405-1194
Tel: (541)485-1780
Free: 800-322-2638
Fax: (541)343-5801
E-mail: admissions@ebc.edu
Web Site: http://www.ebc.edu/


Independent, 4-year, coed, affiliated with Open Bible Standard Churches. Awards bachelor's degrees. Founded 1925. Setting: 40-acre suburban campus. Endowment: $925,859. Educational spending for 2005 fiscal year: $3283 per student. Total enrollment: 203. Student-undergrad faculty ratio is 10:1. 217 applied, 47% were admitted. 12% from top 10% of their high school class, 38% from top quarter, 52% from top half. Full-time: 161 students, 43% women, 57% men. Part-time: 42 students, 38% women, 62% men. Students come from 15 states and territories, 4 other countries, 46% from out-of-state, 0% Native American, 2% Hispanic, 1% black, 1% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 1% international, 20% 25 or older, 56% live on campus. Retention: 68% of full-time freshmen returned the following year. Academic area with the most degrees conferred: theology and religious vocations. Core. Academic remediation for entering students, advanced placement, independent study, distance learning, double major, summer session for credit, part-time degree program, co-op programs and internships.

Entrance Requirements:

Options: Common Application, electronic application. Required: essay, high school transcript, minimum 2.0 high school GPA, 2 recommendations, SAT or ACT. Entrance: minimally difficult. Application deadline: 9/1. Notification: continuous until 9/1.

Costs Per Year:

Application fee: $30. Comprehensive fee: $12,875 includes full-time tuition ($7500), mandatory fees ($800), and college room and board ($4575). Part-time tuition: $220 per credit hour.

Collegiate Environment:

Orientation program. Drama-theater group, choral group. Social organizations: 1 open to all. Most popular organization: Element X. Major annual events: Fall and Spring Flings, Memorial Day Picnic, Madrigal Dinner. Student services: personal-psychological counseling. Campus security: 24-hour emergency response devices, student patrols, controlled dormitory access. 120 college housing spaces available; 105 were occupied in 2003-04. Freshmen guaranteed college housing. On-campus residence required through junior year. Options: men-only, women-only housing available. Flint Memorial Library with 35,000 books, 2,174 microform titles, 251 serials, and 700 audiovisual materials. Operations spending for 2004 fiscal year: $59,863. 18 computers available on campus for general student use. A campuswide network can be accessed. Staffed computer lab on campus.

Community Environment:

See University of Oregon.


414 North Meridian
Newberg, OR 97132-2697
Tel: (503)538-8383
Free: 800-765-4369
Admissions: (503)554-2240
Fax: (503)554-3830
E-mail: admissions@georgefox.edu
Web Site: http://www.georgefox.edu/


Independent Friends, university, coed. Awards bachelor's, master's, doctoral, and first professional degrees. Founded 1891. Setting: 73-acre small town campus with easy access to Portland. Endowment: $20 million. Educational spending for 2005 fiscal year: $8254 per student. Total enrollment: 3,193. Faculty: 260 (144 full-time, 116 part-time). Student-undergrad faculty ratio is 12:1. 1,503 applied, 83% were admitted. 37% from top 10% of their high school class, 65% from top quarter, 86% from top half. Full-time: 1,541 students, 62% women, 38% men. Part-time: 301 students, 57% women, 43% men. Students come from 4 states and territories, 4 other countries, 32% from out-of-state, 1% Native American, 2% Hispanic, 1% black, 5% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 2% international, 21% 25 or older, 59% live on campus, 6% transferred in. Retention: 82% of full-time freshmen returned the following year. Academic areas with the most degrees conferred: business/marketing; interdisciplinary studies; history. Core. Calendar: semesters. Academic remediation for entering students, ESL program, services for LD students, advanced placement, accelerated degree program, self-designed majors, honors program, independent study, distance learning, double major, part-time degree program, external degree program, adult/continuing education programs, co-op programs and internships, graduate courses open to undergrads. Off campus study at members of the Christian College Consortium, Coalition for Christian Colleges and Universities, Oregon Independent Colleges Association. Study abroad program. ROTC: Air Force (c).

Entrance Requirements:

Options: Peterson's Universal Application, Common Application, electronic application, early admission, deferred admission, international baccalaureate accepted. Required: essay, high school transcript, 2 recommendations, SAT or ACT. Recommended: interview. Required for some: interview. Entrance: moderately difficult. Application deadlines: 2/1, 12/1 for early action. Notification: continuous until 10/1, 12/20 for early action.

Costs Per Year:

Application fee: $40. Comprehensive fee: $29,780 includes full-time tuition ($22,250), mandatory fees ($320), and college room and board ($7210). College room only: $4050. Part-time tuition: $690 per hour.

Collegiate Environment:

Orientation program. Drama-theater group, choral group, student-run newspaper, radio station. Social organizations: 18 open to all. Most popular organizations: student government, student activities, Christian ministries, Orientation Committee, Chaplain's Committee. Major annual events: Christmas Celebration, Quaker Heritage Week, Orientation. Student services: health clinic, personal-psychological counseling, women's center. Campus security: 24-hour emergency response devices and patrols, student patrols, late night transport-escort service, controlled dormitory access. 75 undergraduates lived in college housing during 2003-04. On-campus residence required through junior year. Options: men-only, women-only housing available. Murdock Learning Resource Center plus 1 other with 123,734 books, 207,180 microform titles, 1,323 serials, 2,687 audiovisual materials, an OPAC, and a Web page. Operations spending for 2004 fiscal year: $2 million. 1,300 computers available on campus for general student use. A campuswide network can be accessed from student residence rooms and from off campus. Staffed computer lab on campus.

Community Environment:

Located 24 miles southwest of Portland, Newberg has a number of churches, a community hospital, and various civic and service organizations. Commercial transportation is easily accessible. Part-time employment is available.


1883 University St.
Eugene, OR 97403
Tel: (541)683-5141
Admissions: (541)736-9071
Fax: (541)683-6997
Web Site: http://www.gutenberg.edu/


Independent religious, 4-year, coed. Awards bachelor's degrees. Total enrollment: 44. 20 applied, 100% were admitted. Full-time: 38 students, 42% women, 58% men. Part-time: 6 students, 33% women, 67% men. Students come from 11 states and territories, 1 other country, 63% from out-of-state, 3% international, 5% 25 or older, 0% transferred in. Core.

Entrance Requirements:

Open admission. Required: essay, high school transcript, 2 recommendations, SAT. Application deadline: 4/1. Notification: continuous until 9/10.

Costs Per Year:

Application fee: $20. Comprehensive fee: $15,075 includes full-time tuition ($9970), mandatory fees ($650), and college room and board ($4455). Full-time tuition and fees vary according to student level. Room and board charges vary according to housing facility. Part-time tuition: $350 per quarter hour.

Collegiate Environment:

Orientation program. Freshmen given priority for college housing. Option: men-only housing available. 2 computers available on campus for general student use. Staffed computer lab on campus.


625 SW Broadway, 4th Floor
Portland, OR 97205
Tel: (503)229-0492
Fax: (503)229-0498
Web Site: http://www.heald.edu/


Independent, 2-year, coed. Awards certificates, diplomas, transfer associate, and terminal associate degrees. Founded 1863. Total enrollment: 206. Student-undergrad faculty ratio is 10:1. Full-time: 149 students, 51% women, 49% men. Part-time: 57 students, 56% women, 44% men. 0% from out-of-state, 0.5% Native American, 5% Hispanic, 7% black, 4% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 0% international. Academic remediation for entering students, advanced placement, summer session for credit, part-time degree program, internships.

Entrance Requirements:

Open admission. Options: electronic application, early admission, deferred admission. Required: high school transcript, interview, COMPASS. Entrance: minimally difficult. Application deadline: Rolling. Notification: continuous.

Collegiate Environment:

Orientation program. Learning Resource Center with an OPAC.


6035 Northeast 78th Ct.
Portland, OR 97218-2854
Tel: (503)255-6500
Free: 800-234-5488
Fax: (503)255-6135
Web Site: http://www.itt-tech.edu/


Proprietary, primarily 2-year, coed. Part of ITT Educational Services, Inc. Awards terminal associate and bachelor's degrees. Founded 1971. Setting: 4-acre urban campus. Core.

Entrance Requirements:

Option: deferred admission. Required: high school transcript, interview, Wonderlic aptitude test. Recommended: recommendations. Entrance: minimally difficult. Application deadline: Rolling. Notification: continuous.

Costs Per Year:

Application fee: $100.

Collegiate Environment:

Orientation program. Student-run newspaper. College housing not available.


7390 South 6th St.
Klamath Falls, OR 97603
Tel: (541)882-3521
E-mail: browng@kcc.cc.or.us
Web Site: http://www.kcc.cc.or.us/


State-supported, 2-year, coed. Awards certificates and terminal associate degrees. Founded 1996. Total enrollment: 3,000.

Collegiate Environment:

College housing not available.


4000 East 30th Ave.
Eugene, OR 97405-0640
Tel: (541)747-4501
Fax: (541)744-3995
Web Site: http://www.lanecc.edu/


State and locally supported, 2-year, coed. Awards certificates, transfer associate, and terminal associate degrees. Founded 1964. Setting: 240-acre suburban campus. Endowment: $6 million. Educational spending for 2005 fiscal year: $2832 per student. Total enrollment: 11,834. Students come from 28 states and territories, 27 other countries, 2% Native American, 4% Hispanic, 1% black, 2% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 2% international, 42% 25 or older. Retention: 62% of full-time freshmen returned the following year. Core. Academic remediation for entering students, ESL program, services for LD students, advanced placement, summer session for credit, part-time degree program, adult/continuing education programs, internships.

Entrance Requirements:

Open admission. Options: Common Application, early admission. Entrance: noncompetitive. Application deadline: Rolling. Notification: continuous. Preference given to district residents.

Collegiate Environment:

Orientation program. Drama-theater group, choral group, student-run newspaper, radio station. Social organizations: 15 open to all. Most popular organizations: Associated Students of Lane, Multicultural Club, Native American Club, Lane Writing Club, Forensics Club. Major annual events: Fall Welcome Week, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Student services: legal services, health clinic, personal-psychological counseling, women's center. Campus security: 24-hour emergency response devices and patrols, student patrols, late night transport-escort service. College housing not available. Lane Community College Library plus 1 other with 67,051 books, 513 serials, an OPAC, and a Web page. Operations spending for 2004 fiscal year: $1.2 million. 1,600 computers available on campus for general student use. A campuswide network can be accessed. Staffed computer lab on campus.

Community Environment:

See University of Oregon.


0615 SW Palatine Hill Rd.
Portland, OR 97219-7899
Tel: (503)768-7000
Free: 800-444-4111
Admissions: (503)768-7040
Fax: (503)768-7055
E-mail: admissions@lclark.edu
Web Site: http://www.lclark.edu/


Independent, comprehensive, coed. Awards bachelor's, master's, doctoral, and first professional degrees and post-master's certificates. Founded 1867. Setting: 137-acre suburban campus. Endowment: $180.5 million. Research spending for 2004 fiscal year: $1.4 million. Educational spending for 2005 fiscal year: $12,793 per student. Total enrollment: 3,433. Faculty: 323 (205 full-time, 118 part-time). Student-undergrad faculty ratio is 13:1. 4,196 applied, 59% were admitted. 42% from top 10% of their high school class, 78% from top quarter, 98% from top half. 8 National Merit Scholars, 28 valedictorians. Full-time: 1,940 students, 61% women, 39% men. Part-time: 24 students, 58% women, 42% men. Students come from 49 states and territories, 44 other countries, 80% from out-of-state, 1% Native American, 4% Hispanic, 1% black, 6% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 4% international, 2% 25 or older, 64% live on campus, 4% transferred in. Retention: 86% of full-time freshmen returned the following year. Academic areas with the most degrees conferred: social sciences; psychology; biological/life sciences. Core. Calendar: semesters. ESL program, services for LD students, advanced placement, accelerated degree program, self-designed majors, honors program, independent study, double major, summer session for credit, part-time degree program, internships. Off campus study at Oregon Independent Colleges Association. Study abroad program.

Entrance Requirements:

Options: Peterson's Universal Application, Common Application, electronic application, early admission, early action, deferred admission, international baccalaureate accepted. Required: essay, high school transcript, minimum 2.0 high school GPA, 2 recommendations, SAT, ACT, or academic portfolio. Recommended: minimum 3.0 high school GPA, interview. Required for some: 4 recommendations, portfolio applicants must submit samples of graded work, SAT or ACT. Entrance: very difficult. Application deadlines: 2/1, 11/15 for early action. Notification: 4/1, 1/15 for early action.

Costs Per Year:

Application fee: $50. Comprehensive fee: $35,358 includes full-time tuition ($27,494), mandatory fees ($216), and college room and board ($7648). College room only: $3974. Room and board charges vary according to board plan and housing facility. Part-time tuition: $1386 per credit hour.

Collegiate Environment:

Orientation program. Drama-theater group, choral group, student-run newspaper, radio station. Social organizations: 70 open to all. Most popular organizations: College Outdoors, Associated Students, Center for Service and Work, musical groups, student radio station. Major annual events: International Affairs Symposium, Gender Studies Symposium, Environmental Studies Symposium. Student services: health clinic, personal-psychological counseling, women's center. Campus security: 24-hour emergency response devices and patrols, student patrols, late night transport-escort service, controlled dormitory access. 1,202 college housing spaces available; all were occupied in 2003-04. Freshmen guaranteed college housing. On-campus residence required through sophomore year. Option: coed housing available. Aubrey Watzek Library plus 1 other with 227,609 books, 2 million microform titles, 7,477 serials, 11,586 audiovisual materials, an OPAC, and a Web page. Operations spending for 2004 fiscal year: $4.4 million. 158 computers available on campus for general student use. Computer purchase/lease plans available. A campuswide network can be accessed from student residence rooms and from off campus. Staffed computer lab on campus.

Community Environment:

See Portland State University.


900 SE Baker St.
McMinnville, OR 97128-6894
Tel: (503)883-2200
Free: 800-640-2287
Admissions: (503)883-2213
Fax: (503)883-2472
E-mail: admission@linfield.edu
Web Site: http://www.linfield.edu/


Independent American Baptist Churches in the USA, 4-year, coed. Awards bachelor's degrees. Founded 1849. Setting: 193-acre small town campus with easy access to Portland. Endowment: $53.2 million. Total enrollment: 1,750. Student-undergrad faculty ratio is 14:1. 2,131 applied, 73% were admitted. 38% from top 10% of their high school class, 68% from top quarter, 94% from top half. 10 class presidents, 26 valedictorians, 42 student government officers. Full-time: 1,708 students, 55% women, 45% men. Part-time: 42 students, 33% women, 67% men. Students come from 26 states and territories, 20 other countries, 44% from out-of-state, 1% Native American, 2% Hispanic, 1% black, 6% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 2% international, 1% 25 or older, 74% live on campus, 3% transferred in. Retention: 79% of full-time freshmen returned the following year. Academic areas with the most degrees conferred: business/marketing; education; social sciences. Core. Calendar: 4-1-4. ESL program, services for LD students, advanced placement, self-designed majors, independent study, distance learning, double major, summer session for credit, part-time degree program, external degree program, adult/continuing education programs, internships. Off campus study at American Baptist Colleges and Universities. Study abroad program. ROTC: Air Force (c).

Entrance Requirements:

Options: Peterson's Universal Application, Common Application, electronic application, early action, deferred admission, international baccalaureate accepted. Required: essay, high school transcript, 1 recommendation, SAT or ACT. Recommended: interview. Entrance: moderately difficult. Application deadlines: 2/15, 11/15 for early action. Notification: 4/1, 1/15 for early action.

Costs Per Year:

Application fee: $40. Comprehensive fee: $29,632 includes full-time tuition ($22,790), mandatory fees ($232), and college room and board ($6610). College room only: $3540. Room and board charges vary according to board plan and housing facility. Part-time tuition: $710 per credit. Part-time mandatory fees: $68 per term. Part-time tuition and fees vary according to course load.

Collegiate Environment:

Orientation program. Drama-theater group, choral group, student-run newspaper, radio station. Social organizations: 42 open to all; national fraternities, national sororities, local fraternities, local sororities; 26% of eligible men and 30% of eligible women are members. Most popular organizations: Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Linfield Ultimate Players Association, Hawaiian Club, International Club, Lacrosse Club. Major annual events: Luau, Wildstock, homecoming. Student services: health clinic, personal-psychological counseling. Campus security: 24-hour emergency response devices and patrols, late night transport-escort service, controlled dormitory access. 1,287 college housing spaces available; 1,283 were occupied in 2003-04. Freshmen guaranteed college housing. On-campus residence required through junior year. Options: coed, men-only, women-only housing available. Jereld R. Nicholson Library with 169,087 books, 17,609 microform titles, 1,278 serials, 27,286 audiovisual materials, an OPAC, and a Web page. 272 computers available on campus for general student use. Computer purchase/lease plans available. A campuswide network can be accessed from student residence rooms and from off campus. Staffed computer lab on campus.

Community Environment:

Nestled in the heart of the Willamette Valley, McMinnville is a classic college town where students are quickly welcomed into the community. Downtown McMinnville boasts a charming historic shopping district, which includes art galleries, antique shops, coffeehouses, and nationally renowned restaurants like Nick's Italian Cafe, as well as a variety of job opportunities. Linfield students have many chances to get acquainted with their McMinnville neighbors while going to the Cinema 8 Multiplex or the Moonlight Theater and Pizzeria, attending community theatre productions or becoming members of one of the town's 28 churches.


6500 Southwest Pacific Blvd.
Albany, OR 97321
Tel: (541)917-4999
Admissions: (541)917-4811
Fax: (541)917-4838
Web Site: http://www.linnbenton.edu/


State and locally supported, 2-year, coed. Awards certificates, transfer associate, and terminal associate degrees. Founded 1966. Setting: 104-acre small town campus. Endowment: $2.1 million. Research spending for 2004 fiscal year: $114,328. Educational spending for 2005 fiscal year: $4215 per student. Total enrollment: 5,289. 2,896 applied, 100% were admitted. Full-time: 2,839 students, 52% women, 48% men. Part-time: 2,450 students, 57% women, 43% men. Students come from 5 states and territories, 10 other countries, 43% 25 or older. Core. Academic remediation for entering students, ESL program, services for LD students, advanced placement, self-designed majors, independent study, distance learning, summer session for credit, part-time degree program, adult/continuing education programs, co-op programs and internships. ROTC: Army (c), Air Force (c).

Entrance Requirements:

Open admission. Option: deferred admission. Required for some: high school transcript. Entrance: noncompetitive. Application deadline: Rolling. Preference given to district residents.

Costs Per Year:

Application fee: $25. State resident tuition: $2925 full-time. Nonresident tuition: $7470 full-time.

Collegiate Environment:

Orientation program. Drama-theater group, choral group, student-run newspaper. Social organizations: 18 open to all. Most popular organizations: EBOP Club, Multicultural Club, Campus Family Coop, Horticulture Club, Collegiate Secretary Club. Major annual events: Martin Luther King Celebration, Spring Daze, Children's Winter Festival. Student services: personal-psychological counseling. Campus security: 24-hour emergency response devices and patrols, student patrols, late night transport-escort service. College housing not available. Linn-Benton Community College Library with 42,561 books, 1,172 microform titles, 91 serials, 8,758 audiovisual materials, an OPAC, and a Web page. Operations spending for 2004 fiscal year: $450,000. 500 computers available on campus for general student use. A campuswide network can be accessed from off-campus. Staffed computer lab on campus.

Community Environment:

Noted for its rare metals industries, Albany is also in the fertile Willamette Valley, a rich timber area; the valley is one of the leading producers of rye grass seed and mint. The rare metals industries produce tantalum, tungsten, zirconium, hafnium, columbium, and molybdenum. Other manufactured products are plywood lumber, furniture, and mill machinery. The average rainfall is 39.7 inches. Community facilities include a number of churches, a YMCA, Boys Club, a hospital, and many clinics, excellent shopping areas, and a number of civic and service organizations. Part-time jobs are available. Recreational activities are swimming, tennis, and other sports. The World's Champion Timber Carnival in July draws loggers from all over to compete in log rolling, tree topping, axe throwing, and other events.


17600 Pacific Hwy., PO Box 261
Marylhurst, OR 97036-0261
Tel: (503)636-8141
Free: 800-634-9982
Fax: (503)636-9526
Web Site: http://www.marylhurst.edu/


Independent Roman Catholic, comprehensive, coed. Awards bachelor's and master's degrees. Founded 1893. Setting: 73-acre suburban campus with easy access to Portland. Total enrollment: 1,268. Faculty: 209 (37 full-time, 172 part-time). Student-undergrad faculty ratio is 7:1. 34 applied, 44% were admitted. Full-time: 238 students, 73% women, 27% men. Part-time: 641 students, 75% women, 25% men. Students come from 9 states and territories, 22 other countries, 0.4% Native American, 1% Hispanic, 1% black, 1% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 2% international, 72% 25 or older, 62% transferred in. Academic areas with the most degrees conferred: business/marketing; visual and performing arts; communications/journalism. Core. ESL program, services for LD students, advanced placement, accelerated degree program, self-designed majors, independent study, distance learning, double major, summer session for credit, part-time degree program, adult/continuing education programs, internships, graduate courses open to undergrads. Off campus study at members of the Oregon Independent Colleges Association.

Entrance Requirements:

Open admission except for some programs. Option: deferred admission. Required: high school transcript. Entrance: noncompetitive. Notification: continuous.

Costs Per Year:

Application fee: $20. Tuition: $13,860 full-time, $308 per quarter hour part-time. Mandatory fees: $360 full-time, $8 per quarter hour part-time. Full-time tuition and fees vary according to course load. Part-time tuition and fees vary according to course load.

Collegiate Environment:

Orientation program. Choral group. Social organizations: 6 open to all. Most popular organizations: Toastmasters, Environmental Science Club, Student Ambassadors, Bahia Club, student government. Major annual events: New Student Orientation, Graduation, Campus Ministries events. Student services: personal-psychological counseling. Campus security: 24-hour emergency response devices and patrols, late night transport-escort service, controlled dormitory access. Option: coed housing available. Shoen Library with 1,449 audiovisual materials, an OPAC, and a Web page. Operations spending for 2004 fiscal year: $562,411. 40 computers available on campus for general student use. A campuswide network can be accessed. Staffed computer lab on campus.


St. Benedict, OR 97373
Tel: (503)845-3951
Web Site: http://www.mtangel.edu/Seminary/Seminary.htm


Independent Roman Catholic, comprehensive. Awards bachelor's, master's, and first professional degrees (only candidates for the priesthood are admitted). Founded 1887. Setting: 75-acre rural campus with easy access to Portland. Total enrollment: 178. 15 applied, 73% were admitted. Students come from 14 states and territories, 10 other countries, 60% 25 or older. Retention: 88% of full-time freshmen returned the following year. Core. Calendar: semesters. Academic remediation for entering students, ESL program, advanced placement, part-time degree program, adult/ continuing education programs, graduate courses open to undergrads. Off campus study at Oregon Independent Colleges Association.

Entrance Requirements:

Option: Common Application. Required: essay, high school transcript, minimum 2.0 high school GPA, 2 recommendations. Recommended: interview, SAT. Entrance: moderately difficult. Application deadline: 7/15. Notification: continuous. Preference given to Catholic seminarians.

Collegiate Environment:

Orientation program. Choral group. Student services: health clinic, personal-psychological counseling. Campus security: 24-hour emergency response devices, patrols by police officers. On-campus residence required through senior year. Mount Angel Abbey Library with 240,000 books and 775 serials. 16 computers available on campus for general student use. Staffed computer lab on campus.


26000 Southeast Stark St.
Gresham, OR 97030-3300
Tel: (503)491-6422
Admissions: (503)491-7265
Fax: (503)491-7388
Web Site: http://www.mhcc.cc.or.us/


State and locally supported, 2-year, coed. Awards certificates, diplomas, transfer associate, and terminal associate degrees. Founded 1966. Setting: 212-acre suburban campus with easy access to Portland. Research spending for 2004 fiscal year: $75,611. Total enrollment: 8,771. Full-time: 3,178 students, 53% women, 47% men. Part-time: 5,593 students, 57% women, 43% men. Students come from 16 states and territories, 6 other countries, 56% 25 or older. Core. Academic remediation for entering students, ESL program, services for LD students, advanced placement, summer session for credit, part-time degree program, adult/continuing education programs, co-op programs and internships. Study abroad program.

Entrance Requirements:

Open admission except for allied health, some professional-technical programs. Options: early admission, deferred admission. Required for some: high school transcript, minimum 2.0 high school GPA. Placement: CPT required for some. Entrance: noncompetitive. Application deadline: Rolling. Notification: continuous. Preference given to state residents.

Collegiate Environment:

Drama-theater group, choral group, student-run newspaper, radio station. Student services: health clinic, personal-psychological counseling, women's center. Campus security: 24-hour emergency response devices and patrols, student patrols, late night transport-escort service. College housing not available. Library Resource Center with 64,000 books and 412 serials. 100 computers available on campus for general student use. Staffed computer lab on campus.


8435 Northeast Glisan St.
Portland, OR 97220-5898
Tel: (503)255-0332
Free: 800-275-4672
Fax: (503)254-1268
Web Site: http://www.multnomah.edu/


Independent interdenominational, comprehensive, coed. Awards bachelor's, master's, and first professional degrees. Founded 1936. Setting: 22-acre urban campus. Endowment: $5.9 million. Research spending for 2004 fiscal year: $12.5 million. Educational spending for 2005 fiscal year: $17,561 per student. Total enrollment: 803. Faculty: 57 (24 full-time, 33 part-time). Student-undergrad faculty ratio is 16:1. 185 applied, 89% were admitted. 12% from top 10% of their high school class, 34% from top quarter, 83% from top half. Full-time: 531 students, 47% women, 53% men. Part-time: 59 students, 46% women, 54% men. Students come from 30 states and territories, 55% from out-of-state, 1% Native American, 3% Hispanic, 2% black, 4% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 0.3% international, 21% 25 or older, 50% live on campus, 16% transferred in. Retention: 62% of full-time freshmen returned the following year. Academic area with the most degrees conferred: theology and religious vocations. Core. Calendar: early semesters. Academic remediation for entering students, services for LD students, advanced placement, double major, summer session for credit, part-time degree program, adult/continuing education programs, internships.

Entrance Requirements:

Options: deferred admission, international baccalaureate accepted. Required: essay, high school transcript, minimum 2.5 high school GPA, 4 recommendations, SAT or ACT. Entrance: moderately difficult. Application deadline: 7/15. Notification: continuous.

Costs Per Year:

Application fee: $40. Comprehensive fee: $16,810 includes full-time tuition ($11,750) and college room and board ($5060). Room and board charges vary according to board plan and housing facility. Part-time tuition: $486 per semester hour. Part-time tuition varies according to course load.

Collegiate Environment:

Orientation program. Drama-theater group, choral group, student-run newspaper. Major annual events: Fall Retreat, Fall Banquet, Saturday in the Park. Student services: health clinic, personal-psychological counseling. Campus security: 24-hour emergency response devices and patrols, late night transport-escort service, controlled dormitory access. 386 college housing spaces available; 280 were occupied in 2003-04. Freshmen guaranteed college housing. On-campus residence required through senior year. Options: men-only, women-only housing available. John Mitchell Library with 84,535 books, 7,818 microform titles, 378 serials, 5,048 audiovisual materials, and an OPAC. Operations spending for 2004 fiscal year: $481,406. 42 computers available on campus for general student use. A campuswide network can be accessed from student residence rooms and from off campus. Staffed computer lab on campus.

Community Environment:

See Portland State University.


828 East 11th Ave.
Eugene, OR 97401-3745
Tel: (541)343-1641; 877-463-6622
Admissions: (541)684-7210
Fax: (541)684-7317
E-mail: randyj@nwcc.edu
Web Site: http://www.nwcc.edu/


Independent Christian, comprehensive, coed. Awards associate, bachelor's, and master's degrees. Founded 1895. Setting: 8-acre urban campus with easy access to Portland. Endowment: $12.7 million. Total enrollment: 491. Faculty: 61 (19 full-time, 42 part-time). Student-undergrad faculty ratio is 11:1. 179 applied, 64% were admitted. 13% from top 10% of their high school class, 36% from top quarter, 67% from top half. Full-time: 377 students, 60% women, 40% men. Part-time: 25 students, 60% women, 40% men. Students come from 13 states and territories, 1 other country, 8% from out-of-state, 0.5% Native American, 1% Hispanic, 1% black, 1% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 0% international, 46% 25 or older, 11% transferred in. Retention: 62% of full-time freshmen returned the following year. Academic areas with the most degrees conferred: business/marketing; education; psychology. Core. Academic remediation for entering students, ESL program, services for LD students, advanced placement, accelerated degree program, self-designed majors, independent study, distance learning, double major, summer session for credit, part-time degree program, adult/continuing education programs, co-op programs and internships. Off campus study at University of Oregon, Lane Community College. Study abroad program. ROTC: Army (c).

Entrance Requirements:

Options: Peterson's Universal Application, Common Application, electronic application, deferred admission, international baccalaureate accepted. Required: essay, high school transcript, minimum 2.5 high school GPA, 2 recommendations, SAT or ACT. Recommended: interview. Required for some: SAT Subject Tests. Entrance: moderately difficult. Application deadline: Rolling. Notification: continuous.

Costs Per Year:

Application fee: $0. Comprehensive fee: $26,314 includes full-time tuition ($19,890) and college room and board ($6424). College room only: $2800. Part-time tuition: $663 per credit.

Collegiate Environment:

Orientation program. Drama-theater group, choral group, student-run newspaper. Social organizations: 18 open to all. Most popular organizations: Praise Gathering, Spirit Club, Teachers for Tomorrow, Environmental Club, Drama Club. Major annual events: Spirit Week, Spring Formal, May Day Olympics. Student services: health clinic, personal-psychological counseling. Campus security: 24-hour emergency response devices, late night transport-escort service, controlled dormitory access, late-night patrols by trained security personnel. 213 college housing spaces available; 130 were occupied in 2003-04. Freshmen given priority for college housing. On-campus residence required in freshman year. Options: coed, men-only, women-only housing available. Kellenberger Library with 60,250 books, 766 microform titles, 261 serials, 10,367 audiovisual materials, an OPAC, and a Web page. 40 computers available on campus for general student use. A campuswide network can be accessed from student residence rooms and from off campus. Staffed computer lab on campus.

Community Environment:

See University of Oregon.


332 SW Coast Hwy.
Newport, OR 97365
Tel: (541)265-2283
Admissions: (541)574-7125
E-mail: k.wimer@occc.cc.or.us
Web Site: http://www.occc.cc.or.us


Public, 2-year, coed. Awards certificates and transfer associate degrees. Educational spending for 2005 fiscal year: $3887 per student. Total enrollment: 599. Student-undergrad faculty ratio is 14:1. 86 applied, 100% were admitted. Full-time: 73 students, 56% women, 44% men. Part-time: 526 students, 65% women, 35% men. Students come from 5 states and territories, 1% from out-of-state, 5% Native American, 4% Hispanic, 1% black, 2% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 0% international, 58% 25 or older, 43% transferred in. Core. Academic remediation for entering students, ESL program, services for LD students, honors program, distance learning, summer session for credit, part-time degree program, co-op programs and internships.

Entrance Requirements:

Open admission. Option: Common Application. Entrance: noncompetitive.

Costs Per Year:

State resident tuition: $2790 full-time, $62 per credit part-time. Nonresident tuition: $7740 full-time, $172 per credit part-time. Mandatory fees: $210 full-time, $5 per credit part-time.

Collegiate Environment:

Orientation program. College housing not available. Oregon Coast Community College Library with 8,652 books, 51 serials, 1,210 audiovisual materials, an OPAC, and a Web page. Operations spending for 2004 fiscal year: $124,384. 40 computers available on campus for general student use. A campuswide network can be accessed. Staffed computer lab on campus.


8245 Southwest Barnes Rd.
Portland, OR 97225
Tel: (503)297-5544
Free: 800-390-0632
Fax: (503)297-3155
E-mail: bbeach@ocac.edu
Web Site: http://www.ocac.edu/


Independent, 4-year, coed. Awards bachelor's degrees. Founded 1907. Setting: 11-acre urban campus. Endowment: $4.4 million. Educational spending for 2005 fiscal year: $8733 per student. Total enrollment: 153. Student-undergrad faculty ratio is 9:1. 42 applied, 95% were admitted. 12% from top 10% of their high school class, 30% from top quarter, 60% from top half. Full-time: 114 students, 59% women, 41% men. Part-time: 39 students, 62% women, 38% men. Students come from 26 states and territories, 2 other countries, 47% from out-of-state, 2% Native American, 5% Hispanic, 1% black, 2% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 0% international, 60% 25 or older, 3% live on campus, 30% transferred in. Retention: 80% of full-time freshmen returned the following year. Academic area with the most degrees conferred: visual and performing arts. Core. Calendar: semesters. Advanced placement, independent study, double major, part-time degree program, adult/continuing education programs, internships. Off campus study at AICAD Mobility Program.

Entrance Requirements:

Options: Peterson's Universal Application, deferred admission, international baccalaureate accepted. Required: essay, high school transcript, minimum 2.5 high school GPA, 2 recommendations, portfolio. Recommended: SAT, ACT. Required for some: interview. Entrance: moderately difficult. Application deadline: Rolling. Notification: continuous.

Costs Per Year:

Application fee: $35. Tuition: $16,900 full-time, $2214 per course part-time. Mandatory fees: $982 full-time, $50 per course part-time. College room only: $3600.

Collegiate Environment:

Orientation program. Social organizations: 1 open to all. Most popular organization: Student Life Committee. Major annual events: Residents' Lectures, Juried Student Show, thesis presentations. Student services: personal-psychological counseling. Campus security: 24-hour emergency response devices, late night transport-escort service. 5 college housing spaces available; all were occupied in 2003-04. Freshmen given priority for college housing. On-campus residence required through junior year. Oregon College of Art and Craft Library plus 1 other with 9,000 books, 75 serials, 30,246 audiovisual materials, and an OPAC. Operations spending for 2004 fiscal year: $80,086. 14 computers available on campus for general student use. A campuswide network can be accessed from off-campus. Staffed computer lab on campus.


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd.
Portland, OR 97239-3098
Tel: (503)494-8311
Admissions: (503)494-7800
Fax: (503)494-5738
E-mail: honnellc@ohsu.edu
Web Site: http://www.ohsu.edu/


State-related, upper-level, coed. Awards bachelor's, master's, doctoral, and first professional degrees and post-master's and first professional certificates. Founded 1974. Setting: 116-acre urban campus. Endowment: $316.5 million. Research spending for 2004 fiscal year: $62.2 million. Total enrollment: 2,511. Faculty: 836 (503 full-time, 333 part-time). Full-time: 474 students, 88% women, 12% men. Part-time: 175 students, 88% women, 12% men. Students come from 31 states and territories, 3 other countries, 8% from out-of-state, 1% Native American, 3% Hispanic, 1% black, 5% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 1% international, 64% 25 or older. Academic area with the most degrees conferred: health professions and related sciences. Core. Advanced placement, summer session for credit, part-time degree program, graduate courses open to undergrads. Off campus study at other members of the Oregon University System. ROTC: Army (c).

Costs Per Year:

Application fee: $125. State resident tuition: $7920 full-time, $165 per credit part-time. Nonresident tuition: $18,480 full-time, $385 per credit part-time. Mandatory fees: $1193 full-time.

Collegiate Environment:

Orientation program. Student services: health clinic, personal-psychological counseling. Campus security: 24-hour patrols. Option: coed housing available. Bic Bio-Informational Center plus 2 others with 200,771 books, 2,110 serials, an OPAC, and a Web page. 49 computers available on campus for general student use. A campuswide network can be accessed from student residence rooms and from off campus. Staffed computer lab on campus.


3201 Campus Dr.
Klamath Falls, OR 97601-8801
Tel: (541)885-1000
Free: 800-343-6653
Admissions: (541)885-1150
Fax: (541)885-1115
E-mail: oit@oit.edu
Web Site: http://www.oit.edu/


State-supported, 4-year, coed. Part of Oregon University System. Awards associate, bachelor's, and master's degrees. Founded 1947. Setting: 173-acre small town campus. Endowment: $14.5 million. Research spending for 2004 fiscal year: $2.4 million. Educational spending for 2005 fiscal year: $11,229 per student. Total enrollment: 3,373. 735 applied, 90% were admitted. 21% from top 10% of their high school class, 54% from top quarter, 85% from top half. Full-time: 1,985 students, 44% women, 56% men. Part-time: 1,381 students, 51% women, 49% men. Students come from 37 states and territories, 13 other countries, 15% from out-of-state, 2% Native American, 4% Hispanic, 1% black, 5% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 1% international, 38% 25 or older, 15% live on campus, 12% transferred in. Retention: 72% of full-time freshmen returned the following year. Core. Academic remediation for entering students, services for LD students, advanced placement, distance learning, double major, summer session for credit, part-time degree program, external degree program, co-op programs and internships. Off campus study at Portland State University. Study abroad program. ROTC: Army (c).

Entrance Requirements:

Options: Peterson's Universal Application, Common Application, electronic application, deferred admission. Required: high school transcript, minimum 3.0 high school GPA, SAT or ACT. Required for some: recommendations. Entrance: moderately difficult. Application deadline: 10/1. Notification: continuous until 8/1.

Costs Per Year:

Application fee: $50. State resident tuition: $4101 full-time, $99 per credit part-time. Nonresident tuition: $14,310 full-time, $99 per credit part-time. Mandatory fees: $1,246 full-time. Full-time tuition and fees vary according to course load, location, and reciprocity agreements. College room and board: $6037. Room and board charges vary according to board plan.

Collegiate Environment:

Orientation program. Choral group, student-run newspaper, radio station. Social organizations: 35 open to all; national fraternities. Most popular organizations: Phi Delta Theta, Christian Fellowship, International Club, Society of Women Engineers, Association of Student Mechanical Engineers. Major annual events: Super Club Sign-Up, Homecoming, Talent Show. Student services: health clinic, personal-psychological counseling. Campus security: 24-hour emergency response devices and patrols, late night transport-escort service. 500 college housing spaces available; 370 were occupied in 2003-04. Option: coed housing available. Center for Learning and Teaching plus 2 others with 90,389 books, 150,550 microform titles, 1,764 serials, 1,905 audiovisual materials, an OPAC, and a Web page. Operations spending for 2004 fiscal year: $1 million. 700 computers available on campus for general student use. A campuswide network can be accessed from off-campus. Staffed computer lab on campus.

Community Environment:

Klamath Falls is located nearly equidistant from Portland, OR, San Francisco, CA, and Reno, NV. Bus, train and air transportation is available. A local phenomenon is a stratum of hot water underlying certain sections of the city, which is used to heat homes and offices. Numerous lakes are in Klamath County, including Crater Lake National Park. Outdoor recreation of all sorts is readily available and enjoyed year-round.


Corvallis, OR 97331
Tel: (541)737-1000
Admissions: (541)737-4411
Fax: (541)737-6157
E-mail: osuadmit@ccmail.orst.edu
Web Site: http://oregonstate.edu/


State-supported, university, coed. Part of Oregon University System. Awards bachelor's, master's, doctoral, and first professional degrees. Founded 1868. Setting: 422-acre small town campus with easy access to Portland. Endowment: $349.3 million. Total enrollment: 19,236. Faculty: 1,215 (760 full-time, 455 part-time). Student-undergrad faculty ratio is 19:1. 6,552 applied, 93% were admitted. 18% from top 10% of their high school class, 46% from top quarter, 79% from top half. Full-time: 13,862 students, 47% women, 53% men. Part-time: 1,885 students, 51% women, 49% men. Students come from 50 states and territories, 93 other countries, 10% from out-of-state, 1% Native American, 4% Hispanic, 1% black, 8% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 1% international, 7% 25 or older, 22% live on campus, 7% transferred in. Retention: 80% of full-time freshmen returned the following year. Academic areas with the most degrees conferred: business/marketing; engineering; family and consumer sciences. Core. Academic remediation for entering students, ESL program, services for LD students, advanced placement, self-designed majors, freshman honors college, honors program, distance learning, double major, summer session for credit, part-time degree program, external degree program, co-op programs and internships, graduate courses open to undergrads. Off campus study at members of the National Student Exchange, members of the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education. Study abroad program. ROTC: Army, Naval, Air Force.

Entrance Requirements:

Options: Peterson's Universal Application, Common Application, electronic application, early admission, early action, deferred admission. Required: high school transcript, minimum 3.0 high school GPA, SAT or ACT. Required for some: SAT Subject Tests. Entrance: moderately difficult. Application deadlines: 9/1, 11/1 for early action. Notification: continuous.

Costs Per Year:

Application fee: $50. State resident tuition: $4176 full-time, $116 per credit part-time. Nonresident tuition: $16,236 full-time, $451 per credit part-time. Mandatory fees: $1,266 full-time. Part-time tuition varies according to course load. College room and board: $6930. Room and board charges vary according to board plan and housing facility.

Collegiate Environment:

Orientation program. Drama-theater group, choral group, marching band, student-run newspaper, radio station. Social organizations: 300 open to all; national fraternities, national sororities; 9% of eligible men and 9% of eligible women are members. Most popular organizations: Associated Students of OSU, International Students of OSU, Graduate Students Organization, Campus Crusade, MECHA. Major annual events: Civil War Football Game, Homecoming, Parents' Weekend. Student services: legal services, health clinic, personal-psychological counseling, women's center. Campus security: 24-hour emergency response devices and patrols, student patrols, late night transport-escort service, controlled dormitory access, crime prevention office. Option: coed housing available. Valley Library with 689,119 books, 1.8 million microform titles, 12,254 serials, 6,225 audiovisual materials, an OPAC, and a Web page. 2,251 computers available on campus for general student use. A campuswide network can be accessed from student residence rooms and from off campus. Staffed computer lab on campus.

Community Environment:

Corvallis is situated in the Willamette Valley which is noted for crops and dairy goods. Air, rail and bus transportation is available. The community includes churches of major denominations, a hospital, library, shopping areas, and civic, fraternal, and veteran's organizations. The Willamette River is nearby for fishing and boating, and the Pacific Coast is a 50-mile drive. Part-time employment opportunities are fair.


2600 NW College Way
Bend, OR 97701
Tel: (541)322-3100
Web Site: http://www.osucascades.edu


State-supported, comprehensive, coed. Founded 2001.


1241 NW Johnson St.
Portland, OR 97209
Tel: (503)226-4391
Admissions: (503)821-8972
Fax: (503)226-3587
E-mail: colin@pnca.edu
Web Site: http://www.pnca.edu/


Independent, 4-year, coed. Awards bachelor's degrees. Founded 1909. Setting: 2-acre urban campus. Endowment: $4.4 million. Educational spending for 2005 fiscal year: $6721 per student. Total enrollment: 293. Student-undergrad faculty ratio is 11:1. 120 applied, 72% were admitted. 5% from top 10% of their high school class, 22% from top quarter, 67% from top half. Students come from 20 states and territories, 4 other countries, 2% from out-of-state, 1% Native American, 2% Hispanic, 0.3% black, 5% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 1% international, 40% 25 or older. Retention: 63% of full-time freshmen returned the following year. Core. Calendar: semesters. Services for LD students, advanced placement, self-designed majors, independent study, part-time degree program, adult/continuing education programs, internships. Off campus study at Reed College, Oregon Independent Colleges Association, Association of Independent Colleges of Art and Design. Study abroad program.

Entrance Requirements:

Options: Common Application, electronic application, deferred admission. Required: essay, high school transcript, minimum 2.5 high school GPA, portfolio of artwork, 2 essays. Recommended: interview. Entrance: moderately difficult.

Costs Per Year:

Application fee: $35. Tuition: $17,480 full-time, $728 per semester hour part-time. Mandatory fees: $692 full-time, $28 per semester hour part-time. College room only: $5200.

Collegiate Environment:

Orientation program. Student services: personal-psychological counseling. Campus security: entrance security guards during open hours. Charles Vorhies Fine Arts Library plus 1 other with 14,650 books, 65 serials, 350 audiovisual materials, an OPAC, and a Web page. Operations spending for 2004 fiscal year: $102,169. 60 computers available on campus for general student use. A campuswide network can be accessed from off-campus. Staffed computer lab on campus.

Community Environment:

See Portland State University.


2043 College Way
Forest Grove, OR 97116-1797
Tel: (503)357-6151; 877-722-8648
Admissions: (503)352-2218
Fax: (503)352-3191
E-mail: admissions@pacificu.edu
Web Site: http://www.pacificu.edu/


Independent, comprehensive, coed. Awards bachelor's, master's, doctoral, and first professional degrees. Founded 1849. Setting: 55-acre small town campus with easy access to Portland. Endowment: $40 million. Research spending for 2004 fiscal year: $306,558. Educational spending for 2005 fiscal year: $7325 per student. Total enrollment: 2,563. Faculty: 128 (82 full-time, 46 part-time). Student-undergrad faculty ratio is 12:1. 1,324 applied, 87% were admitted. 28% from top 10% of their high school class, 59% from top quarter, 87% from top half. 11 valedictorians. Full-time: 1,173 students, 59% women, 41% men. Part-time: 59 students, 73% women, 27% men. Students come from 34 states and territories, 10 other countries, 51% from out-of-state, 1% Native American, 3% Hispanic, 1% black, 20% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 0.2% international, 8% 25 or older, 57% live on campus, 7% transferred in. Retention: 80% of full-time freshmen returned the following year. Academic areas with the most degrees conferred: biological/life sciences; business/marketing; education; parks and recreation. Core. Calendar: 4-1-4. ESL program, services for LD students, advanced placement, independent study, double major, summer session for credit, internships. Off campus study at United Church of Christ related colleges and universities. Study abroad program. ROTC: Army (c), Air Force (c).

Entrance Requirements:

Options: Common Application, electronic application, deferred admission, international baccalaureate accepted. Required: essay, high school transcript, minimum 3.0 high school GPA, 1 recommendation, SAT or ACT. Recommended: interview. Entrance: moderately difficult. Application deadline: 8/15. Notification: continuous.

Costs Per Year:

Application fee: $40. Comprehensive fee: $29,002 includes full-time tuition ($21,954), mandatory fees ($580), and college room and board ($6468). College room only: $3220. Part-time tuition: $916 per credit hour.

Collegiate Environment:

Orientation program. Drama-theater group, choral group, student-run newspaper, radio station. Social organizations: 60 open to all; local fraternities, local sororities; 11% of eligible men and 10% of eligible women are members. Most popular organizations: Pacific Outback activities, Hawaiian Club, Big Buddy Program, Business and Economics Club, Exercise Science Club. Major annual events: Homecoming, Hawaiian Luau, Spring Fever (lip sync event). Student services: health clinic, personal-psychological counseling, women's center. Campus security: 24-hour emergency response devices and patrols, late night transport-escort service. 709 college housing spaces available; 695 were occupied in 2003-04. Freshmen guaranteed college housing. On-campus residence required through sophomore year. Option: coed housing available. Scott Memorial Library with 212,976 books, 82,893 microform titles, 1,908 serials, 6,385 audiovisual materials, an OPAC, and a Web page. Operations spending for 2004 fiscal year: $1.6 million. 150 computers available on campus for general student use. Computer purchase/lease plans available. A campuswide network can be accessed from student residence rooms and from off campus. Staffed computer lab on campus.

Community Environment:

Located 30 miles west of Portland, Forest Grove (population 15,000) is the home of Pacific University, the first school to be chartered in the Oregon Territory. Part-time employment is available. Community facilities include 15 churches, 2 libraries, a hospital, and various civic and service organizations. Bus transportation is available. The Pacific Coast beaches are an hour's drive and skiing on Mt. Hood is 90 minutes away.


27501 Southwest Parkway Ave.
Wilsonville, OR 97070
Tel: (503)682-3903
Admissions: (503)682-1862
Fax: (503)682-1514
E-mail: jrussell@pioneerpacific.edu
Web Site: http://www.pioneerpacific.edu/


Proprietary, primarily 2-year, coed. Awards diplomas, transfer associate, and bachelor's degrees. Founded 1981. Setting: suburban campus with easy access to Portland. Educational spending for 2005 fiscal year: $3028 per student. Total enrollment: 1,132. Student-undergrad faculty ratio is 15:1. 752 applied, 84% were admitted. Full-time: 1,126 students, 77% women, 23% men. Part-time: 6 students, 50% women, 50% men. Students come from 2 states and territories, 1 other country, 6% from out-of-state, 0.4% Native American, 5% Hispanic, 2% black, 3% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 0.1% international, 64% 25 or older, 17% transferred in. Core. Calendar: continuous. Accelerated degree program, honors program, internships.

Entrance Requirements:

Open admission. Option: international baccalaureate accepted. Required: high school transcript, interview, CPAt. Entrance: noncompetitive. Application deadline: Rolling.

Costs Per Year:

Application fee: $50. Tuition: $8280 full-time, $188 per credit hour part-time. Mandatory fees: $150 full-time.

Collegiate Environment:

Orientation program. Social organizations: 1 open to all. Most popular organization: Phi Beta Lambda. Major annual event: annual picnic. College housing not available. 2,500 books. Operations spending for 2004 fiscal year: $17,280. 300 computers available on campus for general student use. Computer purchase/lease plans available. A campuswide network can be accessed.


PO Box 19000
Portland, OR 97280-0990
Tel: (503)244-6111
Admissions: (503)977-4519
Fax: (503)452-4988
Web Site: http://www.pcc.edu/


State and locally supported, 2-year, coed. Awards certificates, diplomas, transfer associate, and terminal associate degrees. Founded 1961. Setting: 400-acre urban campus. Total enrollment: 96,764. 15,762 applied, 100% were admitted. 1 National Merit Scholar. Students come from 54 states and territories, 34 other countries, 12% from out-of-state, 1% Native American, 9% Hispanic, 4% black, 7% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 0.4% international, 55% 25 or older. Academic remediation for entering students, ESL program, services for LD students, advanced placement, independent study, distance learning, double major, summer session for credit, part-time degree program, external degree program, adult/continuing education programs, co-op programs and internships. Off campus study at Governors State University, Marylhurst University, members of the Oregon University System. Study abroad program.

Entrance Requirements:

Open admission. Options: electronic application, international baccalaureate accepted. Entrance: noncompetitive. Application deadline: Rolling.

Costs Per Year:

State resident tuition: $2880 full-time, $64 per credit part-time. Nonresident tuition: $9000 full-time, $200 per credit part-time. Mandatory fees: $240 full-time, $4.25 per credit part-time.

Collegiate Environment:

Orientation program. Drama-theater group, choral group, student-run newspaper. Social organizations: 52 open to all. Major annual event: Art Beat. Student services: personal-psychological counseling, women's center. Campus security: 24-hour emergency response devices and patrols, late night transport-escort service. College housing not available. Main library plus 4 others with 91,472 books, 40 microform titles, 820 serials, 247 audiovisual materials, an OPAC, and a Web page. 1,572 computers available on campus for general student use. Computer purchase/lease plans available. A campuswide network can be accessed from off-campus. Staffed computer lab on campus.

Community Environment:

See Portland State University.


PO Box 751
Portland, OR 97207-0751
Tel: (503)725-3000
Free: 800-547-8887
Admissions: (503)725-3511
Fax: (503)725-5525
E-mail: askadm@ofa.pdx.edu
Web Site: http://www.pdx.edu/


State-supported, university, coed. Part of Oregon University System. Awards bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees. Founded 1946. Setting: 49-acre urban campus. Research spending for 2004 fiscal year: $32.9 million. Total enrollment: 24,120. Faculty: 1,234 (737 full-time, 497 part-time). Student-undergrad faculty ratio is 17:1. 2,844 applied, 92% were admitted. Full-time: 10,851 students, 53% women, 47% men. Part-time: 7,120 students, 55% women, 45% men. Students come from 47 states and territories, 67 other countries, 13% from out-of-state, 1% Native American, 5% Hispanic, 3% black, 10% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 3% international, 38% 25 or older, 14% transferred in. Retention: 68% of full-time freshmen returned the following year. Academic areas with the most degrees conferred: business/marketing; social sciences; liberal arts/general studies; psychology. Core. Academic remediation for entering students, ESL program, services for LD students, advanced placement, accelerated degree program, self-designed majors, honors program, independent study, distance learning, double major, summer session for credit, part-time degree program, adult/continuing education programs, co-op programs and internships, graduate courses open to undergrads. Off campus study at other members of the Oregon University System. Study abroad program. ROTC: Army, Air Force (c).

Entrance Requirements:

Options: electronic application, early admission, deferred admission. Required: high school transcript, minimum 3.0 high school GPA, SAT or ACT. Entrance: moderately difficult. Application deadline: Rolling. Notification: continuous.

Costs Per Year:

Application fee: $50. State resident tuition: $3810 full-time, $93 per credit part-time. Nonresident tuition: $15,975 full-time, $93 per credit part-time. Mandatory fees: $1151 full-time, $18 per credit part-time, $48.50 per term part-time. Full-time tuition and fees vary according to program. College room and board: $8445. College room only: $6300. Room and board charges vary according to board plan and housing facility.

Collegiate Environment:

Orientation program. Drama-theater group, choral group, student-run newspaper, radio station. Social organizations: 148 open to all; national fraternities, national sororities, local fraternities, local sororities; 4% of eligible men and 2% of eligible women are members. Most popular organizations: radio station, Women's Union, Association of African Students, Queers and Allies, OSPERG. Major annual events: PSU Weekend, Association of African Students Cultural Day, International Student Cultural Night. Student services: legal services, health clinic, personal-psychological counseling, women's center. Campus security: 24-hour emergency response devices and patrols, late night transport-escort service, controlled dormitory access, self-defense education. 2,200 college housing spaces available. Freshmen given priority for college housing. Option: coed housing available. Branford P. Millar Library plus 1 other with 1.8 million books, 2.4 million microform titles, 10,308 serials, 81,467 audiovisual materials, an OPAC, and a Web page. 800 computers available on campus for general student use. A campuswide network can be accessed from student residence rooms and from off campus. Staffed computer lab on campus.

Community Environment:

Portland lies along both sides of the Willamette River at its juncture with the Columbia River, where there is a splendid port deep enough for the largest ships to dock. Portland has a beautiful background of snowcapped mountain peaks to the north and east, and because of the Japanese Current, enjoys a mild and equable climate. The Columbia River Highway is a beautiful drive, particularly through the Columbia River Gorge with cliffs 2,000 feet high. The Columbia and Willamette Rivers nearby offer year-round water sports, the ocean beach is also nearby, and skiing is available at nearby Mount Hood. Part-time employment and commercial transportation are available. Some of the points of interest are the Hoyt Arboretum, Oregon Art Institute, Oregon Historical Center, Oregon Museum of Science and Industry, Crystal Spring Rhododendron Garden, Washington Park Zoo, Japanese Gardens, World Forestry Center, and the Washington Park Rose Test Gardens.


3203 Southeast Woodstock Blvd.
Portland, OR 97202-8199
Tel: (503)771-1112
Free: 800-547-4750
Admissions: (503)777-7511
Fax: (503)777-7553
E-mail: admission@reed.edu
Web Site: http://www.reed.edu/


Independent, comprehensive, coed. Awards bachelor's and master's degrees. Founded 1908. Setting: 98-acre suburban campus. Endowment: $352 million. Educational spending for 2005 fiscal year: $17,395 per student. Total enrollment: 1,340. Faculty: 131 (116 full-time, 15 part-time). Student-undergrad faculty ratio is 10:1. 2,646 applied, 45% were admitted. 57% from top 10% of their high school class, 86% from top quarter, 99% from top half. 9 National Merit Scholars, 25 valedictorians. Full-time: 1,272 students, 55% women, 45% men. Part-time: 37 students, 59% women, 41% men. Students come from 50 states and territories, 29 other countries, 86% from out-of-state, 1% Native American, 5% Hispanic, 2% black, 6% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 4% international, 3% 25 or older, 65% live on campus, 4% transferred in. Retention: 85% of full-time freshmen returned the following year. Academic areas with the most degrees conferred: social sciences; biological/life sciences; English. Core. Calendar: semesters. Services for LD students, advanced placement, independent study, double major, part-time degree program, co-op programs and internships, graduate courses open to undergrads. Off campus study at Oregon Independent Colleges Association, Pacific Northwest College of Art. Study abroad program.

Entrance Requirements:

Options: Peterson's Universal Application, Common Application, electronic application, early admission, early decision, deferred admission, international baccalaureate accepted. Required: essay, high school transcript, 2 recommendations, SAT or ACT. Recommended: interview, SAT Subject Tests. Entrance: most difficult. Application deadlines: 1/15, 11/15 for early decision plan 1, 1/2 for early decision plan 2. Notification: 4/1, 12/15 for early decision plan 1, 2/1 for early decision plan 2.

Costs Per Year:

Application fee: $40. Comprehensive fee: $41,106 includes full-time tuition ($32,360), mandatory fees ($230), and college room and board ($8516). College room only: $4470. Full-time tuition and fees vary according to degree level. Room and board charges vary according to board plan and housing facility. Part-time tuition: $5400 per course. Part-time tuition varies according to course level and degree level.

Collegiate Environment:

Orientation program. Drama-theater group, choral group, student-run newspaper, radio station. Social organizations: 41 open to all. Most popular organizations: Reed Recycling, Movie Board, Outdoor Club. Major annual events: Renaissance Faire, Paideia, Reed Arts Weekend. Student services: health clinic, personal-psychological counseling, women's center. Campus security: 24-hour emergency response devices and patrols, student patrols, late night transport-escort service, controlled dormitory access, 24-hour emergency dispatch. 838 college housing spaces available; all were occupied in 2003-04. Freshmen guaranteed college housing. On-campus residence required in freshman year. Options: coed, women-only housing available. Hauser Library with 528,000 books, 237,354 microform titles, 10,232 serials, 19,662 audiovisual materials, an OPAC, and a Web page. Operations spending for 2004 fiscal year: $3.3 million. 360 computers available on campus for general student use. Computer purchase/lease plans available. A campuswide network can be accessed from student residence rooms and from off campus. Staffed computer lab on campus.

Community Environment:

See Portland State University.


3345 Redwood Hwy.
Grants Pass, OR 97527-9298
Tel: (541)956-7500
Admissions: (541)956-7176
E-mail: csullivan@roguecc.edu
Web Site: http://www.roguecc.edu/


State and locally supported, 2-year, coed. Awards certificates, diplomas, transfer associate, and terminal associate degrees. Founded 1970. Setting: 90-acre rural campus. Endowment: $6.1 million. Educational spending for 2005 fiscal year: $2764 per student. Total enrollment: 4,224. Student-undergrad faculty ratio is 11:1. 367 applied, 100% were admitted. Full-time: 1,341 students, 53% women, 47% men. Part-time: 2,883 students, 57% women, 43% men. Students come from 5 states and territories, 5 other countries, 0.2% from out-of-state, 2% Native American, 6% Hispanic, 1% black, 2% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 0.2% international, 55% 25 or older, 25% transferred in. Core. Academic remediation for entering students, ESL program, services for LD students, advanced placement, distance learning, double major, summer session for credit, part-time degree program, adult/continuing education programs, co-op programs and internships.

Entrance Requirements:

Open admission except for respiratory therapy, nursing, human services, emergency medical technology, mental health technician programs. Options: Peterson's Universal Application, early admission. Entrance: noncompetitive. Application deadline: Rolling. Preference given to local residents.

Costs Per Year:

Application fee: $0. State resident tuition: $2304 full-time, $64 per credit hour part-time. Nonresident tuition: $2772 full-time, $77 per credit hour part-time. Mandatory fees: $294 full-time, $4 per credit hour part-time.

Collegiate Environment:

Orientation program. Drama-theater group, choral group, student-run newspaper. Student services: personal-psychological counseling, women's center. Campus security: 24-hour patrols, late night transport-escort service. College housing not available. Rogue Community College Library with 33,000 books, 275 serials, and an OPAC. Operations spending for 2004 fiscal year: $697,930. 96 computers available on campus for general student use. A campuswide network can be accessed. Staffed computer lab on campus.

Community Environment:

See Southern Oregon State College.


1250 Siskiyou Blvd.
Ashland, OR 97520
Tel: (541)552-7672
Admissions: (541)552-6411
Fax: (541)552-6329
E-mail: admissions@sou.edu
Web Site: http://www.sou.edu/


State-supported, comprehensive, coed. Part of Oregon University System. Awards bachelor's and master's degrees. Founded 1926. Setting: 175-acre small town campus. Endowment: $13 million. Research spending for 2004 fiscal year: $765,605. Educational spending for 2005 fiscal year: $8087 per student. Total enrollment: 4,977. Faculty: 289 (193 full-time, 96 part-time). Student-undergrad faculty ratio is 22:1. 2,157 applied, 80% were admitted. Full-time: 3,475 students, 56% women, 44% men. Part-time: 961 students, 59% women, 41% men. Students come from 45 states and territories, 33 other countries, 22% from out-of-state, 2% Native American, 4% Hispanic, 1% black, 3% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 2% international, 21% 25 or older, 24% live on campus, 10% transferred in. Retention: 65% of full-time freshmen returned the following year. Academic areas with the most degrees conferred: business/marketing; communications/journalism; social sciences. Core. Academic remediation for entering students, ESL program, services for LD students, advanced placement, accelerated degree program, self-designed majors, freshman honors college, honors program, independent study, distance learning, double major, summer session for credit, part-time degree program, adult/continuing education programs, co-op programs and internships. Off campus study at National Student Exchange, other members of the Oregon University System. Study abroad program.

Entrance Requirements:

Options: Common Application, electronic application, early admission, deferred admission, international baccalaureate accepted. Required: high school transcript, 2.75 high school GPA or minimum SAT score of 1010, SAT or ACT. Required for some: essay, recommendations, SAT Subject Tests. Entrance: moderately difficult. Application deadline: Rolling. Notification: continuous.

Costs Per Year:

Application fee: $50. State resident tuition: $4986 full-time, $108 per credit part-time. Nonresident tuition: $14,691 full-time, $108 per credit part-time. Mandatory fees: $25 per credit part-time. College room and board: $6468.

Collegiate Environment:

Orientation program. Drama-theater group, choral group, student-run newspaper, radio station. Social organizations: 65 open to all. Most popular organizations: Native American Student Union, International Student Association, Impact (religious club), Ho'opa'a Hawaii Club, Omicron Delta Kappa. Major annual events: homecoming, International Week, One World (performing arts series). Student services: legal services, health clinic, personal-psychological counseling, women's center. Campus security: 24-hour emergency response devices and patrols, student patrols, late night transport-escort service. 1,100 college housing spaces available; 1,000 were occupied in 2003-04. Freshmen guaranteed college housing. On-campus residence required in freshman year. Option: coed housing available. Lenn and Dixie Hannon Library with 315,000 books, 797,000 microform titles, 1,949 serials, 7,800 audiovisual materials, an OPAC, and a Web page. Operations spending for 2004 fiscal year: $2.1 million. 750 computers available on campus for general student use. A campuswide network can be accessed from student residence rooms and from off campus. Staffed computer lab on campus.

Community Environment:

Ashland, a town of 20,000 people, is nestled at the base of the Sikiyou Mountains in the Rogue Valley of Oregon. Culturally the community has gained national recognition through the Oregon Shakespearean festival and associated legitimate theatres, annually drawing over 300,000 patrons. The town is surrounded by natural forests, mountain lakes and rivers, spectacular for outdoor sports and ecological studies. For the skier, it's only 30 minutes to the 7,000 foot Mt. Ashland Ski Resort.


1988 Newmark Ave.
Coos Bay, OR 97420-2912
Tel: (541)888-2525
Admissions: (541)888-7611
E-mail: tnicholls@socc.edu
Web Site: http://www.socc.edu/


State and locally supported, 2-year, coed. Awards certificates, diplomas, transfer associate, and terminal associate degrees. Founded 1961. Setting: 125-acre small town campus. Endowment: $769,894. Educational spending for 2005 fiscal year: $2340 per student. Total enrollment: 1,980. Student-undergrad faculty ratio is 10:1. 832 applied, 100% were admitted. Full-time: 976 students, 50% women, 50% men. Part-time: 1,004 students, 66% women, 34% men. Students come from 4 other countries, 15% from out-of-state, 5% Native American, 3% Hispanic, 2% black, 1% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 1% international, 45% 25 or older. Core. Academic remediation for entering students, ESL program, services for LD students, advanced placement, distance learning, summer session for credit, part-time degree program, adult/continuing education programs, co-op programs and internships.

Entrance Requirements:

Open admission except for culinary institute, nursing, emergency medical technology programs, surgical technician, pharmacy technician programs. Option: early admission. Required for some: high school transcript. Entrance: noncompetitive. Application deadline: Rolling. Notification: continuous.

Costs Per Year:

Application fee: $30. State resident tuition: $3330 full-time, $62 per credit part-time. Nonresident tuition: $3330 full-time, $62 per credit part-time. Mandatory fees: $330 full-time, $12 per credit part-time, $22. College room and board: $6160.

Collegiate Environment:

Orientation program. Drama-theater group, choral group, student-run newspaper. Major annual events: Orientation, Fall Funk Fest, Swocc Stock. Student services: crisis intervention counseling. Campus security: controlled dormitory access. 288 college housing spaces available. On-campus residence required in freshman year. Option: coed housing available. Southwestern Oregon Community College Library with 40,505 books, 1,836 microform titles, 218 serials, 3,673 audiovisual materials, an OPAC, and a Web page. Operations spending for 2004 fiscal year: $343,207. 65 computers available on campus for general student use. A campuswide network can be accessed. Staffed computer lab on campus.

Community Environment:

Coos Bay is an important seaport and trading center as well as one of the world's largest lumber export points. Community facilities include a library, hospital, churches representing many major denominations, and civic and service organizations. Coos Bay and adjacent North Bend are the shopping centers for southwestern Oregon. The Golden and Silver Falls State Park is 24 miles away, offering facilities for picnicking, camping, and fishing, as do Millicoma-Myrtle Grove State Park and Shore Acres State Park. Opportunities for part-time employment are good.


2510 First St.
Tillamook, OR 97141
Tel: (503)842-8222
Fax: (503)842-2214
E-mail: om@tillamookbay.cc
Web Site: http://www.tbcc.cc.or.us/


District-supported, 2-year, coed. Administratively affiliated with Portland Community College. Awards certificates, diplomas, transfer associate, and terminal associate degrees. Founded 1984. Total enrollment: 299. Student-undergrad faculty ratio is 8:1. 90 applied, 100% were admitted. Full-time: 73 students, 59% women, 41% men. Part-time: 226 students, 71% women, 29% men. Students come from 2 states and territories, 1 other country, 2% from out-of-state, 2% Native American, 1% Hispanic, 1% black, 2% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 0% international, 46% 25 or older, 4% transferred in.

Entrance Requirements:

Recommended: high school transcript.

Costs Per Year:

Application fee: $0. State resident tuition: $2976 full-time, $62 per credit part-time. Nonresident tuition: $3936 full-time, $82 per credit part-time. Mandatory fees: $530 full-time, $33 per course part-time.

Collegiate Environment:

Campus security: Evening security guard. College housing not available.


650 College Blvd.
Ontario, OR 97914-3423
Tel: (541)889-6493
Admissions: (541)881-8822
Fax: (541)881-2721
Web Site: http://www.tvcc.cc.or.us/


State and locally supported, 2-year, coed. Awards certificates, transfer associate, and terminal associate degrees. Founded 1962. Setting: 95-acre small town campus. Total enrollment: 1,946. Student-undergrad faculty ratio is 11:1. Full-time: 1,056 students, 56% women, 44% men. Part-time: 890 students, 70% women, 30% men. Students come from 8 states and territories, 64% from out-of-state, 1% Native American, 17% Hispanic, 1% black, 2% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 0.1% international, 45% 25 or older, 6% live on campus. Core. Academic remediation for entering students, ESL program, services for LD students, advanced placement, accelerated degree program, honors program, independent study, distance learning, summer session for credit, part-time degree program, external degree program, adult/continuing education programs, co-op programs and internships. ROTC: Army (c).

Entrance Requirements:

Open admission. Options: Common Application, early admission, deferred admission. Entrance: noncompetitive. Application deadline: Rolling. Notification: continuous.

Costs Per Year:

Application fee: $10. State resident tuition: $2970 full-time, $66 per credit hour part-time. Nonresident tuition: $3420 full-time, $76 per credit hour part-time. Mandatory fees: $455 full-time, $10 per credit hour part-time. College room and board: $4470. College room only: $1680.

Collegiate Environment:

Orientation program. Drama-theater group, choral group, marching band. Student services: health clinic, personal-psychological counseling. Campus security: student patrols, controlled dormitory access. Treasure Valley Community College Library with 28,000 books, 150 serials, and an OPAC. 70 computers available on campus for general student use. A campuswide network can be accessed from off-campus. Staffed computer lab on campus.

Community Environment:

Ontario, one mile from the Oregon-Idaho state line, lies in an agricultural area that produces potatoes, onions, sugar beets, corn, and hay. All forms of commercial transportation are available. Community facilities include the Malheur County Library, a hospital, and several civic and service organizations. Mule, deer, and antelope hunting on the vast rangeland, and fishing on Owyhee Lake and the Malheur and Snake Rivers attract the sportsman. Semiprecious stones may be found in Malheur County. Skiing may be enjoyed at nearby ski resorts. Job opportunities are available.


PO Box 967
Roseburg, OR 97470-0226
Tel: (541)440-4600
Admissions: (541)440-4616
Fax: (541)440-4612
Web Site: http://www.umpqua.edu/


State and locally supported, 2-year, coed. Awards certificates, transfer associate, and terminal associate degrees. Founded 1964. Setting: 100-acre rural campus. Endowment: $2.9 million. Total enrollment: 2,141. Students come from 5 states and territories, 1% from out-of-state, 2% Native American, 2% Hispanic, 1% black, 1% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 60% 25 or older. Core. Academic remediation for entering students, ESL program, services for LD students, advanced placement, accelerated degree program, self-designed majors, honors program, distance learning, summer session for credit, part-time degree program, adult/continuing education programs, co-op programs.

Entrance Requirements:

Open admission except for nursing, emergency medical technology programs. Options: Peterson's Universal Application, early admission, deferred admission. Recommended: high school transcript. Entrance: noncompetitive. Application deadline: Rolling.

Collegiate Environment:

Orientation program. Drama-theater group, choral group, student-run newspaper. Social organizations: 10 open to all. Most popular organizations: Phi Theta Kappa, Computer Club, Phi Beta Lambda, Nursing Club, Umpqua Accounting Associates. Major annual events: Student Government Sponsored Quarterly BBQ, Transfer College Day. Student services: personal-psychological counseling. College housing not available. Umpqua Community College Library with 41,000 books, 350 serials, an OPAC, and a Web page. Operations spending for 2004 fiscal year: $282,325. 300 computers available on campus for general student use. Computer purchase/lease plans available. A campuswide network can be accessed from off-campus. Staffed computer lab on campus.

Community Environment:

Roseburg is the county seat of Douglas County, one of the largest lumber centers in the country. Roseburg is also a noted sheep producing area. The town is the headquarters for the Umpqua National Forest, where good salmon and trout fishing may be enjoyed and in season, hunting of deer, elk, bear, and cougar is permitted.


Eugene, OR 97403
Tel: (541)346-3111
Admissions: (541)346-3201
Fax: (541)346-5815
E-mail: diradm@uoregon.edu
Web Site: http://www.uoregon.edu/


State-supported, university, coed. Part of Oregon University System. Awards bachelor's, master's, doctoral, and first professional degrees and post-master's certificates. Founded 1872. Setting: 295-acre urban campus. Endowment: $304 million. Research spending for 2004 fiscal year: $85.4 million. Educational spending for 2005 fiscal year: $2857 per student. Total enrollment: 20,347. Faculty: 1,122 (785 full-time, 337 part-time). Student-undergrad faculty ratio is 18:1. 10,012 applied, 90% were admitted. 25% from top 10% of their high school class, 58% from top quarter, 91% from top half. 14 National Merit Scholars. Full-time: 14,996 students, 53% women, 47% men. Part-time: 1,477 students, 52% women, 48% men. Students come from 56 states and territories, 87 other countries, 24% from out-of-state, 1% Native American, 3% Hispanic, 2% black, 6% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 4% international, 12% 25 or older, 21% live on campus, 9% transferred in. Retention: 84% of full-time freshmen returned the following year. Academic areas with the most degrees conferred: social sciences; business/marketing; communications/journalism. Core. Academic remediation for entering students, ESL program, services for LD students, advanced placement, accelerated degree program, self-designed majors, freshman honors college, honors program, independent study, distance learning, double major, summer session for credit, part-time degree program, adult/continuing education programs, internships, graduate courses open to undergrads. Off campus study at National Student Exchange. Study abroad program. ROTC: Army, Air Force (c).

Entrance Requirements:

Options: electronic application, early admission, international baccalaureate accepted. Required: high school transcript, minimum 3 high school GPA, SAT or ACT. Required for some: essay, 2 recommendations. Entrance: moderately difficult. Application deadlines: 1/15, 11/1 for early action. Notification: 4/1, 12/15 for early action.

Costs Per Year:

Application fee: $50. State resident tuition: $4164 full-time, $104 per credit hour part-time. Nonresident tuition: $15,996 full-time, $420 per credit hour part-time. Mandatory fees: $1449 full-time, $427 per term part-time. Full-time tuition and fees vary according to class time, course level, course load, degree level, program, and reciprocity agreements. Part-time tuition and fees vary according to class time, course level, course load, degree level, and program. College room and board: $7496. Room and board charges vary according to board plan and housing facility.

Collegiate Environment:

Orientation program. Drama-theater group, choral group, marching band, student-run newspaper, radio station. Social organizations: 250 open to all; national fraternities, national sororities; 8% of eligible men and 8% of eligible women are members. Most popular organizations: Political and Environmental Action, cultural organizations, student newspaper, club sports. Major annual events: University Day, Homecoming, Family Weekend. Student services: legal services, health clinic, personal-psychological counseling, women's center. Campus security: 24-hour emergency response devices and patrols, student patrols, late night transport-escort service, controlled dormitory access. College housing designed to accommodate 3,197 students; 3,292 undergraduates lived in college housing during 2003-04. Freshmen given priority for college housing. Options: coed, men-only, women-only housing available. Knight Library plus 4 others with 2.6 million books, 2.9 million microform titles, 18,180 serials, 1.4 million audiovisual materials, an OPAC, and a Web page. Operations spending for 2004 fiscal year: $14.7 million. 1,600 computers available on campus for general student use. A campuswide network can be accessed from student residence rooms and from off campus. Staffed computer lab on campus.

Community Environment:

Eugene, the center of a vast recreational area, is an important high-technology and software center. Bicycles are a major form of student transportation. Airline, bus and train transportation are available. Eugene's facilities include more than 80 churches, a large public library, a YMCA, YWCA, three hospitals, and a number of motels. Eugene is 60 miles east of the Pacific Ocean and 60 miles west of the Cascade Mountains. The Willamette National Forest nearby provides fine hunting and fishing opportunities and skiing is enjoyed at the Hoodoo Ski Bowl and Willamette Pass Ski area.


13221 SW 68th Parkway, Ste. 500
Portland, OR 97223-8368
Tel: (503)670-0590
Free: 800-228-7240
Admissions: (480)557-1712
Fax: (503)670-0614
Web Site: http://www.phoenix.edu/


Proprietary, comprehensive, coed. Awards bachelor's and master's degrees. Founded 1976. Setting: urban campus. Total enrollment: 2,053. Faculty: 283 (13 full-time, 270 part-time). Student-undergrad faculty ratio is 7:1. 28 applied. Full-time: 1,686 students, 51% women, 49% men. 0% from out-of-state, 0.2% Native American, 2% Hispanic, 2% black, 3% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 4% international, 92% 25 or older. Academic areas with the most degrees conferred: business/marketing; computer and information sciences; public administration and social services. Core. Calendar: continuous. Advanced placement, accelerated degree program, independent study, distance learning, external degree program, adult/continuing education programs, graduate courses open to undergrads.

Entrance Requirements:

Open admission. Option: deferred admission. Required: 1 recommendation. Required for some: high school transcript. Entrance: noncompetitive. Application deadline: Rolling.

Costs Per Year:

Application fee: $110. Tuition: $10,410 full-time, $347 per credit part-time. Mandatory fees: $560 full-time, $70 per course part-time.

Collegiate Environment:

College housing not available. University Library with 444 books, 666 serials, an OPAC, and a Web page. System-wide operations spending for 2004 fiscal year: $3.2 million.


5000 North Willamette Blvd.
Portland, OR 97203-5798
Tel: (503)943-7911; 888-627-5601 Admissions: (503)943-7147
Fax: (503)943-7399
E-mail: admissions@uofport.edu
Web Site: http://www.up.edu/


Independent Roman Catholic, comprehensive, coed. Awards bachelor's and master's degrees and post-master's certificates. Founded 1901. Setting: 125-acre urban campus. Endowment: $82.3 million. Research spending for 2004 fiscal year: $979,000. Educational spending for 2005 fiscal year: $7074 per student. Total enrollment: 3,413. Faculty: 279 (188 full-time, 91 part-time). Student-undergrad faculty ratio is 13:1. 3,026 applied, 81% were admitted. 44% from top 10% of their high school class, 76% from top quarter, 95% from top half. Full-time: 2,840 students, 62% women, 38% men. Part-time: 80 students, 50% women, 50% men. Students come from 40 states and territories, 19 other countries, 52% from out-of-state, 1% Native American, 4% Hispanic, 2% black, 9% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 1% international, 5% 25 or older, 54% live on campus, 4% transferred in. Retention: 86% of full-time freshmen returned the following year. Academic areas with the most degrees conferred: health professions and related sciences; business/marketing; engineering. Core. Calendar: semesters. Services for LD students, advanced placement, honors program, independent study, double major, summer session for credit, part-time degree program, adult/continuing education programs, internships, graduate courses open to undergrads. Off campus study. Study abroad program. ROTC: Army, Air Force.

Entrance Requirements:

Options: Common Application, electronic application, deferred admission, international baccalaureate accepted. Required: essay, high school transcript, 1 recommendation, SAT or ACT. Entrance: moderately difficult. Application deadline: 6/1. Notification: continuous.

Costs Per Year:

Application fee: $50. Comprehensive fee: $32,300 includes full-time tuition ($24,580), mandatory fees ($320), and college room and board ($7400). College room only: $3700. Full-time tuition and fees vary according to program. Room and board charges vary according to board plan and housing facility. Part-time tuition: $778 per credit hour. Part-time tuition varies according to program.

Collegiate Environment:

Orientation program. Drama-theater group, choral group, student-run newspaper, radio station. Social organizations: 40 open to all. Most popular organizations: English Society, International Club, Hawaiian Club, Rugby Club, Social Science Club. Major annual events: Homecoming Dance, Blow-Out on the Bluff, Hawaiian Luau. Student services: health clinic, personal-psychological counseling. Campus security: 24-hour patrols, student patrols, late night transport-escort service, controlled dormitory access. 1,426 college housing spaces available; all were occupied in 2003-04. Freshmen guaranteed college housing. Options: coed, men-only, women-only housing available. Wilson M. Clark Library plus 1 other with 350,000 books, 540,073 microform titles, 1,400 serials, 11,044 audiovisual materials, an OPAC, and a Web page. 575 computers available on campus for general student use. A campuswide network can be accessed from student residence rooms and from off campus. Staffed computer lab on campus.

Community Environment:

See Portland State University.


2219 Southeast 68th Ave.
Portland, OR 97215-4099
Tel: (503)517-1000
Free: 800-804-1510
Admissions: (503)517-1020
Fax: (503)788-7425
E-mail: admiss@warnerpacific.edu
Web Site: http://www.warnerpacific.edu/


Independent, comprehensive, coed, affiliated with Church of God. Awards associate, bachelor's, and master's degrees. Founded 1937. Setting: 15-acre urban campus. Educational spending for 2005 fiscal year: $19,150 per student. Total enrollment: 575. Faculty: 35 (all full-time). Student-undergrad faculty ratio is 14:1. 820 applied, 57% were admitted. Students come from 20 states and territories, 29% from out-of-state, 1% Native American, 5% Hispanic, 7% black, 3% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 32% live on campus. Retention: 66% of full-time freshmen returned the following year. Core. Calendar: semesters. Academic remediation for entering students, services for LD students, advanced placement, self-designed majors, honors program, independent study, double major, summer session for credit, part-time degree program, adult/continuing education programs, co-op programs and internships, graduate courses open to undergrads. Off campus study at Mt. Hood Community College, Concordia College (OR), Oregon Independent Colleges Association. Study abroad program. ROTC: Army (c), Air Force (c).

Entrance Requirements:

Options: electronic application, international baccalaureate accepted. Required: essay, high school transcript, minimum 2.5 high school GPA, SAT or ACT. Recommended: minimum 3.0 high school GPA, interview, SAT Subject Tests. Required for some: 1 recommendation, interview. Entrance: moderately difficult. Application deadline: Rolling. Notification: continuous.

Collegiate Environment:

Orientation program. Drama-theater group, choral group, student-run newspaper. Social organizations: 10 open to all. Most popular organizations: Associated Students of Warner Pacific College, yearbook, College Activities Board, Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Major annual events: homecoming, spring and winter banquets, Midnight Barbecue and Breakfast. Student services: health clinic, personal-psychological counseling. Campus security: 24-hour emergency response devices and patrols, student patrols, late night transport-escort service, controlled dormitory access. On-campus residence required through sophomore year. Options: men-only, women-only housing available. Otto F. Linn Library with 54,000 books, 400 serials, and an OPAC. 30 computers available on campus for general student use. A campuswide network can be accessed from student residence rooms and from off campus.

Community Environment:

See Portland State University.


425 Southwest Washington
Portland, OR 97204
Tel: (503)222-3225
Fax: (503)228-6926
Web Site: http://www.western-college.com/


Proprietary, 2-year, coed. Founded 1955.


1235 Southwest 12th Ave., Ste. 100
Portland, OR 97201
Tel: (503)223-2245
Free: 800-666-0312
Fax: (503)223-0126
Web Site: http://www.westernculinary.com/


Proprietary, 2-year, coed. Founded 1983. Calendar: continuous.


345 North Monmouth Ave.
Monmouth, OR 97361-1394
Tel: (503)838-8000; 877-877-1593
Admissions: (503)838-8211
Fax: (503)838-8067
E-mail: wolfgram@wou.edu
Web Site: http://www.wou.edu/


State-supported, comprehensive, coed. Part of Oregon University System. Awards associate, bachelor's, and master's degrees. Founded 1856. Setting: 157-acre rural campus with easy access to Portland. Endowment: $4 million. Research spending for 2004 fiscal year: $7.4 million. Educational spending for 2005 fiscal year: $9006 per student. Total enrollment: 4,520. Faculty: 354 (179 full-time, 175 part-time). Student-undergrad faculty ratio is 17:1. 1,881 applied, 55% were admitted. 9% from top 10% of their high school class, 27% from top quarter, 62% from top half. Full-time: 3,783 students, 59% women, 41% men. Part-time: 478 students, 51% women, 49% men. Students come from 23 states and territories, 19 other countries, 9% from out-of-state, 2% Native American, 6% Hispanic, 2% black, 3% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 1% international, 14% 25 or older, 20% live on campus, 11% transferred in. Retention: 64% of full-time freshmen returned the following year. Academic areas with the most degrees conferred: education; social sciences; business/marketing. Core. Academic remediation for entering students, ESL program, services for LD students, advanced placement, self-designed majors, freshman honors college, honors program, independent study, distance learning, double major, summer session for credit, part-time degree program, adult/continuing education programs, internships, graduate courses open to undergrads. Off campus study at other members of the Oregon University System. Study abroad program. ROTC: Army, Air Force (c).

Entrance Requirements:

Options: electronic application, deferred admission. Required: high school transcript, minimum 2.75 high school GPA, general college prep program completion, SAT or ACT. Recommended: SAT Subject Tests. Entrance: moderately difficult. Application deadline: Rolling. Notification: continuous.

Costs Per Year:

Application fee: $50. State resident tuition: $3240 full-time, $90 per credit part-time. Nonresident tuition: $11,685 full-time, $325 per credit part-time. Mandatory fees: $1092 full-time. College room and board: $6276. Room and board charges vary according to board plan and housing facility.

Collegiate Environment:

Orientation program. Drama-theater group, choral group, student-run newspaper. Social organizations: 50 open to all. Most popular organizations: Model United Nations, Multicultural Student Union, Oregon Student Association. Major annual events: homecoming, Holiday Tree Lighting, Alcohol Awareness Week. Student services: health clinic, personal-psychological counseling, women's center. Campus security: 24-hour emergency response devices and patrols, student patrols, late night transport-escort service, controlled dormitory access. 1,275 college housing spaces available; 1,139 were occupied in 2003-04. Freshmen given priority for college housing. On-campus residence required in freshman year. Option: coed housing available. Wayne and Lynn Hamersly Library with 157,186 books, 682,067 microform titles, 3,680 serials, 3,169 audiovisual materials, an OPAC, and a Web page. 411 computers available on campus for general student use. A campuswide network can be accessed from student residence rooms and from off campus. Staffed computer lab on campus.

Community Environment:

Located in Monmouth, a town of 7,500, Western is 15 miles from Salem, the state capital, and is midway between the state's two largest cities, Portland and Eugene. Western is a short drive from the famed Oregon Coast to the west and the majestic Cascade Mountains to the east. Monmouth is located in the Willamette Valley. The University is the town's main employer and serves as the cultural and athletic center for the area.


900 State St.
Salem, OR 97301-3931
Tel: (503)370-6300; 877-542-2787
Admissions: (503)370-6303
Fax: (503)375-5363
E-mail: libarts@willamette.edu
Web Site: http://www.willamette.edu/


Independent United Methodist, comprehensive, coed. Awards bachelor's, master's, and first professional degrees and first professional certificates. Founded 1842. Setting: 72-acre urban campus with easy access to Portland. Endowment: $212.3 million. Research spending for 2004 fiscal year: $821,919. Educational spending for 2005 fiscal year: $9122 per student. Total enrollment: 2,642. Faculty: 301 (184 full-time, 117 part-time). Student-undergrad faculty ratio is 11:1. 2,790 applied, 74% were admitted. 40% from top 10% of their high school class, 73% from top quarter, 96% from top half. 18 National Merit Scholars, 18 class presidents, 48 valedictorians, 98 student government officers. Full-time: 1,823 students, 55% women, 45% men. Part-time: 131 students, 39% women, 61% men. Students come from 38 states and territories, 10 other countries, 60% from out-of-state, 1% Native American, 4% Hispanic, 2% black, 7% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 1% international, 2% 25 or older, 69% live on campus, 3% transferred in. Retention: 88% of full-time freshmen returned the following year. Academic areas with the most degrees conferred: social sciences; foreign languages and literature; biological/life sciences. Core. Calendar: semesters. Services for LD students, advanced placement, accelerated degree program, self-designed majors, independent study, double major, part-time degree program, co-op programs and internships, graduate courses open to undergrads. Off campus study at American University, Urban Life Center (Chicago). Study abroad program. ROTC: Air Force (c).

Entrance Requirements:

Options: Common Application, electronic application, early action, deferred admission, international baccalaureate accepted. Required: essay, high school transcript, minimum 2.0 high school GPA, 1 recommendation, SAT or ACT. Recommended: interview. Required for some: interview. Entrance: very difficult. Application deadlines: 2/1, 12/1 for early action. Notification: 4/1, 1/15 for early action.

Costs Per Year:

Application fee: $50. Comprehensive fee: $35,416 includes full-time tuition ($28,250), mandatory fees ($166), and college room and board ($7000). Full-time tuition and fees vary according to course load. Room and board charges vary according to board plan and housing facility. Part-time tuition: $3531 per course. Part-time tuition varies according to course load.

Collegiate Environment:

Orientation program. Drama-theater group, choral group, student-run newspaper, radio station. Social organizations: 100 open to all; national fraternities, national sororities; 35% of eligible men and 29% of eligible women are members. Most popular organizations: Hawaii Club, Bush Mentor Program, Outdoors Club, Campus Ambassadors, Associated Students. Major annual events: Black Tie Affair, International Extravaganza, Hawaiian Luau. Student services: health clinic, personal-psychological counseling, women's center. Campus security: 24-hour emergency response devices and patrols, student patrols, late night transport-escort service, controlled dormitory access. 1,400 college housing spaces available; 1,385 were occupied in 2003-04. Freshmen guaranteed college housing. On-campus residence required through sophomore year. Option: coed housing available. Mark O. Hatfield Library plus 1 other with 317,000 books, 333,275 microform titles, 1,400 serials, 8,800 audiovisual materials, an OPAC, and a Web page. Operations spending for 2004 fiscal year: $2 million. 400 computers available on campus for general student use. A campuswide network can be accessed from student residence rooms and from off campus. Staffed computer lab on campus.

Community Environment:

Salem, the capital city, has a population of 125,000. All forms of commercial transportation are available. Recreational activities include tennis, fishing, swimming, boating, riding, and hiking. Ski area facilities and the Pacific Ocean are nearby. Part-time employment is available. Points of interest are Bush Park, a large city park planted with rare trees and shrubs, Salem Art Center, Mission Mill Museum and the Oregon State Capitol.


views updated Jun 11 2018



Salam Noor, Assistant Superintendent
Office of Professional Technical Education
255 Capitol St., NE
Salem, OR 97310-0203


The State of Oregon licenses private career schools offering training in preparation for a vocation. Cosmetology and barbering are licensed by the Oregon Department of Education. Flight schools are licensed by separate agencies.


Linn-Benton Community College

6500 Pacific Blvd. S.W., Albany, OR 97321. Two-Year College. Founded 1966. Contact: Bruce Clemetsen, Director of Admissions and Records, (541)917-4811, Fax: (541)917-4868, E-mail: admissions@linnbenton.edu, Web Site: http://www.linnbenton.edu. Public. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Quarter. Tuition: $62/credit resident; $163/credit non-resident; $181/credit foreign (includes fees). Enrollment: men 4,239, women 7,036. Degrees awarded: Certificate, Associate, Diploma. Accreditation: NWCCU. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Accounting, Clerical; Accounting, General; Administrative Assistant; Agribusiness; Agricultural Science; Agriculture, General; Air Conditioning, Heating & Refrigeration; Animal Science, General; Automotive Collision Repair; Automotive Technology; Business Administration; Business Management; Chef Training; Clerical, General; Clerical, Medical; Computer Information Science; Computer Operations; Criminal Justice; Culinary Arts; Dental Assisting; Graphic Arts; Horse Management; Horticulture; Journalism; Manufacturing Technology; Mechanics, Heavy Equipment; Medical Assistant; Medical Receptionist; Medical Transcription; Nurses Aide; Nursing, R.N.; Office, General; Printing; Secretarial, Administrative; Secretarial, Legal; Water & Waste Water Pollution Technology; Welding Technology


Beaverton School of Beauty

18295 SW Tualatin Valley Hwy., Ste. A, Aloha, OR 97006-3954. Barber, Cosmetology, Trade and Technical. Founded 1970. Contact: Heidi McNeil, (503)649-1388, (503)649-0357, Fax: (503)649-1386, E-mail: beaverton-schoolofbeauty@comcast.net, Web Site: http://www.beavertonschoolofbeauty.com; Mary Pozzi, Web Site: http://www.beavertonschoolofbeauty.com/contactus.html. Public. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Varies with Program. Tuition: $4,282-$12,276 plus books and supplies. Enrollment: men 2, women 70. Degrees awarded: Certificate, Diploma. Accreditation: NACCAS. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Cosmetology (2300 Hr); Facial Treatment (500 Hr); Hair Styling (1700 Hr); Manicurist (600 Hr)

Magee Brothers Beaverton School of Beauty

18295 S.W. Tualatin Valley Hwy., Ste. A, Aloha, OR 97006-3954. Contact: Ronald S. Magee, Director, (503)649-1388, Web Site: http://www.mageebrothers.com. Private. Housing not available. Term: Other. Tuition: $10,940. Degrees awarded: Certificate, Associate.


Ashland Institute of Massage

PO Box 1233, Ashland, OR 97520. Trade and Technical. Founded 1988. Contact: Genna Southworth, Dir./Co-Owner, (541)482-5134, Fax: (541)488-2383, E-mail: info@aimashland.com, Web Site: http://www.aimashland.com; Web Site: http://www.aimashland.com/contact.htm. Private. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Hour. Tuition: $6,700; additional costs approximately $1,444 (books, supplies, fees). Enrollment: Total 35. Degrees awarded: Certificate. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service not available. Handicapped facilities not available. Curriculum: Massage Therapy (650 Hr)

ELS Language Centers - Ashland

Southern Oregon University, 1250 Siskiyou Blvd., Ashland, OR 97520. Other. Founded 1961. Contact: Jodi Weber, Center Dir., (541)552-6196, Fax: (541)552-6198, E-mail: ash@els.edu, Web Site: http://www.els.com. Private. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing available. Term: Month. Tuition: $1,395 intensive; $1,045 semi-intensive. Degrees awarded: Certificate. Accreditation: ACCET. Financial aid not available. Placement service not available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: English As A Second Language (3-4 Wk)


Clatsop Community College

1653 Jerome Avenue, Astoria, OR 97103. Two-Year College. Founded 1958. Contact: Roger Friesen, Dean of Student Services, (503)338-2456, (503)338-2411, (866)252-8767, Fax: (503)325-5738, E-mail: rfriesen@clatsopcc.edu, admissions@clatsopcc.edu, Web Site: http://www.clatsopcc.edu. Public. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Quarter. Tuition: $54/credit in-state; $108/credit out-of-state; $18/credit international. Enrollment: men 3,883, women 4,033. Degrees awarded: Certificate, Associate. Accreditation: NWCCU. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Accounting, Junior; Business Management; Computer Business Systems Technology; Criminal Justice; Early Childhood Education; Fire Science; Marine Technology; Microcomputers; Nursing, Practical; Nursing, R.N.; Office Management; Office Technology; Word Processing

Paul Mitchell - The School

1180 Commercial St., Astoria, OR 97103. Barber, Cosmetology. Founded 1965. Contact: A. Jones, (503)325-3163, 877-903-5375, Fax: (503)325-3164, E-mail: abcinc@pacifier.com, Web Site: http://www.paulmitchelltheschool.com; Web Site: http://www.paulmitchelltheschool.com/contactus.aspx. Private. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Varies with Program. Tuition: $5,997-$12,000 plus books and supplies. Enrollment: men 1, women 50. Degrees awarded: Diploma. Accreditation: NACCAS. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities not available. Curriculum: Barbering (1350 Hr); Cosmetology (2050-2300H); Esthetician (850 Hr); Hair Styling (1700 Hr); Manicurist (600 Hr)


Business Computer Training Institute

8687 SW Hall Blvd., Beaverton, OR 97008-6406. Trade and Technical. Founded 1986. Contact: Margaret Boyce-Cooley, (503)646-9400, Fax: (503)626-0322, E-mail: sross@bcti.org. Private. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Other. Tuition: $10,980. Enrollment: Total 160. Degrees awarded: Certificate. Accreditation: ACCET. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Computer Applications (7.5 Mo); Information Systems (15 Mo)

Cambridge College

4145 SW Watson Ave., Ste. 300, Beaverton, OR 97005. Trade and Technical, Allied Medical.(503)646-6000, 800-819-6472, Fax: (503)646-6002, Web Site: http://www.cambridgecollege.com; Web Site: http://www.cambridgecollege.com/request.php?. Private. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Varies with Program. Tuition: $9,537 - $21,096. Degrees awarded: Certificate. Accreditation: ABHES. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Dental Assisting; Massage Therapy; Medical Assistant; Medical Billing; Pharmacy Technician; Surgical Technology

Campbell Travel School

19160 SW Alexander St., Beaverton, OR 97006. Trade and Technical. Contact: Rosemarie Campbell, Dir., (503)848-8553, Fax: (503)848-8353. Private. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Semester. Tuition: $1,550. Enrollment: Total 10. Financial aid not available. Placement service not available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Travel Agents

College of Emergency Services

9735 S.W. Sunshine Court, Ste.1000, Beaverton, OR 97005. Allied Medical. Founded 1979. Contact: Mary Newell, (503)644-9999, Fax: (503)644-1672, E-mail: ces@ces-ems.org, Web Site: http://www.ces-ems.org. Private. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Week. Tuition: $2,500/semester full-time; $160/credit part-time. Enrollment: Total 140. Degrees awarded: Associate, Certificate. Accreditation: CAAHEP. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid not available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Emergency Medical Technology (64 Wk)


Central Oregon Community College

2600 NW College Way, Bend, OR 97701. Two-Year College. Founded 1949. Contact: Alicia Moore, Admissions & Records, (541)383-7500, (541)383-7700, Fax: (541)383-7506, E-mail: amoore@cocc.edu, welcome@cocc.edu, Web Site: http://www.cocc.edu. Public. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing available. Term: Quarter. Tuition: $61/credit in-district ($774/term full-time); $83 out-of-district/border states (WA, ID, CA, NV in state); $172 out-of-s. Enrollment: Total 1,613. Degrees awarded: Certificate, Associate. Accreditation: CAAHEP; NLNAC; NWCCU. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Administrative Assistant (2 Yr); Automotive Technology (1 Yr); Bookkeeping (1 Yr); Business Administration (2 Yr); Cabinet & Mill Work (2 Yr); Computer Aided Drafting (2 Yr); Computer Networking (2 Yr); Computer Support Technology (2 Yr); Criminal Justice (1-2 Yr); Culinary Occupations (1 Yr); Dental Assisting (1 Yr); Dietician Training (1 Yr); Early Childhood Education (1-2 Yr); Emergency Medical Technology (2 Yr); Fire Science (2 Yr); Forestry Technology (2 Yr); Geographic Information Systems (2 Yr); Health Technology (2 Yr); Hospitality (2 Yr); Industrial Technology (2 Yr); Landscaping (2 Yr); Manufacturing Technology (2 Yr); Massage Therapy (1-2 Yr); Medical Assistant (1 Yr); Medical Transcription (1 Yr); Nursing, Practical (1 Yr); Nursing, R.N. (2 Yr); Office Administration (2 Yr); Secretarial, General (1 Yr); Secretarial, Medical (2 Yr); Welding Technology (2 Yr)

Phagan's Central Oregon Beauty College

355 NE 2nd St., Bend, OR 97701. Cosmetology, Barber. Contact: Karen Dieckman, Pres./CEO, (541)382-6171, Fax: (541)385-0782, E-mail: bend@phagans-schools.com, Web Site: http://www.phagans-schools.com. Private. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Term: Hour. Tuition: $3,720-$11,500 plus books and supplies. Enrollment: men 6, women 79. Degrees awarded: Diploma. Accreditation: NACCAS. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Curriculum: Barbering (1350 Hr); Cosmetology (850-2300Hr); Cosmetology Instructor (7 Mo); Facial Treatment (500 Hr); Hair Design (1700 Hr); Nail Technology (600 Hr)


61419 S. Hwy. 97, Ste. C, Bend, OR 97702-2182. Trade and Technical. Founded 1978. Contact: J. Garth Anderson, (541)388-1021, 888-903-1021, Fax: (541)388-2944, E-mail: staff@pro-studies.com, Web Site: http://www.pro-studies.com. Private. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Varies with Program. Tuition: $95-$595. Enrollment: men 362, women 286. Degrees awarded: Certificate. Financial aid not available. Placement service not available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Insurance, General (90 Hr); Insurance, Life & Disability (50 Hr)

Randy Potter School of Piano Technology

61592 SE Orion Dr., Bend, OR 97702-2402. Correspondence, Trade and Technical. Founded 1986. Contact: Randy or Lynne Potter, (541)382-5411, Fax: (541)382-5400, E-mail: randy@pianotuning.com, Web Site: http://www.pianotuning.com. Private. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Year. Tuition: $1,695 includes tools, text, manual. Degrees awarded: Diploma. Financial aid not available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities not available. Curriculum: Piano Repair; Piano Technology; Piano Tuning (2 Yr)


International Institute of Transportation Resource

13605 SE Hwy 212, Clackamas, OR 97015. Other. Founded 1985. Contact: Dave Riggins, Dir., (503)657-8225, 888-438-2335, Fax: (503)657-3620, Web Site: http://www.iitr.net. Private. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing available. Term: Hour. Tuition: $4,100; $100 registration fee. Degrees awarded: Diploma. Accreditation: ACCET. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Curriculum: Truck Driving (8 Wk)

Pioneer Pacific College

8800 SE Sunnyside Rd., Ste. 250, Clackamas, OR 97015. Trade and Technical. Founded 1975. Contact: Richard Goldman, Dir., (503)654-8000, 800-772-4636, Fax: (503)659-6107, E-mail: inquiries@pioneerpacific.edu, Web Site: http://www.pioneerpacific.edu; Web Site: http://www.pioneerpacific.edu/contact.htm. Private. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Varies with Program. Tuition: $9,245. Enrollment: Total 1,015. Degrees awarded: Certificate. Accreditation: ACICS. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid not available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Accounting, General (60 Wk); Business Administration (60 Wk); Business Management (130 Wk); Computer Networking (60 Wk); Criminal Justice (60 Wk); Health Care & Management (60-130 Wk); Information Technology (140 Wk); Marketing & Sales (60 Wk); Massage Therapy (40 Wk); Medical Assistant (50-70 Wk); Medical Billing (40 Wk); Paralegal (70 Wk); Pharmacy Technician (50 Wk); Web Development (60 Wk)


Skelton Beauty Academy

495 Central, Coos Bay, OR 97420. Cosmetology. Founded 1953. Contact: Meredith Hugel, (541)269-5186, Fax: (541)269-9177. Private. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Hour. Tuition: Varies. Enrollment: Total 27. Degrees awarded: Diploma. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities not available. Curriculum: Barbering; Cosmetology (2300 Hr); Facial Treatment; Hair Styling; Manicurist; Shampoo Specialist; Trichology

Southwestern Oregon Community College

1988 Newmark, Coos Bay, OR 97420. Two-Year College. Founded 1961. (541)888-2525, 800-962-2838, Fax: (541)888-7239, E-mail: admissions@socc.edu, Web Site: http://www.socc.edu. Public. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing available. Term: Quarter.Tuition: $56 per credit, resident or nonresident. Enrollment: Total 6,344. Degrees awarded: Certificate, Associate. Accreditation: NWCCU. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Business Administration (2 Yr); Business Management (2 Yr); Computer Information Science (2 Yr); Criminal Justice (2 Yr); Culinary Arts (2 Yr); Early Childhood Education (2 Yr); Emergency Medical Technology (1 Yr); Engineering (2 yr); Fire Science (2 Yr); General Studies (2 Yr); Human Services (2 Yr); Juvenile Justice (1 Yr); Manufacturing Technology (2 Yr); Medical Assistant (2 Yr); Medical Transcription (1 Yr); Nursing, Practical (2 Yr); Office, General (1 Yr); Pharmacy Technician (1 Yr)


Phagans' Beauty College

142 S. 2nd St., Corvallis, OR 97333. Cosmetology, Barber. Founded 1961. Contact: Karen Dieckman, Pres./CEO, (541)753-6466, (541)753-7770, Fax: (541)752-2647, E-mail: corvallis@phangans-schools.com, Web Site: http://www.phagans-schools.com. Private. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Hour. Tuition: $3,720-$11,500 plus books and supplies. Enrollment: men 5, women 65. Degrees awarded: Diploma. Accreditation: NACCAS. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service not available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Barbering (1350 Hr); Cosmetology (859-2300Hr); Cosmetology Instructor; Facial Treatment (500 Hr); Hair Design (1700 Hr); Nail Technology (600 Hr)


The Dalles Academy of Hair Design

415 E. 2nd St., The Dalles, OR 97058-2411. Cosmetology. Founded 1961. Contact: Frances Sue Lange, (541)296-4621. Private. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Hour. Tuition: Varies. Enrollment: men 0, women 17. Degrees awarded: Certificate, Diploma. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid not available. Placement service not available. Handicapped facilities not available. Curriculum: Cosmetology (2300 Hr); Facial Treatment (500 Hr); Hair Styling (1700 Hr); Manicurist (600 Hr)


Cascade Institute of Massage & Body Therapies

525 E. 11th Ave., Eugene, OR 97401-3606. Trade and Technical. Founded 1989. Contact: Erica Anderson, Administrator, (541)687-8101, Fax: (541)687-0285, E-mail: cimbt@pond.net. Private. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Quarter. Tuition: $5,475. Enrollment: Total 55. Degrees awarded: Certificate. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid not available. Placement service not available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Massage Therapy (12 Mo)

H & R Block Tax Course

65F Division, Eugene, OR 97404. Other. Contact: Ruby Bennett, (541)344-5488, 800-HRB-LOCK, Fax: (541)344-5679, Web Site: http://www.hrblock.com. Private. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students not accepted. Housing not available. Term: Week. Tuition: $199. Degrees awarded: Certificate. Financial aid not available. Placement service not available. Handicapped facilities not available. Curriculum: Income Tax Preparation (11 Wk)

Lane Community College

4000 E. 30th Ave., Eugene, OR 97405. Two-Year College. Founded 1965. Contact: Helen Garrett, Dir. of Enrollment Services/Registrar, (541)463-3000, (541)463-3100, 877-520-5391, Fax: (541)463-3995, E-mail: enrollmentadvisors@lanecc.edu, Web Site: http://www.lanecc.edu. Public. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Quarter. Tuition: $67/credit hour resident; $230/credit hour non-resident. Enrollment: Total 4,845. Degrees awarded: Certificate, Associate. Accreditation: ADA; FAA; NLNAC; NWCCU. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Accounting, General; Aircraft Flight Instruction; Auto Body & Fender Repair; Auto Mechanics - Diesel; Aviation Maintenance Technology; Clerical, General; Computer Information Science; Computer Technology; Construction Technology; Criminal Justice; Data Processing; Dental Assisting; Dental Hygiene; Drafting Technology; Early Childhood Education; E-Commerce; Electronics Technology; Environmental Technology; Food Service & Management; Graphic Design; Hospitality; Mechanics, Diesel; Medical Assistant; Nursing, Practical; Nursing, R.N.; Office Administration; Respiratory Therapy; Secretarial, General; Welding Technology

Oregon Business College - Real Estate School of Oregon

2300 Oakmont Way, Ste. 106, Eugene, OR 97401. Trade and Technical. Founded 1971. Contact: Patricia Berkeley, (541)484-0784, Fax: (541)484-4403. Private. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Varies with Program. Tuition: Varies. Enrollment: Total 218. Degrees awarded: Certificate, Diploma. Financial aid not available. Placement service not available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Insurance, General; Real Estate, Basic

Whitebird Clinic

341 E. 12th St., Eugene, OR 97401. Other. Founded 1970. Contact: Christel Thomas, Coord., (541)342-8255, 800-422-7558, Fax: (541)342-7987, E-mail: info@whitebirdclinic.org, Web Site: http://www.whitebirdclinic.org. Public. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Varies with Program. Tuition: Varies with program. Degrees awarded: Certificate. Financial aid available. Placement service not available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Community Aid; Drug Abuse Counseling; Drug & Alcohol Counseling


McCain Institutes

4315 Lower River Rd., Grants Pass, OR 97526. Trade and Technical, Other. Founded 1976. Contact: Neil McCain, (541)479-7855, E-mail: mccain@grantspass.com, Web Site: http://www.mccaininstitutes.com. Private. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Varies with Program. Tuition: $356, $89 depending on course. Enrollment: men 27, women 0. Degrees awarded: Certificate. Financial aid not available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities not available. Curriculum: Computer Aided Design; Construction Management; Electricity - Master Electrician; Energy Systems Technology; Estimating

Phagan's Grants Pass College of Beauty

304 Agness Ave., Ste. F., Grants Pass, OR 97526. Cosmetology, Barber. Founded 1992. Contact: Karen Dieckman, Pres./CEO, (541)479-6678, 800-352-0844, Fax: (541)479-8858, E-mail: g_pass@phagans-schools.com, Web Site: http://www.phagans-schools.com. Private. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Hour. Tuition: $3,720-$11,500 plus books and supplies. Enrollment: men 2, women 54. Degrees awarded: Certificate. Accreditation: NACCAS. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid not available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Barbering (1350 Hr); Cosmetology (850-2300Hr); Cosmetology Instructor; Facial Treatment (500 Hr); Hair Design (1700 Hr); Nail Technology (600 Hr)

Rogue Community College

3345 Redwood Hwy., Grants Pass, OR 97527. Two-Year College, Other. Founded 1971. Contact: Dr. Rick Levine, Pres., (541)956-7500, 800-411-6508, Fax: (541)471-3585, E-mail: helplink@roguecc.edu, Web Site: http://www.roguecc.edu/. Public. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Quarter. Tuition: $45 per credit. Enrollment: Total 4,500. Degrees awarded: Certificate, Associate. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Accounting & Business Administration; Administrative Assistant (1 Yr); Agricultural Science; Agri-Management; Architectural Technology; Art (2 Yr); Automotive Specialist (1 Yr); Automotive Technology (2 Yr); Biological Technology (2 Yr); Business (1 Yr); Business Administration (2 Yr); Cartography; Civil Engineering Technology; Computer Graphics; Computer Information Science; Computer Science (2 Yr); Construction Management (2 Yr); Construction Technology (1 Yr); Criminal Justice (2 Yr); Dental Hygiene; Diesel Technology (1-2 Yr); Dietetic Technology; Early Childhood Education (1-2 Yr); Economics & Business Administration; Electronics Technology (1-2 Yr); Emergency Medical Technology (1-2 Yr); Engineering (2 Yr); Finance (1 Yr); Fire Fighting (1 Yr); Fire Protection Technology (1 Yr); Fire Science (1-2 Yr); Forestry Technology (2 Yr); Geology; Health Care & Management; Health Technology; Hotel & Restaurant Management (2 Yr); Human Services (2 Yr); Industrial Technology (1-2 Yr); Juvenile Justice (1 Yr); Landscaping (1 Yr); Library Technology; Management (2 Yr); Manufacturing Technology (2 Yr); Marketing (1 Yr); Massage Therapy (1 Yr); Mathematics (2 Yr); Mechanical Engineering (1 Yr); Medical Office Management (1 Yr); Medical Technology (1 Yr); Meteorology (1 Yr); Nursing, Practical (1 Yr); Nursing, R.N. (2 Yr); Paramedic (1-2 Yr); Physical Education (2 Yr); Recreation Technology (2 Yr); Respiratory Therapy (2 Yr); Social Work Technology (2 Yr); Technological Studies (1 Yr); Textile Technology; Tourism (2 Yr)


Mt. Hood Community College

26000 S.E. Stark St., Gresham, OR 97030. Two-Year College. Founded 1966. Contact: Dr. Robert M. Silverman, Pres., (503)491-6422, Fax: (503)491-7388, E-mail: robert.silverman@mhcc.edu, Web Site: http://www.mhcc.edu. Public. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Quarter. Tuition: $2,200 in-state; $7,100 out-of-state. Enrollment: Total 3,170. Degrees awarded: Certificate, Associate. Accreditation: NATEF; JRCRTE; ABFSE; ADA; AOTA; CAAHEP; FAA; ARCEST; CAPTE. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Accounting, Clerical (1 Yr); Accounting, Specialist (2 Yr); Aircraft Flight Instruction (2 Yr); Architectural Design Technology (1 Yr); Automotive Technology (2 Yr); Business Education (2 Yr); Business Management (2 Yr); Civil Engineering Technology (2 Yr); Computer Technology (2 Yr); Cosmetology (2 Yr); Dental Hygiene (2 Yr); Drafting, Electro-Mechanical (2 Yr); Early Childhood Education (2 Yr); Electronics Technology (1 Yr); Engineering Technology, Electronic (2 Yr); Fire Science (1 Yr); Fisheries (2 Yr); Floristry (2 Yr); Food Processing Technology (2 Yr); Forestry Technology (2 Yr); Funeral Service Education (2 Yr); Graphic Arts (1 Yr); Graphic Design (2 Yr); Horticulture, Ornamental (2 Yr); Hospitality (2 Yr); Import - Export (2 Yr); Industrial Technology (2 Yr); Journalism (2 Yr); Machine Shop (2 Yr); Medical Assistant (2 Yr); Mental Health Technology (2 Yr); Nursing, Vocational (2 Yr); Occupational Therapy Assistant (2 Yr); Physical Therapy Aide (2 Yr); Radio (2 Yr); Receptionist (1 Yr); Respiratory Therapy (2 Yr); Retail Management (2 Yr); Safety Technology (2 Yr); Secretarial, Executive (2 Yr); Secretarial, Legal (2 Yr); Secretarial, Medical (2 Yr); Small Business Management (2 Yr); Surgical Technology (2 Yr); Technician, Industrial Service (2 Yr); Television (2 Yr); Tourism (2 Yr); Welding Technology (1 Yr); Word Processing (2 Yr)


Academy of Interior Decorating

233 SE 6th Ave., Hillsboro, OR 97123. Other. Founded 1979. Contact: Kathie Copple, (503)648-7991, Fax: (503)648-7999, Web Site: http://www.academyofdecorating.com. Private. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing available. Term: Other. Tuition: 3,800. Enrollment: Total 10. Degrees awarded: Certificate. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities not available. Curriculum: Interior Decoration (9 Wk)


College of Cosmetology

357 E. Main St., Klamath Falls, OR 97601. Cosmetology. Founded 1965. Contact: Roni Lankford, General Manager, (541)882-6644, (541)850-5215, Fax: (541)888-6645, E-mail: roni@collegeofcos.com, admissions@collegeofcos.com, Web Site: http://collegeofcos.com; Tony and Fronda Harris, Owners. Private. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Hour. Tuition: Varies depending on program: $2,505-$11,163 plus books and supplies. Enrollment: men 0, women 21. Degrees awarded: Certificate. Accreditation: NACCAS. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Curriculum: Barbering (1350 Hr); Cosmetology (2300 Hr); Cosmetology Instructor (1000 Hr); Facial Treatment (500 Hr); Hair Styling (1700 Hr); Manicurist (600 Hr)

Oregon Institute of Technology

3201 Campus Dr., Klamath Falls, OR 97601. Trade and Technical. Founded 1947. Contact: Palmer Muntz, Dir. of Admissions, (541)885-1150, (541)885-1000, 800-422-2017, Fax: (541)885-1115, E-mail: oit@oit.edu, Web Site: http://www.oit.edu. Public. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing available. Term: Quarter. Tuition: $4,974 in-state; $15,075 out-of-state. Enrollment: Total 1,981. Degrees awarded: Associate, Diploma. Accreditation: ABET; CAAHEP; ADA; JRCERT; NLNAC; NWCCU. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Dental Hygiene (4 Yr); Electronics Technology (2-4 Yr); Engineering Technology, Computer (2-4 Yr); Office Technology (2 Yr)

Shasta Travel School

Shasta Square, Ste. 1, 2710 Washburn Way, y, Klamath Falls, OR 97603. Trade and Technical. Founded 1980. Contact: Lynan Baghott, (541)883-3451, 800-432-3451, E-mail: www.shastatravel@aol.com. Private. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Quarter. Tuition: $2,995. Enrollment: men 3, women 17. Degrees awarded: Certificate. Financial aid not available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Airline & Travel Careers (3.5 Mo); Travel Agents (3.5 Mo); Travel & Tourism (3.5 Mo)


Franklin Institute of Sales

1058 Hemlock St., Lake Oswego, OR 97034. Business. Founded 1963. Contact: Palmer Smith, (503)699-9211, 877-361-9778, Fax: (503)534-0926. Private. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Varies with Program. Tuition: $1,485-$7,645; individual modular courses are available for $500. Degrees awarded: Diploma. Financial aid not available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities not available. Curriculum: Career Development; Management Development; Salesmanship

Northwest Nannies Institute

11830 SW Kerr Pkwy., Ste. 100, Lake Oswego, OR 97035. Trade and Technical. Founded 1984. Contact: Linda Roffe, (503)245-5288, Fax: (503)245-7617, E-mail: info@nwnanny.com, Web Site: http://www.nwnanny.com. Private. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing available. Term: Semester. Tuition: $4,830. Degrees awarded: Certificate. Accreditation: ACCET. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities not available. Curriculum: Child Care - Nanny (30 Wk)


Abdill Career College

843 E. Main St., Ste. 203, Medford, OR 97504. Other. Founded 1980. Contact: Ki, Owner/Director, (541)779-8384, 800-866-9017, Fax: (541)779-7645, E-mail: info@abdill.com, Web Site: http://www.abdill.com. Private. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Varies with Program. Tuition: $2,410 real estate broker training; $95 per credit hour other courses. Enrollment: Total 50. Degrees awarded: Certificate. Accreditation: ACCSCT. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Accounting, Clerical (25 Wk); Bookkeeping (25 Wk); Clerical, General (20 Wk); Dental Assisting (30 Wk); Legal Assistant (25 Wk); Medical Assistant (30 Wk); Medical Office Management (30 Wk); Medical Technology Phlebotomy (20 Wk); Medical Transcription (30 Wk)

Phagan's Medford Beauty School

2320 Poplar Dr., Medford, OR 97504-5297. Cosmetology. Founded 1953. Contact: Karen Dieckman, Pres./CEO, (541)772-6155, Fax: (541)779-4365, E-mail: medford@phagans-schools.com, Web Site: http://www.phagansschools.com. Private. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Hour. Tuition: $3,720-$11,500 plus books and supplies. Enrollment: men 4, women 68. Degrees awarded: Diploma. Accreditation: NACCAS. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service not available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Barbering (1350 Hr); Cosmetology (850-2300Hr); Cosmetology Instructor; Facial Treatment (500 Hr); Hair Design (1700 Hr); Nail Technology (600 Hr)


Northwest College of Hair Design, Milwaukie Campus

6128 SE King Rd., Milwaukie, OR 97222. Cosmetology. Founded 1976. Contact: Cheryl White, (503)659-2834, Fax: (503)659-6743, Web Site: http://www.nwchd.com. Private. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Hour. Tuition: $3,000-$11,500. Enrollment: Total 67. Degrees awarded: Certificate. Accreditation: NACCAS; NWCCU. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Barbering (1350 Hr); Cosmetology Instructor (1000 Hr); Facial Treatment (500 Hr); Hair Styling (1700 Hr); Manicurist (600 Hr)

Phagans' School of Hair Design (Milwaukie)

16550 SE McLoughlin Blvd., Milwaukie, OR 97267. Cosmetology. Founded 1955. Contact: Barbara Climaldi, (503)652-2668, Fax: (503)652-2786, E-mail: info@phagans.com, Web Site: http://www.phagans.com; Web Site: http://www.phagans.com/contact.html. Public. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Hour. Tuition: $4,200-$13,000 plus books and supplies. Enrollment: men 2, women 70. Degrees awarded: Diploma. Accreditation: NACCAS. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Barbering (1350 Hr); Cosmetology (1950-2300H); Esthetician (500 Hr); Hair Design (1700 Hr); Nail Technology (600 Hr)


Phagans' Newport Academy of Cosmetology Careers

158 East Olive, Newport, OR 97365. Barber, Cosmetology. Founded 1996. Contact: Karen Dieckman, Pres./CEO, (541)265-3083, Fax: (541)265-9147, E-mail: newport@phagans-schools.com, Web Site: http://www.phagansschools.com. Private. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Hour. Tuition: $3,720-$11,500 plus books and supplies. Enrollment: men 1, women 28. Degrees awarded: Diploma. Accreditation: NACCAS. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service not available. Handicapped facilities not available. Curriculum: Barbering (1350 Hr); Cosmetology (850-2300Hr); Cosmetology Instructor; Facial Treatment (500 Hr); Hair Design (1700 Hr); Nail Technology (600 Hr)


South Coast Center for Professional Studies

3219 Broadway, North Bend, OR 97459. Other.(541)756-0426, Fax: (541)756-6896. Private. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Hour. Tuition: $8-$500 per course. Enrollment: Total 30. Degrees awarded: Certificate. Financial aid not available. Placement service available. Curriculum: Insurance, Fire & Casualty (40 Hr); Insurance, General (8 Hr); Insurance, Life & Disability (30 Hr); Real Estate, Basic (30 Hr); Real Estate Broker (30 Hr); Real Estate Sales License (30 Hr)


Treasure Valley Community College

650 College Blvd., Ontario, OR 97914. Two-Year College. Founded 1961. Contact: Cathy Yasuda, Dir. of Admissions, (541)881-8822, Fax: (541)881-2721, E-mail: cyasuda@tucc.cc, Web Site: http://www.tvcc.cc. Public. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing available. Term: Quarter. Tuition: $975/quarter (15-20 credits), $65/credit resident; $1,125/quarter, $75/credit out-of-state; $1,800/quarter, $120/credit. Enrollment: Total 1,962. Degrees awarded: Certificate, Associate, Diploma. Accreditation: NWCCU. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Agriculture - Production; Agri-Engineering & Mechanics; Agri-Management; Business Management; Computer Networking; Correctional Science; Drafting Technology; Early Childhood Education; Forestry Technology (2 Yr); Law Enforcement; Nursing, Vocational; Office Technology; Ranch & Farm Management; Teacher Assistant; Welding Technology


Clackamas Community College

19600 S. Mololla Ave., Oregon City, OR 97045. Two-Year College. Founded 1966. Contact: Dian Connett, VP Student Services, (503)657-6958, Fax: (503)655-5153, Web Site: http://www.clackamas.edu; Web Site: http://www.clackamas.edu/contact/admiss.asp. Public. Coed. HS diploma not required. Term: Quarter. Tuition: $56/credit hour resident; $194/credit hour out-of-state and international; $4 credit hour fees. Enrollment: Total 2,852. Degrees awarded: Certificate, Associate. Accreditation: FAA; NWCCU. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Accounting, General; Art; Auto Body & Fender Repair; Auto Mechanics; Auto Painting; Auto Parts Management; Business Administration; Criminal Justice; Dental Hygiene; Drafting Technology; Electronics Technology; Emergency Medical Technology; English As A Second Language; Geriatric Care; High School Diploma; Horticulture, Ornamental; Hydraulic Technology; Industrial Technology; Law Enforcement; Machine Shop; Manufacturing Technology; Medical Assistant; Medical Receptionist; Merchandising; Music; Nurse, Assistant; Nursing, Practical; Nursing, R.N.; Office Administration; Office, General; Personnel Management; Real Estate, Basic; Water & Waste Water Pollution Technology


Blue Mountain Community College

2411 NW Carden Ave., Pendleton, OR 97801. Two-Year College. Founded 1962. Contact: Valerie Fouquette, Senior Dir., (541)276-1260, (541)278-5759, Fax: (541)278-5885, E-mail: vfouquette@bluecc.edu, onlineinquiry@bluecc.edu, Web Site: http://www.bluecc.edu. Public. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Quarter. Tuition: $28/credit in-state; $116/credit out-of-state/international. Enrollment: Total 803. Degrees awarded: Certificate, Associate. Accreditation: ABET; NWCCU. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Accounting, General; Administrative Assistant (2 Yr); Agribusiness; Agriculture, General; Agriculture - Production; Auto Mechanics; Civil Engineering Technology; Criminal Justice (2 Yr); Dental Assisting; Drafting Technology; Engineering Technology, Electronic; Heavy Equipment; Human Services; Industrial Maintenance (2 Yr); Marketing; Medical Assistant (2 Yr); Medical Receptionist (1 Yr); Nursing, Practical; Nursing, R.N. (2 Yr); Office, General (1 Yr)

Pendleton College of Hair Design

326 S. Main St., Pendleton, OR 97801. Cosmetology. Founded 1962. Contact: Terrie Leen, Director, Owner, (541)276-0328, Fax: (503)276-0328. Private. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Hour. Tuition: $270 monthly (equipment costs and fees, not included). Enrollment: Total 20. Degrees awarded: Certificate. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid not available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Barbering (1350 Hr); Cosmetology (2300 Hr); Facial Treatment (500 Hr); Hair Styling (1700 Hr); Manicurist (600 Hr)


American Jeweler's Institute

1206 SE 11th Ave., Portland, OR 97214-3601. Trade and Technical. Founded 1987. Contact: James Clark, (503)255-4517, Fax: (866)848-7162, E-mail: ajiinfo@comcast.net, Web Site: http://www.jewelersacademy.com. Private. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Quarter. Tuition: $7,606 includes: $2,106 for tools, books and supplies. Enrollment: men 9, women 5. Degrees awarded: Diploma. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid not available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Jewelry Design - Repair & Stone Setting (4 Mo)

Apollo College of Medical and Dental Careers

2004 Lloyd Center, 3rd Floor, Portland, OR 97232. Allied Medical. Founded 1985. Contact: Micaela Sieracki, Exec.Dir., (503)761-6100, 800-368-7246, Fax: (503)761-3351, E-mail: msieracki@apollocollege.edu, Web Site: http://apollocollege.edu. Private. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Varies with Program. Tuition: Varies. Degrees awarded: Diploma. Accreditation: AAMAE; ABHES; AOTA; CAAHEP; JRCERT; COE; AMTA; CARC. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Administrative Assistant (9 Mo); Dental Assisting (9 Mo); Medical Assistant (9 Mo); Medical Insurance Specialist (9 Mo); Pharmacy Technician (9 Mo); Veterinary Assistant (9 Mo); X-Ray Technology (160 Hr)

Art Institute of Portland

1122 NW Davis St., Portland, OR 97209. Art, Trade and Technical. Founded 1963. Contact: Steven Goldman, Pres., (503)228-6528, 888-228-6528, Fax: (503)228-4227, E-mail: goldmans@aii.edu, aipdadm@aii.edu, Web Site: http://www.aii.edu; Web Site: http://www.artinstitutes.edu/getinfo.asp. Private. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing available. Term: Quarter. Tuition: $41,790 - $71,640 per year. Enrollment: Total 1,534. Degrees awarded: Associate, Diploma. Accreditation: NWCCU. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Advertising (12 Qt); Computer Programming, Games (12 Qt); Fashion Design & Illustration (7 or 12 Qt); Graphic Design (7 Qt); Interior Design (7 Qt); Multimedia Design (7 or 12 Qt)

Australasian College of Health Sciences

5940 S.W. Hood Ave., Portland, OR 97239-3719. Correspondence. Founded 1978. Contact: Dorene Petersen, (503)244-0726, 800-487-8839, Fax: (503)244-0727, E-mail: achs@achs.edu, Web Site: http://www.achs.edu; Web Site: http://www.achs.edu/forms/contactus.aspx?id=9. Private. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Varies with Program. Tuition: Varies with program. Degrees awarded: Certificate, Diploma. Accreditation: DETC. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Aroma Therapy; Holistic Health; Homeopathic Medicine

Beau Monde College of Hair Design

1221 SW 12th Ave., Portland, OR 97205. Barber, Cosmetology. Founded 1960. Contact: Ona Aliaj, Admissions, (503)226-1427, (503)241-2823, 888-212-7355, Fax: (503)226-6512, E-mail: beaumondeadmission@juno.com, Web Site: http://www.beaumondecollege.com; Robert Peterson, Web Site: http://www.beaumondecollege.com/cms/index.php?option=com_contact. Private. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Varies with Program. Tuition: $9,410-$17,640 plus books and supplies. Enrollment: men 24, women 161. Degrees awarded: Certificate. Accreditation: NACCAS. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service not available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Barbering (1350 Hr); Cosmetology Instructor (1000 Hr); Facial Treatment (500 Hr); Hair Styling (1700 Hr); Nail Technology (600 Hr)

Century 21 Peninsula School of Real Estate

6110 N. Lombard, Portland, OR 97203-4122. Other. Founded 1976. Contact: Stephanie Holmes, (503)286-5826, Fax: (503)283-6300, E-mail: stephanieh@century21peninsula.com, Web Site: http://century21peninsula.com. Public. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Varies with Program. Tuition: $495. Enrollment: Total 20. Degrees awarded: Certificate. Financial aid not available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Real Estate Sales License (150 Hr)

College of Legal Arts

8909 SW Barbur Blvd., Ste. 100, Portland, OR 97219. Trade and Technical. Founded 1974. Contact: Bill Ellis, Pres., (503)223-5100, 800-342-3465, Fax: (503)273-8093, Web Site: http://collegeoflegalarts.com; Web Site: http://www.collegeoflegalarts.com/info_request_form.htm. Private. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Hour. Tuition: $5,600-$8,200 plus books and supplies. Enrollment: men 22, women 124. Degrees awarded: Diploma. Accreditation: ACICS; NCRA. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Correctional Science (480 Hr); Court Reporting (2700 Hr); Medical Transcription (610 Hr); Paralegal (480 Hr)

ConCorde Career Institute

1425 NE Irving St., Ste. 300, Portland, OR 97213. Allied Medical, Trade and Technical. Founded 1966. Contact: Cary Kaplan, Dir. of Admissions, (503)281-4181, 800-464-1212, Fax: (503)281-6739, E-mail: info@concordecareercolleges.com, Web Site: http://www.concordecareercolleges.com/portland; R. Bontrager, Webmaster, E-mail: rbontrager@concordecareercolleges.com, Web Site: http://www.concordecareercolleges.com/contact.asp. Public. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Week. Tuition: $9,165-$10,831; $1,044 books and supplies. Enrollment: men 46, women 384. Degrees awarded: Diploma, Certificate. Accreditation: ACCSCT; ADA; CAAHEP. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Dental Assisting (33-37 Wk); Massage Therapy (33-37 Wk); Medical Assistant (38-46 Wk); Surgical Technology (49 Wk)

East-West College of the Healing Arts

4531 SE Belmont St., Portland, OR 97215. Trade and Technical. Founded 1972. Contact: Anna Lewis, Dean of Admissions, (503)231-1500, (503)297-3800, 800-635-9141, Fax: (503)232-4087, E-mail: jtellez@eastwestcollege.com, info@ewcha.com, Web Site: http://www.eastwestcollege.com. Private. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Quarter. Tuition: $8,760-$11,694 ($15/clock hour); $300 books; $150 fee; various additional fees and costs. Enrollment: Total 539. Degrees awarded: Certificate, Diploma. Accreditation: ACAOM; COMTA. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Curriculum: Massage Therapy (600-801 Hr)

Elliott Bookkeeping School and Placement Service

1225 NW Murray Rd., No. 112, Portland, OR 97229. Correspondence, Trade and Technical. Founded 1983. Contact: Diane Sandefur, Dir., (503)644-6451, 800-733-6451, Fax: (503)644-8679, E-mail: ebs1983@teleport.com, Web Site: http://www.elliottbookkeepingsch.com. Private. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Trisemester. Tuition: $695. Enrollment: men 25, women 100. Degrees awarded: Certificate. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Book-keeping

ELS Language Centers - Portland

Concordia University, Portland, 2811 NE Holman St, Centennial Hall Rm 3, Portland, OR 97211-6099. Other. Founded 1961. Contact: Nicole Bennett, Center Dir., (503)280-8552, Fax: (503)280-8553, E-mail: por@els.edu, Web Site: http://www.els.com. Private. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing available. Term: Month. Tuition: $1,395 intensive; $1,045 semi-intensive. Degrees awarded: Certificate. Accreditation: ACCET. Financial aid not available. Placement service not available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: English As A Second Language (3-4 Wk)

Everest College

425 SW Washington St., Portland, OR 97204. Two-Year College, Business. Founded 1955.(503)222-3225, 888-741-4270, Fax: (503)228-6926, E-mail: info@everest-college.com, Web Site: http://www.everest-college.com. Private. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Month. Tuition: $11,808; $1,300 books and supplies. Enrollment: Total 995. Degrees awarded: Certificate, Associate. Accreditation: ACICS. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Accounting & Business Administration; Accounting, General; Administrative Assistant; Automation Technology; Bookkeeping; Computer Applications; Criminal Justice; Executive Assistant; Legal Assistant; Medical Administrative Assistant; Medical Insurance Specialist; Paralegal; Pharmacy Technician; Travel & Tourism

Floral Design Institute, Inc.

1500 NW 18th Ave., Ste. 109, Portland, OR 97209. Trade and Technical. Contact: Leanne Kesler, Dir., (503)223-8089, 800-819-8089, Fax: (503)274-0184, E-mail: leanne@floraldesigninstitute.com, question@floraldesigninstitute.com, Web Site: http://www.floraldesigninstitute.com. Private. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing available. Term: Other. Tuition: $750-$1,950. Enrollment: Total 18. Degrees awarded: Certificate. Financial aid not available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Floristry (40-120 Hr)

H & R Block Basic Income Tax Course

2700 NE Sandy Blvd., Portland, OR 97232. Business. Contact: Jean Corwine, Admin.Mgr., (503)230-0946, 800-HRB-LOCK, Fax: (503)236-5416, Web Site: http://www.hrblock.com. Private. Coed. HS diploma required. Housing not available. Tuition: $199. Degrees awarded: Certificate. Financial aid not available. Placement service not available. Curriculum: Income Tax Preparation (11 Wk)

Heald College

625 SW Broadway, 4th Fl., Portland, OR 97205-3408. Trade and Technical, Two-Year College. Founded 1996. Contact: Nina Kamatani, (503)229-0492, 800-884-3253, Fax: (503)229-0498, E-mail: nina_kamatani@heald.edu, Web Site: http://www.heald.edu; Web Site: http://www.heald.edu/information_request.htm. Private. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Quarter. Tuition: $9,940; $1,200 books and supplies. Enrollment: Total 267. Degrees awarded: Associate, Certificate, Diploma. Accreditation: WASC. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Computer Applications; Computer Networking; Computer Technology

ITT Technical Institute

6035 NE 78th Court, Portland, OR 97218-2852. Trade and Technical. Founded 1971. Contact: Mary Packard, Program Chair, (503)255-6500, 800-234-5488, Web Site: http://www.itt-tech.edu; Web Site: http://www.itttech.edu/contact/form.cfm. Private. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Quarter. Tuition: $14,196 per year. Enrollment: Total 619. Degrees awarded: Associate. Accreditation: ACICS. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Automation Technology (96 Credits); Business Administration (96 Credits); Computer Aided Drafting & Design (96 Credits); Computer Networking (96 Credits); Computer Programming, Games (96 Credits); Criminal Justice (96 Credits); Data Processing - Programming Operations (96 Credits); Electrical Engineering Technology (96 Credits); Industrial Engineering Technology (96 Credits); Information Systems (96 Credits); Management (96 Credits); Multimedia Design (96 Credits)

Northwest Technical Institute

8535 SE Powell Blvd., Portland, OR 97266-2042. Trade and Technical. Founded 1989. Contact: Nora Earle, (503)771-1166, 800-356-7051, Fax: (503)771-0429, E-mail: nwtech@nwtech.org, Web Site: http://www.nwtech.org. Private. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing available. Term: Other. Tuition: Varies. Enrollment: Total 50. Degrees awarded: Certificate. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Construction Management (5 Mo); Estimating (5 Mo); Management (8-15 Mo)

Oregon Health Sciences University

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd., Portland, OR 97201. Allied Medical. Founded 1887. Contact: Cherie Honnell, Dir., (503)494-7800, 800-775-5460, Fax: (503)494-4629, Web Site: http://www.ohsu.edu. Public. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing available. Term: Quarter. Tuition: Varies by program. Enrollment: men 652, women 1,160. Degrees awarded: Certificate, Diploma. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Dietetic Technology (10 Mo); Drug & Alcohol Counseling (9 Mo); Nuclear Medical Technology (12 Mo); Paramedic (12 Mo); Radiologic Technology (24 Mo)

Oregon School of Massage

9500 SW Barbur Blvd., Ste. 100, Portland, OR 97219-5425. Other. Founded 1984. Contact: Susan Braithwaite, (503)244-3420, 800-844-3420, Fax: (503)244-1815, E-mail: sb@oregonschoolofmassage.com, osm@oregonschoolofmassage.com, Web Site: http://www.oregonschoolofmassage.com. Private. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Quarter. Tuition: $8,100. Enrollment: Total 300. Degrees awarded: Certificate. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid not available. Placement service not available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Massage Therapy (555 Hr)

Phagans' School of Hair Design (Portland)

1542 NE Weidler Ave., Portland, OR 97232. Cosmetology, Barber. Founded 1975. Contact: Barbara Climaldi, (503)239-0838, Fax: (503)239-0864, E-mail: info@phagans.com, Web Site: http://www.phagans.com. Public. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Hour. Tuition: $6,500-$14,870 plus books and supplies. Enrollment: men 7, women 120. Degrees awarded: Certificate. Accreditation: NACCAS. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Barbering (1350 Hr); Cosmetology (1950-2300H); Esthetician (500 Hr); Hair Design (1700 Hr); Nail Technology (600 Hr)

Portland Community College

12000 SW 49th Ave., Portland, OR 97219. Two-Year College. Founded 1961. Contact: Preston Pulliams, Pres., (503)244-6111, (866)922-1010, Fax: (503)977-4960, E-mail: ppulliam@pcc.edu, Web Site: http://www.pcc.edu. Public. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Quarter. Tuition: $2,970 in-state; $8,730 out-of-state. Enrollment: Total 7,945. Degrees awarded: Certificate, Associate. Accreditation: NWCCU. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Accounting, General; Agribusiness Technology; Agriculture, General; Auto Body & Fender Repair; Auto Mechanics; Aviation Maintenance Technology; Banking & Finance; Business Administration; Child Care & Guidance; Civil Engineering Technology; Commercial Art; Computer Information Science; Computer Programming; Computer Servicing - Theory & Systems; Construction Technology; Culinary Arts; Dental Assisting; Dental Hygiene; Dental Laboratory Technology; Dietetic Technology; Drafting Technology; Drug & Alcohol Counseling; Electronics Technology; Emergency Medical Technology; Engineering Technology, Electronic; Engineering Technology, Mechanical; Fire Science; Graphic Arts; Hotel & Motel Management; Jewelry Design - Repair & Stone Setting; Landscaping; Law Enforcement; Legal Assistant; Management; Mechanical Technology; Mechanics, Diesel; Medical Laboratory Technology; Merchandising, Sales; Music; Nursing, R.N.; Paramedic; Radiologic Technology; Real Estate, Basic; Restaurant Operations; Secretarial, Administrative; Secretarial, Legal; Telecommunications Technology; Veterinary Technology; Video Production; Welding Technology; Word Processing; Writing, Technical


10140 SE Washington St., No. B, Portland, OR 97216-2426. Trade and Technical. Founded 1945. Contact: Jeff Wiles, (503)297-1344, Fax: (503)256-9682, Web Site: http://proschools.com. Private. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Varies with Program. Tuition: Varies. Degrees awarded: Certificate. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid not available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Insurance, Fire & Casualty (32 Hr); Insurance, General; Insurance Law (4 Hr); Insurance, Life & Disability (16 Hr); Real Estate Broker (30 Hr); Real Estate Sales License (60 Hr)

Western Culinary Institute

921 S.W. Morrison St., Ste. 400, Portland, OR 97205. Trade and Technical. Founded 1983. Contact: Wendy Bennett, VP of Academic Affairs, (503)223-2245, 888-891-6222, Fax: (503)223-5554, E-mail: jcarnel@wci.edu, Web Site: http://www.wci.edu/; Kevin Monti, Dean, Web Site: http://contact.wci.edu/. Public. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Varies with Program. Tuition: $38,900 Culinary Arts; $29,700 Hosp & Rest Mng; $29,600 Patisseri & Baking (Degree); $21,600 Patisseri & Baking (Cert). Enrollment: Total 1,285. Degrees awarded: Associate, Certificate. Accreditation: ACCSCT; ACF. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Baking (36-51 Wk); Culinary Arts (1660 Hr); Hospitality (57 Wk); Restaurant Operations (57 Wk)

Western Pacific Truck School

10643 NE Simpson St., Portland, OR 97220-1223. Trade and Technical. Founded 1977. Contact: Willy Erikson, (503)788-0203, 800-333-1233, Fax: (503)788-2608, E-mail: westernpacific@msn.com, nordic@wptruckschool.net, Web Site: http://www.wptruckschool.com; Web Site: http://www.wptruckschool.com/info.htm. Private. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Hour. Tuition: $4,295, plus books and supplies. Enrollment: men 200, women 50. Degrees awarded: Diploma. Accreditation: ACCSCT. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities not available. Curriculum: Truck Driving (40-160 Hr)


Roseburg Beauty College

700 SE Stephens St., Roseburg, OR 97470. Cosmetology. Founded 1959. Contact: Kathy Pruitt, (541)673-5533, Fax: (541)673-0119, E-mail: rbeautyc@mcsi.net. Private. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Hour. Tuition: $3,400-$11,255 plus books and supplies. Enrollment: men 1, women 36. Degrees awarded: Diploma. Accreditation: NACCAS. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service not available. Handicapped facilities not available. Curriculum: Cosmetology (2300 Hr); Facial Treatment (500 Hr); Hair Styling (1700 Hr); Hair Styling, Advanced (2050 Hr); Manicurist (600 Hr)

Umpqua Community College

PO Box 967, Roseburg, OR 97470. Two-Year College. Founded 1964. Contact: Joyce Kelly, (541)440-4600, 800-820-5161, Fax: (541)440-4612. Public. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Quarter. Tuition: $55 per credit, resident; $155 per credit, nonresident. Enrollment: men 1,345, women 1,926. Degrees awarded: Certificate, Associate. Accreditation: NLNAC. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Accounting Technology (2 Yr); Administrative Assistant (2 Yr); Agriculture - Production; Automotive Technology (2 Yr); Auto Parts Specialist (1 Yr); Aviation Technology (1 Yr); Business Technology (2 Yr); Civil Engineering Technology (2 Yr); Clerical, General (1 Yr); Computer Information Systems (2 Yr); Construction Technology (1 Yr);

Criminal Justice (2 Yr); Culinary Arts (1 Yr); Desktop Publishing (2 Yr); Digital Program Design (2 Yr); Early Childhood Education (2 Yr); Fire Science (2 Yr); General Studies (2 Yr); Industrial Technology (2 Yr); Instructional Aide (1 Yr); Journalism (1 Yr); Juvenile Justice (1 Yr); Legal Assistant (2 Yr); Marketing (2 Yr); Medical Administrative Assistant (2 Yr); Medical Assistant (1 Yr); Nursing, Practical (1 Yr); Nursing, R.N. (2 Yr); Occupational Services (1 Yr); Paramedic (2 Yr); Police Science (2 Yr); Retail (1 Yr); Small Business Management; Truck Driving (12 Wk); Welding Technology (1 Yr)


Academy of Hair Design, Inc.

305 Court St. NE, Salem, OR 97301. Cosmetology. Founded 1967. Contact: Gene D. or Mike Snook, (503)585-8122, Fax: (503)585-0243, E-mail: mikedale11@aol.com. Private. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Hour. Tuition: $4,455-$11,445 plus books and supplies. Enrollment: men 9, women 54. Degrees awarded: Diploma. Accreditation: NACCAS. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities not available. Curriculum: Barbering (1350 Hr); Cosmetology (1950-2300H); Facial Treatment; Hair Styling (1700 Hr); Manicurist (600 Hr)

Academy of Legal Investigators

3303 Ward Ct. NE, Salem, OR 97305. Trade and Technical. Founded 1986. Contact: John R. Rose, Owner/Dir., (503)393-8488, 800-842-7421, Fax: (503)393-0106, E-mail: alioregon@aol.com, Web Site: http://www.investigatoracademy.com/; Web Site: http://www.investigatoracademy.com/contact_us.php. Private. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing available. Term: Week. Tuition: $2,500 for individual tuitoring. Enrollment: Total 10. Degrees awarded: Certificate. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid not available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities not available. Curriculum: Investigation (140Hr/6Wk)

Bea's Floral Design & School

750 117th St. NE, Salem, OR 97301. Other. Founded 1985. Contact: Bea King, (503)873-2452, Fax: (503)873-3809. Private. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Quarter. Tuition: $995. Enrollment: Total 15. Degrees awarded: Certificate. Financial aid not available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities not available. Curriculum: Floristry (2-10 Wk)

Chemeketa Community College

4000 Lancaster Dr. NE, PO Box 14007, Salem, OR 97305. Two-Year College. Founded 1969. Contact: Jill Ward, Dir. of Counseling Center, (503)399-5120, (503)399-5000, 800-399-5214, E-mail: ward@chemeketa.edu, Web Site: http://www.chemeketa.edu. Public. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Quarter. Tuition: $58/credit hr. in-state; $199/credit hr. out-of-state; $199/credit hr. international. Enrollment: Total 3,647. Degrees awarded: Certificate, Associate. Accreditation: CAAHEP; NLNAC; NWCCU. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Accounting, General (2 Yr); Automotive Technology (2 Yr); Building Inspection Technology (1 Yr); Business Management (2 Yr); Business Technology; Civil Engineering Technology (2 Yr); Computer Aided Design (2 Yr); Computer Aided Manufacturing (2 Yr); Computer Networking (2 Yr); Computer Programming (2 Yr); Criminal Justice (2 Yr); Dental Assisting (1 Yr); Drafting Technology (2 Yr); Drug & Alcohol Counseling (2 Yr); Early Childhood Education (1 Yr); Electronic Engineering Technology (2 Yr); Emergency Medical Technology (2 Yr); Fire Fighting (2 Yr); Fire Protection Technology (2 Yr); Forestry Technology (2 Yr); Health Care & Management (1 Yr); Health Occupations (1 Yr); High School Diploma; Hospitality (1 Yr); Human Services (2 Yr); Industrial Technology (2 Yr); Medical Assistant (1 Yr); Nursing, Practical (1 Yr); Nursing, R.N. (2 Yr); Office, General; Secretarial, Engineering (2 Yr); Secretarial, Medical (2 Yr); Tourism (1 Yr); Visual Communications (2 Yr); Welding, Arc & Gas (2 Yr); Welding, Pipe (2 Yr); Welding Technology (2 Yr)

College of Hair Design Careers

1684 Clay St. N.E., Salem, OR 97301. Cosmetology. Founded 1983. Contact: Cindy Long, (503)588-5888, Fax: (503)588-1005, E-mail: info@collegeofhairdesigncareers.com, Web Site: http://collegeofhairdesigncareers.com. Private. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Hour. Tuition: $3,550-$10,925 plus books and supplies. Enrollment: men 3, women 62. Degrees awarded: Diploma. Accreditation: NACCAS. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Cosmetology (850-2300Hr); Cosmetology Instructor (1000 Hr); Esthetician (500 Hr); Hair Styling (1700 Hr); Nail Technology (600 Hr)

Phagan's School of Beauty

622 Lancaster Dr. NE, Salem, OR 97301. Cosmetology, Barber. Founded 1957. Contact: Karen Dieckman, Pres./CEO, (503)363-6800, Fax: (503)363-5097, E-mail: salem@phagans-schools.com, Web Site: http://www.phagans-schools.com. Private. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Hour. Tuition: $3,720-$11,500 plus books and supplies. Enrollment: men 12, women 43. Degrees awarded: Certificate. Accreditation: NACCAS. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service not available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Barbering (1350 Hr); Cosmetology (850-2300Hr); Cosmetology Instructor; Facial Treatment (500 Hr); Hair Design (1700 Hr); Nail Technology (600 Hr)

Proschools, Inc.

1822 Lancaster Dr., NE, Salem, OR 97305. Trade and Technical, Correspondence. Founded 1958. Contact: Robert L. Countryman, (503)371-4471, Fax: (503)371-4481, E-mail: service@proschools.com, Web Site: http://www.proschools.com. Private. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Hour. Tuition: Varies with course. Enrollment: Total 130. Degrees awarded: Certificate. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid not available. Placement service not available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Insurance, General (8-90 Hr); Real Estate Sales License

Western Baptist College

5000 Deer Park Dr., SE, Salem, OR 97301. Other. Founded 1935. Contact: Marty Ziesemer, Dean of Enrollment Management, (503)375-7005, (503)375-7034, 800-845-3005, Fax: (503)585-4316, E-mail: admissions@corban.edu, information@corban.edu, Web Site: http://www.wbc.edu. Private. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing available. Term: Semester. Tuition: $18,044/year (12-17 credits); $6,434 room and board. Enrollment: Total 610. Degrees awarded: Associate. Accreditation: NWCCU. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Business Management (2 Yr)


Eagles Vision Institute of R/E

4034 Main St., Springfield, OR 97478-6456. Trade and Technical. Founded 1995. Contact: Rawlin Westover, Dir., (541)741-5991, Fax: (541)747-9964, E-mail: westover21@aol.com. Private. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Varies with Program. Tuition: $495. Enrollment: Total 30. Degrees awarded: Certificate. Financial aid not available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities not available. Curriculum: Real Estate Sales License

Springfield College of Beauty

307 Q St., Springfield, OR 97477. Cosmetology. Contact: Dennis B. Zuniga, Owner, (541)746-4473. Private. Housing not available. Term: Hour. Tuition: $10,925. Degrees awarded: Certificate, Associate.


Ashmead College - Portland

9600 SW Oak St, 4th Fl, Tigard, OR 97223. Trade and Technical.(503)892-8100, 888-741-4271, Fax: (503)892-8871, E-mail: info@ashmeadcollege.com, Web Site: http://www.ashmeadcollege.com. Private. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Quarter. Tuition: $12,007 - $15,291. Degrees awarded: Certificate. Accreditation: ACCET. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Aroma Therapy (12 Mo); Fitness Specialist (12 Mo); Massage Therapy (12 Mo)

John L Scott Real Estate Academy

9020 SW Washington Square Dr., Ste. 100, Tigard, OR 97223-4433. Other. Contact: Bud Wallender, Pres., (503)671-0221, 800-274-7356, Fax: (503)671-0121. Private. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students not accepted. Housing not available. Term: Varies with Program. Financial aid not available. Placement service not available. Handicapped facilities not available. Curriculum: Real Estate Sales License

Phagans' Tigard Beauty School

8820 SW Center, Tigard, OR 97223. Cosmetology. Founded 1974. Contact: Patty Drexler, (503)639-6107, (503)639-6108, Fax: (503)684-9800, E-mail: patty@phagansnw.com, Web Site: http://www.phagansnw.com. Private. Coed. HS diploma required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Hour. Tuition: $2,980-$11,420 plus books and supplies. Enrollment: men 2, women 17. Degrees awarded: Diploma. Accreditation: NACCAS. Financial aid available. Placement service not available. Handicapped facilities available. Curriculum: Cosmetology (850-2300Hr); Facial Technology (500 Hr); Hair Design (1700 Hr); Nail Technology (600 Hr)


Eagle Flight Center Inc.

911 NW Graham Rd., Troutdale, OR 97060. Flight and Ground. Founded 1965. Contact: Paul Etchemendy, (503)667-6886, Fax: (503)667-0990, E-mail: eagle@eagleflightcenter.com, Web Site: http://www.eagleflightcenter.com. Private. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing not available. Term: Varies with Program. Tuition: Varies: $1,495 to $12,395. Degrees awarded: Certificate. Accreditation: FAA. Approved: Vet. Admin. Financial aid available. Placement service not available. Handicapped facilities not available. Curriculum: Aircraft Flight Instruction, Advanced Ground; Aircraft Flight Instruction, Airline Transport Pilot; Aircraft Flight Instruction, Basic Ground; Aircraft Flight Instruction, Commercial Flying; Aircraft Flight Instruction, Flight Instructor; Aircraft Flight Instruction, Flight Instructor Additional Rating; Aircraft Flight Instruction, Instrument Flying; Aircraft Flight Instruction, Multi-Engine Rating - Airplane; Aircraft Flight Instruction, Primary Flying; Aircraft Flight Instruction, Single Engine Rating


Lighthouse Real Estate School

PO Box 259, Waldport, OR 97394-0259. Business. Founded 1991. Contact: Connie A. Field, (541)563-4392, 800-575-4321, Fax: (541)563-5716. Private. Coed. HS diploma not required. Housing not available. Term: Hour. Tuition: $145-$395. Degrees awarded: Certificate. Financial aid not available. Placement service not available. Handicapped facilities not available. Curriculum: Real Estate, Basic (30 Hr); Real Estate, Financing (30 Hr); Real Estate Law (30 Hr); Real Estate Management (30 Hr)


Jay's Creative Jewelry School

1745 Sallal Rd., Woodburn, OR 97071-2523. Trade and Technical. Contact: Charles A. or Anne M. Jay, (503)649-6244, 800-930-6244. Private. Coed. HS diploma not required. Out-of-state students accepted. Housing available. Term: Varies with Program. Tuition: $3,500 for 3-month course (360 hours); $6,500 for 6-month course (780 hours) or pay weekly $285. Enrollment: Total 6. Degrees awarded: Diploma. Financial aid not available. Placement service available. Handicapped facilities not available. Curriculum: Gemology; Jewelry Design - Repair & Stone Setting (6 Mo); Moldmaking; Sales


views updated May 18 2018



1122 NW Davis St.
Portland, OR 97209
Tel: (503)228-6528; 888-228-6528
Fax: (503)228-4227
E-mail: aipdadm@aii.edu
Web Site: http://www.aipd.artinstitutes.edu/
President/CEO: Dr. Steven Goldman
Registrar: Robert Tufts
Admissions: Lori Murray
Financial Aid: Mickey Jacobson
Type: Four-Year College Sex: Coed Affiliation: Education Management Corporation % Accepted: 59 Admission Plans: Deferred Admission Application Deadline: Rolling Application Fee: $50.00 H.S. Requirements: High school diploma required; GED accepted Costs Per Year: Application fee: $50. Tuition: $17,460 full-time. College room only: $5625. Scholarships: Available Calendar System: Quarter, Summer Session Available Enrollment: FT 1,078, PT 505 Faculty: FT 26, PT 94 Student-Faculty Ratio: 22:1 % Receiving Financial Aid: 82 % Residing in College-Owned, -Operated, or -Affiliated Housing: 10 Library Holdings: 24,231 Credit Hours For Degree: 105 credits, Associates; 180 credits, Bachelors Professional Accreditation: NCCU


12113 SE Foster Rd.
Portland, OR 97299
Tel: (503)760-3131
Web Site: http://www.birthingway.edu/
President/CEO: Holly Scholles
Type: Two-Year Upper Division Sex: Coed Calendar System: Miscellaneous


2411 Northwest Carden Ave.
PO Box 100
Pendleton, OR 97801-1000
Tel: (541)276-1260
Admissions: (541)278-5774
Fax: (541)278-5886
Web Site: http://www.bluecc.edu/
President/CEO: Dr. Travis P. Kirkland
Registrar: Valerie Fouquette
Admissions: Valerie Fouquette
Financial Aid: Theresa Bosworth
Type: Two-Year College Sex: Coed Admission Plans: Open Admission H.S. Requirements: High school diploma or equivalent not required Scholarships: Available Calendar System: Quarter, Summer Session Available Enrollment: FT 872, PT 1,006 Faculty: FT 76, PT 148 Student-Faculty Ratio: 25:1 Exams: Other Library Holdings: 39,026 Credit Hours For Degree: 90 credit hours, Associates Professional Accreditation: ABET, ADA, NCCU Intercollegiate Athletics: Baseball M; Basketball M & W; Softball W; Volleyball W


9101 East Burnside St.
Portland, OR 97216-1515
Tel: (503)255-7060
Free: 800-550-7678
Admissions: (503)257-1202
E-mail: jmurphy@cascade.edu
Web Site: http://www.cascade.edu/
President/CEO: Dennis Lynn
Admissions: Jim Murphy
Type: Four-Year College Sex: Coed Affiliation: Church of Christ; Oklahoma Christian University Scores: 82% SAT V 400+; 80% SAT M 400+; 50% ACT 18-23; 13% ACT 24-29 % Accepted: 60 Admission Plans: Open Admission; Early Admission; Deferred Admission Application Deadline: Rolling Application Fee: $25.00 H.S. Requirements: High school diploma required; GED accepted Costs Per Year: Application fee: $25. Comprehensive fee: $18,920 includes full-time tuition ($12,200), mandatory fees ($600), and college room and board ($6120). Part-time tuition: $510 per semester hour. Scholarships: Available Calendar System: Semester, Summer Session Available Enrollment: FT 274, PT 18 Faculty: FT 13, PT 21 Student-Faculty Ratio: 15:1 % Receiving Financial Aid: 79 % Residing in College-Owned, -Operated, or -Affiliated Housing: 66 Library Holdings: 30,232 Regional Accreditation: North Central Association of Colleges and Schools Credit Hours For Degree: 126 semester hours, Bachelors ROTC: Army, Air Force Intercollegiate Athletics: Basketball M & W; Cross-Country Running M & W; Soccer M & W; Track and Field M & W; Volleyball W


2600 Northwest College Way
Bend, OR 97701-5998
Tel: (541)383-7700
Admissions: (541)383-7211
Fax: (541)383-7506
E-mail: welcome@metolius.cocc.edu
Web Site: http://www.cocc.edu/
President/CEO: Dr. James E. Middleton
Registrar: Alicia Moore
Admissions: Alicia Moore
Financial Aid: Laurie Neil
Type: Two-Year College Sex: Coed Affiliation: Oregon Community College Association Admission Plans: Open Admission; Preferred Admission Application Deadline: Rolling Application Fee: $25.00 H.S. Requirements: High school diploma or equivalent not required Costs Per Year: Application fee: $25. Area resident tuition: $2835 full-time, $63 per credit part-time. State resident tuition: $3870 full-time, $86 per credit part-time. Nonresident tuition: $7920 full-time, $176 per credit part-time. Mandatory fees: $114 full-time, $3.50 per credit part-time. College room and board: $6798. Scholarships: Available Calendar System: Quarter Enrollment: FT 1,536, PT 2,512 Faculty: FT 87, PT 225 Student-Faculty Ratio: 23:1 Exams: Other % Residing in College-Owned, -Operated, or -Affiliated Housing: 3 Library Holdings: 76,421 Credit Hours For Degree: 93 credits, Associates Professional Accreditation: ACF, ADA, AHIMA, NCCU


4000 Lancaster Dr. NE
P.O. Box 14007 Salem, OR 97309
Tel: (503)399-5000
Fax: (503)399-3918
Web Site: http://www.chemeketa.edu/
President/CEO: Dr. Gretchen S. Schuette
Registrar: Kathy Campbell
Financial Aid: Kathy Campbell
Type: Two-Year College Sex: Coed Admission Plans: Open Admission; Deferred Admission Application Deadline: Rolling Application Fee: $0.00 H.S. Requirements: High school diploma or equivalent not required. For nursing, fire science, allied health, emergency medical technology programs: High school diploma required; GED accepted Costs Per Year: Application fee: $0. State resident tuition: $2610 full-time, $58 per quarter hour part-time. Nonresident tuition: $8955 full-time, $199 per quarter hour part-time. Mandatory fees: $180 full-time, $4 per quarter hour part-time. Scholarships: Available Calendar System: Quarter, Summer Session Available Credit Hours For Degree: 90 credit hours, Associates Professional Accreditation: ADA, JRCEMT, NLN, NCCU Intercollegiate Athletics: Baseball M; Basketball M & W; Cross-Country Running M & W; Track and Field M & W; Volleyball W


19600 South Molalla Ave.
Oregon City, OR 97045-7998
Tel: (503)657-6958
Fax: (503)650-6654
Web Site: http://www.clackamas.edu/
President/CEO: Dr. Earl P. Johnson
Registrar: Diane Drebin
Admissions: Tara Sprehe
Financial Aid: Mary Jo Jackson
Type: Two-Year College Sex: Coed % Accepted: 100 Admission Plans: Open Admission; Early Admission Application Deadline: Rolling Application Fee: $0.00 H.S. Requirements: High school diploma or equivalent not required Costs Per Year: Application fee: $0. State resident tuition: $2520 full-time, $56 per credit hour part-time. Nonresident tuition: $8730 full-time, $194 per credit hour part-time. Mandatory fees: $180 full-time, $4 per credit hour part-time. Scholarships: Available Calendar System: Quarter, Summer Session Available Enrollment: FT 2,238, PT 5,091 Faculty: FT 158, PT 378 Student-Faculty Ratio: 14:1 Library Holdings: 41,263 Credit Hours For Degree: 93 credit hours, Associates ROTC: Air Force Professional Accreditation: NLN, NCCU Intercollegiate Athletics: Baseball M; Basketball M & W; Cross-Country Running M & W; Soccer W; Softball W; Track and Field M & W; Volleyball W; Wrestling M


1653 Jerome
Astoria, OR 97103-3698
Tel: (503)325-0910
Admissions: (503)338-2326
Fax: (503)325-5738
E-mail: klee@clatsopec.edu
Web Site: http://www.clatsopcc.edu/
President/CEO: Dr. John W. Wubben
Registrar: Roger Friesen
Admissions: Kristen Lee-Gordon
Financial Aid: Linda Gallino
Type: Two-Year College Sex: Coed % Accepted: 81 Admission Plans: Open Admission; Early Admission Application Deadline: Rolling Application Fee: $15.00 H.S. Requirements: High school diploma or equivalent not required Costs Per Year: Application fee: $15. State resident tuition: $2700 full-time, $60 per credit part-time. Nonresident tuition: $5400 full-time, $120 per credit part-time. Scholarships: Available Calendar System: Quarter, Summer Session Available Enrollment: FT 445, PT 1,379 Faculty: FT 40, PT 158 Student-Faculty Ratio: 14:1 Library Holdings: 48,517 Credit Hours For Degree: 90 credits, Associates Professional Accreditation: NCCU


400 East Scenic Dr.
The Dalles, OR 97058
Tel: (541)296-6182
Admissions: (541)298-3110
Fax: (541)298-3104
E-mail: kcarter@cgcc.cc.or.us
Web Site: http://www.cgcc.cc.or.us/
President/CEO: Dr. Frank Toda
Admissions: Karen Carter
Type: Two-Year College Sex: Coed Calendar System: Quarter Faculty: FT 15, PT 75 Professional Accreditation: NCCU


2811 Northeast Holman
Portland, OR 97211-6099
Tel: (503)288-9371
Free: 800-321-9371
Admissions: (503)493-6526
Fax: (503)280-8531
Web Site: http://www.cu-portland.edu/
President/CEO: Dr. Charles E. Schlimpert
Registrar: Jim Cullen
Admissions: Bobi L. Swan
Financial Aid: Jim Cullen
Type: Comprehensive Sex: Coed Affiliation: Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod; Concordia University System Scores: 91.9% SAT V 400+; 92.5% SAT M 400+; 53.2% ACT 18-23; 24.1% ACT 24-29 % Accepted: 66 Admission Plans: Deferred Admission Application Deadline: Rolling Application Fee: $20.00 H.S. Requirements: High school diploma required; GED accepted Costs Per Year: Application fee: $20. Comprehensive fee: $26,000 includes full-time tuition ($19,900), mandatory fees ($200), and college room and board ($5900). College room only: $2800. Part-time tuition: $615 per credit. Scholarships: Available Calendar System: Semester, Summer Session Available Enrollment: FT 808, PT 198, Grad 500 Faculty: FT 42, PT 95 Student-Faculty Ratio: 17:1 Exams: SAT I or ACT % Receiving Financial Aid: 81 % Residing in College-Owned, -Operated, or -Affiliated Housing: 44 Library Holdings: 65,000 Credit Hours For Degree: 62 semester hours, Associates; 124 semester hours, Bachelors ROTC: Air Force Professional Accreditation: NCCU Intercollegiate Athletics: Baseball M; Basketball M & W; Golf M & W; Soccer M & W; Softball W; Track and Field M & W; Volleyball W


5000 Deer Park Dr., SE
Salem, OR 97301-9392
Tel: (503)581-8600
Free: 800-845-3005
Admissions: (503)375-7115
Fax: (503)585-4316
E-mail: mziesemer@corban.edu
Web Site: http://www.corban.edu/
President/CEO: Reno Hoff
Registrar: Rita Wright
Admissions: Marty Ziesemer
Financial Aid: Nathan Warthan
Type: Four-Year College Sex: Coed Scores: 98% SAT V 400+; 93% SAT M 400+; 36% ACT 18-23; 36% ACT 24-29 % Accepted: 83 Admission Plans: Early Admission Application Deadline: August 01 Application Fee: $40.00 H.S. Requirements: High school diploma required; GED accepted Costs Per Year: Application fee: $40. Comprehensive fee: $26,378 includes full-time tuition ($19,084), mandatory fees ($210), and college room and board ($7084). Part-time tuition: $795 per credit. Scholarships: Available Calendar System: Semester, Summer Session Available Enrollment: FT 653, PT 151, Grad 47 Faculty: FT 34, PT 37 Student-Faculty Ratio: 16:1 Exams: SAT I or ACT % Receiving Financial Aid: 86 % Residing in College-Owned, -Operated, or -Affiliated Housing: 55 Library Holdings: 98,700 Credit Hours For Degree: 64 credit hours, Associates; 128 credit hours, Bachelors ROTC: Army, Air Force Professional Accreditation: NCCU Intercollegiate Athletics: Baseball M; Basketball M & W; Cross-Country Running M & W; Golf M; Soccer M & W; Softball W; Volleyball W


Peterkort Center II
9755 SW Barnes Rd., Ste. 150
Portland, OR 97225-6651
Tel: (503)296-7468; (866)338-7934
Web Site: http://www.devry.edu/
Type: Comprehensive Sex: Coed Affiliation: DeVry University Admission Plans: Deferred Admission Application Deadline: Rolling Application Fee: $50.00 Costs Per Year: Application fee: $50. One-time mandatory fee: $40. Tuition: $11,790 full-time, $440 per credit part-time. Mandatory fees: $30 full-time, $30 per year part-time. Full-time tuition and fees vary according to course load. Part-time tuition and fees vary according to course load. Calendar System: Semester, Summer Session Available Enrollment: FT 81, PT 50, Grad 35 Faculty: FT 0, PT 6 Regional Accreditation: North Central Association of Colleges and Schools Credit Hours For Degree: 122 credits, Bachelors


1 University Blvd.
La Grande, OR 97850-2899
Tel: (541)962-3672
Free: 800-452-3393
Admissions: (541)962-3393
Fax: (541)962-3418
E-mail: admissions@eosc.osshe.edu
Web Site: http://www.eou.edu/
President/CEO: Dr. Khosrow Fatemi
Registrar: Dea Hoffman
Admissions: Sherri Edvalson
Financial Aid: Eric Bucks
Type: Comprehensive Sex: Coed Affiliation: Oregon University System Scores: 87.75% SAT V 400+; 87.76% SAT M 400+; 50.65% ACT 18-23; 25.97% ACT 24-29 % Accepted: 73 Admission Plans: Preferred Admission; Early Action; Deferred Admission Application Deadline: September 01 Application Fee: $50.00 H.S. Requirements: High school diploma required; GED accepted Costs Per Year: Application fee: $50. State resident tuition: $4779 full-time. Nonresident tuition: $4779 full-time. Full-time tuition varies according to course load. College room and board: $7300. Room and board charges vary according to board plan and housing facility. Scholarships: Available Calendar System: Quarter, Summer Session Available Enrollment: FT 2,029, PT 1,168, Grad 336 Faculty: FT 97, PT 31 Student-Faculty Ratio: 24:1 Exams: SAT I or ACT % Receiving Financial Aid: 68 % Residing in College-Owned, -Operated, or -Affiliated Housing: 15 Library Holdings: 329,942 Credit Hours For Degree: 186 credit hours, Bachelors ROTC: Army Professional Accreditation: NCCU Intercollegiate Athletics: Baseball M; Basketball M & W; Cross-Country Running M & W; FootballM; Skiing(Cross-Country) M & W; Skiing (Downhill) M & W; Soccer W; Softball W; Track and Field M & W; Volleyball M & W


2155 Bailey Hill Rd.
Eugene, OR 97405-1194
Tel: (541)485-1780
Free: 800-322-2638
Fax: (541)343-5801
E-mail: admissions@ebc.edu
Web Site: http://www.ebc.edu/
President/CEO: David L. Cole
Registrar: Dr. James Wick
Admissions: Trent Combs
Financial Aid: Rulena Mellor
Type: Four-Year College Sex: Coed Affiliation: Open Bible Standard Churches Scores: 88% SAT V 400+; 96% SAT M 400+; 47% ACT 18-23; 26% ACT 24-29 % Accepted: 47 Application Deadline: September 01 Application Fee: $30.00 H.S. Requirements: High school diploma required; GED accepted Costs Per Year: Application fee: $30. Comprehensive fee: $12,875 includes full-time tuition ($7500), mandatory fees ($800), and college room and board ($4575). Part-time tuition: $220 per credit hour. Scholarships: Available Calendar System: Quarter, Summer Session Available Enrollment: FT 161, PT 42 Faculty: FT 14, PT 10 Student-Faculty Ratio: 10:1 Exams: SAT I or ACT % Receiving Financial Aid: 75 % Residing in College-Owned, -Operated, or -Affiliated Housing: 56 Library Holdings: 35,000 Credit Hours For Degree: 187 quarter hours, Bachelors Professional Accreditation: AABC Intercollegiate Athletics: Basketball M; Soccer M & W; Volleyball W


414 North Meridian
Newberg, OR 97132-2697
Tel: (503)538-8383
Free: 800-765-4369
Admissions: (503)554-2240
Fax: (503)554-3830
E-mail: admissions@georgefox.edu
Web Site: http://www.georgefox.edu/
President/CEO: Dr. H. David Brandt
Registrar: Todd McCollum
Admissions: Dale Seipp
Financial Aid: Rob Clarke
Type: University Sex: Coed Affiliation: Friends Scores: 98% SAT V 400+; 98% SAT M 400+; 44% ACT 18-23; 44% ACT 24-29 % Accepted: 83 Admission Plans: Early Admission; Deferred Admission Application Deadline: February 01 Application Fee: $40.00 H.S. Requirements: High school diploma required; GED accepted Costs Per Year: Application fee: $40. Comprehensive fee: $29,780 includes full-time tuition ($22,250), mandatory fees ($320), and college room and board ($7210). College room only: $4050. Part-time tuition: $690 per hour. Scholarships: Available Calendar System: Semester, Summer Session Not available Enrollment: FT 1,541, PT 301, Grad 1,292 Faculty: FT 144, PT 116 Student-Faculty Ratio: 12:1 Exams: SAT I or ACT % Receiving Financial Aid: 81 % Residing in College-Owned, -Operated, or -Affiliated Housing: 59 Library Holdings: 123,734 Credit Hours For Degree: 126 semester hours, Bachelors ROTC: Air Force Professional Accreditation: APA, AClPE, ATS, JRCEPAT, NASM, NCCU Intercollegiate Athletics: Baseball M; Basketball M & W; Cross-Country Running M & W; Soccer M & W; Softball W; Tennis M & W; Track and Field M & W; Volleyball W


1883 University St.
Eugene, OR 97403
Tel: (541)683-5141
Admissions: (541)736-9071
Fax: (541)683-6997
Web Site: http://www.gutenberg.edu/
Admissions: Terry Stollar
Type: Four-Year College Sex: Coed Scores: 100% SAT V 400+; 100% SAT M 400+; 100% ACT 18-23 Admission Plans: Open Admission Application Fee: $20.00 H.S. Requirements: High school diploma required; GED accepted Costs Per Year: Application fee: $20. Comprehensive fee: $15,075 includes full-time tuition ($9970), mandatory fees ($650), and college room and board ($4455). Full-time tuition and fees vary according to student level. Room and board charges vary according to housing facility. Part-time tuition: $350 per quarter hour. Enrollment: FT 38, PT 6 Faculty: FT 4, PT 6 Student-Faculty Ratio: 7:1 Exams: SAT I


625 SW Broadway, 4th Floor
Portland, OR 97205
Tel: (503)229-0492
Fax: (503)229-0498
Web Site: http://www.heald.edu/
Type: Two-Year College Sex: Coed Admission Plans: Open Admission; Early Admission; Deferred Admission Application Deadline: Rolling Application Fee: $40.00 H.S. Requirements: High school diploma required; GED accepted Scholarships: Available Calendar System: Quarter, Summer Session Available Enrollment: FT 149, PT 57 Faculty: FT 15, PT 6 Student-Faculty Ratio: 10:1 Exams: Other Regional Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges


6035 Northeast 78th Ct.
Portland, OR 97218-2854
Tel: (503)255-6500
Free: 800-234-5488
Fax: (503)255-6135
Web Site: http://www.itt-tech.edu/
President/CEO: Edward Yakimchick
Registrar: Joan Berry
Admissions: Wayne L. Matulich
Financial Aid: Suezi Lyon
Type: Two-Year College Sex: Coed Affiliation: ITT Educational Services, Inc Admission Plans: Deferred Admission Application Deadline: Rolling Application Fee: $100.00 H.S. Requirements: High school diploma required; GED accepted Costs Per Year: Application fee: $100. Scholarships: Available Calendar System: Quarter, Summer Session Not available Exams: Other Credit Hours For Degree: 96 credit hours, Associates; 180 credit hours, Bachelors Professional Accreditation: ACICS


7390 South 6th St.
Klamath Falls, OR 97603
Tel: (541)882-3521
E-mail: browng@kcc.cc.or.us
Web Site: http://www.kcc.cc.or.us/
President/CEO: Dr. Wesley Channell
Admissions: Greg Brown
Type: Two-Year College Sex: Coed Calendar System: Quarter Professional Accreditation: NCCU


4000 East 30th Ave.
Eugene, OR 97405-0640
Tel: (541)747-4501
Fax: (541)744-3995
Web Site: http://www.lanecc.edu/
President/CEO: Dr. Mary Spilde
Registrar: Helen Garrett
Admissions: Helen Garrett
Financial Aid: Linda DeWitt
Type: Two-Year College Sex: Coed Admission Plans: Open Admission; Preferred Admission; Early Admission H.S. Requirements: High school diploma or equivalent not required. For applicants under 18 admitted with a high school release to attend credit classes: High school diploma required; GED accepted Scholarships: Available Calendar System: Quarter, Summer Session Available Enrollment: FT 4,565, PT 7,269 Faculty: FT 260, PT 325 Student-Faculty Ratio: 22:1 Library Holdings: 67,051 Credit Hours For Degree: 93 credit hours, Associates Professional Accreditation: ADA, CARC, NLN, NCCU Intercollegiate Athletics: Baseball M; Basketball M & W; Cross-Country Running M & W; Track and Field M & W; Volleyball W


0615 SW Palatine Hill Rd.
Portland, OR 97219-7899
Tel: (503)768-7000
Free: 800-444-4111
Admissions: (503)768-7040
Fax: (503)768-7055
E-mail: admissions@lclark.edu
Web Site: http://www.lclark.edu/
President/CEO: Dr. Thomas Hochstettler
Admissions: Michael Sexton
Financial Aid: Glendi Gaddis
Type: Comprehensive Sex: Coed Scores: 100% SAT V 400+; 100% SAT M 400+; 7.7% ACT 18-23; 60.4% ACT 24-29 % Accepted: 59 Admission Plans: Early Admission; Early Action; Deferred Admission Application Deadline: February 01 Application Fee: $50.00 H.S. Requirements: High school diploma required; GED accepted Costs Per Year: Application fee: $50. Comprehensive fee: $35,358 includes full-time tuition ($27,494), mandatory fees ($216), and college room and board ($7648). College room only: $3974. Room and board charges vary according to board plan and housing facility. Part-time tuition: $1386 per credit hour. Scholarships: Available Calendar System: Semester, Summer Session Available Enrollment: FT 1,940, PT 24, Grad 722 Faculty: FT 205, PT 118 Student-Faculty Ratio: 13:1 Exams: Other, SAT I or ACT % Receiving Financial Aid: 60 % Residing in College-Owned, -Operated, or -Affiliated Housing: 64 Library Holdings: 227,609 Credit Hours For Degree: 128 semester hours, Bachelors Professional Accreditation: ABA, AALS, NCCU Intercollegiate Athletics: Baseball M; Basketball M & W; Crew M & W; Cross-Country Running M & W; Football M; Golf M & W; Lacrosse M & W; Soccer M & W; Softball W; Swimming and Diving M & W; Tennis M & W; Track and Field M & W; Volleyball W


900 SE Baker St.
McMinnville, OR 97128-6894
Tel: (503)883-2200
Free: 800-640-2287
Admissions: (503)883-2213
Fax: (503)883-2472
E-mail: admission@linfield.edu
Web Site: http://www.linfield.edu/
President/CEO: Dr. Marvin C. Henberg
Registrar: Dr. Eileen L. Bourassa
Admissions: Lisa Knodle-Bragiel
Financial Aid: Dan Preston
Type: Four-Year College Sex: Coed Affiliation: American Baptist Churches in the USA Scores: 97.83% SAT V 400+; 98.55% SAT M 400+; 44.3% ACT 18-23; 39.24% ACT 24-29 % Accepted: 73 Admission Plans: Early Action; Deferred Admission Application Deadline: February 15 Application Fee: $40.00 H.S. Requirements: High school diploma required; GED accepted Costs Per Year: Application fee: $40. Comprehensive fee: $29,632 includes full-time tuition ($22,790), mandatory fees ($232), and college room and board ($6610). College room only: $3540. Room and board charges vary according to board plan and housing facility. Part-time tuition: $710 per credit. Part-time mandatory fees: $68 per term. Part-time tuition and fees vary according to course load. Scholarships: Available Calendar System: 4-1-4, Summer Session Available Enrollment: FT 1,708, PT 42 Faculty: FT 107, PT 57 Student-Faculty Ratio: 14:1 Exams: SAT I or ACT % Receiving Financial Aid: 67 % Residing in College-Owned, -Operated, or -Affiliated Housing: 74 Library Holdings: 169,087 Credit Hours For Degree: 125 credit hours, Bachelors ROTC: Air Force Professional Accreditation: JRCEPAT, NASM, NLN, NCCU Intercollegiate Athletics: Baseball M; Basketball M & W; Cross-Country Running M & W; Football M; Golf M & W; Lacrosse W; Soccer M & W; Softball W; Swimming and Diving M & W; Tennis M & W; Track and Field M & W; Volleyball W


6500 Southwest Pacific Blvd.
Albany, OR 97321
Tel: (541)917-4999
Admissions: (541)917-4811
Fax: (541)917-4838
Web Site: http://www.linnbenton.edu/
President/CEO: Rita Cavin, PhD
Registrar: Bruce Clemetsen
Admissions: Dr. Bruce Clemetsen
Financial Aid: Lance Popoff
Type: Two-Year College Sex: Coed % Accepted: 100 Admission Plans: Open Admission; Preferred Admission; Deferred Admission Application Deadline: Rolling Application Fee: $25.00 H.S. Requirements: High school diploma or equivalent not required. For nursing, dental assistant, public safety dispatcher, radiological technology, pharmacy technician, phlebotomy: High school diploma required; GED accepted. Costs Per Year: Application fee: $25. State resident tuition: $2925 full-time. Nonresident tuition: $7470 full-time. Scholarships: Available Calendar System: Quarter, Summer Session Available Enrollment: FT 2,839, PT 2,450 Faculty: FT 157, PT 327 Library Holdings: 42,561 Credit Hours For Degree: 90 quarter hours, Associates ROTC: Army, Air Force Professional Accreditation: AAMAE, ADA, NLN, NCCU Intercollegiate Athletics: Baseball M; Basketball M & W; Volleyball W


17600 Pacific Hwy., PO Box 261
Marylhurst, OR 97036-0261
Tel: (503)636-8141
Free: 800-634-9982
Fax: (503)636-9526
Web Site: http://www.marylhurst.edu/
President/CEO: Dr. Nancy A. Wilgenbusch
Registrar: John Rolston
Admissions: John French
Financial Aid: Marlena McKees-Flores
Type: Comprehensive Sex: Coed Affiliation: Roman Catholic % Accepted: 44 Admission Plans: Open Admission; Deferred Admission Application Fee: $20.00 H.S. Requirements: High school diploma required; GED accepted. For transfer students with at least 90 credits: High school diploma or equivalent not required Costs Per Year: Application fee: $20. Tuition: $13,860 full-time, $308 per quarter hour part-time. Mandatory fees: $360 full-time, $8 per quarter hour part-time. Full-time tuition and fees vary according to course load. Part-time tuition and fees vary according to course load. Scholarships: Available Calendar System: Quarter, Summer Session Available Enrollment: FT 238, PT 641, Grad 361 Faculty: FT 37, PT 172 Student-Faculty Ratio: 7:1 % Receiving Financial Aid: 88 Credit Hours For Degree: 180 quarter hours, Bachelors Professional Accreditation: NASM, NCCU


St. Benedict, OR 97373
Tel: (503)845-3951
Web Site: http://www.mtangel.edu/Seminary/Seminary.htm
President/CEO: Rev. Patrick Brennan
Registrar: Rev. Odo Recker, OSB
Financial Aid: Dorene Preis
Type: Comprehensive Affiliation: Roman Catholic Admission Plans: Preferred Admission Application Fee: $25.00 H.S. Requirements: High school diploma required; GED accepted Scholarships: Available Calendar System: Semester, Summer Session Not available Faculty: FT 30, PT 23 Exams: SAT I Library Holdings: 240,000 Credit Hours For Degree: 124 credit hours, Bachelors Professional Accreditation: AClPE, ATS, NCCU


26000 Southeast Stark St.
Gresham, OR 97030-3300
Tel: (503)491-6422
Admissions: (503)491-7265
Fax: (503)491-7388
Web Site: http://www.mhcc.cc.or.us/
President/CEO: Dr. Robert Silverman
Registrar: Darrell Luzzo
Admissions: Dr. Craig Kolins
Financial Aid: Rod J. Boettcher
Type: Two-Year College Sex: Coed Admission Plans: Open Admission; Preferred Admission; Early Admission; Deferred Admission Application Fee: $0.00 H.S. Requirements: High school diploma or equivalent not required. For allied health, some professional-technical programs: High school diploma required; GED accepted Scholarships: Available Calendar System: Quarter, Summer Session Available Enrollment: FT 3,178, PT 5,593 Faculty: FT 173, PT 465 Student-Faculty Ratio: 25:1 Exams: Other Library Holdings: 64,000 Credit Hours For Degree: 90 credits, Associates Professional Accreditation: ARCEST, AAMAE, ABFSE, ADA, APTA, CARC, NLN, NCCU Intercollegiate Athletics: Baseball M; Basketball M & W; Cross-Country Running M & W; Softball W; Track and Field M & W; Volleyball W


8435 Northeast Glisan St.
Portland, OR 97220-5898
Tel: (503)255-0332
Free: 800-275-4672
Fax: (503)254-1268
Web Site: http://www.multnomah.edu/
President/CEO: Dr. Daniel R. Lockwood
Registrar: Amy Stephens
Admissions: Amy M. Stephens
Financial Aid: David Allen
Type: Comprehensive Sex: Coed Affiliation: interdenominational Scores: 96.5% SAT V 400+; 92.2% SAT M 400 + % Accepted: 89 Admission Plans: Deferred Admission Application Deadline: July 15 Application Fee: $40.00 H.S. Requirements: High school diploma required; GED accepted Costs Per Year: Application fee: $40. Comprehensive fee: $16,810 includes full-time tuition ($11,750) and college room and board ($5060). Room and board charges vary according to board plan and housing facility. Part-time tuition: $486 per semester hour. Part-time tuition varies according to course load. Scholarships: Available Calendar System: Miscellaneous, Summer Session Available Enrollment: FT 531, PT 59, Grad 124 Faculty: FT 24, PT 33 Student-Faculty Ratio: 16:1 Exams: SAT I or ACT % Receiving Financial Aid: 86 % Residing in College-Owned, -Operated, or -Affiliated Housing: 50 Library Holdings: 84,535 Credit Hours For Degree: 128 semester hours, Bachelors Professional Accreditation: AABC, ATS, NCCU Intercollegiate Athletics: Basketball M; Volleyball W


828 East 11th Ave.
Eugene, OR 97401-3745
Tel: (541)343-1641; 877-463-6622
Admissions: (541)684-7210
Fax: (541)684-7317
E-mail: randyj@nwcc.edu
Web Site: http://www.nwcc.edu/
President/CEO: Dr. David Wilson
Registrar: Tracy Sims
Admissions: Dr. Randy Jones
Financial Aid: Jocelyn Hobbs
Type: Comprehensive Sex: Coed Affiliation: Christian Scores: 89% SAT V 400+; 78% SAT M 400+; 57% ACT 18-23; 22% ACT 24-29 % Accepted: 64 Admission Plans: Deferred Admission Application Deadline: Rolling Application Fee: $0.00 H.S. Requirements: High school diploma required; GED accepted Costs Per Year: Application fee: $0. Comprehensive fee: $26,314 includes full-time tuition ($19,890) and college room and board ($6424). College room only: $2800. Part-time tuition: $663 per credit. Scholarships: Available Calendar System: Quarter, Summer Session Available Enrollment: FT 377, PT 25, Grad 89 Faculty: FT 19, PT 42 Student-Faculty Ratio: 11:1 Exams: SAT I or ACT, SAT II % Receiving Financial Aid: 90 Library Holdings: 60,250 Credit Hours For Degree: 60 semester hours, Associates; 124 semester hours, Bachelors ROTC: Army Professional Accreditation: NCCU Intercollegiate Athletics: Basketball M & W; Softball W


332 SW Coast Hwy.
Newport, OR 97365
Tel: (541)265-2283
Admissions: (541)574-7125
E-mail: k.wimer@occc.cc.or.us
Web Site: http://www.occc.cc.or.us
Admissions: Kathy Wimer
Type: Two-Year College Sex: Coed % Accepted: 100 Admission Plans: Open Admission Costs Per Year: State resident tuition: $2790 full-time, $62 per credit part-time. Nonresident tuition: $7740 full-time, $172 per credit part-time. Mandatory fees: $210 full-time, $5 per credit part-time. Calendar System: Quarter, Summer Session Available Enrollment: FT 73, PT 526 Faculty: FT 3, PT 42 Student-Faculty Ratio: 14:1 Library Holdings: 8,652 Credit Hours For Degree: 90 credits, Associates


8245 Southwest Barnes Rd.
Portland, OR 97225
Tel: (503)297-5544
Free: 800-390-0632
Fax: (503)297-3155
E-mail: bbeach@ocac.edu
Web Site: http://www.ocac.edu/
President/CEO: Bonnie Laing-Malcolmson
Registrar: Donna Lewis
Admissions: Barry Beach
Financial Aid: Lisa Newman
Type: Four-Year College Sex: Coed Scores: 87.5% SAT V 400+; 87.5% SAT M 400+; 66% ACT 18-23; 33% ACT 24-29 % Accepted: 95 Admission Plans: Deferred Admission Application Deadline: Rolling Application Fee: $35.00 H.S. Requirements: High school diploma required; GED accepted Costs Per Year: Application fee: $35. Tuition: $16,900 full-time, $2214 per course part-time. Mandatory fees: $982 full-time, $50 per course part-time. College room only: $3600. Scholarships: Available Calendar System: Semester, Summer Session Not available Enrollment: FT 114, PT 39 Faculty: FT 9, PT 13 Student-Faculty Ratio: 9:1 Exams: ACT, SAT I % Receiving Financial Aid: 93 % Residing in College-Owned, -Operated, or -Affiliated Housing: 3 Library Holdings: 9,000 Credit Hours For Degree: 120 credits, Bachelors Professional Accreditation: NASAD


3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd.
Portland, OR 97239-3098
Tel: (503)494-8311
Admissions: (503)494-7800
Fax: (503)494-5738
E-mail: honnellc@ohsu.edu
Web Site: http://www.ohsu.edu/
President/CEO: Dr. Peter O. Kohler
Registrar: Cherie Honnell
Admissions: Cherie Honnell
Financial Aid: Cherie Honnell
Type: Two-Year Upper Division Sex: Coed Admission Plans: Preferred Admission Application Fee: $125.00 H.S. Requirements: High school diploma required; GED accepted Costs Per Year: Application fee: $125. State resident tuition: $7920 full-time, $165 per credit part-time. Nonresident tuition: $18,480 full-time, $385 per credit part-time. Mandatory fees: $1193 full-time. Scholarships: Available Calendar System: Quarter, Summer Session Available Enrollment: FT 474, PT 175, Grad 1,126 Faculty: FT 503, PT 333 % Receiving Financial Aid: 77 Library Holdings: 200,771 Credit Hours For Degree: 186 quarter hours, Bachelors ROTC: ArmyProfessional Accreditation: AACN, ACNM, ADA, ADtA, APA, CEPH, JRCERT, LCMEAMA, NAACLS, NLN, NCCU


3201 Campus Dr.
Klamath Falls, OR 97601-8801
Tel: (541)885-1000
Free: 800-343-6653
Admissions: (541)885-1150
Fax: (541)885-1115
E-mail: oit@oit.edu
Web Site: http://www.oit.edu/
President/CEO: Dr. Martha Anne Dow
Registrar: Wendy Turner
Admissions: Palmer Muntz
Financial Aid: Tracey Lehman
Type: Four-Year College Sex: Coed Affiliation: Oregon University System Scores: 94% SAT V 400+; 95% SAT M 400+; 56.8% ACT 18-23; 18.9% ACT 24-29 Admission Plans: Deferred Admission Application Fee: $50.00 H.S. Requirements: High school diploma required; GED accepted Costs Per Year: Application fee: $50. State resident tuition: $4101 full-time, $99 per credit part-time. Nonresident tuition: $14,310 full-time, $99 per credit part-time. Mandatory fees: $1,246 full-time. Full-time tuition and fees vary according to course load, location, and reciprocity agreements. College room and board: $6037. Room and board charges vary according to board plan. Scholarships: Available Calendar System: Quarter, Summer Session Available Enrollment: FT 1,985, PT 1,381, Grad 7 Faculty: FT 114, PT 16 Student-Faculty Ratio: 15:1 Exams: SAT I or ACT % Receiving Financial Aid: 85 % Residing in College-Owned, -Operated, or -Affiliated Housing: 15 Library Holdings: 90,389 Credit Hours For Degree: 90 credit hours, Associates; 180 credit hours, Bachelors ROTC: Army Professional Accreditation: ABET, ADA, JRCERT, NAACLS, NCCU Intercollegiate Athletics: Baseball M; Basketball M & W; Cross-Country Running M & W; Soccer W; Softball W; Track and Field M & W; Volleyball W


Corvallis, OR 97331
Tel: (541)737-1000
Admissions: (541)737-4411
Fax: (541)737-6157
E-mail: osuadmit@ccmail.orst.edu
Web Site: http://oregonstate.edu/
President/CEO: Dr. Edward Ray
Registrar: Barbara S. Balz
Admissions: Kate Peterson
Financial Aid: Kate L. Peterson
Type: University Sex: Coed Affiliation: Oregon University System Scores: 95% SAT V 400+; 96% SAT M 400+; 48% ACT 18-23; 36% ACT 24-29 % Accepted: 93 Admission Plans: Early Admission; Early Action; Deferred Admission Application Deadline: September 01 Application Fee: $50.00 H.S. Requirements: High school diploma required; GED accepted Costs Per Year: Application fee: $50. State resident tuition: $4176 full-time, $116 per credit part-time. Nonresident tuition: $16,236 full-time, $451 per credit part-time. Mandatory fees: $1,266 full-time. Part-time tuition varies according to course load. College room and board: $6930. Room and board charges vary according to board plan and housing facility. Scholarships: Available Calendar System: Quarter, Summer Session Available Enrollment: FT 13,862, PT 1,885, Grad 2,976 Faculty: FT 760, PT 455 Student-Faculty Ratio: 19:1 Exams: SAT I or ACT, SAT II % Receiving Financial Aid: 53 % Residing in College-Owned, -Operated, or -Affiliated Housing: 22 Library Holdings: 689,119 Credit Hours For Degree: 180 quarter hours, Bachelors ROTC: Army, Navy, Air Force Professional Accreditation: AACSB, ABET, AAFCS, ACCE, ACPhE, ACA, AVMA, CEPH, JRCEPAT, NCATE, NCCU, SAF Intercollegiate Athletics: Baseball M; Basketball M & W; Crew M & W; Football M; Golf M & W; Gymnastics W; Soccer M & W; Softball W; Swimming and Diving W; Volleyball W; Wrestling M


2600 NW College Way
Bend, OR 97701
Tel: (541)322-3100
Web Site: http://www.osucascades.edu
Type: Comprehensive Sex: Coed Calendar System: Quarter


1241 NW Johnson St.
Portland, OR 97209
Tel: (503)226-4391
Admissions: (503)821-8972
Fax: (503)226-3587
E-mail: colin@pnca.edu
Web Site: http://www.pnca.edu/
President/CEO: Dr. Thomas Manley
Registrar: Jenifer DeKalb
Admissions: Rebecca Haas
Financial Aid: Jennifer Satalino
Type: Four-Year College Sex: Coed Scores: 92% SAT V 400+; 85% SAT M 400 + % Accepted: 72 Admission Plans: Deferred Admission Application Fee: $35.00 H.S. Requirements: High school diploma required; GED accepted Costs Per Year: Application fee: $35. Tuition: $17,480 full-time, $728 per semester hour part-time. Mandatory fees: $692 full-time, $28 per semester hour part-time. College room only: $5200. Scholarships: Available Calendar System: Semester, Summer Session Not available Faculty: FT 13, PT 38 Student-Faculty Ratio: 11:1 % Receiving Financial Aid: 66 Library Holdings: 14,650 Credit Hours For Degree: 120 semester hours, Bachelors Professional Accreditation: NASAD, NCCU


2043 College Way
Forest Grove, OR 97116-1797
Tel: (503)357-6151; 877-722-8648
Admissions: (503)352-2218
Fax: (503)352-3191
E-mail: admissions@pacificu.edu
Web Site: http://www.pacificu.edu/
President/CEO: Dr. Phillip D. Creighton
Registrar: Debra Avilucea
Admissions: Karen Dunston
Financial Aid: Dala J. Ramsey
Type: Comprehensive Sex: Coed Scores: 100% SAT V 400+; 100% SAT M 400+; 39% ACT 18-23; 52% ACT 24-29 % Accepted: 87 Admission Plans: Deferred Admission Application Deadline: August 15 Application Fee: $40.00 H.S. Requirements: High school diploma required; GED accepted Costs Per Year: Application fee: $40. Comprehensive fee: $29,002 includes full-time tuition ($21,954), mandatory fees ($580), and college room and board ($6468). College room only: $3220. Part-time tuition: $916 per credit hour. Scholarships: Available Calendar System: 4-1-4, Summer Session Available Enrollment: FT 1,173, PT 59, Grad 579 Faculty: FT 82, PT 46 Student-Faculty Ratio: 12:1 Exams: SAT I or ACT % Receiving Financial Aid: 73 % Residing in College-Owned, -Operated, or -Affiliated Housing: 57 Library Holdings: 212,976 Credit Hours For Degree: 124 semester hours, Bachelors ROTC: Army, Air Force Professional Accreditation: AOTA, AOA, APTA, APA, NASM, NCCU Intercollegiate Athletics: Baseball M; Basketball M & W; Cheerleading M & W; Cross-Country Running M & W; Golf M & W; Lacrosse W; Soccer M & W; Softball W; Swimming and Diving M & W; Tennis M & W; Track and Field M & W; Volleyball M & W; Wrestling M & W


27501 Southwest Parkway Ave.
Wilsonville, OR 97070
Tel: (503)682-3903
Admissions: (503)682-1862
Fax: (503)682-1514
E-mail: jrussell@pioneerpacific.edu
Web Site: http://www.pioneerpacific.edu/
President/CEO: David J. Hallett
Registrar: Matthew Sharkey
Admissions: Joanna Russell
Financial Aid: Stacey Maurer
Type: Two-Year College Sex: Coed % Accepted: 84 Admission Plans: Open Admission Application Deadline: Rolling Application Fee: $50.00 H.S. Requirements: High school diploma required; GED accepted Costs Per Year: Application fee: $50. Tuition: $8280 full-time, $188 per credit hour part-time. Mandatory fees: $150 full-time. Scholarships: Available Calendar System: Continuous, Summer Session Not available Enrollment: FT 1,126, PT 6 Faculty: FT 49, PT 70 Student-Faculty Ratio: 15:1 Exams: Other Library Holdings: 2,500 Credit Hours For Degree: 90 credit hours, Associates; 182.5 credit hours, Bachelors Professional Accreditation: ACICS


PO Box 19000
Portland, OR 97280-0990
Tel: (503)244-6111
Admissions: (503)977-4519
Fax: (503)452-4988
Web Site: http://www.pcc.edu/
President/CEO: Dr. Jerry Berger
Registrar: G. Frost Johnson
Admissions: Dennis Bailey-Fougnier
Financial Aid: Corbett Gottfried
Type: Two-Year College Sex: Coed Admission Plans: Open Admission H.S. Requirements: High school diploma or equivalent not required. For career and technical programs: High school diploma required; GED not accepted Costs Per Year: State resident tuition: $2880 full-time, $64 per credit part-time. Nonresident tuition: $9000 full-time, $200 per credit part-time. Mandatory fees: $240 full-time, $4.25 per credit part-time. Scholarships: Available Calendar System: Quarter, Summer Session Available Faculty: FT 412, PT 1,333 Student-Faculty Ratio: 25:1 Library Holdings: 91,472 Credit Hours For Degree: 90 credit hours, Associates Professional Accreditation: ADA, AHIMA, JCAHPO, JRCERT, NAACLS, NLN, NCCU Intercollegiate Athletics: Basketball M & W


PO Box 751
Portland, OR 97207-0751
Tel: (503)725-3000
Free: 800-547-8887
Admissions: (503)725-3511
Fax: (503)725-5525
E-mail: askadm@ofa.pdx.edu
Web Site: http://www.pdx.edu/
President/CEO: Dr. Daniel O. Bernstine
Admissions: Agnes A. Hoffman
Financial Aid: Gary Garoffolo
Type: University Sex: Coed Affiliation: Oregon University System Scores: 90.5% SAT V 400+; 94% SAT M 400+; 44% ACT 18-23; 38% ACT 24-29 % Accepted: 92 Admission Plans: Early Admission; Deferred Admission Application Deadline: Rolling Application Fee: $50.00 H.S. Requirements: High school diploma required; GED accepted Costs Per Year: Application fee: $50. State resident tuition: $3810 full-time, $93 per credit part-time. Nonresident tuition: $15,975 full-time, $93 per credit part-time. Mandatory fees: $1151 full-time, $18 per credit part-time, $48.50 per term part-time. Full-time tuition and fees vary according to program. College room and board: $8445. College room only: $6300. Room and board charges vary according to board plan and housing facility. Scholarships: Available Calendar System: Quarter, Summer Session Available Enrollment: FT 10,851, PT 7,120, Grad 6,149 Faculty: FT 737, PT 497 Student-Faculty Ratio: 17:1 Exams: SAT I or ACT % Receiving Financial Aid: 53 Library Holdings: 1,805,336 Credit Hours For Degree: 180 credit hours, Bachelors ROTC: Army, Air Force Professional Accreditation: AACSB, ABET, ACA, ACSP, ASLHA, CEPH, CORE, CSWE, NASAD, NASM, NASPAA, NAST, NCATE, NCCU Intercollegiate Athletics: Baseball M; Basketball M & W; Cross-Country Running M & W; Football M; Golf M & W; Soccer W; Softball W; Tennis M & W; Track and Field M & W; Volleyball W; Wrestling M


3203 Southeast Woodstock Blvd.
Portland, OR 97202-8199
Tel: (503)771-1112
Free: 800-547-4750
Admissions: (503)777-7511
Fax: (503)777-7553
E-mail: admission@reed.edu
Web Site: http://www.reed.edu/
President/CEO: Colin S. Diver
Registrar: Nora McLaughlin
Admissions: Paul Marthers
Financial Aid: Leslie Limper
Type: Comprehensive Sex: Coed Scores: 100% SAT V 400+; 100% SAT M 400+; 3% ACT 18-23; 35% ACT 24-29 % Accepted: 45 Admission Plans: Early Admission; Early Decision Plan; Deferred Admission Application Deadline: January 15 Application Fee: $40.00 H.S. Requirements: High school diploma required; GED accepted Costs Per Year: Application fee: $40. Comprehensive fee: $41,106 includes full-time tuition ($32,360), mandatory fees ($230), and college room and board ($8516). College room only: $4470. Full-time tuition and fees vary according to degree level. Room and board charges vary according to board plan and housing facility. Part-time tuition: $5400 per course. Part-time tuition varies according to course level and degree level. Scholarships: Available Calendar System: Semester, Summer Session Not available Enrollment: FT 1,272, PT 37, Grad 31 Faculty: FT 116, PT 15 Student-Faculty Ratio: 10:1 Exams: SAT I or ACT, SAT II % Receiving Financial Aid: 52 % Residing in College-Owned, -Operated, or -Affiliated Housing: 65 Library Holdings: 528,000 Credit Hours For Degree: 120 semester hours, Bachelors Professional Accreditation: NCCU Intercollegiate Athletics: Basketball M; Crew M & W; Fencing M & W; Sailing M & W; Skiing (Downhill) M & W; Soccer M & W; Squash M & W; Weight Lifting M & W


3345 Redwood Hwy.
Grants Pass, OR 97527-9298
Tel: (541)956-7500
Admissions: (541)956-7176
E-mail: csullivan@roguecc.edu
Web Site: http://www.roguecc.edu/
President/CEO: Richard L. Levine
Registrar: Claudia Sullivan
Admissions: Claudia Sullivan
Financial Aid: Shirlee Willis-Haslip
Type: Two-Year College Sex: Coed % Accepted: 100 Admission Plans: Open Admission; Preferred Admission; Early Admission Application Deadline: Rolling Application Fee: $0.00 H.S. Requirements: High school diploma or equivalent not required. For respiratory therapy, nursing, human services, emergency medical technology, mental health technician programs: High school diploma required; GED not accepted. Costs Per Year: Application fee: $0. State resident tuition: $2304 full-time, $64 per credit hour part-time. Nonresident tuition: $2772 full-time, $77 per credit hour part-time. Mandatory fees: $294 full-time, $4 per credit hour part-time. Scholarships: Available Calendar System: Quarter, Summer Session Available Enrollment: FT 1,341, PT 2,883 Faculty: FT 102, PT 397 Student-Faculty Ratio: 11:1 Library Holdings: 33,000 Credit Hours For Degree: 90 credits, Associates Professional Accreditation: CARC, NLN, NCCU


1250 Siskiyou Blvd.
Ashland, OR 97520
Tel: (541)552-7672
Admissions: (541)552-6411
Fax: (541)552-6329
E-mail: admissions@sou.edu
Web Site: http://www.sou.edu/
President/CEO: Dr. Elisabeth Zinser
Registrar: Michael Corcoran
Admissions: Mara A. Affre
Financial Aid: Peggy Nitsos
Type: Comprehensive Sex: Coed Affiliation: Oregon University System Scores: 93.5% SAT V 400+; 93.5% SAT M 400+; 49.61% ACT 18-23; 33. 33% ACT 24-29 % Accepted: 80 Admission Plans: Early Admission; Deferred Admission Application Deadline: Rolling Application Fee: $50.00 H.S. Requirements: High school diploma required; GED accepted Costs Per Year: Application fee: $50. State resident tuition: $4986 full-time, $108 per credit part-time. Nonresident tuition: $14,691 full-time, $108 per credit part-time. Mandatory fees: $25 per credit part-time. College room and board: $6468. Scholarships: Available Calendar System: Quarter, Summer Session Available Enrollment: FT 3,475, PT 961, Grad 541 Faculty: FT 193, PT 96 Student-Faculty Ratio: 22:1 Exams: SAT I or ACT, SAT II % Receiving Financial Aid: 56 % Residing in College-Owned, -Operated, or -Affiliated Housing: 24 Library Holdings: 315,000 Credit Hours For Degree: 180 credits, Bachelors Professional Accreditation: NASM, NCCU Intercollegiate Athletics: Basketball M & W; Cross-Country Running M & W; Football M; Skiing (Downhill) M & W; Soccer W; Softball W; Tennis W; Track and Field M & W; Volleyball W; Wrestling M


1988 Newmark Ave.
Coos Bay, OR 97420-2912
Tel: (541)888-2525
Admissions: (541)888-7611
E-mail: tnicholls@socc.edu
Web Site: http://www.socc.edu/
President/CEO: Judith M.L. Hansen, PhD
Registrar: Joanna Blount
Admissions: Tom Nicholls
Type: Two-Year College Sex: Coed % Accepted: 100 Admission Plans: Open Admission; Early Admission Application Deadline: Rolling Application Fee: $30.00 H.S. Requirements: High school diploma or equivalent not required. For nursing program: High school diploma required; GED accepted Costs Per Year: Application fee: $30. State resident tuition: $3330 full-time, $62 per credit part-time. Nonresident tuition: $3330 full-time, $62 per credit part-time. Mandatory fees: $330 full-time, $12 per credit part-time, $22. College room and board: $6160. Scholarships: Available Calendar System: Quarter, Summer Session Available Enrollment: FT 976, PT 1,004 Faculty: FT 66, PT 153 Student-Faculty Ratio: 10:1 Library Holdings: 40,505 Credit Hours For Degree: 93 credit hours, Associates Professional Accreditation: NCCU Intercollegiate Athletics: Baseball M; Basketball M & W; Cheerleading M & W; Cross-Country Running M & W; Golf M & W; Soccer M & W; Softball W; Track and Field M & W; Volleyball W; Wrestling M


2510 First St.
Tillamook, OR 97141
Tel: (503)842-8222
Fax: (503)842-2214
E-mail: om@tillamookbay.cc
Web Site: http://www.tbcc.cc.or.us/
President/CEO: Ralph Orr
Admissions: Ralph Orr
Type: Two-Year College Sex: Coed Affiliation: Portland Community College % Accepted: 100 Application Fee: $0.00 Costs Per Year: Application fee: $0. State resident tuition: $2976 full-time, $62 per credit part-time. Nonresident tuition: $3936 full-time, $82 per credit part-time. Mandatory fees: $530 full-time, $33 per course part-time. Calendar System: Quarter Enrollment: FT 73, PT 226 Faculty: FT 6, PT 30 Student-Faculty Ratio: 8:1 Professional Accreditation: NCCU


650 College Blvd.
Ontario, OR 97914-3423
Tel: (541)889-6493
Admissions: (541)881-8822
Fax: (541)881-2721
Web Site: http://www.tvcc.cc.or.us/
President/CEO: Dr. Berton L. Glandon
Admissions: Suzanne Bergam
Financial Aid: Kathy Gibson
Type: Two-Year College Sex: Coed Admission Plans: Open Admission; Early Admission; Deferred Admission Application Deadline: Rolling Application Fee: $10.00 H.S. Requirements: High school diploma or equivalent not required. For nursing program: High school diploma required; GED accepted Costs Per Year: Application fee: $10. State resident tuition: $2970 full-time, $66 per credit hour part-time. Nonresident tuition: $3420 full-time, $76 per credit hour part-time. Mandatory fees: $455 full-time, $10 per credit hour part-time. College room and board: $4470. College room only: $1680. Scholarships: Available Calendar System: Quarter, Summer Session Available Enrollment: FT 1,056, PT 890 Faculty: FT 48, PT 92 Student-Faculty Ratio: 11:1 % Residing in College-Owned, -Operated, or -Affiliated Housing: 6 Library Holdings: 28,000 Credit Hours For Degree: 90 credits, Associates ROTC: Army Professional Accreditation: NCCU Intercollegiate Athletics: Baseball M; Basketball M & W; Volleyball W


PO Box 967
Roseburg, OR 97470-0226
Tel: (541)440-4600
Admissions: (541)440-4616
Fax: (541)440-4612
Web Site: http://www.umpqua.edu/
President/CEO: Dr. David N. Beyer
Registrar: David Farrington
Admissions: David Farrington
Financial Aid: Claudia Justice
Type: Two-Year College Sex: Coed Admission Plans: Open Admission; Early Admission; Deferred Admission Application Fee: $25.00 H.S. Requirements: High school diploma or equivalent not required. For nursing, emergency medical technology programs: High school diploma required; GED accepted Scholarships: Available Calendar System: Quarter, Summer Session Available Enrollment: FT 987, PT 1,154 Student-Faculty Ratio: 18:1 Library Holdings: 41,000 Credit Hours For Degree: 93 credits, Associates Professional Accreditation: NLN, NCCU Intercollegiate Athletics: Basketball M & W


Eugene, OR 97403
Tel: (541)346-3111
Admissions: (541)346-3201
Fax: (541)346-5815
E-mail: diradm@uoregon.edu
Web Site: http://www.uoregon.edu/
President/CEO: Dave Frohnmayer
Registrar: Herbert R. Chereck
Admissions: Martha Pitts
Financial Aid: Elizabeth Bickford
Type: University Sex: Coed Affiliation: Oregon University System Scores: 97% SAT V 400+; 97% SAT M 400 + % Accepted: 90 Admission Plans: Early Admission Application Deadline: January 15 Application Fee: $50.00 H.S. Requirements: High school diploma required; GED accepted Costs Per Year: Application fee: $50. State resident tuition: $4164 full-time, $104 per credit hour part-time. Nonresident tuition: $15,996 full-time, $420 per credit hour part-time. Mandatory fees: $1449 full-time, $427 per term part-time. Full-time tuition and fees vary according to class time, course level, course load, degree level, program, and reciprocity agreements. Part-time tuition and fees vary according to class time, course level, course load, degree level, and program. College room and board: $7496. Room and board charges vary according to board plan and housing facility. Scholarships: Available Calendar System: Quarter, Summer Session Available Enrollment: FT 14,996, PT 1,477, Grad 3,348 Faculty: FT 785, PT 337 Student-Faculty Ratio: 18:1 Exams: SAT I or ACT % Receiving Financial Aid: 41 % Residing in College-Owned, -Operated, or -Affiliated Housing: 21 Library Holdings: 2,636,234 Credit Hours For Degree: 180 credit hours, Bachelors ROTC: Army, Air Force Professional Accreditation: AACSB, ACEJMC, ABA, ACSP, APA, ASLA, ASLHA, AALS, FIDER, NASAD, NASM, NASPAA, NCCU Intercollegiate Athletics: Badminton M & W; Baseball M; Basketball M & W; Bowling M & W; Cheerleading M & W; Crew M & W; Cross-Country Running M & W; Equestrian Sports M & W; Fencing M & W; Football M; Golf M & W; Ice Hockey M; Lacrosse M & W; Racquetball M & W; Rugby M & W; Sailing M & W; Skiing (Downhill) M & W; Soccer M & W; Softball W; Swimming and Diving M & W; Table Tennis M & W; Tennis M & W; Track and Field M & W; Ultimate Frisbee M & W; Volleyball M & W; Water Polo M & W; Wrestling M


13221 SW 68th Parkway, Ste. 500
Portland, OR 97223-8368
Tel: (503)670-0590
Free: 800-228-7240
Admissions: (480)557-1712
Fax: (503)670-0614
Web Site: http://www.phoenix.edu/
President/CEO: Pat Hardie
Admissions: Nina Omelchanko
Type: Comprehensive Sex: Coed Admission Plans: Open Admission; Deferred Admission Application Deadline: Rolling Application Fee: $110.00 H.S. Requirements: High school diploma required; GED accepted Costs Per Year: Application fee: $110. Tuition: $10,410 full-time, $347 per credit part-time. Mandatory fees: $560 full-time, $70 per course part-time. Scholarships: Available Calendar System: Continuous, Summer Session Not available Enrollment: FT 1,686, Grad 367 Faculty: FT 13, PT 270 Student-Faculty Ratio: 7:1 Library Holdings: 444 Regional Accreditation: North Central Association of Colleges and Schools Credit Hours For Degree: 60 credits, Associates; 120 credits, Bachelors


5000 North Willamette Blvd.
Portland, OR 97203-5798
Tel: (503)943-7911; 888-627-5601
Admissions: (503)943-7147
Fax: (503)943-7399
E-mail: admissions@uofport.edu
Web Site: http://www.up.edu/
President/CEO: Rev. E. William Beauchamp, CSC
Registrar: Roberta Lindahl
Admissions: James C. Lyons
Financial Aid: Tracy Reisinger
Type: Comprehensive Sex: Coed Affiliation: Roman Catholic Scores: 99.7% SAT V 400+; 100% SAT M 400 + % Accepted: 81 Admission Plans: Deferred Admission Application Deadline: June 01 Application Fee: $50.00 H.S. Requirements: High school diploma required; GED accepted Costs Per Year: Application fee: $50. Comprehensive fee: $32,300 includes full-time tuition ($24,580), mandatory fees ($320), and college room and board ($7400). College room only: $3700. Full-time tuition and fees vary according to program. Room and board charges vary according to board plan and housing facility. Part-time tuition: $778 per credit hour. Part-time tuition varies according to program. Scholarships: Available Calendar System: Semester, Summer Session Available Enrollment: FT 2,840, PT 80, Grad 493 Faculty: FT 188, PT 91 Student-Faculty Ratio: 13:1 Exams: SAT I or ACT % Receiving Financial Aid: 51 % Residing in College-Owned, -Operated, or -Affiliated Housing: 54 Library Holdings: 350,000 Credit Hours For Degree: 120 semester hours, Bachelors ROTC: Army, Air Force Professional Accreditation: AACSB, ABET, AACN, NASM, NAST, NCATE, NLN, NCCU Intercollegiate Athletics: Baseball M; Basketball M & W; Cross-Country Running M & W; Golf M & W; Rugby M; Soccer M & W; Tennis M & W; Track and Field M & W; Volleyball W


2219 Southeast 68th Ave.
Portland, OR 97215-4099
Tel: (503)517-1000
Free: 800-804-1510
Admissions: (503)517-1020
Fax: (503)788-7425
E-mail: admiss@warnerpacific.edu
Web Site: http://www.warnerpacific.edu/
President/CEO: Dr. Jay A. Barber, Jr.
Registrar: Victoria Cumings
Admissions: Shannon Mackey
Financial Aid: Cindy Pollard
Type: Comprehensive Sex: Coed Affiliation: Church of God % Accepted: 57 Application Deadline: Rolling Application Fee: $25.00 H.S. Requirements: High school diploma required; GED accepted Scholarships: Available Calendar System: Semester, Summer Session Available Faculty: FT 35, PT 0 Student-Faculty Ratio: 14:1 Exams: SAT I or ACT, SAT II % Receiving Financial Aid: 89 % Residing in College-Owned, -Operated, or -Affiliated Housing: 32 Library Holdings: 54,000 Credit Hours For Degree: 62 semester hours, Associates; 124 semester hours, Bachelors ROTC: Army, Air Force Professional Accreditation: NCCU Intercollegiate Athletics: Basketball M & W; Cross-Country Running M & W; Soccer M & W; Track and Field M & W; Volleyball W


425 Southwest Washington
Portland, OR 97204
Tel: (503)222-3225
Fax: (503)228-6926
Web Site: http://www.western-college.com/
President/CEO: Randy Rogers
Registrar: Renee Hatfield
Financial Aid: Sharon Hale
Type: Two-Year College Sex: Coed Scholarships: Available Calendar System: Quarter Professional Accreditation: ACICS


1235 Southwest 12th Ave., Ste. 100
Portland, OR 97201
Tel: (503)223-2245
Free: 800-666-0312
Fax: (503)223-0126
Web Site: http://www.westernculinary.com/
Type: Two-Year College Sex: Coed Calendar System: Continuous Professional Accreditation: ACCSCT, ACF


345 North Monmouth Ave.
Monmouth, OR 97361-1394
Tel: (503)838-8000; 877-877-1593
Admissions: (503)838-8211
Fax: (503)838-8067
E-mail: wolfgram@wou.edu
Web Site: http://www.wou.edu/
President/CEO: Dr. Philip W. Conn
Registrar: Nancy France
Admissions: Rob Findtner
Financial Aid: Donna Fossum
Type: Comprehensive Sex: Coed Affiliation: Oregon University System Scores: 86.6% SAT V 400+; 87% SAT M 400+; 51.2% ACT 18-23; 19% ACT 24-29 % Accepted: 55 Admission Plans: Deferred Admission Application Deadline: Rolling Application Fee: $50.00 H.S. Requirements: High school diploma required; GED accepted Costs Per Year: Application fee: $50. State resident tuition: $3240 full-time, $90 per credit part-time. Nonresident tuition: $11,685 full-time, $325 per credit part-time. Mandatory fees: $1092 full-time. College room and board: $6276. Room and board charges vary according to board plan and housing facility. Scholarships: Available Calendar System: Quarter, Summer Session Available Enrollment: FT 3,783, PT 478, Grad 259 Faculty: FT 179, PT 175 Student-Faculty Ratio: 17:1 Exams: SAT I or ACT, SAT II % Receiving Financial Aid: 73 % Residing in College-Owned, -Operated, or -Affiliated Housing: 20 Library Holdings: 157,186 Credit Hours For Degree: 93 credit hours, Associates; 180 credit hours, Bachelors ROTC: Army, Air Force Professional Accreditation: CORE, NASM, NCATE, NCCU Intercollegiate Athletics: Baseball M; Basketball M & W; Cross-Country Running M & W; Football M; Rugby M & W; Soccer W; Softball W; Track and Field M & W; Volleyball W


900 State St.
Salem, OR 97301-3931
Tel: (503)370-6300; 877-542-2787
Admissions: (503)370-6303
Fax: (503)375-5363
E-mail: libarts@willamette.edu
Web Site: http://www.willamette.edu/
President/CEO: Dr. M. Lee Pelton
Registrar: Paul J. Olsen
Admissions: Dr. Robin Brown
Financial Aid: Jim Eddy
Type: Comprehensive Sex: Coed Affiliation: United Methodist Scores: 99% SAT V 400+; 100% SAT M 400+; 15% ACT 18-23; 66% ACT 24-29 % Accepted: 74 Admission Plans: Early Action; Deferred Admission Application Deadline: February 01 Application Fee: $50.00 H.S. Requirements: High school diploma required; GED accepted Costs Per Year: Application fee: $50. Comprehensive fee: $35,416 includes full-time tuition ($28,250), mandatory fees ($166), and college room and board ($7000). Full-time tuition and fees vary according to course load. Room and board charges vary according to board plan and housing facility. Part-time tuition: $3531 per course. Part-time tuition varies according to course load. Scholarships: Available Calendar System: Semester, Summer Session Not available Enrollment: FT 1,823, PT 131, Grad 241 Faculty: FT 184, PT 117 Student-Faculty Ratio: 11:1 Exams: SAT I or ACT % Receiving Financial Aid: 62 % Residing in College-Owned, -Operated, or -Affiliated Housing: 69 Library Holdings: 317,000 Credit Hours For Degree: 124 semester hours, Bachelors ROTC: Air Force Professional Accreditation: AACSB, ABA, AALS, NASM, NASPAA, NCCU Intercollegiate Athletics: Baseball M; Basketball M & W; Crew M & W; Cross-Country Running M & W; Football M; Golf M & W; Lacrosse M; Soccer M & W; Softball W; Swimming and Diving M & W; Tennis M & W; Track and Field M & W; Volleyball W


views updated May 29 2018


1 Location and Size

2 Topography

3 Climate

4 Plants and Animals

5 Environmental Protection

6 Population

7 Ethnic Groups

8 Languages

9 Religions

10 Transportation

11 History

12 State Government

13 Political Parties

14 Local Government

15 Judicial System

16 Migration

17 Economy

18 Income

19 Industry

20 Labor

21 Agriculture

22 Domesticated Animals

23 Fishing

24 Forestry

25 Mining

26 Energy and Power

27 Commerce

28 Public Finance

29 Taxation

30 Health

31 Housing

32 Education

33 Arts

34 Libraries and Museums

35 Communications

36 Press

37 Tourism, Travel & Recreation

38 Sports

39 Famous Oregonians

40 Bibliography

State of Oregon

ORIGIN OF STATE NAME: Unknown; name first applied to the river now known as the Columbia, possibly from the Algonquian for “beautiful water.”

NICKNAME : The Beaver State.


ENTERED UNION: 14 February 1859 (33rd).

OFFICIAL SEAL: A shield, supported by 33 stars and crested by an American eagle, depicts mountains and forests, an elk, a covered wagon and ox team, wheat, a plow, a pickax, and the state motto. In the background, as the sun sets over the Pacific, an American merchant ship arrives as a British man-o’-war departs. The words “State of Oregon 1859” surround the whole.

FLAG: The flag consists of a navy-blue field with gold lettering and illustrations. Obverse: the shield from the state seal, supported by 33 stars, with the words “State of Oregon” above and the year of admission below. Reverse: a beaver.

MOTTO: She Flies With Her Own Wings.

SONG: “Oregon, My Oregon.”

COLORS: Navy-blue and gold.

FLOWER: Oregon grape.

TREE: Douglas fir.

ANIMAL: American beaver.

BIRD: Western meadowlark.

FISH: Chinook salmon.

INSECT: Oregon swallowtail butterfly.

GEM: Sunstone.

ROCK OR STONE: Thunderegg (geode).


LEGAL HOLIDAYS: New Year’s Day, 1 January; Birthday of Martin Luther King Jr., 3rd Monday in January; Presidents’ Day, 3rd Monday in February; Memorial Day, last Monday in May; Independence Day, 4 July; Labor Day, 1st Monday in September; Veterans’ Day, 11 November; Thanksgiving Day, 4th Thursday in November; Christmas Day, 25 December.

TIME: 5 AM MST = noon GMT; 4 AM PST = noon GMT.

1 Location and Size

Located on the Pacific coast of the northwestern United States, Oregon ranks tenth in size among the 50 states. The total area of Oregon is 97,073 square miles (251,419 square kilometers), with land comprising 96,184 square miles (249,117 square kilometers) and inland water 889 square miles (2,302 square kilometers). Oregon extends 395 miles (636 kilometers) from east to west and 295 miles (475 kilometers) from north to south. The total boundary length of Oregon is 1,444 miles (2,324 kilometers), including a general coastline of 296 miles (476 kilometers).

2 Topography

The Cascade Range, extending from north to south, divides Oregon into distinct eastern and western regions. At the state’s western edge, the Coast Range rises from the beaches, bays, and rugged headlands of the Pacific coast. Between the Coast and Cascade ranges lie fertile valleys, notably the Willamette Valley, the Oregon heart-land. The two-thirds of the state lying east of the Cascade Range consists generally of arid plateaus cut by river canyons. The Great Basin lies in the southeast.

The Cascades, Oregon’s highest mountains, contain nine snow-capped volcanic peaks more than 9,000 feet (2,700 meters) high, of which the highest is Mount Hood, at 11,239 feet (3,428 meters).

The Columbia, forming most of the northern border with Washington, is by far the largest and most important of the state’s rivers. The largest of the Columbia’s tributaries in Oregon, and the longest river entirely within the state, is the Willamette. More than half of Oregon’s eastern boundary with Idaho is formed by the Snake River. Oregon has 19 natural lakes with a surface area of more than 3,000 acres (1,200 hectares), and many smaller ones. The largest is Upper Klamath Lake, which covers 58,922 acres (23,845 hectares) and is quite shallow. The most famous, however, is Crater Lake, which formed in the crater created by the violent eruption of Mount Mazama several thousand years ago and is now a national park. Its depth of 1,932 feet

Oregon Population Profile

Total population estimate in 2006:3,700,758
Population change, 2000–06:8.2%
Hispanic or Latino†:9.9%
Population by race
One race:97.0%
Black or African American:1.6%
American Indian /Alaska Native:1.3%
Native Hawaiian / Pacific Islander:0.2%
Some other race:3.5%
Two or more races:3.0%

Population by Age Group

Major Cities by Population
CityPopulation% change 2000–05
Notes: †A person of Hispanic or Latino origin may be of any race. NA indicates that data are not available.
Sources: U.S. Census Bureau. American Community Survey and Population Estimates. www.census.gov/ (accessed March 2007).

(589 meters), greater than any other lake in the United States, and its nearly circular expanse of bright-blue water edged by the crater’s rim make it a natural wonder.

3 Climate

Oregon has a generally temperate climate, but there are marked regional variations. The Cascade Range separates the state into two broad climatic zones: east and west. The western third of the state has relatively heavy precipitation and moderate temperatures. The eastern two-thirds have little precipitation and more extreme temperatures.

In January, normal daily mean temperatures range from 25°f (-4°c) in the southeast to 45°f (7°c) on the coast. In July, the normal daily means range from 65°f (18°c) in the plateau regions to 78°f (26°c) along the eastern border. The record low temperature, -54°f (-48°c), was registered in Seneca on 10 February 1933. The all-time high, 119°f (48°c), occurred in Pendleton on 10 August 1898.

The average annual rainfall varies from less than 8 inches (20 centimeters) in the drier plateau regions, to as much as 200 inches (508 centimeters) on the upper west slopes of the Coast Range. In the Cascades, annual snowfall ranges from 300 inches (760 centimeters) to 550 inches (1,400 centimeters). In Portland, fog is common. On average, the sun shines in Portland during only 39% of the daylight hours, one of the lowest such percentages for any major US city.

4 Plants and Animals

Oregon has a diverse assortment of vegetation and wildlife. The coastal region is covered by a rainforest of spruce, hemlock, and cedar rising above dense underbrush. A short distance inland, areas of Douglas fir—Oregon’s state tree and dominant timber resource—begin. In the high elevations of the Cascades, Douglas fir gives way to pines and true firs. Ponderosa pine predominates on the eastern slopes. The state’s many species of smaller native plants include Oregon grape (the state flower) as well as salmonberry, huckleberry, blackberry, and many other berries. In 2006, a total of 15 Oregon plant species were listed as threatened or endangered, including the Willamette daisy, Western lily, Malheur wire-lettuce, rough popcornflower, and MacFarlane’s four-o’clock.

More than 130 mammal species are native to Oregon, of which 28 are found throughout the state. Many species, such as the cougar and bear, are protected, either entirely or through hunting restrictions. Deer and elk are popular game mammals, with herds managed by the state: mule deer predominate in eastern Oregon, black-tailed deer in the west. At least 60 species of fish are found in Oregon, including 5 different salmon species, of which the Chinook is the largest and the coho most common.

Hundreds of species of birds inhabit Oregon, either year-round or during particular seasons. The state lies in the path of the Pacific Flyway, a major route for migratory waterfowl. Extensive bird refuges have been established in various parts of the state.

In April 2006, the US Fish and Wildlife Service listed 35 Oregon animal species as threatened or endangered, including the short-tailed albatross, bald eagle, Fender’s blue butter-fly, three species of chub, brown pelican, northern spotted owl, and three species of sea turtle.

Oregon Population by Race

Census 2000 was the first national census in which the instructions to respondents said, “Mark one or more races.” This table shows the number of people who are of one, two, or three or more races. For those claiming two races, the number of people belonging to the various categories is listed. The U.S. government conducts a census of the population every ten years.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau. Census 2000: Redistricting Data. Press release issued by the Redistricting Data Office. Washington, D.C., March, 2001. A dash (—) indicates that the percent is less than 0.1.
Total population3,421,399100.0
One race3,316,65496.9
Two races97,5512.9
White and Black or African American10,1110.3
White and American Indian/Alaska Native32,7941.0
White and Asian16,9570.5
White and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander2,7840.1
White and some other race24,5900.7
Black or African American and American Indian/Alaska Native1,357
Black or African American and Asian683
Black or African American and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander160
Black or African American and some other race1,530
American Indian/Alaska Native and Asian541
American Indian/Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander209
American Indian/Alaska Native and some other race1,417
Asian and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander2,0260.1
Asian and some other race1,9850.1
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander and some other race407
Three or more races7,1940.2

5 Environmental Protection

Oregon has been among the most active states in environmental protection. The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), established in 1969, is Oregon’s major environmental protection agency, enforcing standards for air and water quality and solid and hazardous waste disposal. A vehicle inspection program has been instituted to reduce exhaust emissions in the Portland area and in Rogue Valley. The DEQ also operates an asbestos program to protect the public from asbestos removed from remodeled or demolished buildings. The DEQ monitors 18 river basins for water quality and issues permits to businesses, industries, and government bodies that discharge waste water into public waters.

In 2003, Oregon had 112 hazardous waste sites listed in the Environmental Protection Agency’s database, 11 of which were on the National Priorities List, as of 2006.

In 1973, the legislature enacted what has become known as the Oregon Bottle Bill, the first state law prohibiting the sale of nonreturnable beer or soft drink containers. The success of the Bottle Bill was partly responsible for the passage in 1983 of the Recycling Opportunity Act, which reduces the amount of solid waste generated. Furthermore, all cities with 5,000 or more residents are required to provide curbside recycling services.

6 Population

In 2005, Oregon ranked 27th among the 50 states in population with an estimated total of 3,700,758 residents. The population is projected to reach 4 million by 2015 and 4.5 million by 2025. Oregon’s estimated population density in 2004 was 37.5 persons per square mile (14.47 persons per square kilometer). The median age in 2004 was 37 years. In 2005, of all residents, 13% were 65 years old or older, while 24% were younger than 18.

The city of Portland had an estimated 533,427 residents in 2005. Other leading cities were Salem, with an estimated 148,751 residents, and Eugene, with about 144,515.

7 Ethnic Groups

According to the 2000 census, the estimated number of Native Americans living in the state was 45,211. The major groups of Native Americans include those at the Umatilla, Siletz, Spokane, and Kalispel reservations. Also in 2000, there were about 55,662 black Americans in Oregon. Hispanics and Latinos numbered about 275,314, or 9% of the state total population. Asians numbered 101,350, including 20,930 Chinese, 12,131 Japanese, 12,387 Koreans, 10,627 Filipinos, 18,890 Vietnamese, 9,575 Asian Indians, and 4,392 Laotians. Pacific Islanders numbered 7,976.

French Canadians have lived in Oregon since the opening of the territory and have continued to come in a small but steady migration. As of 2000, some 31,354 Oregonians reported French Canadian ancestry. In all, the 2000 census counted some 289,702 Oregonians of foreign birth, accounting for 8.5% of the population.

8 Languages

The Midland dialect dominates Oregon English, except for a Northern dialect influence in the Willamette Valley. Throughout the state, foreign and orange have the /aw/ vowel, and tomorrow has the /ah/ of father. In 2000, of the population five years old or older, 87.9% spoke only English at home. Other languages spoken at home and number of speakers included Spanish, 217,614; German, 18,400; Vietnamese, 17,805; Russian, 16,344; Chinese, 15,504; and French, 11,837.

9 Religions

In 2004, the leading Christian denomination was the Roman Catholic church, with 425,765 adherents. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon), had 141,482 adherents in 2006. Other major Protestant groups (with 2000 membership data) were the Assemblies of God, 49,357; the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, 46,807; Christian Churches and Churches of Christ, 39,011; United Methodists, 34,101; Presbyterians (USA), 33,909; and Southern Baptists, 32,433. The International Church of the Foursquare Gospel (established in California in 1923) had 44,826 members in Oregon in 2000. In that same year, Jewish Oregonians were estimated to number 31,625 and there were about 5,225 Muslims throughout the state. About 2.3 million people, 68% of the population, were not counted as members of any religious organization.

10 Transportation

As of 2003, Oregon had 2,863 miles (4,609 kilometers) of railroad track, and is served by two major rail systems: the Union Pacific, and the Burlington Northern Santa Fe. As of 2006, Amtrak provided north–south passenger service to seven stations via its Amtrak Cascade and Coast Starlight trains, and east–west service from Portland to Chicago via its Empire Builder train.

Oregon’s roads and highways had become a network extending 65,861 miles (106,036 kilometers) by 2004. The main interstate highways are I-5, running the length of the state from north to south connecting the major cities, and I-84, running northwest from Ontario in eastern Oregon and then along the northern border. In 2004, there were some 3.006 million registered vehicles, including about 1.447 million passenger cars registered in Oregon, with 2,625,856 licensed drivers.

The Columbia River forms the major inland waterway for the Pacific Northwest, with barge navigation possible for 464 miles (747 kilometers) upstream to Lewiston, Idaho, via the Snake River. The Port of Portland owns five major cargo terminals. Oregon also has several important coastal harbors, including Astoria, Newport, and Coos Bay.

In 2005, Oregon had 346 airports, 104 heliports, 2 STOLports (Short Take-Off and Landing), and 3 seaplane bases. The state’s largest and busiest airport is Portland International, with 6,379,884 passenger boardings in 2004.

11 History

The first European to see Oregon was probably Sir Francis Drake in 1578, while on a raiding expedition against the Spanish. For most of the next 200 years, European contact was limited to occasional sightings by mariners, who considered the coast too dangerous for landing. In 1778, however, British Captain James Cook visited the Northwest and named several Oregon capes.

The first overland trek to Oregon was the Lewis and Clark Expedition, which traveled from St. Louis to the mouth of the Columbia River, where members spent the winter of 1805–06. In 1811, Oregon’s first permanent white residents established a trading post at the mouth of the Columbia River. For the next 20 years, European and US interest in Oregon focused on the quest for beaver pelts. In 1834 Jason Lee, a Methodist missionary, started a mission in the Willamette Valley, near present-day Salem.

Oregon became a territory in 1849, three years after the Oregon Treaty between Great Britain and the United States established the present US-Canadian boundary. Ten years later, after a delay caused by North-South rivalries, Congress voted to make Oregon the 33rd state.

State Development Oregon remained relatively isolated until the completion of the first transcontinental railroad link in 1883. Its population grew steadily in the 20th century as migration into the state continued. Improved transportation helped make the state the nation’s leading lumber producer and a major exporter of agricultural products. Development was also aided by hydroelectric projects.

The principal economic changes since World War II have been the growth of the aluminum industry, a rapid expansion of the tourist trade, and the creation of a growing electronics industry. The dominant industries in the Oregon economy, however, remained those centered on its abundant natural resources—timber, agriculture, and coal. These industries suffered in the late 1970s and 1980s when interest rates skyrocketed, reducing demand for houses and therefore for wood. Fewer people moved to Oregon and, in 1982 and 1983, the state’s population declined.

It was hoped that construction of high-technology plants, planned for the mid-1980s, would help stabilize Oregon’s economy, but a slump in the computer industry delayed the proposed projects. Although there was some improvement in the service sector, overall employment in the 1990s was weak. By 1999, Oregon had the third-highest unemployment rate in the country. Poverty rose from less than 10% in 1990 to over 15% by 1999. One in five Oregon children was living in poverty that year.

As Oregon shifted its focus from timber production to protecting forests, timber harvests in national forests declined 70% during the 1990s. This decline in logging resulted in severe economic downturns in rural areas, and a severe drop in tax money for education. Meanwhile, conservationists believed Oregon could generate economic growth through tourism.

By 2003, the state was facing a $2.5 billion budget deficit. In January 2003, a temporary income tax increase was rejected by the state’s voters, prompting Governor Ted Kulongoski to pare more than $300 million from the state’s budget for the period 2003–05. By 2005, the efforts of the governor to boost employment, expand business opportunities in rural and urban areas, and protect the environment at the same time began to show results. For the two-year period 2003–04, the state’s poverty rate dipped to 12.1%, below the national average of 12.6%. However, unemployment remained higher than the national average, while the state’s per capita personal income (per person) was below the national average in 2004.

12 State Government

The constitution establishes a 60-member House of Representatives, elected for 2 years, and a 30-member Senate, with senators serving 4-year terms. Major executive officials include the governor, secretary of state, attorney general, and state treasurer. Much policy in Oregon is set by boards and commissions whose members are appointed by the governor.

Bills become law when approved by a majority of the House and Senate, and either is signed by the governor, or left unsigned for 5 days when the legislature is in session, or for 30 days after it has adjourned. The governor may veto a legislative bill, but the legislature may override a veto by a two-thirds vote of those present in each house.

In 2004, the legislative salary was $15,396, while the governor’s salary, as of December 2004, was $93,600.

Oregon’s current state constitution was drafted and approved in 1857, and went into effect in 1859. As of January 2005, the document has been amended 238 times.

Oregon Governors: 1859–2007

1859–1862John WhiteakerDemocrat
1862–1866Addison Crandall GibbsUnion-Rep
1866–1870George Lemuel WoodsRepublican
1870–1877La Fayette GroverDemocrat
1877–1878Stephen Fowler ChadwickDemocrat
1878–1882William Wallace ThayerDemocrat
1882–1887Zenas Ferry MoodyRepublican
1887–1895Sylvester Pennoyer PopularDemocrat
1895–1899William Paine LordRepublican
1899–1903Theodore Thurston GeerRepublican
1903–1909George Earle ChamberlainDemocrat
1909–1910Frank Williamson BensonRepublican
1910–1911Jay BowermanRepublican
1911–1915Oswald WestDemocrat
1915–1919James WithycombeRepublican
1919–1923Ben Wilson OlcottRepublican
1923–1927Walter Marcus PierceDemocrat
1927–1929Isaac Lee PattersonRepublican
1929–1931Albin Walter NorbladRepublican
1931–1935Julius L. MeierIndependent
1935–1939Charles Henry MartinDemocrat
1939–1943Charles Arthur SpragueRepublican
1943–1947Earl Wilcox SnellRepublican
1947–1949John Hubert HallRepublican
1949–1952Douglas James McKayRepublican
1952–1956Paul Linton PattersonRepublican
1956–1957Elmo Everett SmithRepublican
1957–1959Robert Denison HolmesDemocrat
1959–1967Mark Odom HatfieldRepublican
1967–1975Thomas Lawson McCallRepublican
1975–1979Robert William StraubDemocrat
1979–1987Victor George AtiyehRepublican
1987–1991Neil GoldschmidtDemocrat
1991–1995Barbara RobertsDemocrat
1995–2003John KitzhaberDemocrat
2003–Ted KulongoskiDemocrat

13 Political Parties

Oregon has a strong tradition of political independence. In 1976 the state gave independent presidential candidate Eugene McCarthy a higher percentage of votes than any other state. Another independent, John Anderson, won 112,389 votes (9.5%) in the 1980 presidential election.

In 2004 there were 2,120,000 registered voters in Oregon. In 1998, some 40% of all registered voters were Democrat, 36% Republican, and 24% unaffiliated or members of other parties. In 2002, Democrat Ted Kulongoski won the governorship; he was reelected in 2006. Oregon’s two US senators are Democrat Ron Wyden (reelected in 2004) and Republican Gordon Smith (reelected in 2002). All but one of the five representatives to the US House were Democrats.

Following the 2006 midterm elections, there were an equal number of 17 Democrats, 11 Republicans, and 2 Independents in the state senate, and 29 Republicans and 31 Democrats in the state house. Twenty-five women were elected to the state legislature in 2006, or 27.8%. Oregon voters were nearly evenly divided in the presidential election of 2000, casting approximately 47% of the state’s popular vote for both Democrat Al Gore and Republican George W. Bush. Gore won Oregon by a narrow margin. In 2004, Democrat John Kerry took 51.5% of the vote to President Bush’s 47.6%.

14 Local Government

As of 2005, Oregon had 36 counties, 240 municipal governments, 197 public school districts, and 927 special districts. Towns and cities enjoy home rule, the right to choose their own form of government, and to enact legislation on matters of local concern. Most of Oregon’s larger cities have council-manager forms of government. Typical elected county officials are commissioners, judges, assessors, district attorneys, sheriffs, and treasurers.

Oregon’s Presidential Vote by Political Parties, 1948–2004

* Won US presidential election.
1948Dewey (R243,147260,90414,9785,051
1952*Eisenhower (R)270,579420,8153,665
1956Eisenhower (R)329,204406,393
1960Nixon (R367,402408,065
1964*Johnson (D)501,017282,779
1968*Nixon (R)358,866408,43349,683
1972*Nixon (R)392,760486,68646,211
1976Ford (R490,407492,120
1980*Reagan (R)456,890571,04413,64225,838
1984*Reagan (R)536,479685,700
1988Dukakis (D)678,367483,4232,9856,261
     IND. (PEROT) 
1992*Clinton (D)621,314475,7573,030354,0914,277
1996*Clinton (D)649,641538,15249,415121,2218,903
2000Gore (D)720,342713,57777,3577,0637,447
2004Kerry (D)943,163866,8315,3157,260

15 Judicial System

Oregon’s highest court is the Supreme Court, consisting of seven justices. It accepts cases on review from the 10-judge Court of Appeals, which has exclusive jurisdiction over all criminal and civil appeals from lower courts. Circuit courts are the trial courts for civil and criminal matters. The more populous counties also have district courts, which hear minor civil, criminal, and traffic matters.

Oregon’s violent crime (murder/nonnegligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery, aggravated assault) rate in 2004 stood at 298.3 incidents per 100,000 population. As of 31 December 2004, there were 13,183 inmates in Oregon’s state and federal correctional facilities. Oregon imposes the death penalty, of which lethal injection is the sole method of execution. As of 1 January 2006, there were 33 persons under sentence of death in the state.

16 Migration

The Oregon Trail was the route along which thousands of settlers traveled to Oregon by covered wagon in the 1840s and 1850s. This early immigration was mainly from Midwestern states. After the completion of the transcontinental railroad, northeastern states supplied an increasing proportion of the newcomers.

Foreign immigration began in the 1860s with the importation of Chinese contract laborers. Germans and Scandinavians (particularly after 1900) were the most numerous foreign immigrants. Japanese, who began arriving in the 1890s, met a hostile reception in some areas. Canadians have also come to Oregon in significant numbers. Nevertheless, immigration from other states has predominated.

Between 1990 and 1998, Oregon had net gains of 260,000 in domestic migration and 58,000 in international migration. In the period 2000–05, net international migration was 72,263, while net domestic migration was 77,821 for a net gain of 150,084 people.

17 Economy

Since early settlement, Oregon’s natural resources have formed the basis of its economy. Vast forests have made lumber and wood products the leading industry in the state. Since World War II, however, the state has striven to diversify its job base. The aluminum industry has been attracted to Oregon, along with computer and electronics firms, which now constitute the fastest growing manufacturing area. Tourism and research-related businesses growing out of partnerships between government and higher education have been on the rise as well. The state’s economy has traditionally been dependent on the health of the US construction industry. Jobs are plentiful when US housing starts rise, but unemployment increases when nationwide construction drops off.

Oregon was one of the few states where growth in manufacturing, rather than services, led overall growth coming into the 21st century. However, during the national recession of 2001, manufacturing output fell 7.7%. By the end of 2002, employment in the electronic products and industrial machinery manufacturing areas of the economy (which produce semiconductors and computers) had fallen 3%. That year, Oregon had the second-highest unemployment rate in the nation, at 7%. By April 2006, the state’s unemployment rate was pegged at 5.5%.

In 2004, Oregon’s gross state product (GSP) totaled $128.103 billion. Of that total, manufacturing accounted for the largest portion of GSP at $19.581 billion, or 15.2%, followed by the real estate sector at $17.937 billion or 14%, and health care and social services at $9.770 billion, or 7.6% of GSP. Of the 104,114 businesses in the state that had employees, 97.7% were small companies.

18 Income

In 2004, Oregon ranked 30th among the 50 states and the District of Columbia with a per capita (per person) income of $30,561, compared to the national average of $33,050. The median annual household income for 2002–04 was $42,617, compared to the national average of $44,473. For the same period, 11.7% of the state’s residents lived below the federal poverty level, compared to the national average of 12.4%.

19 Industry

Although manufacturing in Oregon was dominated by the lumber and wood products industry, computer and electronic products have taken center stage in the state’s manufacturing sector. In 2004, the shipment value of all products manufactured in Oregon was $54.836 billion, of which computer and electronic product manufacturing accounted for the largest share at $7.849 billion, followed by wood product manufacturing at $8.782 billion, and food manufacturing at $5.876 billion.

In 2004, Oregon’s manufacturing sector employed a total of 174,214 people, of which wood product manufacturing accounted for the largest portion at 31,497, followed by computer and electronic manufacturing at 25,481 employees, and food manufacturing at 18,625 employees. More than half of Oregon’s industrial workers are employed in the Portland area.

20 Labor

In April 2006, the civilian labor force in Oregon numbered 1,877,400, with approximately 103,700 workers unemployed, yielding an unemployment rate of 5.5%, compared to the national average of 4.7% for the same period. Data for the same period showed that about 5.8% of the labor force was employed in construction; 12.4% in manufacturing; 19.6% in trade, transportation, and public utilities; 6.2% in finance activities; 11.2% in professional and business services; 12.1% in education and health services; 9.6% in leisure and hospitality services; and 16.7% in government.

In 2005, a total of 213,000 of Oregon’s 1,470,000 employed wage and salary workers were members of a union, representing 14.5% of those so employed, compared to the national average of 12%.

21 Agriculture

Oregon ranked 27th in the United States in agricultural output in 2005, with cash receipts of $3.7 billion. Crops accounted for 72% of the total. While wheat has been Oregon’s leading crop since the state was first settled, in recent years nursery and greenhouse products took over the number-one spot, followed by hay and rye-grass production. Additionally, more than 170 farm and ranch commodities are commercially produced in the state. Oregon leads the nation in the production of hazelnuts, peppermint oil, blackberries, black raspberries, boysenberries, loganberries, several grass and seed crops, and Christmas trees.

Farmland covers about 17.2 million acres (7 million hectares), or 28% of Oregon’s total area. In 2004, the state had some 40,000 farms. Leading crops in 2004 were hay, wheat, potatoes, and pears. Oregon produces about 98% of the nation’s ryegrass seed, with sales of nearly $198 million in 2005. In recent years, the growth of Oregon’s wine industry has become noteworthy.

22 Domesticated Animals

Most beef cattle are raised on the rangeland of eastern Oregon, while dairy operations are concentrated in the western portion of the state. Sheep and poultry are also raised largely in the west. Cattle and calf production is Oregon’s second leading agricultural activity in terms of value, following greenhouse/nursery products. Ranchers lease large tracts of federally owned grazing land under a permit system.

In 2005, Oregon ranches and farms had around 1.4 million cattle and calves, worth an estimated $1.37 billion. During 2003, the state produced nearly 10.1 million pounds (4.6 million kilograms) of sheep and lambs, which brought in $11.7 million in gross income. In 2004, shorn wool production was an estimated 1.1 million pounds (0.5 million kilograms) of wool. The 2003 milk output was estimated at 2.2

billion pounds (1 billion kilograms). That same year, Oregon’s poultry farmers produced nearly 2.8 million pounds (1.3 million kilograms) of chickens and 783 million eggs.

23 Fishing

Oregon’s fish resources have long been of great importance to its inhabitants. For centuries, salmon provided much of the food for Native Americans, who gathered at traditional fishing grounds when the salmon were returning upstream from the ocean to spawn.

In 2004, Oregon ranked 7th among the states in the total amount of its commercial catch, at over 294.7 million pounds (134 million kilograms) valued at $101 million. The port at Astoria ranked 9th in the nation in catch volume with 135.8 million pounds (61.7 million kilograms). Newport ranked 11th with 111.2 million pounds (50.5 million kilograms). The catch included salmon, especially chinook and silver; groundfish such as flounder, rockfish, and lingcod; shellfish such as shrimp and oysters; and albacore tuna. Salmon landings in 2004 totaled 5.9 million pounds (2.7 million kilograms). Oregon led the nation in Dungeness crab landings, with 27.3 million pounds (12.4 million kilograms).

In 2003, there were 26 processing plants in the state with about 1,012 employees. In 2002, the commercial fishing fleet consisted of 998 boats and vessels.

Sport fishing, primarily for salmon and trout, is a major recreational attraction. In 2004, the state issued 666,454 sport fishing licenses. Hatchery production of salmon and steelhead has taken on increased importance, as development has destroyed natural spawning areas. There are 34 public fish hatcheries in the state, including two national fish hatcheries (Eagle Creek and Warm Springs).

24 Forestry

About 48% (29.7 million acres/12 million hectares) of the state is forested. Oregon’s forests are divided into two major geographic regions. Douglas fir is a primary conifer species in western Oregon, with western hemlock and sitka spruce found along the coast. In eastern Oregon, ponderosa pine is the main species. Several species of true fir, larch, and lodgepole pine also grow east of the Cascades. Noncommercial forests are found along the crest of the Cascade Range and in the high desert country of eastern Oregon. These species include alpine fir, mountain hemlock, and western juniper.

Over 60% of Oregon’s forests are publicly owned. National Forest Service lands cover 17.5 million acres (7.1 million hectares). The Oregon Department of Forestry manages about 786,000 acres (318,000 hectares) of forestland. About 654,000 acres (265,000 hectares) are managed by the department for the counties, and a further 132,000 acres (53,000 hectares) are Common School Fund forestlands, managed for the State Land Board. About 80% of the state’s forestland, or 23.8 million acres (9.6 million hectares), is land capable of producing timber for commercial harvest. However, less than 60% of this commercial land is available for full-yield timber production.

In 2004, Oregon led the nation in total lumber production, with 7.08 billion board feet, accounting for 14.3% of all lumber produced in the United States. Nearly all of the timber harvested from private forestlands is second growth that was planted from 1920 to 1940. Private forestlands are being reforested and play a major role in sustaining Oregon’s long-term timber supply. Oregon law has required reforestation following timber harvesting since 1941. Oregon was the first state to pass a Forest Practices Act, in 1971. About 100 million seedlings are planted in Oregon each year.

25 Mining

The estimated value of Oregon’s nonfuel mineral production in 2003 was $311 million. According to preliminary data for that same year, the state’s top nonfuel minerals by value were construction sand and gravel, and crushed stone, followed (in descending order of value) by portland cement, diatomite, and lime. These five commodities accounted for around 96% of the state’s total nonfuel mineral output, by value.

In 2003, Oregon produced 19 million metric tons of construction sand and gravel, worth $113 million, and 18.8 million metric tons of crushed stone, valued at $96.8 million. That year, Oregon also produced zeolites, which are processed and sold for a variety of applications: to absorb ammonia in aquarium systems, as animal feed supplements, in odor control, and in wastewater treatment.

26 Energy and Power

Oregon ranks high in the hydroelectric power development, which supplies over half of the state’s energy needs. Multipurpose federal projects, including four dams on the Columbia River

and eight in the Willamette Basin, and projects owned by private or public utilities give Oregon a hydroelectric capacity of over 8,100,000 kilowatts. As of 2003, there were no nuclear power plants in operation.

Oregon’s total electric power production in 2003 was 48.966 billion kilowatt hours. Total net summer generating capability that same year was 12.882 million kilowatts. Hydroelectric plants accounted for 67.9% of all power produced, followed by natural gas-fired plants at 20.9%, and coal-fired plants at 8.8%. The remainder came from other renewable sources and oil-fired facilities.

Oregon has no output or proven reserves of crude oil. In 2004 however, the state had 15 producing natural gas wells, with marketed gas output that year totaling 467 million cubic feet (13.26 million cubic meters). Oregon has one refinery, which is used to produce asphalt.

27 Commerce

In 2002, Oregon’s wholesale trade sector had sales totaling $56.8 billion, while the state’s retail sector that same year, had sales totaling $37.8 billion. Motor vehicle and motor vehicle dealers accounted for the largest share of retail sales at $10 billion, followed by general merchandise stores at $7.02 billion, and food and beverage stores at $6.07 billion. Exports moving through Oregon were valued at $12.3 billion in 2005.

28 Public Finance

The Oregon constitution prohibits a state budget deficit. The biennial budget is prepared by the Executive Department and submitted by the governor to the legislature for amendment and approval. The fiscal year is from 1 July to 30 June.

Total state revenues for 2004 were $24.488 billion, while total state expenditures that year were $18.788 billion. The largest general expenditures were for education ($5.465 billion), public welfare ($3.5 billion), and highways ($1.2 billion). The total state government debt was $10.495 billion, or $2,922.77 per person.

29 Taxation

Oregon’s chief source of general revenue is the personal income tax. As of 1 January 2006, the tax had three brackets, ranging from 5% to 9%. The state also taxes corporations at a flat rate of 6.6%. Oregon does not have a general sales tax, but it does levy excise taxes on such products as gasoline and cigarettes. There is also a forest products harvest tax.

The state collected $6.523 billion in taxes in 2005, or $1,791 per person. Of the total collected that year, 72% came from individual income taxes, 10.7% from selective sales taxes, 5.6% from corporate income taxes, and 0.4% from property taxes. The remaining 11.3% came from other taxes. In 2005, Oregon ranked 41st among the states in terms of combined state and local tax burden.

In October 2005, the infant mortality rate was 5.5 deaths per 1,000 live births. The HIV mortality rate was 2.6 per 100,000 population. In 2004, the reported AIDS case rate was around 7.8 per 100,000 residents. Major causes of death in 2002 were heart disease, cancer, cerebrovascular diseases, chronic lower respiratory disease, and diabetes. The crude death rate in 2003 was 8.7 per 1,000 population. As of 2004, about 19.9% of Oregon residents were smokers.

Oregon’s 58 community hospitals had about 6,800 beds in 2003. In 2005, there were 768 nurses per 100,000 people. In 2004, there were 269 physicians per 100,000 population, and a total of 1,768 dentists in the state. The average expense for hospital care was $1,842 per day. In 2004, about 17% of Oregon’s residents were uninsured.

The only medical and dental schools in the state are at the University of Oregon Health Sciences University in Portland.

31 Housing

In 2004, there were an estimated 1,535,381 housing units in Oregon, of which 1,427,711 were occupied and 63% were owner-occupied. About 62.5% of all units were single-family, detached homes. Electricity and utility gas were the most common energy sources for heat. It was estimated that 56,590 units lacked telephone service, 4,834 lacked complete plumbing facilities, and 10,081 lacked complete kitchen facilities. The average household size was 2.46 people.

In 2004, a total of 27,300 new privately owned units were authorized for construction. The median home value was $181,544. The median monthly cost for mortgage owners was $1,217, while renters paid a median of $681 per month.

32 Education

In 2004, of all Oregon residents age 25 and older, 87.4% were high school graduates, while some 25.9% citizens had obtained a bachelor’s degree or higher.

Total public school enrollment was estimated at 555,200 in fall 2003. Enrollment was expected to reach 591,000 by fall 2014. Expenditures for public education in 2003/04 were estimated at $5.7 billion. Enrollment in nonpublic schools in fall 2003 was 46,968.

As of fall 2002, there were 204,565 students enrolled in college or graduate school. In 2005, Oregon had 59 degree-granting institutions that included 9 public four-year schools, 17 public two-year schools, and 25 nonprofit, private four-year schools. The University of Oregon in Eugene has the highest regular enrollment, followed by Portland State University in Portland, and Oregon State University in Corvallis. Major private higher education institutions include Willamette University, George Fox College, Linfield College, University of Portland, Reed College, Lewis and Clark College, and Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology.

33 Arts

The Portland Art Museum, with an associated art school, is the city’s center for the visual arts. The University of Oregon in Eugene has an art museum specializing in Oriental art.

The state’s most noted theatrical enterprise is the annual Oregon Shakespeare Festival in Ashland, with a complex of theaters drawing actors and audiences from around the nation. The Portland Center for the Performing Arts is home to the Oregon Symphony Orchestra, the Portland Opera, Oregon Ballet Theatre, Oregon Children’s Theatre, Portland Center Stage, Portland Youth Philharmonic, Tears of Joy Puppet Theatre, and Broadway in Portland. Salem and Eugene have small symphony orchestras of their own.

The Oregon Arts Commission, established in 1967, became a division of the Oregon Economic and Community Development Department in 1993. The Commission and the Department of Education jointly administer a program of Young Writers Fellowships. The Oregon Council for the Humanities has a number of annual historical and literary programs.

34 Libraries and Museums

In June 2001, Oregon had 210 libraries of which 89 were branches, with a total book stock of 8.47 million and a combined circulation of 38.04 million. Most cities and counties in Oregon have public library systems, the largest being the Multnomah County library system in Portland. The State Library in Salem serves as a reference agency for state government.

Oregon has 105 museums, historic sites, botanical gardens, and arboretums. Historical museums emphasizing Oregon’s pioneer heritage appear throughout the state, with Ft. Clatsop National Memorial, which features a replica of Lewis and Clark’s winter headquarters, among the notable attractions. The Oregon Historical Society operates a major historical museum in Portland, publishes books of historical interest, and issues the Oregon Historical Quarterly. In Portland’s Washington Park area are the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry, Washington Park Zoo, Western Forestry Center, and an arboretum and gardens.

35 Communications

As of 2004, of all Oregon households, 95.5% had telephones, and in June of that same year, there were 1.89 million wireless telephone service subscribers. In 2003, computers were in 67% of the state’s households, while 61% had access to the Internet. In 2005, Oregon had 37 major AM and 86 major FM commercial radio stations, as well as 24 major television stations. A state-owned broadcasting system provides educational radio and television programming. The Portland area had over one million television households, 62% of which ordered cable in 1999. A total of 97,453 Internet domain names were registered in the state by the year 2000.

36 Press

Oregon’s first newspaper was the weekly Oregon Spectator, which began publication in 1846. Early newspapers engaged in what became known as the “Oregon style” of journalism, characterized by intemperate, verbally abusive, and fiercely partisan comments. As of 2005, there were 20 daily (7 morning, 13 evening) and 12 Sunday newspapers published in Oregon. The state’s largest newspaper, the Oregonian published in Portland, is owned by Advance Publications. Leading Oregon newspapers with their approximate 2005 daily circulations include the Oregonian (324,863), the Eugene Register-Guard (79,266), and the Salem Statesman-Journal (53,366).

37 Tourism, Travel & Recreation

Travel and tourism is the state’s third-largest employer, generating over 94,500 jobs. In 2002, travel revenues reached $6.3 billion.

Oregon’s abundance and variety of natural features and recreational opportunities make the state a major tourist attraction. Among the leading attractions are the rugged Oregon coast, with its offshore salmon fishing; Crater Lake National Park; the Cascades wilderness; and Portland’s annual Rose Festival. Oregon has one national park, Crater Lake, and three other areas managed by the National Park Service. The US Forest Service administers the Hells Canyon National Recreation Area and the Lava Lands Visitor Complex near Bend. Oregon has one of the nation’s most extensive state park systems: 225 parks and recreation areas cover 90,000 acres (36,400 hectares).

38 Sports

Oregon has one professional major league team, the Portland Trail Blazers of the National Basketball Association. The state also has a minor league baseball team, the Beavers, in Portland; it is an AAA affiliate of the San Diego Padres. There are class-A Northwest League teams in Eugene, and Salem.

Horse racing takes place at Portland Meadows in Portland and, in late August and early September, at the Oregon State Fair in Salem. There is greyhound racing at the Multnomah Greyhound Park near Portland. Pari-mutuel betting is permitted at the tracks, but offtrack betting is prohibited.

The University of Oregon and Oregon State University belong to the Pacific 10 Conference. The Oregon State Ducks have won several bowl contests, most recently the 2002 Fiesta Bowl. Other annual sporting events include sled dog races in Bend and Union Creek, the All-Indian Rodeo in Tygh Valley in May (one of many rodeos), and the Cycle Oregon Bike Ride.

39 Famous Oregonians

Prominent federal officeholders from Oregon include Senator Wayne Morse (b.Wisconsin, 1900–1974), an early opponent of US involvement in Vietnam; Representative Edith Green (1910–1984), a leader in federal education assistance; and Representative Al Ullman (b.Montana, 1914–1986), chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee until his defeat in 1980. Former governor Neil Goldschmidt (b.1940), served as Secretary of Transportation.

Oregon’s most famous Native American was Chief Joseph (1840?–1904), leader of the Nez Perce in northeastern Oregon. Abigail Scott Duniway (b.Illinois, 1823–1915) was the Northwest’s foremost advocate of women’s suffrage. Journalist and communist John Reed (1887–1920), was born in Portland ; he is author of Ten Days That Shook the World, an eyewitness account of the Bolshevik Revolution. Award-winning science fiction writer Ursula K. LeGuin (b.California, 1929) is a Portland resident. Linus Pauling (1901–1994), two-time winner of the Nobel Prize (for chemistry in 1954 and for peace in 1962), was also a Portland native.

40 Bibliography


Bristow, M. J. State Songs of America. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2000.

Heinrichs, Ann. Oregon. Minneapolis, MN: Compass Point Books, 2003.

Ingram, Scott. Oregon. New York: Children’s Press, 2000.

McAuliffe, Emily. Oregon Facts and Symbols. Rev. ed. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press, 2003.

Murray, Julie. Oregon. Edina, MN: Abdo Publishing, 2006.

Stefoff, Rebecca. Oregon. New York: Marshall Cavendish Benchmark, 2006.


Oregon Tourism Commission. Welcome to Oregon. www.traveloregon.com (accessed March 1, 2007).

State of Oregon. Oregon Blue Book. www.bluebook.state.or.us (accessed March 1, 2007).

State of Oregon. Welcome to the Official Oregon State Web Site. www.oregon.gov (accessed March 1, 2007).


views updated Jun 11 2018



Advertising, B

Animation, Interactive Technology, Video Graphics and Special Effects, B

Fashion/Apparel Design, AB

Graphic Design, AB

Interior Design, AB

Intermedia/Multimedia, AB

Web Page, Digital/Multimedia and Information Resources Design, AB


Accounting, A

Administrative Assistant and Secretarial Science, A

Agricultural Business and Management, A

Animal Sciences, A

Automobile/Automotive Mechanics Technology/Technician, A

Business Administration and Management, A

Civil Drafting and Civil Engineering CAD/CADD, A

Civil Engineering Technology/Technician, A

Dental Assisting/Assistant, A

Diesel Mechanics Technology/Technician, A

Electrical, Electronic and Communications Engineering Technology/Technician, A

Health and Physical Education, A

Health Information/Medical Records Technology/Technician, A

Industrial Technology/Technician, A

Information Science/Studies, A

Liberal Arts and Sciences Studies and Humanities, A

Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurse Training, A

Marketing/Marketing Management, A

Mathematics, A

Medical Administrative Assistant/Secretary, A

Nursing - Registered Nurse Training, A

Social Work, A


Bible/Biblical Studies, B

Business Administration and Management, B

Communication and Media Studies, B

Early Childhood Education and Teaching, B

Elementary Education and Teaching, B

English Language and Literature, B

Liberal Arts and Sciences Studies and Humanities, B

Marketing/Marketing Management, B

Psychology, B


Accounting, A

Administrative Assistant and Secretarial Science, A

Art/Art Studies, General, A

Automobile/Automotive Mechanics Technology/Technician, A

Biological and Physical Sciences, A

Business Administration and Management, A

Cartography, A

Computer and Information Sciences, A

Computer Science, A

Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement Administration, A

Culinary Arts/Chef Training, A

Dental Assisting/Assistant, A

Early Childhood Education and Teaching, A

Education, A

Emergency Medical Technology/Technician (EMT Paramedic), A

Fire Science/Firefighting, A

Forestry, A

Forestry Technology/Technician, A

Health Information/Medical Records Technology/Technician, A

Hospitality Administration/Management, A

Hospitality and Recreation Marketing Operations, A

Hotel/Motel Administration/Management, A

Humanities/Humanistic Studies, A

Industrial Technology/Technician, A

Kinesiology and Exercise Science, A

Liberal Arts and Sciences Studies and Humanities, A

Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurse Training, A

Marketing/Marketing Management, A

Mathematics, A

Medical/Clinical Assistant, A

Nursing - Registered Nurse Training, A

Physical Sciences, A

Pre-Engineering, A

Social Sciences, A

Sport and Fitness Administration/Management, A

Tourism Promotion Operations, A

Welding Technology/Welder, A


Accounting, A

Administrative Assistant and Secretarial Science, A

Agricultural Teacher Education, A

Art Teacher Education, A

Automobile/Automotive Mechanics Technology/Technician, A

Business Administration and Management, A

Civil Engineering Technology/Technician, A

Computer Engineering Technology/Technician, A

Computer Programming/Programmer, A

Computer Science, A

Construction Engineering Technology/Technician, A

Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement Administration, A

Dental Hygiene/Hygienist, A

Drafting and Design Technology/Technician, A

Drafting/Design Engineering Technologies/Technicians, A

Economics, A

Education, A

Electrical, Electronic and Communications Engineering Technology/Technician, A

Emergency Medical Technology/Technician (EMT Paramedic), A

Engineering, A

English Language and Literature, A

Finance, A

Fire Science/Firefighting, A

Forestry, A

Forestry Technology/Technician, A

Graphic and Printing Equipment Operator Production, A

Health Information/Medical Records Administration/Administrator, A

Health Teacher Education, A

Health/Health Care Administration/Management, A

Hospitality Administration/Management, A

Hotel/Motel Administration/Management, A

Human Services, A

Humanities/Humanistic Studies, A

Industrial Technology/Technician, A

Kindergarten/PreSchool Education and Teaching, A

Liberal Arts and Sciences Studies and Humanities, A

Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurse Training, A

Mathematics, A

Medical Administrative Assistant/Secretary, A

Medical/Clinical Assistant, A

Nursing - Registered Nurse Training, A

Physical Education Teaching and Coaching, A

Political Science and Government, A

Real Estate, A

Science Teacher Education/General Science Teacher Education, A

Social Sciences, A

Teacher Assistant/Aide, A

Welding Technology/Welder, A


Accounting, A

Autobody/Collision and Repair Technology/Technician, A

Automobile/Automotive Mechanics Technology/Technician, A

Community Organization and Advocacy, A

Computer Technology/Computer Systems Technology, A

Corrections, A

Criminal Justice/Police Science, A

Drafting and Design Technology/Technician, A

General Studies, A

Liberal Arts and Sciences Studies and Humanities, A

Machine Tool Technology/Machinist, A

Nursing - Registered Nurse Training, A

Office Management and Supervision, A

Ornamental Horticulture, A

Water Quality and Wastewater Treatment Management and Recycling Technology/Technician, A


Accounting, A

Administrative Assistant and Secretarial Science, A

Business Administration and Management, A

Business/Office Automation/Technology/Data Entry, A

Computer Engineering Technology/Technician, A

Computer Systems Networking and Telecommunications, A

Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement Administration, A

Fire Science/Firefighting, A

Legal Administrative Assistant/Secretary, A

Liberal Arts and Sciences Studies and Humanities, A

Medical Administrative Assistant/Secretary, A

Nursing - Registered Nurse Training, A


Biological and Physical Sciences, B

Biology/Biological Sciences, B

Business Administration and Management, AB

Chemistry, B

Curriculum and Instruction, M

Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, B

Education, BM

Educational Administration and Supervision, M

Elementary Education and Teaching, BM

English Language and Literature, B

English/Language Arts Teacher Education, B

Environmental Studies, B

Health/Health Care Administration/Management, B

Humanities/Humanistic Studies, B

Interdisciplinary Studies, B

Kindergarten/PreSchool Education and Teaching, B

Liberal Arts and Sciences Studies and Humanities, AB

Mathematics Teacher Education, B

Natural Sciences, B

Nursing - Registered Nurse Training, B

Physical Education Teaching and Coaching, B

Physical Sciences, B

Pre-Medicine/Pre-Medical Studies, B

Pre-Theology/Pre-Ministerial Studies, B

Psychology, B

Religion/Religious Studies, B

Religious Education, B

Science Teacher Education/General Science Teacher Education, B

Secondary Education and Teaching, BM

Social Sciences, B

Social Studies Teacher Education, B

Social Work, B

Sport and Fitness Administration/Management, B

Theology/Theological Studies, B


Accounting, B

Bible/Biblical Studies, AB

Biology Teacher Education, B

Business Administration and Management, AB

Business Teacher Education, B

Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, B

Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric, B

Community Organization and Advocacy, B

Computer Science, B

Divinity/Ministry (BD, MDiv.), B

Education, B

Elementary Education and Teaching, B

English Language and Literature, B

English/Language Arts Teacher Education, B

Family Psychology, B

Finance, B

Health Services/Allied Health/Health Sciences, B

Humanities/Humanistic Studies, B

Industrial and Organizational Psychology, B

Interdisciplinary Studies, B

Journalism, B

Liberal Arts and Sciences Studies and Humanities, B

Management Information Systems and Services, B

Mathematics, B

Mathematics Teacher Education, B

Missions/Missionary Studies and Missiology, B

Music, B

Music Performance, B

Music Teacher Education, B

Pastoral Studies/Counseling, B

Physical Education Teaching and Coaching, B

Pre-Law Studies, B

Pre-Theology/Pre-Ministerial Studies, B

Psychology, B

Public Health (MPH, DPH), B

Religion/Religious Studies, B

Religious Education, B

Religious/Sacred Music, B

Secondary Education and Teaching, B

Social Science Teacher Education, B

Social Sciences, B

Social Studies Teacher Education, B

Sport and Fitness Administration/Management, B

Theology/Theological Studies, B

Voice and Opera, B


Business Administration and Management, B

Business Administration, Management and Operations, BM

Computer and Information Sciences, B


Accounting, B

Administrative Assistant and Secretarial Science, A

Agricultural Business and Management, B

Agricultural Economics, B

Agronomy and Crop Science, B

Anthropology, B

Art/Art Studies, General, B

Biological and Physical Sciences, B

Biology/Biological Sciences, B

Business/Managerial Economics, B

Chemistry, B

City/Urban, Community and Regional Planning, B

Computer Science, B

Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, B

Economics, B

Education, BM

Elementary Education and Teaching, M

English Language and Literature, B

Fire Science/Firefighting, B

History, B

Liberal Arts and Sciences Studies and Humanities, B

Mathematics, B

Music, B

Natural Resources Management/Development and Policy, B

Physical Education Teaching and Coaching, B

Physics, B

Pre-Dentistry Studies, B

Pre-Law Studies, B

Pre-Medicine/Pre-Medical Studies, B

Pre-Veterinary Studies, B

Psychology, B

Secondary Education and Teaching, M

Sociology, B

Special Education and Teaching, B


Bible/Biblical Studies, B

Divinity/Ministry (BD, MDiv.), B

Missions/Missionary Studies and Missiology, B

Pastoral Studies/Counseling, B

Religious Education, B

Religious/Sacred Music, B

Youth Ministry, B


Acting, B

Art/Art Studies, General, B

Athletic Training and Sports Medicine, B

Behavioral Sciences, B

Bible/Biblical Studies, B

Biology/Biological Sciences, B

Broadcast Journalism, B

Business Administration and Management, B

Business Administration, Management and Operations, M

Chemistry, B

Cinematography and Film/Video Production, B

Clinical Psychology, BMD

Cognitive Psychology and Psycholinguistics, B

Cognitive Sciences, B

Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric, B

Computer and Information Sciences, B

Counseling Psychology, M

Counselor Education/School Counseling and Guidance Services, M

Directing and Theatrical Production, B

Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, B

Economics, B

Education, MD

Educational Leadership and Administration, MD

Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering, B

Elementary Education and Teaching, B

Engineering, B

English Language and Literature, B

Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences, B

Fashion Merchandising, B

Film/Cinema Studies, B

Finance, B

Fine/Studio Arts, B

Foods, Nutrition, and Wellness Studies, B

Foundations and Philosophy of Education, MD

Graphic Design, B

Health and Physical Education, B

Health Teacher Education, B

History, B

Industrial Design, B

Information Science/Studies, B

Interdisciplinary Studies, B

Intermedia/Multimedia, B

International Business/Trade/Commerce, B

International/Global Studies, B

Management Information Systems and Services, B

Marketing/Marketing Management, B

Marriage and Family Therapy/Counseling, M

Mathematics, B

Mechanical Engineering, B

Missions/Missionary Studies and Missiology, B

Music, B

Music Performance, B

Music Teacher Education, B

Music Theory and Composition, B

Nursing - Registered Nurse Training, B

Organizational Management, M

Pastoral Studies/Counseling, BD

Philosophy, B

Physical Education Teaching and Coaching, B

Psychology, BMD

Public Relations/Image Management, B

Radio and Television, B

Religion/Religious Studies, BP

Religious Education, BM

School Psychology, M

Social Work, B

Sociology, B

Spanish Language and Literature, B

Sport and Fitness Administration/Management, B

Technical Theatre/Theatre Design and Technology, B

Theology and Religious Vocations, MDP

Youth Ministry, B


Accounting, A

Administrative Assistant and Secretarial Science, A

Business Administration and Management, A

Information Science/Studies, A

Medical Administrative Assistant/Secretary, A


Animation, Interactive Technology, Video Graphics and Special Effects, B

Business Administration and Management, B

CAD/CADD Drafting and/or Design Technology/Technician, A

Computer and Information Systems Security, B

Computer Programming/Programmer, A

Computer Systems Networking and Telecommunications, B

Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement Administration, B

E-Commerce/Electronic Commerce, B

Electrical, Electronic and Communications Engineering Technology/Technician, AB

Robotics Technology/Technician, B

System, Networking, and LAN/WAN Management/Manager, A

Web Page, Digital/Multimedia and Information Resources Design, A

Web/Multimedia Management and Webmaster, A


Accounting, A

Administrative Assistant and Secretarial Science, A

Agricultural Mechanization, A

Airline/Commercial/Professional Pilot and Flight Crew, A

Automobile/Automotive Mechanics Technology/Technician, A

Avionics Maintenance Technology/Technician, A

Broadcast Journalism, A

Business Administration and Management, A

Child Development, A

Cinematography and Film/Video Production, A

Commercial and Advertising Art, A

Community Organization and Advocacy, A

Computer Engineering Technology/Technician, A

Computer Programming/Programmer, A

Construction Engineering Technology/Technician, A

Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement Administration, A

Culinary Arts/Chef Training, A

Dental Hygiene/Hygienist, A

Drafting and Design Technology/Technician, A

Electrical, Electronic and Communications Engineering Technology/Technician, A

Energy Management and Systems Technology/Technician, A

Food Technology and Processing, A

Heating, Air Conditioning, Ventilation and Refrigeration Maintenance Technology/Technician, A

Heavy Equipment Maintenance Technology/Technician, A

Hospitality Administration/Management, A

Hotel/Motel Administration/Management, A

Industrial Technology/Technician, A

Kindergarten/PreSchool Education and Teaching, A

Liberal Arts and Sciences Studies and Humanities, A

Nursing - Registered Nurse Training, A

Radio and Television, A

Real Estate, A

Respiratory Care Therapy/Therapist, A

Special Products Marketing Operations, A

Substance Abuse/Addiction Counseling, A

Welding Technology/Welder, A


Anthropology, B

Art/Art Studies, General, B

Biochemistry, B

Biology/Biological Sciences, B

Chemistry, B

Communication Disorders, M

Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric, B

Computer Science, B

Counseling Psychology, MO

Cultural Studies, M

Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, B

East Asian Studies, B

Economics, B

Education, MDO

Educational Administration and Supervision, MD

Elementary Education and Teaching, M

English Language and Literature, B

Environmental Studies, B

Foreign Languages and Literatures, B

French Language and Literature, B

German Language and Literature, B

Hispanic-American, Puerto Rican, and Mexican-American/Chicano Studies, B

History, B

International Relations and Affairs, B

Law and Legal Studies, MP

Liberal Studies, M

Marriage and Family Therapy/Counseling, M

Mathematics, B

Modern Languages, B

Music, B

Philosophy, B

Physics, B

Political Science and Government, B

Pre-Engineering, B

Psychology, B

Religion/Religious Studies, B

School Psychology, MO

Secondary Education and Teaching, M

Sociology, B

Spanish Language and Literature, B

Special Education and Teaching, M

Substance Abuse/Addiction Counseling, M


Accounting, B

Anthropology, B

Area, Ethnic, Cultural, and Gender Studies, B

Art/Art Studies, General, B

Athletic Training and Sports Medicine, B

Biology/Biological Sciences, B

Business/Commerce, B

Chemistry, B

Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric, B

Computer Science, B

Creative Writing, B

Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, B

Economics, B

Elementary Education and Teaching, B

English Language and Literature, B

Environmental Studies, B

Finance, B

French Language and Literature, B

German Language and Literature, B

Health and Physical Education, B

History, B

International Business/Trade/Commerce, B

Japanese Language and Literature, B

Kinesiology and Exercise Science, B

Mathematics, B

Music, B

Philosophy, B

Physical Sciences, B

Physics, B

Political Science and Government, B

Psychology, B

Religion/Religious Studies, B

Sociology, B

Spanish Language and Literature, B


Accounting, A

Administrative Assistant and Secretarial Science, A

Agricultural Business and Management, A

Agricultural Teacher Education, A

Agriculture, A

Animal Sciences, A

Art/Art Studies, General, A

Automobile/Automotive Mechanics Technology/Technician, A

Biological and Physical Sciences, A

Biology/Biological Sciences, A

Business Administration and Management, A

Chemistry, A

Child Care and Support Services Management, A

Civil Engineering Technology/Technician, A

Commercial and Advertising Art, A

Computer and Information Sciences, A

Computer Programming, Specific Applications, A

Criminal Justice/Police Science, A

Criminal Justice/Safety Studies, A

Culinary Arts and Related Services, A

Culinary Arts/Chef Training, A

Dairy Husbandry and Production, A

Diesel Mechanics Technology/Technician, A

Drafting and Design Technology/Technician, A

Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, A

Economics, A

Education, A

Elementary Education and Teaching, A

Engineering, A

English Language and Literature, A

Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences, A

Foreign Languages and Literatures, A

Graphic Communications, A

Horse Husbandry/Equine Science and Management, A

Horticultural Science, A

Industrial Technology/Technician, A

Journalism, A

Juvenile Corrections, A

Legal Administrative Assistant/Secretary, A

Liberal Arts and Sciences Studies and Humanities, A

Machine Tool Technology/Machinist, A

Management Information Systems and Services, A

Mathematics, A

Medical Administrative Assistant/Secretary, A

Medical/Clinical Assistant, A

Metallurgical Technology/Technician, A

Multi-/Interdisciplinary Studies, A

Nursing - Registered Nurse Training, A

Photography, A

Physical Education Teaching and Coaching, A

Physical Sciences, A

Physics, A

Pre-Engineering, A

Prepress/Desktop Publishing and Digital Imaging Design, A

Restaurant, Culinary, and Catering Management/Manager, A

Speech and Rhetorical Studies, A

System Administration/Administrator, A

Teacher Assistant/Aide, A

Technical and Business Writing, A

Water Quality and Wastewater Treatment Management and Recycling Technology/Technician, A


Art Therapy/Therapist, MO

Art/Art Studies, General, B

Biological and Physical Sciences, B

Business Administration and Management, B

Business Administration, Management and Operations, M

Corporate and Organizational Communication, M

Counseling Psychology, O

Creative Writing, B

Divinity/Ministry (BD, MDiv.), B

Education, B

English Literature (British and Commonwealth), B

Environmental Studies, B

Ethnic, Cultural Minority, and Gender Studies, B

Gerontology, M

History, B

Interdisciplinary Studies, BM

Interior Design, B

Liberal Studies, M

Mass Communication/Media Studies, B

Music, B

Pastoral Studies/Counseling, B

Psychology, B

Public Relations/Image Management, B

Real Estate, B

Religion/Religious Studies, B

Social Sciences, B

Theology and Religious Vocations, MP


Comparative Literature, B

Liberal Arts and Sciences Studies and Humanities, B

Philosophy, B

Theology and Religious Vocations, MP


Accounting, A

Administrative Assistant and Secretarial Science, A

Architectural Engineering Technology/Technician, A

Automobile/Automotive Mechanics Technology/Technician, A

Avionics Maintenance Technology/Technician, A

Broadcast Journalism, A

Business Administration and Management, A

Business Teacher Education, A

Civil Engineering Technology/Technician, A

Commercial and Advertising Art, A

Computer Engineering Technology/Technician, A

Cosmetology/Cosmetologist, A

Dental Hygiene/Hygienist, A

Electrical, Electronic and Communications Engineering Technology/Technician, A

Environmental Health, A

Fire Science/Firefighting, A

Food Science, A

Forestry Technology/Technician, A

Funeral Service and Mortuary Science, A

Horticultural Science, A

Hospitality Administration/Management, A

Industrial Technology/Technician, A

Journalism, A

Kindergarten/PreSchool Education and Teaching, A

Legal Administrative Assistant/Secretary, A

Liberal Arts and Sciences Studies and Humanities, A

Marketing/Marketing Management, A

Mechanical Engineering/Mechanical Technology/Technician, A

Medical Administrative Assistant/Secretary, A

Medical/Clinical Assistant, A

Mental Health/Rehabilitation, A

Nursing - Registered Nurse Training, A

Occupational Therapy/Therapist, A

Ornamental Horticulture, A

Physical Therapy/Therapist, A

Radio and Television, A

Respiratory Care Therapy/Therapist, A

Surgical Technology/Technologist, A

Tourism and Travel Services Management, A


Ancient/Classical Greek Language and Literature, B

Bible/Biblical Studies, B

Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric, B

Hebrew Language and Literature, B

History, B

Journalism, B

Missions/Missionary Studies and Missiology, B

Pastoral Counseling and Specialized Ministries, B

Pastoral Studies/Counseling, BM

Religious Education, B

Religious/Sacred Music, B

Theology and Religious Vocations, MPO

Theology/Theological Studies, B

Youth Ministry, B


Area, Ethnic, Cultural, and Gender Studies, B

Bible/Biblical Studies, B

Business Administration, Management and Operations, BM

Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric, B

Computer and Information Sciences, B

Counselor Education/School Counseling and Guidance Services, M

Health Services Administration, B

Human Services, B

Liberal Arts and Sciences Studies and Humanities, B

Management Information Systems and Services, B

Music Management and Merchandising, B

Psychology, B

Social Sciences, B

Teacher Education, Multiple Levels, B

Theological and Ministerial Studies, B


General Studies, A

Liberal Arts and Sciences Studies and Humanities, A

Marine Biology and Biological Oceanography, A

Nursing - Registered Nurse Training, A


Crafts/Craft Design, Folk Art and Artisanry, B

Fine Arts and Art Studies, B


Allopathic Medicine, PO

Biochemistry, DO

Bioinformatics, MDO

Biological and Biomedical Sciences, MDO

Biopsychology, MDO

Biostatistics, MO

Cell Biology and Anatomy, DO

Community Health Nursing, MO

Dentistry, PO

Developmental Biology and Embryology, DO

Epidemiology, MO

Genetics, D

Gerontological Nursing, MDO

Immunology, D

Medical Informatics, MDO

Medical Radiologic Technology/Science - Radiation Therapist, B

Microbiology, D

Molecular Biology, DO

Neuroscience, MDO

Nurse Midwife/Nursing Midwifery, MO

Nursing, MDO

Nursing - Adult, MO

Nursing - Advanced Practice, MO

Nursing - Registered Nurse Training, B

Oral and Dental Sciences, MO

Oral Pathology, O

Pediatric Nurse/Nursing, MO

Pharmacology, DO

Physiology, DO

Psychiatric/Mental Health Nurse/Nursing, MO


Accounting, B

Business Administration and Management, B

Civil Engineering, B

Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric, B

Computer and Information Sciences, B

Computer Engineering Technology/Technician, AB

Computer Programming/Programmer, AB

Counseling Psychology, B

Dental Hygiene/Hygienist, B

Electrical, Electronic and Communications Engineering Technology/Technician, AB

Environmental Studies, B

Industrial Radiologic Technology/Technician, B

Laser and Optical Technology/Technician, B

Liberal Arts and Sciences Studies and Humanities, A

Management Information Systems and Services, B

Mechanical Engineering/Mechanical Technology/Technician, B

Pre-Medicine/Pre-Medical Studies, B

Radiologic Technology/Science - Radiographer, B

Survey Technology/Surveying, B


Actuarial Science, B

Adult and Continuing Education and Teaching, M

Agricultural Business and Management, B

Agricultural Economics, BMD

Agricultural Education, M

Agricultural Sciences, MD

Agricultural/Biological Engineering and Bioengineering, B

Agriculture, B

Agronomy and Crop Science, B

Agronomy and Soil Sciences, MD

American/United States Studies/Civilization, B

Analytical Chemistry, MD

Animal Sciences, BMD

Anthropology, BM

Apparel and Textiles, B

Applied Art, B

Applied Mathematics, B

Art History, Criticism and Conservation, B

Art/Art Studies, General, B

Athletic Training and Sports Medicine, B

Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, MD

Biochemistry, BMD

Bioengineering, MD

Biological and Physical Sciences, B

Biology/Biological Sciences, B

Biometry/Biometrics, MD

Biophysics, BMD

Botany/Plant Biology, BMD

Building/Construction Finishing, Management, and Inspection, B

Business Administration and Management, B

Business Administration, Management and Operations, MO

Cell Biology and Anatomy, MD

Cell/Cellular Biology and Histology, B

Chemical Engineering, BMD

Chemistry, BMD

Child and Family Studies, MD

Civil Engineering, BMD

Clinical Laboratory Science/Medical Technology/Technologist, B

Clothing and Textiles, MD

Comparative Literature, B

Computer Engineering, B

Computer Science, BMD

Construction Engineering, B

Construction Engineering and Management, MD

Counselor Education/School Counseling and Guidance Services, MD

Economics, BMD

Education, MD

Electrical Engineering, MD

Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering, B

Elementary Education and Teaching, M

Engineering, B

Engineering and Applied Sciences, MD

Engineering Physics, B

English, M

English Language and Literature, B

Entomology, B

Environmental and Occupational Health, M

Environmental Biology, B

Environmental Engineering Technology/Environmental Technology, MD

Environmental Health, B

Environmental Policy and Resource Management, M

Environmental Sciences, MD

Environmental Studies, B

Environmental/Environmental Health Engineering, B

Ethnic and Cultural Studies, B

Evolutionary Biology, B

Exercise and Sports Science, MD

Family and Community Services, B

Family and Consumer Economics and Related Services, B

Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences, BM

Fashion Merchandising, B

Fashion/Apparel Design, B

Finance, B

Fish, Game and Wildlife Management, MD

Fishing and Fisheries Sciences and Management, B

Food Science, B

Food Science and Technology, MD

Foods, Nutrition, and Wellness Studies, B

Forest Engineering, B

Forest Management/Forest Resources Management, B

Forest Resources Production and Management, B

Forestry, BMD

French Language and Literature, B

General Merchandising, Sales, and Related Marketing Operations, B

Genetics, MD

Geography, BMD

Geological/Geophysical Engineering, B

Geology/Earth Science, BMD

Geophysics and Seismology, BMD

Geosciences, MD

German Language and Literature, B

Gerontology, M

Health Education, M

Health Physics/Radiological Health, MD

Health Services Administration, M

Health/Health Care Administration/Management, B

History, BMD

History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, B

Horticultural Science, BMD

Human Development, MD

Human Development and Family Studies, B

Industrial Engineering, B

Industrial/Management Engineering, MD

Information Science/Studies, B

Inorganic Chemistry, MD

Interdisciplinary Studies, BM

Interior Design, B

International Business/Trade/Commerce, B

International Relations and Affairs, B

International/Global Studies, B

Kindergarten/PreSchool Education and Teaching, B

Kinesiology and Exercise Science, B

Kinesiology and Movement Studies, M

Liberal Arts and Sciences Studies and Humanities, B

Management Information Systems and Services, B

Manufacturing Engineering, M

Marine Affairs, M

Marine Sciences, M

Marketing/Marketing Management, B

Materials Sciences, MD

Mathematics, BMD

Mathematics Teacher Education, MD

Mechanical Engineering, BMD

Medical Microbiology and Bacteriology, B

Metallurgical Engineering, B

Microbiology, BMD

Mining and Mineral Engineering, B

Molecular Biology, MD

Molecular Toxicology, MD

Music, B

Music Teacher Education, M

Natural Resources Management/Development and Policy, B

Nuclear Engineering, BMD

Nutritional Sciences, MD

Occupational Safety and Health Technology/Technician, B

Ocean Engineering, M

Oceanography, Chemical and Physical, MD

Operations Research, M

Organic Chemistry, MD

Paper and Pulp Engineering, MD

Parks, Recreation and Leisure Facilities Management, B

Parks, Recreation, Leisure and Fitness Studies, B

Pathology/Experimental Pathology, M

Pharmaceutical Sciences, MDP

Pharmacy, MDP

Philosophy, B

Physical Chemistry, MD

Physical Education Teaching and Coaching, BM

Physical Sciences, B

Physics, BMD

Plant Pathology/Phytopathology, MD

Plant Physiology, MD

Political Science and Government, B

Pre-Pharmacy Studies, B

Psychology, B

Public Health, MD

Public Health (MPH, DPH), B

Radiation Protection/Health Physics Technician, B

Range Science and Management, BMD

Science Teacher Education/General Science Teacher Education, MD

Sociology, B

Soil Science and Agronomy, B

Spanish Language and Literature, B

Special Products Marketing Operations, B

Speech and Rhetorical Studies, B

Statistics, MD

Student Personnel Services, M

Toxicology, MD

Veterinary Medicine, P

Veterinary Sciences, MD

Vocational and Technical Education, M

Water Resources Engineering, MD

Wildlife and Wildlands Science and Management, B

Wood Science and Wood Products/Pulp and Paper Technology, B

Zoology/Animal Biology, BMD


Design and Visual Communications, B

Fine/Studio Arts, B

Graphic Design, B

Illustration, B

Intermedia/Multimedia, B

Painting, B

Photography, B

Printmaking, B

Sculpture, B


Accounting, B

Art Teacher Education, B

Art/Art Studies, General, B

Athletic Training and Sports Medicine, B

Biology/Biological Sciences, B

Broadcast Journalism, B

Business Administration and Management, B

Chemistry, B

Chinese Language and Literature, B

Comparative Literature, B

Computer Science, B

Creative Writing, B

Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, B

Early Childhood Education and Teaching, M

Economics, B

Education, BM

Elementary Education and Teaching, BM

English Language and Literature, B

Environmental Studies, B

Finance, B

French Language and Literature, B

German Language and Literature, B

History, B

Humanities/Humanistic Studies, B

International Relations and Affairs, B

Japanese Language and Literature, B

Journalism, B

Kindergarten/PreSchool Education and Teaching, B

Kinesiology and Exercise Science, B

Liberal Arts and Sciences Studies and Humanities, B

Marketing/Marketing Management, B

Mass Communication/Media Studies, B

Mathematics, B

Middle School Education, M

Modern Languages, B

Music, B

Music Performance, B

Music Teacher Education, B

Occupational Therapy/Therapist, M

Optometry, P

Philosophy, B

Physical Therapy/Therapist, D

Physician Assistant, M

Physics, B

Political Science and Government, B

Pre-Dentistry Studies, B

Pre-Medicine/Pre-Medical Studies, B

Psychology, BMD

Public Health (MPH, DPH), B

Radio and Television, B

Secondary Education and Teaching, BM

Social Work, B

Sociology, B

Spanish Language and Literature, B

Special Education and Teaching, M

Telecommunications Technology/Technician, B

Vision Science/Physiological Optics, M


Accounting, A

Business Administration and Management, AB

Criminal Justice/Police Science, AB

Health/Health Care Administration/Management, AB

Information Science/Studies, A

Information Technology, B

Legal Assistant/Paralegal, A

Medical/Clinical Assistant, A

Sales, Distribution and Marketing Operations, A

Web/Multimedia Management and Webmaster, A


Accounting, A

Administrative Assistant and Secretarial Science, A

Aeronautics/Aviation/Aerospace Science and Technology, A

Automobile/Automotive Mechanics Technology/Technician, A

Avionics Maintenance Technology/Technician, A

Biological and Physical Sciences, A

Biology Technician/BioTechnology Laboratory Technician, A

Business Administration and Management, A

Carpentry/Carpenter, A

Child Development, A

Civil Engineering Technology/Technician, A

Clinical/Medical Laboratory Technician, A

Commercial and Advertising Art, A

Computer Engineering Technology/Technician, A

Computer Programming/Programmer, A

Construction Engineering Technology/Technician, A

Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement Administration, A

Dental Hygiene/Hygienist, A

Dietetics/Dieticians, A

Drafting and Design Technology/Technician, A

Educational/Instructional Media Design, A

Electrical, Electronic and Communications Engineering Technology/Technician, A

Elementary Education and Teaching, A

Engineering, A

Engineering Technology, A

Family and Consumer Economics and Related Services, A

Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences, A

Fire Science/Firefighting, A

Gerontology, A

Health and Medical Laboratory Technologies, A

Health Information/Medical Records Administration/Administrator, A

Industrial Design, A

Industrial Radiologic Technology/Technician, A

Information Science/Studies, A

Landscape Architecture, A

Laser and Optical Technology/Technician, A

Legal Administrative Assistant/Secretary, A

Legal Assistant/Paralegal, A

Liberal Arts and Sciences Studies and Humanities, A

Library Science, A

Machine Tool Technology/Machinist, A

Marketing/Marketing Management, A

Mechanical Engineering/Mechanical Technology/Technician, A

Medical Administrative Assistant/Secretary, A

Medical/Clinical Assistant, A

Nursing - Registered Nurse Training, A

Ophthalmic Laboratory Technology/Technician, A

Physical Sciences, A

Pre-Engineering, A

Real Estate, A

Sign Language Interpretation and Translation, A

Trade and Industrial Teacher Education, A

Welding Technology/Welder, A


Accounting, B

Adult and Continuing Education and Teaching, D

Advertising, B

African Studies, B

American Indian/Native American Studies, B

Anthropology, BMD

Applied Art, B

Applied Economics, M

Architecture, B

Art History, Criticism and Conservation, B

Art/Art Studies, General, B

Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, O

Biochemistry, B

Biological and Biomedical Sciences, MD

Biological and Physical Sciences, B

Biological Anthropology, MD

Biology/Biological Sciences, B

Business Administration and Management, B

Business Administration, Management and Operations, MD

Central/Middle and Eastern European Studies, B

Chemistry, BMD

Child Development, B

Chinese Language and Literature, B

City/Urban, Community and Regional Planning, B

Civil Engineering, BMD

Commercial and Advertising Art, B

Communication Disorders, M

Computer and Information Sciences, B

Computer Engineering, BMD

Computer Science, BMD

Conflict Resolution and Mediation/Peace Studies, M

Counselor Education/School Counseling and Guidance Services, MD

Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement Administration, B

Criminology, MD

Curriculum and Instruction, MD

Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, B

Drawing, B

Early Childhood Education and Teaching, M

East Asian Studies, B

Economics, BMD

Education, MD

Educational Administration and Supervision, MD

Educational Media/Instructional Technology, M

Electrical Engineering, MD

Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering, B

Elementary Education and Teaching, M

Engineering and Applied Sciences, MDO

Engineering Management, MDO

English, MO

English as a Second Language, M

English Language and Literature, B

Environmental Engineering Technology/Environmental Technology, MD

Environmental Policy and Resource Management, M

Environmental Sciences, MD

Environmental Studies, BM

Finance, B

Finance and Banking, M

Fine Arts and Art Studies, M

Foreign Language Teacher Education, M

French Language and Literature, BM

Geography, BMD

Geology/Earth Science, BMD

German Language and Literature, BM

Gerontology, O

Health Education, M

Health Promotion, M

Health Services Administration, M

Health Teacher Education, B

Higher Education/Higher Education Administration, D

History, BM

Human Resources Management/Personnel Administration, B

Humanities/Humanistic Studies, B

Industrial and Manufacturing Management, M

International Business/Trade/Commerce, M

International Relations and Affairs, B

Japanese Language and Literature, B

Japanese Studies, M

Latin American Studies, B

Liberal Arts and Sciences Studies and Humanities, B

Linguistics, B

Logistics and Materials Management, B

Management of Technology, MDO

Manufacturing Engineering, M

Marketing/Marketing Management, B

Mathematics, BMDO

Mathematics Teacher Education, D

Mechanical Engineering, BMD

Music, BM

Music Teacher Education, M

Near and Middle Eastern Studies, B

Painting, M

Performance, M

Philosophy, B

Physics, BMD

Political Science and Government, BMD

Printmaking, M

Psychology, BMD

Public Administration, MD

Public Health, MO

Reading Teacher Education, M

Russian Language and Literature, B

Science Teacher Education/General Science Teacher Education, M

Sculpture, BM

Secondary Education and Teaching, M

Social Sciences, B

Social Studies Teacher Education, M

Social Work, MD

Sociology, BMD

Software Engineering, M

Spanish Language and Literature, BM

Special Education and Teaching, MD

Speech and Interpersonal Communication, MO

Speech and Rhetorical Studies, B

Statistics, M

Systems Engineering, MO

Systems Science and Theory, MDO

Theater, MO

Urban and Regional Planning, M

Urban Studies/Affairs, BMD

Women's Studies, B


American/United States Studies/Civilization, B

Anthropology, B

Art/Art Studies, General, B

Biochemistry, B

Biology/Biological Sciences, B

Chemistry, B

Chinese Language and Literature, B

Classics and Classical Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, B

Comparative Literature, B

Dance, B

Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, B

Economics, B

English Language and Literature, B

Fine/Studio Arts, B

French Language and Literature, B

German Language and Literature, B

History, B

International Relations and Affairs, B

Liberal Studies, M

Linguistics, B

Mathematics, B

Music, B

Philosophy, B

Physics, B

Political Science and Government, B

Psychology, B

Religion/Religious Studies, B

Russian Language and Literature, B

Sociology, B

Spanish Language and Literature, B


Automobile/Automotive Mechanics Technology/Technician, A

Business Administration and Management, A

Child Development, A

Computer Science, A

Construction Management, A

Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement Administration, A

Education, A

Electrical, Electronic and Communications Engineering Technology/Technician, A

Fire Science/Firefighting, A

Heavy Equipment Maintenance Technology/Technician, A

Human Services, A

Humanities/Humanistic Studies, A

Industrial Technology/Technician, A

Liberal Arts and Sciences Studies and Humanities, A

Manufacturing Technology/Technician, A

Nursing - Registered Nurse Training, A

Social Sciences, A

Substance Abuse/Addiction Counseling, A

Welding Technology/Welder, A


Accounting, B

Anthropology, B

Art/Art Studies, General, B

Biochemistry, B

Biology/Biological Sciences, B

Business Administration and Management, B

Business Administration, Management and Operations, M

Business Statistics, B

Chemistry, B

Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric, B

Computer Science, BM

Criminology, B

Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, B

Economics, B

Education, M

Elementary Education and Teaching, M

English Language and Literature, B

Environmental Education, M

Environmental Studies, B

French Language and Literature, B

Geography, B

Geology/Earth Science, B

German Language and Literature, B

Health Teacher Education, B

History, B

Hotel/Motel Administration/Management, B

Human Services, M

Interdisciplinary Studies, B

International Relations and Affairs, B

Liberal Arts and Sciences Studies and Humanities, B

Marketing/Marketing Management, B

Mathematics, BM

Mathematics and Computer Science, B

Music, BM

Music Management and Merchandising, B

Nursing - Registered Nurse Training, B

Performance, M

Physical Education Teaching and Coaching, B

Physics, B

Political Science and Government, B

Pre-Law Studies, B

Pre-Medicine/Pre-Medical Studies, B

Psychology, BM

Secondary Education and Teaching, M

Social Sciences, BM

Sociology, B

Spanish Language and Literature, B


Accounting, A

Adult Development and Aging, A

Athletic Training and Sports Medicine, A

Business Administration and Management, A

Child Care Provider/Assistant, A

Computer Systems Analysis/Analyst, A

Computer Systems Networking and Telecommunications, A

Corrections, A

Criminal Justice/Police Science, A

Criminal Justice/Safety Studies, A

Engineering, A

Environmental Studies, A

Fire Science/Firefighting, A

Forestry, A

Health and Physical Education, A

Industrial Technology/Technician, A

Liberal Arts and Sciences Studies and Humanities, A

Machine Tool Technology/Machinist, A

Management Information Systems and Services, A

Marketing/Marketing Management, A

Mathematics, A

Medical/Clinical Assistant, A

Natural Sciences, A

Nursing - Registered Nurse Training, A

Office Management and Supervision, A

Restaurant, Culinary, and Catering Management/Manager, A

Social Work, A

Substance Abuse/Addiction Counseling, A

Turf and Turfgrass Management, A

Welding Technology/Welder, A


Accounting, A

Accounting Technology/Technician and Bookkeeping, A

Administrative Assistant and Secretarial Science, A

Business/Office Automation/Technology/Data Entry, A

Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement Administration, A

Early Childhood Education and Teaching, A

Emergency Medical Technology/Technician (EMT Paramedic), A

General Studies, A

Liberal Arts and Sciences Studies and Humanities, A

Management Science, A

Marketing, A

Nursing, A

Office Management and Supervision, A

Substance Abuse/Addiction Counseling, A


Administrative Assistant and Secretarial Science, A

Agricultural Business and Management, A

Agricultural Mechanization, A

Agriculture, A

Agronomy and Crop Science, A

Biological and Physical Sciences, A

Biology/Biological Sciences, A

Business Administration and Management, A

Chemistry, A

Commercial and Advertising Art, A

Computer Science, A

Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement Administration, A

Criminal Justice/Police Science, A

Drafting and Design Technology/Technician, A

Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, A

Economics, A

Education, A

Engineering, A

English Language and Literature, A

Forestry, A

Forestry Technology/Technician, A

History, A

Humanities/Humanistic Studies, A

Legal Administrative Assistant/Secretary, A

Liberal Arts and Sciences Studies and Humanities, A

Mass Communication/Media Studies, A

Mathematics, A

Medical Administrative Assistant/Secretary, A

Music, A

Music Teacher Education, A

Natural Resources Management/Development and Policy, A

Nursing - Registered Nurse Training, A

Physical Education Teaching and Coaching, A

Political Science and Government, A

Range Science and Management, A

Social Sciences, A

Sociology, A

Survey Technology/Surveying, A

Welding Technology/Welder, A

Wildlife and Wildlands Science and Management, A


Accounting, A

Administrative Assistant and Secretarial Science, A

Agriculture, A

Anthropology, A

Art History, Criticism and Conservation, A

Art Teacher Education, A

Art/Art Studies, General, A

Automobile/Automotive Mechanics Technology/Technician, A

Behavioral Sciences, A

Biological and Physical Sciences, A

Biology/Biological Sciences, A

Business Administration and Management, A

Chemistry, A

Child Development, A

Civil Engineering Technology/Technician, A

Computer Engineering Technology/Technician, A

Computer Science, A

Cosmetology/Cosmetologist, A

Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement Administration, A

Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, A

Economics, A

Education, A

Electrical, Electronic and Communications Engineering Technology/Technician, A

Elementary Education and Teaching, A

Emergency Medical Technology/Technician (EMT Paramedic), A

Engineering, A

English Language and Literature, A

Fire Science/Firefighting, A

Forestry, A

Health Teacher Education, A

History, A

Human Resources Management/Personnel Administration, A

Humanities/Humanistic Studies, A

Journalism, A

Kindergarten/PreSchool Education and Teaching, A

Legal Administrative Assistant/Secretary, A

Liberal Arts and Sciences Studies and Humanities, A

Marketing/Marketing Management, A

Mathematics, A

Medical Administrative Assistant/Secretary, A

Music, A

Music Teacher Education, A

Natural Sciences, A

Nursing - Registered Nurse Training, A

Physical Education Teaching and Coaching, A

Physical Sciences, A

Political Science and Government, A

Pre-Engineering, A

Prepress/Desktop Publishing and Digital Imaging Design, A

Psychology, A

Social Sciences, A

Social Work, A

Sociology, A


Accounting, BMD

Advertising, B

Anthropology, BMD

Applied Art, B

Architecture, BM

Art History, Criticism and Conservation, BMD

Art/Art Studies, General, B

Arts Management, M

Asian Languages, MD

Asian Studies/Civilization, BM

Audiology/Audiologist and Speech-Language Pathology/Pathologist, B

Biochemistry, BMD

Biological and Biomedical Sciences, MD

Biological and Physical Sciences, B

Biology/Biological Sciences, B

Biopsychology, MD

Broadcast Journalism, B

Business Administration and Management, B

Business Administration, Management and Operations, M

Central/Middle and Eastern European Studies, B

Ceramic Arts and Ceramics, B

Chemistry, BMD

Chinese Language and Literature, B

Chinese Studies, MD

City/Urban, Community and Regional Planning, B

Classics and Classical Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, BM

Clinical Psychology, D

Cognitive Sciences, MD

Commercial and Advertising Art, B

Communication and Media Studies, MD

Communication Disorders, B

Community Organization and Advocacy, B

Comparative Literature, BMD

Computer and Information Sciences, B

Computer Science, BMD

Dance, BM

Developmental Psychology, MD

Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, B

Drawing, B

East Asian Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, B

East Asian Studies, B

Ecology, MD

Economics, BMD

Education, BMD

Educational Leadership and Administration, B

English, MD

English Language and Literature, B

Environmental Sciences, B

Environmental Studies, BMD

Ethnic and Cultural Studies, B

Ethnic, Cultural Minority, and Gender Studies, B

Evolutionary Biology, MD

Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences, B

Fiber, Textile and Weaving Arts, B

Finance, B

Finance and Banking, D

Fine Arts and Art Studies, M

Fine/Studio Arts, B

Folklore, M

French Language and Literature, BM

Genetics, D

Geography, BMD

Geology/Earth Science, BMD

German Language and Literature, BMD

Hebrew Language and Literature, B

Historic Preservation and Conservation, M

History, BMD

Human Services, B

Humanities/Humanistic Studies, B

Information Science/Studies, MD

Interdisciplinary Studies, M

Interior Architecture, B

Interior Design, M

Intermedia/Multimedia, B

International Affairs, M

International Business/Trade/Commerce, B

International Relations and Affairs, B

Italian Language and Literature, BM

Japanese Language and Literature, B

Japanese Studies, MD

Jazz/Jazz Studies, B

Jewish/Judaic Studies, B

Journalism, BMD

Landscape Architecture, BM

Latin Language and Literature, B

Law and Legal Studies, PO

Liberal Arts and Sciences Studies and Humanities, B

Linguistics, BMD

Management, D

Management Information Systems and Services, M

Marine Biology and Biological Oceanography, MD

Marketing, D

Marketing/Marketing Management, B

Mass Communication/Media Studies, B

Mathematics, BMD

Mathematics and Computer Science, B

Metal and Jewelry Arts, B

Modern Greek Language and Literature, B

Molecular Biology, D

Music, BMD

Music Performance, B

Music Teacher Education, BMD

Neuroscience, D

Painting, B

Philosophy, BMD

Photography, B

Physics, BMD

Physiology, BMD

Political Science and Government, BMD

Pre-Dentistry Studies, B

Pre-Medicine/Pre-Medical Studies, B

Printmaking, B

Psychology, BMD

Public Administration, B

Public Policy Analysis, BM

Public Relations/Image Management, B

Quantitative Analysis, M

Radio and Television, B

Religion/Religious Studies, B

Romance Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, BMD

Russian Language and Literature, BM

Sculpture, B

Social Psychology, MD

Sociology, BMD

Spanish Language and Literature, BM

Theater, MD

Urban and Regional Planning, M

Women's Studies, B

Writing, M


Business Administration and Management, B

Business Administration, Management and Operations, M

Education, M

Information Technology, B

Management, M

Management Information Systems and Services, M

Management of Technology, M

Management Science, B

Marketing/Marketing Management, B

Organizational Management, M

Public Administration and Social Service Professions, B


Accounting, B

Arts Management, B

Biology/Biological Sciences, B

Business Administration and Management, B

Business Administration, Management and Operations, M

Chemistry, B

Civil Engineering, B

Communication and Media Studies, M

Computer Engineering, B

Computer Science, B

Corporate and Organizational Communication, M

Criminal Justice/Safety Studies, B

Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, B

Early Childhood Education and Teaching, M

Education, BM

Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering, B

Elementary Education and Teaching, B

Engineering, B

Engineering and Applied Sciences, M

Engineering Science, B

Engineering/Industrial Management, B

English Language and Literature, B

Environmental Studies, B

Finance, B

History, B

Interdisciplinary Studies, B

International Business/Trade/Commerce, B

Journalism, B

Marketing/Marketing Management, B

Mass Communication/Media Studies, B

Mathematics, B

Mechanical Engineering, B

Music, BM

Music Teacher Education, B

Nursing, MO

Nursing - Advanced Practice, O

Nursing - Registered Nurse Training, B

Nursing Administration, O

Nursing Education, O

Pastoral Studies/Counseling, M

Philosophy, B

Physics, B

Political Science and Government, B

Pre-Dentistry Studies, B

Pre-Law Studies, B

Pre-Medicine/Pre-Medical Studies, B

Psychology, B

Religious Education, M

Secondary Education and Teaching, BM

Social Work, B

Sociology, B

Spanish Language and Literature, B

Special Education and Teaching, M

Theater, M

Theology/Theological Studies, B


American/United States Studies/Civilization, B

Bible/Biblical Studies, AB

Biological and Physical Sciences, B

Biology/Biological Sciences, B

Business Administration and Management, B

Divinity/Ministry (BD, MDiv.), AB

Education, B

Elementary Education and Teaching, B

English Language and Literature, B

History, B

Human Development and Family Studies, B

Junior High/Intermediate/Middle School Education and Teaching, B

Kindergarten/PreSchool Education and Teaching, B

Kinesiology and Exercise Science, B

Liberal Arts and Sciences Studies and Humanities, B

Music, B

Music Management and Merchandising, B

Music Teacher Education, B

Nursing - Registered Nurse Training, A

Pastoral Studies/Counseling, B

Physical Education Teaching and Coaching, B

Physical Sciences, B

Pre-Law Studies, B

Pre-Medicine/Pre-Medical Studies, B

Pre-Veterinary Studies, B

Psychology, B

Public Health (MPH, DPH), B

Religion/Religious Studies, BM

Religious Education, AB

Science Teacher Education/General Science Teacher Education, B

Secondary Education and Teaching, B

Social Sciences, AB

Social Work, B

Theology/Theological Studies, B


Anthropology, B

Art/Art Studies, General, B

Biology/Biological Sciences, B

Business/Commerce, B

Chemistry, B

Computer Science, B

Corrections, BM

Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement Administration, B

Criminal Justice/Police Science, B

Dance, B

Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, B

Early Childhood Education and Teaching, M

Economics, B

Education, M

Education/Teaching of Individuals with Multiple Disabilities, M

Educational Media/Instructional Technology, M

Educational/Instructional Media Design, B

English Language and Literature, B

Fire Services Administration, B

Geography, B

German Language and Literature, B

Health Education, M

History, B

Humanities/Humanistic Studies, B

Intercultural/Multicultural and Diversity Studies, B

Interdisciplinary Studies, B

International Relations and Affairs, B

Liberal Arts and Sciences Studies and Humanities, A

Mathematics, B

Mathematics Teacher Education, M

Multilingual and Multicultural Education, M

Music, B

Natural Sciences, B

Philosophy, B

Political Science and Government, B

Psychology, B

Public Administration, B

Rehabilitation Counseling, M

Science Teacher Education/General Science Teacher Education, M

Secondary Education and Teaching, BM

Sign Language Interpretation and Translation, B

Social Sciences, B

Social Studies Teacher Education, M

Sociology, B

Spanish Language and Literature, B


American/United States Studies/Civilization, B

Anthropology, B

Art History, Criticism and Conservation, B

Art/Art Studies, General, B

Asian Studies/Civilization, B

Biology/Biological Sciences, B

Business Administration, Management and Operations, MO

Chemistry, B

Classics and Classical Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, B

Comparative Literature, B

Computer Science, B

Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, B

Economics, B

Education, M

English Language and Literature, B

Environmental Sciences, B

Fine/Studio Arts, B

French Language and Literature, B

German Language and Literature, B

History, B

Humanities/Humanistic Studies, B

International/Global Studies, B

Japanese Studies, B

Kinesiology and Exercise Science, B

Latin American Studies, B

Law and Legal Studies, MPO

Mathematics, B

Music, B

Music Performance, B

Music Theory and Composition, B

Non-Profit/Public/Organizational Management, M

Philosophy, B

Physics, B

Piano and Organ, B

Political Science and Government, B

Psychology, B

Public Administration, MO

Religion/Religious Studies, B

Science Technologies/Technicians, B

Sociology, B

Spanish Language and Literature, B

Speech and Rhetorical Studies, B

Violin, Viola, Guitar and Other Stringed Instruments, B

Voice and Opera, B

Women's Studies, B


views updated May 08 2018


Jazz group

For the Record

Selected discography


For more than three decades, Oregon has occupied a hard-to-define niche between jazz and classical chamber music. Members Ralph Towner, Paul McCandless, and Glen Moore have remained a distinctive and idiosyncratic musical entity, continuing to tour and record after weathering the loss of percussionist Collin Walcott in 1984. The band began exploring the blending of Western and Third World musical traditions years before such hybrids became commonplace, and continues to follow its own creative path with little concession to commercial fashion. Oregon has been credited with anticipating the rise of New Age and World Beat music styles, though they have disavowed such associations in interviews.

Since its inception, Oregon has confounded easy labeling by critics. The music is hard to categorize, writer Dick Nusser noted in a 1977 Billboard concert review. Some of the best of it is improvisatory, but it is still not jazz. The groups ability to develop and comment on a theme puts it close to classical music, but the underlying thought is always modern. It uses microphones, but could be described as acoustic. Suffice it to say, Oregon is unique.

Each of Oregons founding members brought a seasoned instrumental talent to the band. Towner began as a piano and trumpet student while in high school in Bend, Oregon, then took up the classical guitar while studying composition at the University of Oregon in Eugene. It was there in 1960 that he met fellow student Glen Moore, a Portland native who had studied classical bass in Europe. They began working together in clubs, playing a mixture of Bill Evans jazz material and Brazilian music. During the 1960s, they worked as backup musicians for singer/songwriter Tim Hardin and played on occation with Collin Wolcott, a New York-born percussionist with a degree in ethnomusicology from UCLA and training on sitar and tabla. In 1969, Towner, Moore and Walcott were recruited to join the Paul Winter Consort, an eclectic ensemble combining classical, jazz and ethnic music. Also in the Consort was Pennsylvania native Paul McCandless, a versatile woodwinds player with symphony orchestra experience.

The four future Oregon members contributed much to the Paul Winter Consort, and in turn the experience helped to stimulate their own creativity. When we joined Paul Winter he was playing a collection of styles rather than an amalgamation of styles, Towner recalled in a 1988 interview with Down Beat writer John Diliberto. We were playing everything from Elizabethan music to Brazilian music to adaptations of Baroque music and some adaptations of Bartok. So when I joined Paul, that really triggered some composition from me that was going to accommodate all these really interesting and wonderful combinations of instruments. Towners best-known composition with the Paul Winter Consort was the title tune from the album Icarus, an evocative piece that pointed towards Oregons musical direction.

Towner, Moore, Walcott and McCandless began to develop a body of material and an overall sound during private jam sessions and parties. In the summer of 1970, they recorded an albums worth of compositions at a studio in Los Angeles which failed to earn them a major record label contract. (These recordings would finally be released by Vanguard as Our First Record in 1980). They continued on, making their debut as a live act in 1971. After several false starts, the band settled on the name Oregon, suggested by McCandless in honor of Towner and Moores home state.

Signing with Vanguard Records, Oregon recorded a new batch of material that was released as the LP Music From Another Present Era in 1972. This album displayed the bands essential sound, defined by Towners deft classical guitar, McCandlesss moodily lyrical oboe, Moores subdued but steady basswork and Walcotts ruminating tabla playing. Distant Hills released in 1973 continued in a similar vein, while Winter Light released in 1974 added a Native American influence in such pieces as Witchi-Tai-To. The band veered toward a more definite jazz direction on Together, a collaboration with legendary drummer Elvin Jones that added new rhythmic twists to their music.

By the late 1970s, the group had attracted a devoted audience as a touring act. Describing Oregon in concert, Musician writer Len Lyons termed them a band characterized by a delicate touch, subtle interplay of its

For the Record

Members include Trilok Gurtu (born 1951; member 1985-1990), tabla, percussion; Paul McCandless (born 1947), oboe, bass clarinet, saxophone; Glen Moore (born 1941), bass; Ralph Towner (born 1940), guitar, keyboards; Collin Walcott (born 1945; killed in car accident, November 8, 1984), percussion, sitar, tabla; Mark Walker (joined 1997), percussion.

Formed Oregon in 1970; group signed with Vanguard Records, released debut album Music From Another Present Era, 1972; signed with Elektra Records, released Out of the Woods album, 1978; signed with ECM, released Oregon album, 1983; recorded for a number of small labels, including VeraBra and Intuition, 1990s.

Awards: Down Beat Critics Poll winner for Best Established Combo, 1979; Indie Award for Best Contemporary Jazz Recording, Northwest Passage, 1998.

Addresses: Record company Intuition, Schott Music and Media, P.O. Box 27 01 26, D-50508, Cologne, Germany. Website http://www.oregonband.com.

instruments, and a presentation not unlike chamber music The musiciansexcept for occational moments of witplay their instruments deliberately, concentrating with the intensity of surgeons around an operating table. Their audience is attentive, patient through the sometimes slowly-evolving pieces, and faithful.

Switching to Elektra Records, Oregon released Out of the Woods in 1978, followed by Roots in the Sky a year later. These albums refined the bands approach further, with Towner increasingly favoring piano over guitar and McCandless choosing to play soprano saxophone more frequently. In 1980, the band members scattered to pursue solo projects for several years, then regrouped and signed a new record contract with the jazz-oriented ECM label. Oregon appeared in 1983 and found the group revitalized, steering away from the darker shadings of their earlier work in favor of brighter, more engaging textures. Synthisizers began to be encorporated into Oregons acoustic sound for the first time during this period.

The 1980s saw the rise of New Age musicians whose multi-cultural influences and ambient soundscapes drew comparisons with Oregons work. However, Moore distanced his group from the New Age tag in Oregons 1988 Down Beat interview: Weve been identified with this movement because of the some of the instruments are similar and because some of our students are out there after just a few years of studying, making records. But weve shunned and shy away from this association because its not very well grounded and doesnt contain, to us, enough of this searching urgency that has characterized every one of our lives. Of looking to perfect the sound, perfect the way of playing in ensemble circumstances.

Crossing, released in 1985, proved to be the last recording by the original quartet. After completing the album, Wolcott was killed in an automobile accident on November 8, 1984. The loss of their friend and collegue devastated Oregons surviving members and almost put an end to the group. After much soul-searching, Towner, Moore and McCandless decided to carry on and recruited Wolcotts close friend Trilok Gurtu to join them. His impressive credentials as a drummer in both jazz and traditional Indian ensembles made him Wolcotts most natural replacement.

After an uneven start on 1987s Ecotopia, Oregon began to regain their stride on 45th Parallel in 1989 and Always, Never, And Forever in 1991, both released on the VeraBra label. Gurtu left the group after the latter album, and Oregon recorded Troika released in 1994 and Beyond Words released in 1995 as a trio. On Northwest Passage, released by the German-based Intuition label in 1997, the band enlisted the aid of percussionists Arto Tuncboyanciyan and Mark Walker. After working on this album, Chicago-born Walker became a full-time Oregon member. His background as a percussionist with Latin and Brazilian ensembles added a fresh perspective to the band.

In 2000, Oregon celebrated its 30th anniversary by releasing Oregon in Moscow, a double CD recorded live with the Moscow Tchaikovsky Symphony Orchestra. The project served to reaffirm the quartets creative vitality once more. Summing up the groups career in Jazziz, writer Christopher Hoard noted that Oregon never slows with age, never ceases to celebrate their singularity, and never misses a chance to defy commerciality. Their influence on American and international music has proven nothing less than monumental.

Selected discography

Music of Another Present Era, Vanguard, 1972.

Distant Hills, Vanguard, 1973.

Winter Light, Vanguard, 1974.

(With Elvin Jones) Together, Vanguard, 1976.

Friends, Vanguard, 1977.

Out of the Woods, Elektra, 1978.

Violin, Vanguard, 1978.

Roots In The Sky, Elektra, 1979.

Moon and Mind, Vanguard, 1979.

Our First Record, Vanguard, 1980.

In Performance, Elektra, 1980.

Oregon, ECM, 1983.

Crossing, ECM, 1985.

Ecotopia, ECM, 1987.

45th Parallel, VeraBra, 1989.

Always, Never and Forever, VeraBra, 1991.

Troika, VeraBra, 1994.

Beyond Words, Chesky, 1995.

Northwest Passage, Intuition, 1997.

Oregon in Moscow, Intuition, 2000.



Cook, Brian and Brian, Morton, The Penguin Guide to Jazz on CD, LP and Cassette, Penguin Books, 1992.

Kernfeld, Barry, editor, The New Grove Dictionary of Jazz, Groves Dictionaries of Music, 1988.

Larkin, Colin, editor, The Encyclopedia of Popular Music, 1998.


Billboard, March 27, 1976; March 26, 1977.

Down Beat, February 1988; December 1997.

Musician, December 1980.


Oregon Pages, http://www.dioxine.com/disco/oregon (August 2, 2000).

Additional information was obtained from Oregon publicity materials.

Barry Alfonso


views updated May 23 2018


OREGON. The word Oregon first appeared in print as the name of a great river flowing westward from the Great Lakes into the Pacific in Jonathan Carver's Travels Through the Interior Parts of North America in the Years 1766, 1767, and 1768 (1778). The word's origin is uncertain. It may have been a misreading of the word Ouisconsin on an early map or it may derive from the word ooligan, an Indian word for the smelt, a fish widely traded in the western parts of North America.

Originally much larger than the state of Oregon, Oregon Country ran from the present-day Oregon-California border to today's Alaska-Canada border and ran westward from the crest of the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific Ocean.

Oregon Indians

Humans have lived in this region for at least 14,000 years. The first people probably came by a land bridge from Siberia over to Alaska, and then filtered southward to the Pacific Northwest. Over time, they separated into three major cultural groupings. Along the coast of modern Oregon lived Salishan, Penutian, and Athapaskan speakers. In the plateau region of central and eastern Oregon were Sahaptian speakers. In the southeast were the Northern Paiutes. Although Oregon Indians were divided by area and language, they shared certain characteristics. All of them hunted, foraged, fished, and traded; and, unusual for North American Indians, they did not practice agriculture. Salmon was the staple food for most Oregon Indians. It was also an important article of trade, the basis for an important religious ceremony, and served as a motif in their art. The Indians' religion was animism, a belief

that natural beings or objects have supernatural spirits. Political and social life was based upon village-clan groups rather than on tribes.

Maritime Explorers

The first white explorers came to Oregon by sea. Spain sent the first documented explorer, Juan Cabrillo, in 1542. After Cabrillo's death, his second in command, Bartolomé Ferrelo, reached the southwestern coast in 1543 looking for a passageway between the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, the Northwest Passage. The Englishman Francis Drake may have seen the Oregon coast just north of the forty-second parallel in 1579. After another Spanish expedition in 1603 that reached perhaps as far north as forty-three degrees, maritime exploration ended for over 170 years.

It resumed in 1774 when Spain sent Juan Pérez to forestall an anticipated Russian advance into the Oregon Country from their base in Alaska. In 1775, Bruno de Heceta discovered what would later be named the Columbia River, though he did not enter it. In 1776, the British government sent James Cook to the Northwest to search for the Northwest Passage and to claim the land for Great Britain. Cook reached Oregon, but like his predecessors, he did not land. After Cook's death in Hawaii, his men reached China and discovered a profitable market for the sea otter furs they had acquired from the Indians of Vancouver Island. News of this sent the first British businessman, James Hanna, to Oregon in 1785 to trade for furs with the Indians.

The Fur Trade and Lewis and Clark

The first American citizen to reach Oregon was a fur trader, Robert Gray, whose ship arrived in 1788. Gray returned in 1792 and on 12 May entered the Columbia River, which he named for his ship. A short time later, a British naval officer, George Vancouver, entered the Columbia River and sent a party, commanded by William Broughton, approximately 120 miles upriver, that helped establish a British claim to the Oregon Country. In 1793, Alexander Mackenzie, a fur trader for the North West Company, reached the Pacific at the mouth of the Bella Coola River in modern British Columbia, initiating over-land exploration to the Northwest Coast. In 1804, President Thomas Jefferson sent Lewis and Clark to lead the first American overland expedition. The objectives of this expedition were to find the best route between the waters of the Columbia and Missouri Rivers for the purpose of the fur trade; to inventory the flora and fauna; to make commercial arrangements with the Indians; and to strengthen the American claim to Oregon first established by Robert Gray. On 16 October 1805, the expedition first entered the Oregon Country at the junction of the Snake and Columbia rivers. They spent from 25 December 1805 to 23 March 1806 at Fort Clatsop, near present-day Seaside, Oregon.

After the Lewis and Clark expedition, fur traders came to the region. In 1805, the Canadian North West Company established a post in what is now British Columbia. John Jacob Astor's Pacific Fur Company, the first American inland fur trading company, established its headquarters at Fort Astoria in 1811 at the mouth of the Columbia River.

The Question of Sovereignty

By the early nineteenth century, ownership of the Oregon Country was disputed among Spain, Britain, Russia, and the United States. In 1818, Britain and the United States made a joint occupation agreement that postponed the question of sovereignty, but allowed each country to govern its own citizens. (At this time there were no American citizens living in Oregon.) Spain relinquished its claims to Oregon in 1819; and Russia gave up its claims to the area to the United States and Britain, respectively, in 1824 and 1825. In 1827, the joint occupation treaty was renewed.

The Missionaries

American missionaries arrived in the region in the 1830s. Methodist missionaries, under the leadership of Jason Lee, arrived in 1834 to Christianize and civilize the Indians of the Willamette Valley. They settled near today's Salem, Oregon, and moved the mission headquarters there in 1841. By the 1830s, however, the Indians in the Willamette Valley had been decimated by disease and their numbers were greatly reduced. In 1836, Dr. Marcus Whitman led a party sent by the Presbyterians, Congregationalists, and Dutch Reformed churches to the Oregon country. It included Narcissa Whitman and Eliza Spalding, the first white women to settle in Oregon. Their first mission stations were at Lapwai, in present-day Idaho, and Waiilatpu, near present-day Walla Walla, Washington. In 1837, Cayuse Indians destroyed the Whitman mission. In 1838, the Roman Catholics sent their first missionaries, Modeste Demers and Francis Blanchet, who set up their initial stations on the Cowlitz River in present-day Washington State and at St. Paulnear the Willamette River in Oregon.

The Pioneer Generation

Fur traders and missionaries publicized Oregon to the American public. In the early 1840s, large numbers of pioneers began to come over the Oregon Trail to the Willamette Valley. Most of them came from the farms of the Middle West. They left home to escape harsh weather and frequent sickness, to flee the national depression that began in 1837, or simply for the sake of adventure. Most came, though, for a better material life on the rich soils of the Willamette Valley. A minority of Oregon emigrants of the pre-Civil War era were young businessmen who came from Northeastern cities to pursue mercantile careers in the urban areas of Oregon. Chinese immigrants began to come to the southern Oregon gold fields in the 1850s, and there were a few African Americans in Oregon before the Civil War.

The presence of these new settlers was a factor in the making of the Oregon Treaty of 1846, which was negotiated by President James K. Polk. This agreement divided the Oregon Country at the forty-ninth parallel, with Great Britain obtaining the land to the north. In local government, the American settlers comprised the principal group creating the Provisional Government of 1843, which guaranteed squatters' land claims, and law and order, until the Treaty of 1846 decided the sovereignty question. In 1848, Congress created the Territory of Oregon. Joseph Lane was its first governor. In 1853, the Territory of Washington was split off from Oregon. On 14 February 1859, Oregon became the thirty-third state. The provisions of its constitution, such as the separation of powers, were similar to those of the Midwestern states.

Before the Civil War, Oregon's political life was largely based upon local issues. The Democrats were the majority party, but Whigs and Republicans also had many supporters. The major national issue was whether slavery should extend to the federal territories. In the presidential election of 1860, Oregonians favored the Republican Abraham Lincoln who opposed the expansion of slavery into the territories. When the Civil War came, there were no battles in Oregon and few Oregonians fought in the eastern theaters.

During the pioneer era, most Oregonians were farmers. Some towns sprang up and one major city, Portland. Oregonians exported wheat, cattle, and lumber to California in return for gold. In cultural life, churches, schools, and colleges were begun. Indian wars broke out in the 1850s when gold miners going to Southern Oregon caused the Rogue River War (1855–1856). In other parts of Oregon, white farmers encroached on Indian lands resulting in the Indians being placed on reservations. In 1855, the Warm Springs Reservation was created in Central Oregon for the Wasco, Walla Walla, and later the Paiutes.

Economics and Politics

In the 1880s, Oregon became more integrated into the national economy with the arrival of the Northern Pacific and Union Pacific transcontinental railroads. Some local industry developed, but wheat and lumber were the basis of the economy. Wheat farmers benefited from the reduction

in transportation costs the railroad brought, as well as from mechanization and cheap land. Lumber exports also gained from low railroad rates, from mechanical inventions such as double circular saws, and from building booms in California, on the East Coast, and overseas. Cattlemen ran their stock on the open ranges of eastern Oregon and sheepherders competed with them for this pasturage. The salmon canning industry began on the Columbia River in 1867. By the beginning of the twentieth century, its effects were felt in reduced salmon runs.

After the Civil War, the Democrat and Republican parties as well as a few third parties grappled with several issues. The most important issue was the regulation of the railroads, especially the Southern Pacific Railroad. Critics of the railroads charged that rates were too high and service inadequate. This worked to corrupt the political system, as legislators were bribed. The first political opponent of the railroads was the Oregon State Grange, organized in 1873. It worked for railroad regulation with little success, except for the creation of a railroad commission in 1887 that had investigative but not regulatory powers.

Abigail Scott Duniway led the fight for woman's suffrage. In 1871, she began a newspaper in Portland called The New Northwest. Duniway also worked for a woman's suffrage constitutional amendment. Although the amendment was defeated in 1874, Duniway persevered and the amendment was passed in 1912.

In the late nineteenth century, Oregon's population became more ethnically diverse. The African American population rose as the railroads created economic opportunities for black migrants. They worked in the car shops, roundhouses, and yards in Portland, Roseburg, and La Grande. They also worked as Pullman and dining car employees and as teamsters and porters around the railroad stations. Chinese immigrants worked as farm laborers, salmon canners, construction workers, and domestic servants. Japanese immigrants were employed as farmers, truck gardeners, and railroad tracklayers. Asian immigrants, both Chinese and Japanese, were victims of widespread discrimination. In contrast to Asians and blacks, immigrants from Great Britain, Germany, and the Nordic lands were welcomed and assimilated easily.

Industry in the Twentieth Century

In the twentieth century, agriculture, lumber, cattle, sheep, and fishing were the most productive sectors of the economy until the rise of the technology and tourist industries. The first attempt to attract tourists was the Columbia River Scenic Highway built from 1913 to 1922. In the 1940s, technology companies such as Electro Scientific Industries and Tektronix were founded in Portland. In later years, other homegrown technology companies were started, and imports from other states, such as Intel and Hewlett-Packard, and from other nations, such as Epson and Fujitsu, established themselves in Oregon.

The Progressive Movement and After

Oregon's politics in the past century went through progressive and conservative phases. William S. U'Ren led the Progressive movement. It was caused by a variety of discontents: farmers and businessmen still concerned about the monopolistic power of the railroad; industrial workers desiring improved wages, hours, and working conditions; citizens frustrated with corruption in state and municipal politics; and those fearful of the social problems of growing urban areas. Progressivism was not based on a third party, but had both Democrat and Republican supporters, who effected many changes. In 1902, Oregon adopted the initiative and referendum. Other reforms followed: the direct primary (1904), the recall (1908), the presidential preference primary (1910), and woman's suffrage (1912). Progressives also passed social and economic legislation, including a ten-hour day for women in factories and laundries (1903) upheld by the Supreme Court in Muller vs. Oregon (1908). Taxes were raised on public utilities and public carriers (1906), an eight-hour day was adopted for public works projects (1912), and an eight-hour day was set for women workers in certain occupations (1914). In 1903, Oregon obtained a child labor law and a state board of health. A workman's compensation law was established in 1913; prohibition was enacted in 1914; and Oregon passed the nation's first gasoline tax in 1919.

The most contentious political development in the 1920s was the rise of the Ku Klux Klan. The group helped enact an initiative requiring parents to send their children to public rather than private or parochial schools. Passed in 1922, the law was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in 1925. Soon after this decision, the Klan faded away. The majority of Oregonians voted for Franklin Roosevelt in 1932, 1936, and 1940, but they elected conservative or moderate, mainly Republican, governors, state legislators, congressmen, and senators.

Environmental Legislation

After the close of World War II, Oregon became a two-party state. In the 1960s, it captured national attention with a series of environmental laws: the Willamette River Park System Act (1967) and the Willamette Greenway Act (1973), a revision of its predecessor. An unprecedented system of statewide land use was enacted (1969, 1973). In 1970, the Oregon Scenic Water Ways Act was passed, as was an act in 1975 that banned the use of fluorocarbons in aerosol spray cans. During the 1980s and 1990s, Oregon politics became more conservative as voters became less willing to spend tax dollars. In 1990, Ballot Measure 5, a property tax limitation, was adopted as a constitutional amendment, which had the effect of crippling state services, such as higher education. Oregon's governors from the late 1980s to the early 2000s were all Democrats: Neil Goldschmidt (1987–1991), Barbara Roberts (1991–1995), and John Kitzhaber (1995–2003), but they accomplished little because of Republican strength in the state legislature. On the national level, Senator Bob Packwood (1969–1995) was a proponent of tax simplification, while Senator Mark O. Hatfield (1967–1996) was best known for championing a noninterventionist foreign policy in Vietnam and opposing a federal constitutional amendment to balance the national budget. Senator Wayne Morse (1945–1969) was an advocate for organized labor and an early opponent of the Vietnam War.

A More Diverse Population

Oregon's population became more diverse in the twentieth century. Many immigrants came from southern, eastern, and central Europe. Japanese immigrants suffered from the prejudice of white Oregonians, and were placed in internment camps during the Second World War. At the conclusion of the war, some returned to Oregon.

Native Americans were affected by changes in national policy. The Wheeler-Howard Act in 1934 permitted Indians to reorganize into tribes, but the Termination Policy in 1953 then broke up many of the remaining tribes. Beginning in the 1980s, some Native Americans obtained tribal recognition again. The African American presence increased greatly during World War II, when many blacks came to Oregon to work in the shipyards. They built upon existing community institutions and gained their first member of the state legislature in 1973 and their first statewide office holder in 1993. Oregon's Hispanic population also grew. For much of the century Hispanics worked as migratory farm workers, but by the end of the century most had settled into permanent residences in towns and cities. In the 2000 census 86.6% of Oregonians were white, 8% Hispanic, 3% Asian, 1.6% African American, and 1.3% American Indian.

Late Twentieth-Century Cultural Developments

In cultural life, support of public libraries and bookstores was above the national average, and Oregonians gained distinction in literature. Don Berry published a trilogy of historical novels about the pioneer era including Trask (1960), Moontrap (1962), and To Build a Ship(1963), while Ken Kesey received acclaim for One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1962) and Sometimes A Great Notion (1964); both were made into motion pictures. Ursula Le Guin was one of the world's most distinguished authors of science fantasy. Craig Lesley's works included Winterkill (1984) and River Song (1989) and Molly Gloss wrote The Jump-Off Creek (1989) and Wild Life (2000). In architecture, Pietro Belluschi founded the Northwest Style, which uses regional materials to construct churches and residences that fit their natural surroundings.


Abbott, Carl. Portland: Planning, Politics, and Growth in a Twentieth-Century City. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1983.

Carey, Charles H. General History of Oregon Through Early State-hood. 3rd ed. Portland, Ore.: Binfords & Mort, 1971.

Clark, Malcolm, Jr. Eden Seekers: The Settlement of Oregon, 1818– 1862. Boston: Houghton-Mifflin, 1981.

Dodds, Gordon B. Oregon: A Bicentennial History. New York: W.W. Norton, 1977.

———. The American Northwest: A History of Oregon and Washington. Arlington Heights, Ill.: Forum Press, 1986.

Johansen, Dorothy O. Empire of the Columbia: A History of the Pacific Northwest. 2d ed. New York: Harper & Row, 1967.

MacColl, E. Kimbark. Merchants, Money and Power: The Portland Establishment, 1843–1913. Portland, Ore.: The Georgian Press, 1988.

MacColl, E. Kimbark. The Growth of a City: Power and Politics in Portland, Oregon, 1915 to 1950. Portland, Ore.: The Georgian Press, 1979.

Merk, Frederick. The Oregon Question: Essays in Anglo-American Diplomacy and Politics. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1967.

Morison, Dorothy Nafus. Outpost: John McLoughlin and the Far Northwest. Portland: Oregon Historical Society Press, 1999.

Robbins, William G. Landscapes of Promise: The Oregon Story, 1800–1940. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1997.

Walth, Brent. Fire at Eden's Gate: Tom McCall & The Oregon Story. Portland: Oregon Historical Society Press, 1994.

Gordon B.Dodds

See alsoColumbia River Exploration and Settlement ; Fur Trade and Trapping ; Joint Occupation ; Lumber Industry ; Pacific Northwest ; Tribes: Northwestern ; andvol. 9:Women in Industry (Brandeis Brief) .


views updated May 09 2018


The first European to sight Oregon may have been Sir Francis Drake (15401596), while he was on a British raiding expedition against the Spanish during the 1500s. Little contact was made during the next 200 years because mariners considered the Oregon coast too treacherous. In 1778, the Englishman Capt. James Cook (17281779) explored the Northwest. He named several of the Oregon capes. Explorers seeking sea otter and other furs soon followed. American Robert Gray (17551806) discovered the Columbia River in 1792.

The Lewis and Clark Expedition was the first overland exploration of Oregon, reaching the mouth of the Columbia in the winter of 1805. Fur traders employed by New York magnate John Jacob Astor (17631848) built a trading post at the mouth of the Columbia and called it Astoria.

The early history of Oregon was marked by competition between Great Britain and the United States for a foothold in the territory. The two countries signed a joint agreement of occupation in 1818. However from 1824 through the early 1840s John McLoughlin (17841857), chief official at Vancouver for the British Hudson's Bay Company, was governor in all but name. Protestant missionaries to the Native Americans, however, established a base for future U.S. settlement. The first of these came by wagon train over the famous Oregon Trail during the early 1840s. In 1843 a provisional government was formed, and in 1846 a treaty with Great Britain firmly established the boundary between the United States and Canada. The Oregon Territory was organized in 1848. It was originally much larger than the state as it exists today. Oregon became the 33rd state of the union in 1859.

Oregon's economic progress was slow until the first transcontinental railroad reached the state in 1883. The fur trade dominated the region up until that time. When the railroad was built, fur traders, who were tired of the rigors of their difficult trade, began to settle on farms. They settled particularly in the Tualatin Valley and in a region near present-day Salem. Most were French-Canadians who were married to Indian women. Others came north from the gold fields of California, including a number of Chinese who continued to seek gold in eastern Oregon. They also worked as salmon packers and farmhands but were best known for their role in completing the Oregon Central Railroad and other railroads.

The California Gold Rush of the 1850s provided the first real impetus to economic growth in the Northwest. The city of Portland grew rapidly as gold miners demanded lumber, flour, wheat, and beef. Portland provided easy access for ship captains, and the city built a rudimentary road to the wheat fields of the Tualatin Valley. Oregon's mountains together with the Columbia River blocked any rivals from providing this wheat through other means. Thus an important export market developed, along with the Northwest's first reliable currency, gold dust. Another gold rush in eastern Oregon brought even more prosperity. Sailing vessel and steamship companies prospered during this time.

Oregon also found ready markets for the salmon taken out of the Columbia River. Lumber and paper industries as well as textile mills began to develop along the Columbia and the Willamette rivers.

Much of the economy remained agricultural because railroads and improved roads were slow in coming to Oregon. Wheat was the most important crop, followed by oats and potatoes. Cattle, horses, pigs, and sheep were the most important livestock. Towns such as The Dalles, Princeville, Klamath Falls, and Pendleton arose to serve the farm market. Before the coming of the Pacific Northwest railroad Oregon was essentially a purveyor of raw materials, with few finished goods being produced there.

By the 1890s several railroads crisscrossed Oregon. Raw materials could now flow to the ocean more efficiently and immigration to the region increased. Consumer goods, farm machinery, and construction materials were now readily available from the East to supply the growing farms and cities. Lumbermen and farmers could compete with those in other sections of the country. The Northern Pacific Railroad and the Great Northern Railroad also had vast publicity bureaus that sent pamphlets to the East, encouraging emigration. The railroad also changed economic patterns. The tracks broke up large cattle ranges and helped to destroy the cattle industry. Because wool was easier to transport by rail than beef, local residents soon preferred to raise sheep.

Waterways were also improved during this time, including canals along the Columbia to bypass falls and rapids. Lumbermen benefited from better water transit, from technological developments in their industry, and from the destruction of forests in the Great Lakes region.

During the 1920s Oregonians had to make adjustments as demand for certain materials declined after World War I (19141918). Lumber mills also suffered from a lack of supply because wartime cutting had decimated the forests. Congress acted quickly to pass the Clarke-McNary and McSweeney-McNary acts. The acts provided a model for future federal efforts to conserve forests.

Other changes during the 1920s were related to transportation improvements. Shipping continued to increase because of the Panama Canal. The railroads began to lose business as better roads were built. Oregon had created its first highway department in 1913 and built the Columbia River Highway along the river's south bank.

The 1930s saw a downturn in the economy as a depression rocked the country. After the 1929 stock market crash, lumber companies lost most of their markets but slowly regained strength. However the fishing industry never quite recovered from the market collapses which sent many fishermen to the relief rolls. President Franklin D. Roosevelt's (193345) New Deal programs, especially the Wagner Act, encouraged union organizing. Portland experienced a crippling strike by the International Longshoremen's Association in 1934. In the spring of 1935 the Sawmill and Timber Workers practically shut down the lumber industry in the Northwest. On a more positive note, the federal government's water conservation efforts during this period resulted in the construction of the Grand Coulee and the Bonneville dams along the Columbia River.

World War II (19391945) brought much-needed relief to Oregon's failing economy. Portland shipbuilding in particular was a major beneficiary of wartime contracts. Construction entrepreneur Henry J. Kaiser (18821967) was the genius behind Portland's shipbuilding renaissance. He was the primary contractor on the Bonneville Dam project. Kaiser used his many contacts in Washington and with other construction interests to gain government contracts for the so-called Liberty ships. The ships were 441-foot long freighters that kept the Allies supplied throughout the war. Kaiser also built escort aircraft carriers, tankers, and Victory merchant ships.

The postwar years in Oregon were quite prosperous, with manufacturing and service industries expanding. Government was also heavily involved in water and forest conservation in the state. Farming changed drastically with the number of farms declining from 63,125 in 1945 to 36,000 in 1982. Large corporate farms using high technology methods began to dominate the economy. Oregon fisheries declined as the salmon supply became depleted, causing most of the state's canneries to be closed; the federal government rushed to supply fish eggs to hatcheries. The 1980s and 1990s were marked by a continuing debate between loggers and environmentalists over logging in Oregon's rainforests. A 1993 federal law helped prevent commercial exploitation of older forests, home of the threatened spotted owl. Despite attempts to diversify the state's economic base employment in manufacturing outside Portland was still mostly in the lumber and wood products field in the 1980s. This made the state increasingly vulnerable to fluctuations in the housing construction market.

In addition the trend toward conservation of the forests from commercial development continued into the 1990s. The total commercial land base decreased by more than 24 percent since 1945. While federal lands were increasingly being removed from timber-harvesting, private forests took on a more important role. The reforesting required since 1941 and the Forest Practices Act of 1971 helped replenish the timber supply. Timber still provided the largest percentage of shipments by manufacturers in the state.

The principal economic changes in Oregon since World War II have been in the development of the aluminum and electronics industries, as well as in tourism and the services industry. In 1994 unemployment stood at a 25-year low of five percent. Per capita income was over $22,000 in 1997, putting the state's ranking at 27 in the nation.

See also: John Jacob Astor, Environmentalism, Liberty Ships, Lumber Industry, Henry J. Kaiser, Shipbuilding Industry


Corning, Howard. Dictionary of Oregon History. Portland: Binfords and Morts, 1956.

Dodds, Gordon B. The American Northwest: A History of Oregon and Washington. Arlington Heights, IL: Forum Press, 1986.

. Oregon: A Bicentennial History. New York: Norton, 1977.

Johansen, Dorothy, and Charles Gates. Empire of the Columbia: A History of the Pacific Northwest. 2nd ed. New York: Harper & Row, 1967.

Vaughan, Thomas, and Terrence O'Donnell. Portland: A Historical Sketch and Guide. Portland: Oregon Historical Society, 1976.

[oregon] has no history of its own, only ends of histories from other places; it has no complete lives, only beginnings.

h.l. davis, kettle of fire, 1959


views updated Jun 08 2018


She flies with her own wings.

At a Glance

Name: The exact origin of Oregon's name is unknown, but it may have come from the Native American name for one of the area's rivers—the Ouragon.

Nickname: Beaver State

Capital: Salem

Size: 97,052 sq. mi. (251,365 sq km)

Population: 3,421,399

Statehood: Oregon became the 33rd state on February 14, 1859.

Electoral votes: 7 (2004)

U.S. representatives: 5 (until 2003)

State tree: Douglas fir

State flower: Oregon grape

State insect: swallowtail butterfly

Highest point: Mount Hood, 11,239 ft. (3,426 m)

The Place

Oregon is one of the Pacific Northwest states. Oregon has a steep, rugged coastline with many bays and harbors. Two large mountain ranges, the Coast and the Cascade, run down the length of Oregon. The Coast Range includes the shortest of Oregon's mountains. The state's highest mountain, Mount Hood, is part of the volcanic Cascade Mountains. Crater Lake, which rests at the top of an inactive volcano, is located in the Cascades, as are many waterfalls. The Klamath Mountains, in the southwestern corner of Oregon, have some of the state's thickest forests and best mineral deposits.

The Willamette Valley lies between the Coast and Cascade Ranges and contains some of Oregon's most fertile farmland. The Willamette River runs through this valley, which is also an industrial center and home to more than half the state's population. The Columbia River, which forms the border between Oregon and Washington, is the state's largest river. Water from the Columbia River and its tributaries provides energy for much of the state.

Oregon's climate is greatly affected by the mountain ranges. Moist winds from thePacific Ocean cool as they pass over the coastal mountains, where the moisture condenses and falls as rain. The winds are drier after passing over the Cascades, and the area east of this mountain range receives almost no rain.

Oregon's most valuable resources are trees, fertile soil, sand and gravel, limestone, natural gas, diatomite, clays, coal, and some gemstones.

The Past

Many of Oregon's towns, rivers, and natural formations are named for the Native American tribes that lived in the area before the arrival of Europeans. The Chinook, Tillamook, Bannock, Paiute, and Nez Percé are some of these native peoples.

In the 1500s, the Spanish became the first Europeans to reach the Oregon coast, but control of the territory was disputed until the mid-1800s. Spain, Russia, Britain, and the United States all laid claim to different parts of the West Coast from California to Alaska. Spain and Russia eventually gave up their claims to this land, and in 1846, President James Polk finally negotiated a treaty with Britain that fixed the United States's northern boundary at the present-day border with Canada.

Oregon: Facts and Firsts

  1. Oregon's Crater Lake is the nation's deepest lake—1,932 feet at it deepest point. It was formed more than 7,000 years ago in the crater of an ancient volcano.
  2. The Heceta Head Lighthouse in Lane County is thought to be the most photographed lighthouse in the United States.
  3. Oregon is the only state with a double-sided state flag. One side shows a shield, designed to represent Oregon; the reverse side has a picture of a beaver.
  4. The world's largest log cabin was built in Portland in 1905 for a fair that celebrated the centennial of the Lewis and Clark expedition. The cabin burned down in 1964.
  5. Oregon is the only state with an official state nut, the hazelnut.

Before the mid-1800s, there were few European settlers in the Oregon area. Fur trading was the region's only industry. The first large migration of settlers to Oregon occurred in 1843, when about 900 settlers came from the East along the Oregon Trail and settled in the Willamette Valley.

During the years that followed, more and more people began to settle in Oregon, California, and the area that would become the state of Washington. Native Americans clashed with these settlers in a series of wars between 1847 and 1877. In the late-1800s, after the Civil War, Oregon's population grew as former soldiers looking for inexpensive land settled in the West.

Population growth also took place as a result of the construction of transcontinental railroads, which made travel to the West Coast easier.

During World War II, Portland became a major port for shipment of supplies to Russia and for U.S. troops in the Pacific. In the 1950s, huge dams were built on the Columbia River to provide inexpensive hydroelectric power for new industry. Many people moved to cities, where they worked in factories that manufactured goods such as electrical equipment, machinery, and metals.

Oregon: State Smart

Sea Lion Caves is an underwater cave system that is more than 360 feet (110 m) long—the longest sea cave system in the world.

In the early 1980s, Oregon suffered its worst economic decline since the Great Depression of the 1930s. A period of nationwide economic problems caused a decrease in the construction of new homes and businesses, and many Oregon lumber mills closed.

The Present

During the late 1980s and early 1990s, expansion of a variety of industries helped diversify Oregon's economy. While Oregon produces 10 percent of all the nation's lumber, manufacturing and service industries have surpassed wood products in importance. Factories in the Willamette Valley make such products as computer microprocessors and printer parts.

Production of agricultural goods, such as fruit, nursery plants, nuts, and wine, has increased. Orchards in the Hood and Rogue River Valleys grow fruit that is shipped all over the world. Irrigation from Oregon's large rivers allows farmers to grow potatoes, sugar beets, and wheat. Irrigation has also enabled the dry region east of the Cascade Mountains to be used for raising cattle, thanks to irrigation.

The Willamette Valley is the center of Oregon's agriculture, trade, and industry. Oregon's two largest cities, Portland and Salem, are located in this rich valley. Portland's location at the meeting site of the Willamette and Columbia Rivers has made it a major seaport. There, foreign cars are brought into the United States, and wheat and wood products are shipped to the rest of the world. Nike, the shoe manufacturer, has headquarters in nearby Beaverton.

Born in Oregon

  1. James Beard , food expert
  2. Raymond Carver , writer and poet
  3. Matt Groening , cartoonist
  4. Chief Joseph , Nez Percé chief
  5. Edwin Markham , poet
  6. Phyllis McGinly , poet
  7. Linus Pauling , chemist
  8. John Reed , poet and author
  9. Carl "Doc" Severinsen , band leader
  10. Norton Simon , art collector
  11. Sally Struthers , actress

Tourism has earned Oregon the nickname Pacific Wonderland. Oregon's natural wonders attract millions of visitors each year.

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