National Sleep Foundation

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National Sleep Foundation

1522 K St. NW, Ste. 500
Washington, DC 20005
Ph: (202)347-3471
Fax: (202)347-3472

NSF Pickwick Postdoctoral Research Fellowships (Postdoctorate/Fellowship)

Purpose: To promote research and studies in sleep or sleep disorders. Focus: Sleep and sleep disorders. Qualif.: Applicant must have a sponsor and plan to conduct research in recognized U.S. or Canadian programs of study; have received either an MD, DVM, PhD or DO degree completed within the past five years by the time the fellowship. Individuals who have a National Institute of Health or National Science Foundation Research Grant, or hold a faculty position are not qualified. Criteria: Selection is based on demonstrated evidence of aptitude for and proficiency in research and interest in pursuing a career in sleep research.

Funds Avail.: $36,996-$45,048 plus $7000 allowance. To Apply: Applicants must complete NSF Pickwick Postdoctoral Fellowship application along with the required materials. Deadline: November 1.

Remarks: Started in 1995. Contact: Jessica Steinitz at

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    National Sleep Foundation