National Environmental Health Association

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National Environmental Health Association

720 S Colorado Blvd., Ste. 1000-N
Denver, CO 80246
Ph: (303)756-9090
Fax: (303)691-9490

National Environmental Health Association Scholarship Fund (Graduate, Undergraduate/Scholarship)

Purpose: To encourage and support early commitment by students to a career in environmental health. Focus: Environmental science. Qualif.: Applicants must be enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program of studies in environmental health sciences and/or public health. Criteria: Applicants are selected based on the committee’s review of the application materials.

Funds Avail.: No specific amount. To Apply: Applicants must complete the official application form (no faxes, copies or email submissions will be accepted); must provide an official copy of academic transcript; submit two faculty letters of recommendation from the school in which they are currently enrolled; and submit a letter of recommendation from an active NEHA member (three letters of recommendation must be received for an application to be considered). Deadline: February 1. Contact: Nelson E. Fabian at the above address (see entry 4872).

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    National Environmental Health Association