Minnesota Minority Junior Golf Association
Minnesota Minority Junior Golf Association
230 TriTech Ctr.
331 2nd Ave. S
Minneapolis, MN 55401-2240
Ph: (612)333-7309
E-mail: info@mmjga.org
Evans Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)
Purpose: To support minority junior golf. Focus: Sports. Qualif.: Applicants must have completed two full years in the MMJGA Caddie Program; must document at least 40 loops of caddying in the two-year period (with at least 25 loops at a private country club in the two-year period); must be assisting in training new caddies; must achieve “A” level or above caddie status at a country club; must be accepted at a post-secondary educational program or enrolled at a post-secondary educational program; and must maintain 2.0 or better grade point average. Criteria: Recipients are selected based on merit.
Funds Avail.: No specific amount. Number Awarded: 3. To Apply: Applicants must complete an application form and provide an essay.
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Minnesota Minority Junior Golf Association
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