Minnesota Association of Township
Minnesota Association of Township
PO Box 267
St. Michael, MN 55376
Ph: (763)497-2330
Fax: (763)497-3361
Free: 800-228-0296
E-mail: info@mntownships.org
Minnesota Association of Township Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)
Purpose: To foster efficient, effective and economical town governmental services and to further awareness and education about the township government. Focus: Government. Qualif.: Applicants must be currently enrolled in the 11th grade and attending a Minnesota public, private, or parochial high school or a home study program and plan to further their education at a college, university, or vocational school. Criteria: Recipients are selected based on the written essay, originality, knowledge of the subject matter in relationship to the title, supporting statements, correct spelling and punctuation.
Funds Avail.: $1,000. Number Awarded: 4. To Apply: Applicants must complete an application form; a 450-500-word, typed, double-spaced written essay; a current high school transcript; and a letter of recommendation from a high school teacher or counselor. Deadline: May 1.
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Minnesota Association of Township
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