Minnesota Chapter American Planning Association
Minnesota Chapter American Planning Association
9288 Beverly Dr.
Breezy Point, MN 56472
Ph: (763)576-2722
Free: 888-882-5369
E-mail: mnapa_admin@tds.net
Gunnar Isberg Student Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)
Purpose: To foster the development of students in the planning field by providing student scholarship each year. Focus: General studies. Qualif.: Applicants must be pursuing education in planning or planning related fields in a degree program; must be residents of the State of Minnesota or attending a university or college within the State of Minnesota in a planning related program. Criteria: Recipients are selected based on academic record, planning goals and planning related activities or job skills.
Funds Avail.: $1,000. To Apply: Applicants must submit a proof of enrollment; a recent transcript; letter of recommendation from a professor or job supervisor; a current resume including education, work experience, organizations, school activities, and professional skills; and a cover letter stating anticipated graduation date and professional goals. Deadline: July 11. Contact: michele.mcpherson@ co.mill-lacs.mn.us.
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Minnesota Chapter American Planning Association
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Minnesota Chapter American Planning Association