Military Intelligence Corps Association

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Military Intelligence Corps Association

6339 S Ranch Rd.
Hereford, AZ 85615
Ph: (520)456-6232

Military Intelligence Corps Association Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)

Purpose: To provide educational assistance for family members of Active Duty, Reserve, National Guard and retired Military Intelligence Soldiers. Focus: General studies. Qualif.: Applicants or their sponsors must be current MICA members in good standing. They must be pursuing post-secondary education through a college, university, vocational school or technical institution and must be accepted or enrolled in a qualified education program and who agree to complete at least one course or class. Criteria: The Scholarship Chairman determines evaluation criteria to be used during the board process. The Scholarship Board will judge the applications solely on documentation provided in the application. Areas of evaluation that the Scholarship Board considers are: educational goals (essay); past performance (transcripts); and potential for future success (letters of recommendation).

Funds Avail.: $500 - $1,000. To Apply: Applications must contain the following documentation: scholarship application checklist; scholarship application signed by the applicant; copy of MICA Membership Card (if copy of membership card is not available, please provide some proof of current membership); three letters of Recommendation (all letters of recommendation must be signed and include full point of contact information); essay (include a one-page essay detailing the applicant's educational goals and program of study); transcripts; and proof of acceptance by an educational institution. Deadline: May 15. Contact: MICA Scholarship Chairman; 110 Rhea Street, Fort Huachuca, Arizona 85613-7080.

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