International Society for Human Ethology

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International Society for Human Ethology

175 King St.
Charleston, SC 29401
Fax: (843)577-9645

Owen F. Aldis Scholarship Fund (Graduate/Scholarship)

Purpose: To support scholarly works that contribute to the advancement of knowledge and learning in human ethology. Focus: Behavioral sciences. Qualif.: Applicants must be graduate (pre-doctoral) students, in any academic discipline related to human ethology, who are in good standing as certified by their academic advisor or director at a recognized educational or scientific institution. Research must be ethological in nature; the research should include, when possible, comparisons between individuals, populations, species, sexes, since ethology thrives on comparisons; the research should address problems of adaptation, function, reproduction and other concepts relevant to evolutionary theory. Criteria: Scholarship recipients will be selected based on the review of the study and application materials.

Funds Avail.: Stipend is not to exceed $5,000 and is to be applied to documented, legitimate research costs, plus a travel stipend not to exceed $1,000 to attend the next biennial ISHE congress. To Apply: Applications must be submitted in English. Applications should consist of the title of the study, the applicant's name and institutional affiliation; a letter from the applicant's institution giving permission for the applicant to conduct the proposed research at that institution; short c.v.s of the applicant and his/her mentor (with publications); an outline of the planned study, of maximum length 12 double-spaced pages, with the following sections: aims, concentrating on innovative aspects; theoretical background; methodological issues and procedure; schedule. Deadline: July 31. Contact: Frank Salter.

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International Society for Human Ethology

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    International Society for Human Ethology