International Research and Exchanges Board

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International Research and Exchanges Board

ECA Alumni Small Grants Program (Professional Development/Grant)
Individual Advanced Research Opportunities Program (IARO) For Master's Student (Graduate/Grant)
Individual Advanced Research Opportunities Program (IARO) For Pre-doctoral Students (Postgraduate/Grant)
Individual Advanced Research Opportunities Program (IARO) For Professionals (Professional Development/Grant)
Individual Advanced Research Opportunities Program (IARO) for Postdoctoral Scholars (Postdoctorate/Grant)

2121 K St., NW Ste. 700
Washington, DC 20037
Ph: (202)628-8188
Fax: (202)628-8189

ECA Alumni Small Grants Program (Professional Development/Grant)

Purpose: To enhance the skills and performance of ECA alumni. Focus: European studies. Qualif.: Applicants must be alumni of the Edmund S. Muskie Graduate Fellowship Program (MUSKIE) or the Eurasian Undergraduate Program (UGRAD). Criteria: Selection is based on the applications.

Funds Avail.: $3000. To Apply: Applicants must contact their local IREX office for application details. Contact:

Individual Advanced Research Opportunities Program (IARO) For Master's Student (Graduate/Grant)

Purpose: To promote in-depth field research in policy-relevant subjects related to Southeast Europe and Eurasia. Focus: European studies. Qualif.: Applicants must be currently enrolled in a Master's program. Criteria: Grantees will be selected in terms of academic performance and achievements.

Funds Avail.: International coach class round-trip transportation; a monthly allowance for housing and living expenses; travel visas; and evacuation insurance. To Apply: Applicants are advised to visit the IREX website for application details. Contact:

Individual Advanced Research Opportunities Program (IARO) For Pre-doctoral Students (Postgraduate/Grant)

Purpose: To promote in-depth field research in policy-relevant subjects related to Southeast Europe and Eurasia. Focus: European studies. Qualif.: Applicants must be currently enrolled in a Ph.D. program. Criteria: Grantees will be selected in terms of academic performance and achievements.

Funds Avail.: International coach class round-trip transportation; a monthly allowance for housing and living expenses; travel visas; and evacuation insurance. To Apply: Applicants are advised to visit the IREX website for the application process. Contact:

Individual Advanced Research Opportunities Program (IARO) For Professionals (Professional Development/Grant)

Purpose: To promote in-depth field research in policy-relevant subjects related to Southeast Europe and Eurasia. Focus: European studies. Qualif.: Applicants must not currently be enrolled as a student; have a degree in MA, MS, MFA, MBA, MPA, MLIS, MPH, JD, or MD. Criteria: Grantees will be selected in terms of academic performance and achievements.

Funds Avail.: No specific amount. To Apply: Applicants are advised to visit the IREX website for application details. Contact:

Individual Advanced Research Opportunities Program (IARO) for Postdoctoral Scholars (Postdoctorate/Grant)

Purpose: To promote in-depth field research in policy-relevant subjects related to Southeast Europe and Eurasia. Focus: European studies. Qualif.: Applicants must be a Ph.D. holder. Criteria: Grantees will be selected in terms of academic performance and achievements.

Funds Avail.: No specific amount. To Apply: Applicants are advised to visit the IREX website for application details. Contact:

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