Hardanger Fiddle Association of America

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Hardanger Fiddle Association of America

HFAA Scholarship Committee
PO Box 23046
Minneapolis, MN 55423-0046
E-mail: info@hfaa.org

Bernt Balchen, Jr. Hardingfele Scholarships (All, Professional Development/Scholarship)

Purpose: To assist Hardingfele (Hardanger fiddle) players for the HFAA Annual Workshops. Focus: Music. Qualif.: Applicants must have an experience in playing a string instrument in either classical or folk tradition. Criteria: Scholarship will be given to the applicants who best meet the requirements.

Funds Avail.: No specific amount. To Apply: Applicants must submit a completed application form (available at the website www.hfaa.org); a personal statement; a letter of reference from a person not related to the applicant, preferably an instructor or a fellow musician; three copies of a 3-5 minute cassette tape or CD recording on the applicant's string instrument playing ability in classical or folk tradition. Send the complete applications to: HFAA Scholarship Committee PO Box 23046, Minneapolis, MN 55423-0046 USA. Deadline: May 15. Contact: scholarships@hfaa.org.

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