Hardeman, Martin J. 1946-

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HARDEMAN, Martin J. 1946-


Born February 14, 1946, in Chicago, IL; son of Rillious and Julia Alberta (Martin) Hardeman; married Clare Louise McCulla, June 25, 1997. Ethnicity: "Black." Education: University of Chicago, Ph.D.Politics: "Occasionally." Religion: "Sometimes." Hobbies and other interests: Chess, movies, military miniatures.


Office—Department of History, 3522 Coleman Hall, Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL 61920. E-mail—cfmjh@eiu.edu.


Educator and author. Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, professor of history, c. 1992—.


The Structure of Time: Pike County, Mississippi, 1816-1912, Peter Lang Publishing (New York, NY), 1999.

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