Canadian Institute of Planners

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Canadian Institute of Planners

116 Albert St., Ste. 801
Ottawa, ON, Canada K1P 5G3
ph: (613)237-7526
Fax: (613)237-7045
Free: 800-207-2138

CIP Fellow's Travel Scholarships (Postgraduate/Scholarship)

Purpose: To inspire future planners by allowing them to travel, observe and study innovative planning projects first hand. Focus: General studies. Qualif.: Applicant must be a student member enrolled in a planning program recognized by the Canadian Institute of Planners. Criteria: Recipients will be selected based on demonstrated leadership and commitment to their chosen profession and professional association; academic achievement; and a proposal to travel and explore a leading-edge, innovative or new planning initiative or project that will contribute to the depth and breadth of the student's educational experience, as reviewed by a jury consisting of three members of the College of Fellows and the Vice President of the Student Scholarship Trust Fund.

Funds Avail.: $4,000. To Apply: Applicants must provide contact information, university and program enrollment information, official transcript, recommendation letter from the department head and from someone who is familiar with the applicant's commitment to community service, a list of accomplishments and a travel proposal (not more than 4-5 pages in length). Application and attachments must be sent to: Planning Students Trust Fund, Canadian Institute of Planners, 116 Albert St., Ste. 801. Deadline: February 29.

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