Canadian Bar Association

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Canadian Bar Association

500-865 Carling Ave.
Ottawa, ON, Canada K1S 5S8
Ph: (613)237-8860
Fax: (613)237-0185

Free: 800-267-8860

The Viscount Bennett Fellowships (Graduate/Fellowship)

Purpose: To improve the law and it's administration; to promote equal access to justice; to promote the equality in legal profession and the justice system; to enhance the knowledge, ethical standards and well-being of members of the legal profession; to safeguard the interest of legal profession; and to encourage the high standards of legal education, training, and ethics. Focus: Law. Qualif.: Applicants must be Canadian citizens who have graduated from the approved law school in Canada. Criteria: Recipients are selected based on the result of the conducted interview.

Funds Avail.: $40,000. To Apply: Applicants must submit a photocopy of birth certificate; one certified copy of the law transcripts; academic distinctions; curriculum vitae; one-page synopsis of the extra-curricular interests as well as activities during the post-secondary studies; one-page statement outlining the course of study to be pursued; and three letters of reference. Deadline: November 15. Contact: Stephen Hanaon at the above address (see entry 1934).

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