Association for College and University Clubs

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Association for College and University Clubs

1733 King St.
Alexandria, VA 22314-2720
Ph: (703)299-2630
Fax: (703)299-0925

Association for College And University Clubs Scholarships (Other/Scholarship)

Purpose: To promote reciprocal privileges, management education, and resource sharing among university clubs; to assist the education of a club employee through academic courses work, seminars or other practicum activities. Focus: Writing. Qualif.: Any employee of an ACUC member. Criteria: Recipients are selected base on the presented ideas that is evaluated by the sponsors.

Funds Avail.: $150. To Apply: A member should submit a written nominations from the Club's Manager and Board President along with the employees own statement of career goals; planned use for the scholarship; brief bibliography; official application form; Deadline: December 31.

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Association for College and University Clubs

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Association for College and University Clubs