American College of Nursing Practitioners

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American College of Nursing Practitioners

1501 Wilson Blvd., Ste. 509
Arlington, VA 22209
Ph: (703)740-2529
Fax: (703)740-2533

ACNP Nurse Practitioner Student Scholarship Awards (Undergraduate/Scholarship)

Purpose: To recognize an outstanding student in the field of nursing. Focus: Nursing. Qualif.: Applicants must be a member of ACNP; enrolled in an accredited NP program; have a GPA of 3.4. Criteria: Recipients will be selected based on the Award Committee's review of all applications.

Funds Avail.: $1,000. To Apply: Applicants must complete the application form and submit with the following supporting documents: proof of Student Membership in ACNP; official transcript of an accredited NP program that indicates a 3.4 GPA; curriculum vitae (not more than 2 pages); two letters from professional colleagues indicating leadership roles and involvement in any organizational policy development; statement of the applicant's goals related to the ACNP Mission (not more than 200 words). Deadline: June 30.

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