American College of Healthcare Executives

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American College of Healthcare Executives

Albert W. Dent Graduate Student Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)
Foster G. McGaw Graduate Student Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)

1 N Franklin, Ste. 1700
Chicago, IL 60606-3529
Ph: (312)424-2800
Fax: (312)424-0023

Albert W. Dent Graduate Student Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)

Purpose: To help ACHE Student Associates finance their education. Focus: Health care services. Qualif.: Applicant must be a Student Associate in good standing in the American College of Healthcare Executives; must be enrolled in full-time study for the upcoming term; must demonstrate financial need; must be a U.S or Canadian citizen; must have not been a previous recipient of the scholarship. Criteria: Selection of applicants will be based on the Scholarship application criteria.

Funds Avail.: $4,000. Number Awarded: 15-25. To Apply: Applicants must submit and complete the application form available online; must submit a current curriculum vitae or resume; an official undergraduate and graduate transcript; must provide three current letters of recommendation and essay. Deadline: March 31.

Remarks: American College of Healthcare Executives established the scholarship in honor of Foster G. McGaw, the founder of the American Hospital Supply Corporation.

Foster G. McGaw Graduate Student Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)

Purpose: To help ACHE Student Associates finance their education. Focus: Health care services. Qualif.: Applicant must be a Student Associate in good standing in the American College of Healthcare Executives; must be enrolled in full-time study for the upcoming term; must demonstrate financial need; must be a U.S or Canadian citizen; must have not been a previous recipient of the scholarship. Criteria: Selection of applicants will be based on the scholarship application criteria.

Funds Avail.: $4,000. Number Awarded: 15-25. To Apply: Applicants must submit and complete the application form available online; must submit a current curriculum vitae or resume; an official undergraduate and graduate transcript; must provide three current letters of recommendation and essay. Deadline: March 31.

Remarks: Foundation of the American College of Healthcare Executives established the scholarship in honor of Foster G. McGaw, the founder of the American Hospital Supply Corporation.

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