Vasanzio, Giovanni

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Vasanzio, Giovanni (c.1550–1621). Born Jan van Santen in Utrecht, The Netherlands, he settled in Rome c.1583 where he practised architecture, specializing in fountains, gardens, and villas. He completed Ponzio's façade of San Sebastiano fuori le mura (1612), but his best-known work is the Villa Borghese on the Pincio (1613–15), with a main elevation enlivened with niches and statuary owing much to Mannerism. He enlarged the Villa Mondragone, Frascati (1615), begun by Longhi, and designed the Fontane dell'Acqua Paola Sisto (1613), and della Galera, Vatican Gardens (1620).


Hibbard (1962, 1971);
Onofrio (1957);
Placzek (ed.) (1982);
W. Papworth (1982);
Jane Turner (1996);

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