Love, Victorious

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419. Love, Victorious

  1. Ada and Arindal mortal and fairy permitted to stay together. [Ger. Opera: Wagner, The Fairies, Westerman, 202]
  2. Babbie gypsy wins clergyman despite opposition of town. [Br. Lit.: The Little Minister ]
  3. Beatrice and Benedick witty rebels against love; become enamored. [Br. Lit.: Much Ado About Nothing ]
  4. Bell, Laura wins Pendenniss love despite his slavish admiration for wealth. [Br. Lit.: Pendennis, Magill I, 726728]
  5. Bennet, Elizabeth neither pride nor prejudice can cover up love for Darcy. [Br. Lit.: Pride and Prejudice, Magill I, 180183]
  6. Berling, Gosta, and Countess Elizabeth marry after many years of misunderstanding and misadventure. [Swed. Lit.: Lagerlof Gosta Berlings Saga in Benét, 412]
  7. Bezuhov, Pierre long in love with Natasha Rostov; united after the deaths of his wife and her lover. [Russ. Lit.: Tolstoy War and Peace in Magill I, 1085]
  8. Castlewood, Lady and Henry Esmond both undergo many trials before he realizes their love and they marry. [Br. Lit.: Henry Esmond ]
  9. Cellini and Teresa their love prevails, despite jealous suitors and duels. [Fr. Opera: Berlioz, Benvenuto Cellini, Westerman, 169170]
  10. di Ripafratta, Cavalier avowed woman-hater falls to innkeepers feminine charms. [Ital. Lit.: The Mistress of the Inn ]
  11. Dodsworth, Sam finally leaves hypocritical wife for true love. [Am. Lit.: Dodsworth ]
  12. Doone, Lorna John and Lornas love wins over many obstacles. [Br. Lit.: Lorna Doone, Magill I, 524526]
  13. Elliott, Anne nine years after her family made her give up her fiancé, they meet again and are united. [Br. Lit.: Persuasion in Magill I, 734]
  14. Ernesto and Norina their schemes permit love to conquer. [Ital. Opera: Donizetti, Don Pasquale, Westerman, 123124]
  15. Frithiof and Ingeborg childhood lovers separated for years by court intrigue, finally reunited [Nor. Lit.: Haydn & Fuller, 275]
  16. Ione and Glaucus though threatened by jealous rivals, a murder plot, and volcanic eruption, they eventually attain happiness. [Br. Lit.: The Last Days of Pompeii ]
  17. Jones, Tom eventually marries Sophia Western, his sweetheart from early childhood, after they have been kept apart by his adventurousness and unknown antecedents. [Br. Lit.: Fielding Tom Jones ]
  18. Ladislaw, Will finally marries Dorothea, despite her familys protests. [Br. Lit.: Middlemarch, Magill I, 588591]
  19. Lavinia after war, affianced to Aeneas. [Rom. Lit.: Aeneid ]
  20. Levin and Kitty long kept apart by her early refusal, their pride, and misunderstanding, they are eventually united. [Russ. Lit.: Tolstoy Anna Karenina ]
  21. Lucia and Renzo peasants whose marriage, long thwarted by the machinations of a local baron, is eventually consummated. [Ital. Lit.: Manzoni The Betrothed in Magill II, 88]
  22. Nanki-Poo wins Yum-Yum despite his self-exile to defy his fathers commands. [Br. Opera: Gilbert and Sullivan The Mikado ]
  23. Nikulaussön, Erlend despite social convention, he wins Kris-tins hand. [Nor. Lit.: Kristin Lavransdatter, Magill I, 483486]
  24. Peer Gynt Solveig loves Peer Gynt, despite his life of wandering, and finally wins him. [Nor. Drama: Ibsen Peer Gynt in Sobel, 531]
  25. pierced heart Renaissance emblem, with motto, Love conquers all. [Art: Hall, 146]
  26. Pontmercy, Marius despite grandfathers forbiddance, marries Cosette. [Fr. Lit.: Les Misérables ]
  27. Prince Charming handsome suitor fulfills a maidens dreams. [Fr. Fairy Tale: Cinderella ]
  28. Rowena loved by Ivanhoe, who finally claims her hand. [Br. Lit.: Ivanhoe ]
  29. Taming of the Shrew, The Lucentio wins Bianca despite the machinations of his rivals and the objections of her father. [Br. Drama: Shakespeare The Taming of the Shrew ]
  30. Tamino and Pamina undergo trials and confinement before being united. [Ger. Opera: Mozart The Magic Flute in Benét, 619]
  31. Western, Jasper Bumppo relinquishes his claim on Mabel to Jasper, whom Mabel loves. [Am. Lit.: The Pathfinder, Magill I, 715717]
  32. Wickfield, Agnes her love for David, long concealed, is fulfilled after his first wife dies. [Br. Lit.: Dickens David Copperfield ]

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