Love, Maternal
415. Love, Maternal
- asteria symbol of motherly affection. [Gem. Symbolism: Jobes, 144]
- cinquefoil symbol of motherly love. [Flower Symbolism: Jobes, 341]
- Cornelia indicates that two sons are her jewels. [Rom. Hist.: Hall, 75]
- de Lamare, Jeanne adores and indulges her son Paul despite his escapades and excessive debts. [Fr. Lit.: Maupassant A Woman’s Life in Magill I, 1127]
- Delphine, Madame denies motherhood for daughter’s marriage. [Am. Lit.: Madame Delphine, Hart, 513]
- Mary the Madonna; beatific mother of Christ. [N.T.: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John; Christian Iconography: NCE, 1709]
- red carnation clove pink, sprung from St. Mary’s tears at Calvary. [Christian Legend: Embolden, 23]
- Silver Cord, The Mrs. Phelps’s love for sons becomes pathological. [Am. Lit.: Hart, 769]
- Venus provided future protection for Aeneas, her son. [Rom. Myth.: Aeneid ]
Love, Platonic (See LOVE, VIRTUOUS .)
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Love, Maternal