thorn forest

views updated May 21 2018

thorn forest(thorn scrub, thorn woodland) A tropical vegetation formation with thorny shrubs and bushy trees, perhaps with a few taller trees, set in a sparse ground flora in which grasses are often lacking. It is in this last respect that thorn forest differs principally from savannah woodland, the paucity of grasses reflecting the increased aridity of the climate. Thorn forest merges in even drier regions with semi-desert scrub, and in wetter climates with tropical seasonal forest.

thorn forest

views updated May 29 2018

thorn forest (thorn scrub, thorn woodland) A tropical type of vegetation with thorny shrubs and bushy trees, perhaps with a few taller trees, set in a sparse ground flora in which grasses are often lacking. It is in this last respect that thorn forest differs principally from savannah woodland, the paucity of grasses reflecting the increased aridity of the climate. Thorn forest merges in even drier regions into semi-desert scrub.

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