rend·er·ing / ˈrendəring/ • n. 1. a performance of a piece of music or drama: her fine rendering of “Che farò senza Eurydice” was enough to win her strong commendation. ∎ a translation: a literal rendering of an idiom. ∎ a work of visual art, esp. a detailed architectural drawing: a consummately lifelike three-dimensional rendering of a building interior. ∎ Comput. the processing of an outline image using color and shading to make it appear solid and three-dimensional.2. the action of applying plaster to a wall. ∎ the coating applied in such a way.3. formal the action of giving, yielding, or surrendering something: the rendering of dues.
rendering The part of computer graphics that is concerned with getting from a three-dimensional scene (possibly containing moving objects) to a picture or animated sequence, with more or less sophistication in terms of the effect achieved.
rendering The process of liberating the fat from the cells that constitute the adipose tissue. Dry rendering, heating the fat dry, or wet rendering, when water is present.