Rendon, Marcie R.

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RENDON, Marcie R.

RENDON, Marcie R. American, b. 1952. Genres: Plays/Screenplays, Adult non-fiction. Career: Writer. Mentor and leader of workshops in Minneapolis, MN, 1994-. Publications: Powwow Summer: A Family Celebrates the Circle of Life, 1995; Dreaming into Being (poetry); Native Models for Business Success; Beyond Survival: Applying for Grants/Awards/Fellowships; The Farmers Market/Families Working Together (children's), 2001. Work represented in anthologies. PLAYS: Bring the Children Home, 1996; Song- catcher, 1998; Free Frybread, 1999; RoughFace Girl, 2001. Contributor of articles, poems, and reviews to magazines and newspapers. Address: c/o Belleville, 308 Prince St, St. Paul, MN 55101, U.S.A. Online address:

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