for·mat / ˈfôrˌmat/ • n. the way in which something is arranged or set out: the format of the funeral service. ∎ the shape, size, and presentation of a book or periodical. ∎ the medium in which a sound recording is made available: the album is available as a CD as well as on LP and cassette formats. ∎ Comput. a defined structure for the processing, storage, or display of data: a data file in binary format.• v. (-mat·ted, -mat·ting) [tr.] (esp. in computing) arrange or put into a format. ∎ prepare (a storage medium) to receive data.
1. The defined structure of the pattern of information that is to be processed, recorded on magnetic or optical media, displayed on a screen, or printed on a page.
2. To put data into a predetermined structure or divide a storage medium, such as a disk, into sectors, so that it is ready to receive data.
3. The style of character representation as displayed or printed e.g. color, bold, italic, alignment, etc. (see font).
See also disk format, tape format, printer format, CD-ROM format standards, file format, instruction format.
format XIX. — F. — L. fōrmātus, pp. of fōrmāre FORM.