Westhead, Hal 1953-
Westhead, Hal 1953-
Born January 16, 1953, in Whiston, Lancashire, England; son of Ruth Westhead; married Lynne Westhead (a classroom assistant), September 13, 1975; children: Ben Edmund. Education: Nottingham University, B.Sc. (jt. hons), 1974; Attended Sussex University, 1974-77. Religion: "Buddhist."
Home—Macclesfield, Cheshire, England. Office—SANELINE, 1 Queen Victoria Street, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 6LP, England. E-mail—hal@westheads.org.uk.
Logica, London, England, senior programmer, 1977-83; Software Sciences, Macclesfield, Cheshire, England, software consultant, 1983-87; Logica, Stockport, senior software consultant, 1987-91; Thorn Security, Stockport, England, principal software engineer, 1991-92. Institute of Hypnosis and Parapsychology. Member of Local Research Ethics Committee (Macclesfield).
After Life (fantasy novel), IUniverse, 2002.
Contributor of essay "Metaphor, Reality and Dialogue" to journal World Faiths Encounter, 1995.
Hal Westhead told CA: "Writing for me is about a number of things: exploring my own understanding; attempting to communicate the feeling of a situation rather than its objective presentation; self expression; increasing my understanding and grasp. Sometimes I have to write because a thought or image is haunting me. I start with that thought and image and allow it to grow as the description and action grow. (There is then a lot of pruning)."