Western Wyoming Community College: Distance Learning Programs

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Rock Springs, Wyoming
Extended Education

Western Wyoming Community College was founded in 1959. It is accredited by North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. It first offered distance learning courses in 1996. In fall 2003, there were 1,250 students enrolled in distance learning courses. Institutionally administered financial aid is available to distance learners.

Services Distance learners have accessibility to academic advising, bookstore, campus computer network, career placement assistance, e-mail services, library services, tutoring.

Contact Ms. Christine Lustik, Director of Distance Education, Western Wyoming Community College, 2500 College Drive, PO Box 428, Rock Springs, WY 82902. Telephone: 307-382-1757 Ext. 1757. Fax: 307-382-1812 Ext. 1812. E-mail: clustik@wwcc.cc.wy.us.


AA General Program

Special Message

Western Wyoming Community College is located on the high desert plains of southwestern Wyoming and has a service area of 25,000 square miles. Because of the distance and small populations in some of the local communities, it was essential for the College to enter the distance learning field.

Western's goal is to provide high-quality instruction to students who might not otherwise be able to continue their education. The College offers videotaped courses, compressed video instruction, and Internet courses that are part of an associate degree program. Standards are the same as they are for traditional instruction, and students are able to complete degree requirements from their home. Western is interested in drawing students from around the country and the world to their classes because they believe it enriches the learning experience for all concerned. Some Wyoming people rarely venture outside the state, and they welcome the chance to interact with students from other cultures and backgrounds.

Because Western is a state-supported institution, tuition and fees are very low, so students on a tight budget find the College to be very attractive. On average, 77% of students receive some type of financial assistance to attend the College. Western offers both need- and academic-based aid.

Western is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, so transfer of courses taken is not a problem. Students who plan carefully are able to complete the first 2 years of their bachelor's degree and transfer with junior status. Occupational students find that they are well prepared for jobs in their field.

Students should visit the Web site at http://www.wwcc.cc.wy.us.


Undergraduate— accounting; administrative and secretarial services; anthropology; applied mathematics; biological and physical sciences; business; business administration and management; computer science; computer software and media applications; cultural studies; economics; English composition; general teacher education; health and medical assistants; industrial equipment maintenance and repairers; philosophy.

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Western Wyoming Community College: Distance Learning Programs

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