Westmacott, Richard
WESTMACOTT, Richard. British (born Singapore), b. 1941. Genres: Local history/Rural topics, Geography, Environmental sciences/Ecology. Career: Consulting landscape architect in London, England, 1970-77; University of Georgia, Athens, assistant professor, 1977-83, associate professor, 1983-91, professor of environmental design, 1991-. Consultant to World Bank in Malaysia, India, and Angola. Publications: New Agricultural Landscapes, Countryside Commission (England), 1974; Water Resources Protection Technology, Urban Land Institute, 1981; Agricultural Landscapes: A Second Look, Countryside Commission (England), 1984; Lakes and Ponds, Urban Land Institute, 1992; Gardens and Yards of African Americans in the Rural South, University of Tennessee Press, 1992. Address: School of Environmental Design, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602, U.S.A.