Tuckett, Christopher M(ark)

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TUCKETT, Christopher M(ark)


Male. Education: Cambridge University, B.A., Lancaster University, Ph.D.


Office—Theology Faculty Center, Oxford University, Oxford OX1 3LW, England. E-mail—christopher.tuckett@theology.ox.ac.uk.


Educator, theologian. Lecturer in New Testament studies, University of Manchester, England, 1979-91; Rylands Professor of Biblical Criticism, University of Manchester, England, 1991-96; fellow of Wolfson College, Oxford, England, 1996-2002; fellow of Pembroke College, Oxford, England, 2002—.


The Revival of the Griesbach Hypothesis: An Analysis and Appraisal (Society for New Testament Studies, "Monograph" series, Volume 44), Cambridge University Press (New York, NY), 1983.

Nag Hammadi and the Gospel Tradition: Synoptic Tradition in the Nag Hammadi Library ("Studies of the New Testament and Its World" series), edited by John Riches, T&T Clark (Edinburgh, Scotland), 1986.

Reading the New Testament: Methods of Interpretation, Fortress Press (Philadelphia, PA), 1987.

Q and the History of Early Christianity: Studies on Q, T & T Clark (Edinburgh, Scotland), 1996.

Christology and the New Testament: Jesus and His Earliest Followers, Westminster John Knox Press (Louisville, KY), 2001.


The Messianic Secret ("Issues in Religion and Theology" series, Volume 1), Fortress Press (Philadelphia, PA), 1983.

Synoptic Studies: The Ampleforth Conferences of 1982 and 1983 (Journal for the Study of the New Testament, "Supplement" series, Volume 7), JSOT Press (Sheffield, England), 1984.

New Testament Essays in Honour of David Hill (Journal for the Study of the New Testament, "Supplement" series, Volume 37), JSOT Press (Sheffield, England), 1989.

(And translator) Heikki Räisänen: The "Messianic Secret" in Mark ("Studies of the New Testament and Its World" series), T&T (Edinburgh, Scotland), 1990.

Barnabas Lindars, Essays on John ("Studiorum Novi Testamenti auxilia" series, Volume 17), Leuven University Press (Leuven, Belgium), 1992.

Luke's Literary Achievement: Collected Essays (Journal for the Study of the New Testament, "Supplement" series, Volume 116), Sheffield Academic Press (Sheffield, England), 1995.

Luke ("New Testament Guides" series), Sheffield Academic Press (Sheffield, England), 1996.

The Scriptures in the Gospels ("Bibliotheca Ephemeridum theologicarum Lovaniensium" series, Volume 131), Leuven University Press (Leuven, Belgium), 1997.

(With David G. Horrell) Christology, Controversy, and Community: New Testament Essays in Honour of David R. Catchpole ("Supplements to Novum Testamentum, 0167-9732" series, Volume 99), Brill (Boston, MA), 2000.

(With John Riches and William R. Telford) The Synoptic Gospels, Sheffield Academic Press (Sheffield, England), 2001.

(With Ismo Dunderberg and Kari Syreeni) Fair Play: Diversity and Conflicts in Early Christianity: Essays in Honour of Heikki Räisänen ("Supplements to Novum Testamentum, 0167-9732" series, Volume 103), Brill (Boston, MA), 2002.

The Book of Zechariah and Its Influence, Ashgate (Burlington, VT), 2003.


Research focusing on the Jesus tradition in early Christianity as well as research on Paul, the Sayings Source Q, and non-canonical gospels.


Christopher M. Tuckett is a New Testament scholar and the author and editor of a number of books, including Reading the New Testament: Methods of Interpretation, a helpful volume for students of the New Testament. Chapters include "Scripture and Canon," "Textual Criticism," "Problems of Introduction," "Genre," "Source Criticism," "Form Criticism," "Redaction Criticism," "The New Testament and Sociology," "The New Testament and Structuralism," and "Other Approaches." Catholic Biblical Quarterly's Richard A. Edwards wrote that "This is a useful book because it is appropriate for both introductory and second-level students, i.e., there are enough places where the interested student can find his/her way into the more detailed studies."

Tuckett is editor of Luke's Literary Achievements: Collected Essays, a collection of eleven papers that were read at a colloquium held at the University of Manchester, and most of which focus on the Book of Acts. Dennis Hamm noted in Catholic Biblical Quarterly that "Even apart from the contributions made in the papers, the bibliographies and the indexes of references and authors recommend this collection to any graduate theological library aspiring to completeness."

In reviewing Q and the History of Early Christianity: Studies on Q, Stephen J. Patterson wrote in the Journal of Biblical Literature that "over the last decade and a half, Christopher M. Tuckett has established a well-deserved reputation for careful, thorough scholarship in one of the most demanding areas of biblical studies: the Synoptic problem." Patterson said this volume "will not disappoint those who have come to expect from Tuckett a high level of work." Patterson continued, saying that Tuckett "combines a thorough treatment of the scholarly discussion with a detailed exegesis of key texts and measured conclusions to construct an argument that is well-grounded and cogent. In spite of the disparate origins of the material, Tuckett manages to weave the pieces together to produce a sustained argument around a central thesis: that Q is the document of an early Jewish-Christian group angered at the apathetic response of others to its preaching."

David Catchpole wrote in the Journal of Theological Studies that "the importance of this exposé of Q and its pre-history is very considerable. First, the sheer consistency and integrity of the Q material treated here makes it difficult to image why any doubt concerning the Q hypothesis should survive!" Catchpole said Tuckett "is to be congratulated on an outstanding contribution to Q scholarship."

A. E. Harvey reviewed Christology and the New Testament: Jesus and His Earliest Followers in the Times Literary Supplement, calling it "an admirable and potentially useful project which his [Tuckett's] readers will soon sense he is well-qualified to undertake; the labyrinth of recent scholarship on this subject is daunting, but we are in the hands of an expert guide."



Catholic Biblical Quarterly, January, 1989, Richard A. Edwards, review of Reading the New Testament: Methods of Interpretation, pp. 167-168; January, 1997, Dennis Hamm, review of Luke's Literary Achievement: Collected Essays, pp. 199-200.

Journal of Biblical Literature, winter, 1998, Stephen J. Patterson, review of Q and the History of Early Christianity: Studies on Q, pp. 744-746.

Journal of Theological Studies, April, 1997, David Catchpole, review of Q and the History of Early Christianity, p. 191; October, 1997, J. L. Nolland, review of Luke's Literary Achievement, p. 588; October, 1998, Wendy Sproston North, review of The Scriptures in the Gospels, p. 759.

Religious Studies Review, April, 1997, Fred W. Burnett, review of Luke, pp. 179-180.

Times Literary Supplement, May 24, 2002, A. E. Harvey, review of Christology and the New Testament: Jesus and His Earliest Followers, p. 32.*