Tuckman, Bruce Wayne

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TUCKMAN, Bruce Wayne

TUCKMAN, Bruce Wayne. American, b. 1938. Genres: Education, Psychology. Career: Naval Medical Research Institute, research psycholo- gist, 1963-65; Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, assoc. professor, 1965-70, professor of education, 1970-78; Florida State University, Tallahassee, professor of education, 1983-98; Ohio State University, professor of education and director of Academic Learning Lab, 1998-. Publications: (ed. with J.L. O'Brien) Preparing to Teach the Disadvantaged, 1969; Conducting Educational Research, 1972, 5th ed., 1999; Measuring Educational Outcomes, 1975; Analyzing and Designing Educational Research, 1979; Evaluating Instructional Programs, 1979, 2nd ed., 1985; (with F.C. Johnson) Effective College Management, 1987; Testing for Teachers, 1988; Long Road to Boston, 1988; Educational Psychology: From Theory to Application, 1992; (with D.A. Abry and D.R. Smith) Learning and Motivation Strategies: Your Guide to Success, 2002. Address: 250 Younkin Success Center, Ohio State University, 1640 Neil Ave, Columbus, OH 43201-2333, U.S.A. Online address: tuckman.5@osu.edu

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