Tucker, Spencer C.
TUCKER, Spencer C.
TUCKER, Spencer C. American, b. 1937. Genres: History, Military/ Defense/Arms control. Career: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, part-time instructor in history, 1962-65; Wake Forest University, Winston- Salem, NC, instructor in history, 1965; University of Maryland at College Park, assistant professorial lecturer in history, 1966-67; Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, assistant professor to associate professor, 1967-90, professor of history, 1990-97, department head, 1992-97. Smithsonian Institution, visiting research associate, 1969-70. Publications: Arming the Fleet: U.S. Naval Ordnance in the Muzzle-Loading Era, 1989; The Jeffersonian Gunboat Navy, 1993; (with F. Reuter) Injured Honor: The Chesapeake- Leopard Affair, 1996; Raphael Semmes and the Alabama, 1996; The Great War, 1914-18, 1997; (with E. Olmstead and W. Stark) The Big Guns: Heavy Civil War Ordnance, 1997; Vietnam, 1999; A.H. Foote, Civil War Admiral on Western Waters, 2000; Handbook of 19th Century Naval Warfare, 2000; "Unconditional Surrender": The Capture of Forts Henry and Donelson, February 1862, 2001; Who's Who in 20th-Century Warfare, 2001; A Short History of the Civil War at Sea, 2001; Naval Warfare: An International Encyclopedia, 3 vols., 2002; Brig. Gen. John D. Imloden: Confederate Commander in the Shenandoah, 2002. EDITOR & CONTRIBUTOR: The European Powers in the First World War: An Encyclopedia, 1996; Encyclopedia of the Vietnam War, 3 vols., 1998; Encyclopedia of the Korean War, 3 vols., 2000. Work represented in anthologies. Contributor of articles and reviews to history and military studies journals. Address: Dept of History, Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, VA 24450, U.S.A. Online address: tuckersc@vmi.edu