Sherwin, Hiroko 1936–

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Sherwin, Hiroko 1936–

PERSONAL: Born September 13, 1936, in Nagoya, Japan; daughter of Goro (chair of a utility company) and Masako (a homemaker; maiden name, Kigoshi) Inouye; married Shoichi Yoshikawa, 1960 (divorced, 1983); married James Sherwin (in business), 1985; children: (first marriage) Yoko, Mako, Aiko. Ethnicity: "Japanese." Education: Tokyo Women's Christian College, B.A., 1960; attended Harvard University, Rutgers University, and Art Students League. Politics: "Liberal." Religion: Buddhist.

ADDRESSES: Home and office—The Chase, Winsley, Bradford-on-Avon, Wiltshire BA15 2LX, England. Agent—Abner Stein, 10 Roland Gardens, London SW7 3PH, England. E-mail—

CAREER: Writer. Yomiuri USA (periodical), New York, journalist, 1983–91; artist, specializing in watercolor, acrylics, and collage. Exhibitions: Art work exhibited in galleries and shows in New Jersey and New York, 1970–89.

AWARDS, HONORS: First prizes from New Jersey State Painting Show (for watercolors) and Princeton Art Association.


Lonely Americans (sociology), Kodansha Publishers (Tokyo, Japan), 1975.

American Woman (sociology), Kodansha Publishers (Tokyo, Japan), 1979.

Women's America (sociology), Kodansha Publishers (Tokyo, Japan), 1991.

Changing European Families (sociology), Impact Publishers (Japan), 1996.

Eight Million Gods and Demons (historical novel), Plume (New York, NY), 2003.

WORK IN PROGRESS: From the West Country of England, a book about England for Japanese readers.



Booklist, November 15, 2003, Elsa Gaztambide, review of Eight Million Gods and Demons, p. 577.

Kirkus Reviews, October 1, 2003, review of Eight Million Gods and Demons, p. 1198.

Kliatt, March, 2004, Courtney Lewis, review of Eight Million Gods and Demons, p. 22.

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