Schetzen, Martin 1928-

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Schetzen, Martin 1928-

PERSONAL: Born February 10, 1928, in New York, NY; son of Harry (in textiles) and Mae (in textiles; maiden name, Brimberg) Schetzen; married Jeannine Desrochers, September 2, 1984. Education: New York University, B.E.E., 1951; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, S.M., 1954, Sc.D., 1961.

ADDRESSES: Office—Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 425 Dana Research Bldg., Northeastern University, Boston, MA 02115. E-mail—

CAREER: National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC, electronic scientist, 1951-52; Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Silver Spring, MD, engineer, 1954-56; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, instructor, 1960-61, assistant professor of electrical engineering, 1961-65, and staff member, Research Laboratory of Electronics; Northeastern University, Boston, MA, associate professor, 1965-69, professor of electrical engineering, 1969-. University of California, Berkeley, visiting professor, 1977-78; Catholic University of Louvain, visiting lecturer, 1982; Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel, visiting scientist, 1982, 1984-85; Gordon Institute, adjunct professor, 1986-88. Consultant to Apollo 11 space program, RCA Aerospace Systems Division, U.S. Navy, and other organizations and institutions. Military service: U.S. Army, 1946-47.

MEMBER: Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Sigma Xi, Tau Beta Pi, Eta Kappa Nu.

AWARDS, HONORS: Apollo Certificate of Commendation and Apollo Achievement Award, 1970.


The Volterra and Wiener Theories of Nonlinear Systems, John Wiley and Sons (New York, NY), 1980, revised edition, Robert E. Krieger Publishing (Malabar, FL), 1989.

(With Vinay K. Ingle) Discrete Systems Laboratory Using Matlab, Brooks/Cole (Pacific Grove, CA), 2000.

Linear Time-Invariant Systems, John Wiley and Sons (New York, NY), 2003.

Contributor to books, including Volterra Equations and Applications, edited by C. Corduneanu and I. W. Sandberg, Gordon & Breach Science Publishers (Reading, England), 2000. Contributor of articles and reviews to scientific journals, including International Journal of System Science, Optics Communication, International Journal of Control, and Laser Focus.

WORK IN PROGRESS: A book on airborne Doppler radar; research on laser-diode system theory and on multi-linear theory for electromagnetic fields.

SIDELIGHTS: Martin Schetzen told CA: "My first text, The Volterra and Wiener Theories of Nonlinear Systems, was inspired by the death of my mentor and friend, Norbert Wiener. His approach to the analysis of nonlinear systems was a significant conceptual innovation. I decided to write a text describing his work in a manner accessible to the scientific community. The writing the text took me over a decade since, as I wrote, I found new extensions of his work and also areas that I was able to amplify.

"In each book, I have tried to present the topic in a manner that results in a more intuitive understanding and a view that results in new insights since those are necessary ingredients for innovative thinking. I would hope that my books will be used in college and university courses where they will help the student to develop not only an innovative understanding of the subject, but also an understanding of the interconnectedness of the various areas of science and its basic underpinning philosophy."