Schevill, James (Erwin)

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SCHEVILL, James (Erwin)

SCHEVILL, James (Erwin). American, b. 1920. Genres: Novels, Plays/ Screenplays, Poetry, Theatre. Career: Professor Emeritus, Professor of English, Brown University, Providence, RI, 1969-. Member of Faculty, California College of Arts and Crafts, Oakland, 1950-59; Member of Faculty, 1959-68, and Director of Poetry Center, 1961-68, San Francisco State College, CA. Publications: POETRY: Tensions, 1947; The American Fantasies, 1951; The Right to Greet, 1956; Selected Poems, 1945-1959, 1959; Private Dooms and Public Destinations: Poems, 1945-1962, 1962; The Stalingrad Elegies, 1964; Release, 1968; Violence and Glory: Poems, 1962-1968, 1969; The Buddhist Car and Other Characters, 1973; Pursuing Elegy, 1974; The Mayan Poems, 1978; Fire of Eyes: A Guatemalan Sequence, 1979; The American Fantasies: Collected Poems 1945-1982, 1983; The Invisible Volcano, 1985; Ambiguous Dancers of Fame: Collected Poems 1945-1986, 1987; Winter Channels, 1994; The Complete American Fantasies, 1996; New and Selected Poems, 2000. PLAYS: Voices of Mass and Capital A, 1962; The Master, 1963; The Black President and Other Plays, 1965; Lovecraft's Follies, 1971; Cathedral of Ice, 1975; Edison's Dream, 1982; Oppenheimer's Chair, 1985; Collected Short Plays, 1986; 5 Plays 5, 1993. OTHER: Sherwood Anderson: His Life and Work, 1951; High Sinners, Low Angels, 1953; The Roaring Market and the Silent Tomb (biography), 1956; (ed.) F. Schevill, Six Historians, 1956; Breakout! In Search of New Theatrical Environments, 1972; The Arena of Ants (novel), 1977; Bern Porter: A Personal Biography, 1993. Address: 1309 Oxford St, Berkeley, CA 94709, U.S.A.

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