Schermbrucker, Bill

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SCHERMBRUCKER, Bill. (William Gerald). Canadian (born Kenya), b. 1938. Genres: Novellas/Short stories, Novels, Education. Career: Writer and educator. Teacher in Cape Town, Nairobi, and Kikuyu, Africa, schools, 1959-64; University of East Africa, part-time lecturer, 1963-64; Capilano College, North Vancouver, British Columbia, instructor in English, 1968-, chair of humanities division, 1970-71, department coordinator, 1974-75; Genessee Community College, lecturer, 1972-73. Editor, The Capilano Review, 1977-82; Member, The Writers' Union of Canada. Publications: FICTION: Chameleon, and Other Stories, 1983; Mimosa (novel), 1988; Motortherapy, and Other Stories, 1993. OTHER: The Aims and Strategies of Good Writing (textbook), 1976; (ed.) Readings for Canadian Writing Students, 1976, rev ed, as The Capilano Reader, 1984, 4th ed, 1993. Contributor to periodicals. Address: 1226 Kilmer Rd., North Vancouver, BC, Canada V7K 1R1. Online address: BSCHERM@CAPCOLLEGE.BC.CA

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