Roche, Mark W. 1956–
Roche, Mark W. 1956–
(Mark William Roche)
PERSONAL: Born August 29, 1956, in Weymouth, MA. Education: Studied in Bonn, West Germany (now Germany), 1976; Williams College, B.A. (magna cum laude), 1978; University of Tübingen, M.A., 1980; Princeton University, M.A., 1982, Ph.D., 1984. Religion: Roman Catholic.
ADDRESSES: Home—12418 Range Line Rd., Berrien Springs, MI 49003-9632. Office—College of Arts and Letters, 137 O'Shaughnessy Hall, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556-5639; fax: 574-631-7743. E-mail—
CAREER: Writer, philosopher, and educator. Ohio State University, Columbus, assistant professor, 1984–90, associate professor of Germanic languages and literature, 1990–96, department chair, 1991–96; University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN, Reverend Edmund P. Joyce, C.S.C. Professor of German Language and Literature and professor of philosophy, 1996–, department chair, 1996–97, I.A. O'Shaughnessy Dean of College of Arts and Letters, 1997–. Technical University of Dresden, visiting professor, 1994; Wake Forest University, distinguished visiting lecturer, 1995; guest lecturer at other institutions, including Michigan State University, Cornell University, University of Bielefeld, Rollins College, University of Louisville, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, and Sacred Heart University, Fairfield, CT; conference presenter; guest on media programs.
MEMBER: Phi Beta Kappa.
AWARDS, HONORS: Fulbright fellow, 1978–80; Max Kade fellow, 1981–82; Whiting fellow in the humanities, 1983–84; fellow of American Council of Learned Societies, 1985; grants from National Endowment for the Humanities and German Academic Exchange Service, 1991; Alexander von Humboldt fellow, 1997.
Dynamic Stillness: Philosophical Conceptions of Ruhe in Schiller, Hölderlin, Büchner, and Heine, Niem-eyer (Tübingen, Germany), 1987.
Gottfried Benn's Static Poetry: Aesthetic and Intellectual-Historical Interpretations, University of North Carolina Press (Chapel Hill, NC), 1991.
Tragedy and Comedy: A Systematic Study and a Critique of Hegel, State University of New York Press (Albany, NY), 1998.
Die Moral der Kunst. Über Literatur und Ethik, Beck (Munich, Germany), 2002.
Why Literature Matters in the Twenty-first Century, Yale University Press (New Haven, CT), 2004.
Shorter works include The Intellectual Appeal of Catholicism and the Idea of a Catholic University, University of Notre Dame Press (Notre Dame, IN), 2003. Contributor to books, including Inquiries into Values: The Inaugural Session of the International Society for Value Inquiry, edited by Sander H. Lee, Edwin Mellen Press (Lewiston, NY), 1988; Bertolt Brecht: Centenary Essays, edited by Steve Giles and Rodney Livingstone, Rodopi (Amsterdam, Netherlands), 1998; Literary Friendship, Literary Paternity: Essays in Honor of Stanley Corngold, edited by Gerhard Richter, University of North Carolina Press (Chapel Hill, NC), 2002; The Future of Religious Colleges, edited by Paul J. Dovre, Eerdmans (Grand Rapids, MI), 2002; and The New History of Germany Literature, edited by David E. Wellbery, Harvard University Press (Cambridge, MA). Contributor of articles and reviews to academic journals, including Journal of Value Inquiry, Journal of the Kafka Society of America, Clio: Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History, Post Script: Essays in Film and the Humanities, Modern Austrian Literature, Oxford German Studies, New Oxford Review, Revue Internationale de Philosophie, and Gottfried Benn Jahrbuch. Associate editor, Film and Philosophy, 1997–.
Journal of English and Germanic Philology, April, 1995, Ruth Lorbe, review of Gottfried Benn's Static Poetry: Aesthetic and Intellectual-Historical Interpretations, p. 303.
Modern Drama, summer, 2000, Jure Gantar, review of Tragedy and Comedy: A Systematic Study and Critique of Hegel, p. 314.