Marshall, Christopher D(avid) 1953-

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MARSHALL, Christopher D(avid) 1953-


Born March 21, 1953, in Wellington, New Zealand; son of Thomas (a teacher) and Jenny (a clerk) Marshall; married Margaret Hart, February 16, 1974; children: Peter, Andrew. Ethnicity: "European." Education: Victoria University of Wellington, B.A. (with honors), 1976; Melbourne College of Divinity, B.D., 1980; King's College, University of London, Ph. D., 1986; Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary, Elkhart, IN, M.A., 1996. Religion: Protestant.


Home—24 Poinsettia Pl., Henderson, Auckland 1008, New Zealand. Office—Bible College of New Zealand, 221 Lincoln Rd., Henderson, Auckland 1231, New Zealand. E-mail—


Teacher at secondary schools in New Zealand, 1977-78; Mennonite Centre, London, England, tutor, 1985; Bible College of New Zealand, Henderson, Auckland, New Zealand, lecturer, 1986-99, reader in New Testament at Tyndale Graduate School of Theology, 1999—. Massey University, member of advisory board of Centre for Peace and Justice Development, 2001—.


Anabaptist Association of Australia and New Zealand (member of executive committee, 1995—; vice president), Aotearoa-New Zealand Association for Biblical Studies, Catholic Biblical Association, Society for Biblical Literature, Society for the Study of Christian Ethics, Anabaptist-Mennonite Scholars Network, Tyndale Fellowship for Biblical Research (past member), Tear Fund New Zealand (board member, 1989-90).


Grant from E. M. Blaiklock Memorial Fund, 1986-87.


Faith as a Theme in Mark's Narrative, Cambridge University Press (Cambridge, England), 1989.

Kingdom Come: The Kingdom of God in the Teaching of Jesus, Impetus Publications (Auckland, New Zealand), 1993.

Beyond Retribution: A New Testament Vision for Justice, Crime, and Punishment, William B. Eerdmans Publishing (Grand Rapids, MI), 2001.

Crowned with Glory and Honor: Human Rights in the Biblical Tradition, Pandora Press (Telford, PA), 2001.

Contributor to books, including Human Rights and the Common Good: Christian Perspectives, edited by B. Atkin and K. Evans, Victoria University Press (Wellington, New Zealand), 1999; Living in the Lamb Light: Christianity and Contemporary Challenges to the Gospel, edited by Hans Boersma, Regent College Publishing (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada), 2001; Engaging Anabaptism: Conversations with a Radical Tradition, edited by J. D. Roth, Herald Press (Scottdale, PA), 2001; Overcoming Violence in New Zealand, edited by J. Roberts, Philip Garside Publishers (Wellington, New Zealand), 2002; and Faith and Freedom: Christian Ethics in a Pluralist Culture, edited by D. Neville, Australian Theological Forum (Sydney, Australia), 2003. Contributor to periodicals, including Mennonite Quarterly Review, On the Road, Reality, Stimulus, Evangelical Review of Theology, Challenge Weekly, Shaker, and Reaper. Member of editorial committee, Themelios: International Journal for Theological and Religious Studies Students, 1982-85; editorial associate, Today's Christian, 1988-93; associate editor, Faith and Freedom: Journal of Christian Ethics, 1994-99.


Christopher D. Marshall told CA: "I write partly because that is what the academic vocation is all about and partly because I believe in the things I write about. I am committed to developing the ethical implications of Christian faith—especially in terms of peace and justice. To ground a justice commitment in one's understanding of God and transcendence is of profound worth. Religion can be a great force for peace as well as a deep source of violence. I want to see God's name associated with humanization, not with jihad."



America, March 11, 2002, Daniel J. Harrington, review of Beyond Retribution: A New Testament Vision for Justice, Crime, and Punishment, p. 24.

Booklist, February 15, 2002, Steven Schroeder, review of Crowned with Glory and Honor: Human Rights in the Biblical Tradition, p. 974.

First Things: Monthly Journal of Religion and Public Life, August, 2001, review of Beyond Retribution, p. 76.

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Marshall, Christopher D(avid) 1953-

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