Marshall, Donald G.
MARSHALL, Donald G. American, b. 1943. Genres: Literary criticism and history, Philosophy. Career: University of California, Los Angeles, assistant professor of English, 1969-75; University of Iowa, Iowa City, associate professor, 1975-79, professor of English, 1980-90; University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, professor of English and head of department, 1990-2000. Publications: (ed.) Literature as Philosophy; Philosophy as Literature, 1987; (trans. with others) Hans-Georg Gadamer, Truth and Method, 1989; (compiler) Contemporary Critical Theory: A Selective Bibliography, 1993. Contributor to academic journals. Address: Department of English, 2013 University Hall, University of Illinois at Chicago, 601 South Morgan, Chicago, IL 60607-7120, U.S.A. Online address: