Falkenberg, Betty 1929-
FALKENBERG, Betty 1929-
(Vida Marin)
PERSONAL: Born June 14, 1929, in Jacksonville, FL; daughter of Charles (a professor of law) and Selma (an antiques dealer; maiden name, Cohn) Martin; married Hans-Geert Falkenberg, 1953 (marriage ended, 1972); married Peter Viereck (a poet and professor of history), August 30, 1972; children: (first marriage) Marc, Giselle. Education: Barnard College, B.A.; Harvard University, M.A.T. (with honors); studied at Manhattan School of Music.
ADDRESSES: Home—61 Woodbridge Terr., South Hadley, MA 01075. E-mail—binx0@earthlink.net.
CAREER: Concert lutenist, writer, and lecturer on Renaissance music and poetry in Germany, 1955–72, and at colleges in the United States, 1972–80. Correspondent for German cultural affairs for New York Times International Edition, 1965–67, and for International Herald Tribune 1967–72. Freelance writer and translator, 1972–. Five College Consortium research associate, 1993–; Biography Seminar of New York University, New York, NY, participant, 1994–2002.
AWARDS, HONORS: Ingram-Merrill Foundation grant, 1989.
The Lady of the Eighty-sixth Transverse (play), performed in Amherst, MA, 1994.
Else Lasker-Schüler: A Life, McFarland and Co. (Jefferson, NC), 2003.
Contributor of essays, articles, translations, and reviews to books and to periodicals, including Partisan Review, New Leader, Dimension: Contemporary German Arts and Letters, and New York Times Book Review. Contributor of short fiction to German-language anthology Die Neue Rundschau, 1966, under name Vida Marin.
WORK IN PROGRESS: Grey Feather: The Life of Charlotte Mew, completion expected in 2009; Tales Untold, a short-story collection.