Falk, Candace
FALK, Candace
FALK, Candace. American, b. 1947. Genres: History, Politics/Government, Social commentary, Women's studies and issues, Biography. Career: The Emma Goldman Papers, National Historical Publications and Records Commission of the National Archives and University of California at Berkeley, editor and director, 1980-. Publications: Love, Anarchy, and Emma Goldman, a Biography, 1984, rev. ed., 1999; The Emma Goldman Papers (microfilm ed.), 1991; Emma Goldman: A Guide to Her Life and Documentary Sources, 1994; Emma Goldman: Selections from the American Years-A Documentary Edition, 4 vols., 2002-05. Address: c/o Emma Goldman Papers, University of California, 2372 Ellsworth St, Berkeley, CA 94720-6030, U.S.A. Online address: emma@uclink.berkeley.edu
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